"What is that?" asked Lily. "This is the magic of science," said Ivy. "Oh okay, Merlin talked a lot about science, said Lily. Did I tell you he was really smart?" "Yes you did," said Alieta. "Oh okay, then Lily sat down on the grass. "Okay Ivy what have you found? asked Alieta. "Nothing much yet, said Ivy. It keeps taking me to children's fairy tales and gardens." "Try making it one word with a hyphen, said Alieta. Sometimes that works." "Okay good idea, said Ivy. "Okay now I got a bunch of listings for fairies but only one mentions flowers in it but it says "Unconfirmed Speculation." Well might as well see where that takes us, said Ivy. Okay, this is the Believe It Or Not Website. Lots of weird stuff on this site. Most of the stories are fun to read but definitely fake. I like reading some of the stories on this site to Sara, she will believe anything until she thinks about it for a bit." "Okay so read it, said Alieta. "Alright, said Ivy. Back in the early nineteen hundreds, a cave was discovered that had drawings on the wall dating back to the caveman era. Most of the drawings were the same as other drawings found on many other cave walls all over the world with the exception of a series of drawings that showed a very large plant taller than the man shown standing beside it with a big bulb on top of the stem. The drawing beside it showed what looked like someone coming out of the opened bulb that had large petals. The colours were faded but looked a bit like blue. The next drawing showed what looked like a winged being, flying out of the flower then landing beside a man that looked crippled and bent over. The last picture shows the winged being flying away and the once crippled man was now standing upright and and looked to be smiling. Recently a group of scientists went to this same cave and took photos of this series of drawings as shown here. Was this the birth of an angel on earth that healed this crippled caveman or is it just the drawings of an old crippled caveman wishing to be healed? Believe It Or Not. "These pictures of the open flower look a lot like the ones Lily is wearing," said Alieta. "Ya, but it shows the flower was huge not small like hers. Lots of flowers look like that, said Ivy. Like I said most of the stories on this site are fake but fun to read." Alieta looked at Lily who was still sitting on the grass. "What are you doing?" asked Alieta. "Playing with my fingers, said Lily. I can make a heart with them and a square, a diamond too. I can make lots of shapes with my fingers." "Don't you think that is childish for a grown girl to be doing?" asked Alieta. "Nope, children are the result of love and bring love to others, said Lily. They are pure and innocent and God loves the children of the world more than anyone. Nothing wrong with acting like a child in my opinion if God loves them the best." "Yes I suppose so," said Alieta. "If you think I am crazy like all the pixies think then you're wrong, said Lily. I am bored now and need something to do. I am very smart you know and never forget things like pixies do. They are the crazy ones." Ivy smiled and then crouched down to Lily. "Would you happen to remember a very long time ago, of you coming out of a big flower then healing a crippled man? "Ya that was when I was born, said Lily. I stood up and stretched my wings and saw him lying on the ground. Look like he fell out the tree beside me. I fixed him and he stood up looking very happy so I gave him a kiss on the cheek like I did to Merlin just before we left his place then flew away where I soon came upon Quinn and Pippa. That was a very good day when I met them. Look see a heart, said Lily. I can make an upside down one too." "Can you stand up please I would like to ask you a few questions," said Alieta. Sure, you sure like to ask a lot of questions, what do you need to know? asked Lily. Ivy smiled. "First the flowers you are wearing, where did you find them?" asked Alieta. "I didn't, they were on my outfit when I came out of the flower, said Lily. I think they are pretty so I made two bushes with flowers just like these at home." "So you can make plants, what else can you make?" asked Alieta. "Anything, said Lily. Food, clothes, trees, even little animals like rabits, squirls, kittens, just nothing living with a soul. That is Gods job only." "Can you make a human?" asked Alieta. "I could but it would have no sould and that would be very bad and God would get mad at me," said Lily. "Have you met God?" asked Alieta. "No but you have and so has Ivy, said Lily. Ivy loves ice cream, I can make you any flavor you want." "So just one more question, said Alieta. Why did it take you so long to come out here and meet me. You seem, fine now and being so powerful, how ever that happened, you would be in no danger." "Well the flower gave me the magic when I was still inside growing, said Lily. Bit by bit until all the magic was gone from the flower and in me then it opened up and let me out. Now I may have strong magic in me but I an very timid and scare easily especially with loud sounds or fast movements. You wouldn't believe where I hide during a thunder storm. There used to be a lot of fighting here just outside of the woods so I stayed hidden. I am kinda shy and afraid to meet new people. Quinn came over today with his new friend Mirela and before Quinn left he got mad at me for not going out to see what the people were like at the palace. He said everyone was very nice and there was lots of love in Fae Land that I am missing out on. She suggested I leave my haven and go to the palace but stay invisible and listen to everyone to see what they were like. I said that was too scary for me, then he called me a coward. After she left I didn't want Quinn to think I was a coward so I forced myself to come here but then Ivy grabbed me and I have never been so scared in my life so I guess I still am a coward." "I don't think so at all," said Alieta. "Why, I screamed and everything," said Lily. "You did something that is the hardest thing to do for anyone. You took charge of yourself then faced your fear head on. You even fought back against Ivy even though you had no chance of getting free from her grasp. That all took courage, lots of people would never face their fears like you did today. I learned yesterday how important respect is. I respect you now for what you did. Now I am going in the palace to check on something so you can go where ever you please," said Alieta. "I don't know where anything is here," said Lily. "Well you're always welcome at the palace," said Alieta. Then Alieta when in the palace. "Before you go back home, tell me what you meant when you said you can control all the magic around you," said Ivy. "I am the one that controls the magic here and I would know if someone else was controling it also." "Not sure, can you do magic too," asked Lily. "No I just control where it goes all over Fae Land from the fairies cove," said Ivy. Well magic is strong here but the magic in me uses the magic around me when I am making plants and stuff, said Lily. Not things like tables and food. Just then Ginger came around the corner and said, "Hi Ivy". Lily screamed and jumped behind Ivy very fast. "What happened, I just said hi, who is that hiding behind you?" asked Ginger. "It's okay Lily she is a friend and didn't mean to scare you, said Ivy. Lily is a Flower Fairy and is very timid and scares easily." "I saw that, said Ginger. Sorry Lily I did mean to scare you." "That's okay, said Lily. I guess I am still a coward." "No you just got to get used to things around here, said Ivy. Anyone that has lived in seclution for so long would be scared when something unexpected happened behind them. It is a natural defense. Just give it time and once people get to know you here they will be more careful. Didn't you see Alieta before you came out. She just went inside." "Ya but she just said if you need me I will be in the library, and went down the stairs, said Ginger. So a Flower Fairy, and so beautiful too. Who are they, over there? asked Lily, they just appeared out of nowhere." "Look who it is, said Ginger. It's Jannice and her daughter Jessie. I forgot they were coming back for the weekend." "Is that a baby girl?" asked Lily. "Well she is around three years old but sort of a baby," said Ginger. "I better go tell Kalvin that Jessie is here. She is going to need to have someone to play with. Sarah should come too. Nice meeting you Lily. I hope to see you again so we can talk some but the children come first." Then Ginger headed for the stable. "She is right you know, children should always come first, said Lily, Who is Kelvin and Sarah?" Well Kalvin is a four year old elven boy and Sarah is a one year old elven girl," said Ivy. "Really, I haven't seen any elven children in the village before, said Lily. I would of at least heard them, they can be very noisy." "Well, they just moved into the elf village yesterday. The noise they make is usually just them playing together, said Ivy. You know, if you would go over there and say hi to Jessie and her mother, it would be a good start for you getting used to someone asking lots of questions and moving fast." "She moves fast?" asked Lily. "When she is excited and playing she does, said Ivy. You said that God loves children the best. Being nice to children will make him happy. Besides, Jessie just loves fairies and you are a very special and pretty fairy." "She will love me? Okay, I will go see them and try not to scream when she moves fast." "You better not scream, that will scare Jessie and make her cry, said Ivy. Just let them know that you are not used to being around people and you scare easily." "Okay I won't make her sad," said Lily. "Good now get out from behind me and fly over there but not super fast, just slowly so they can see you coming," said Ivy. Children scare easily too." Lily flew over to the two of them that were talking to each other. She landed in front of them and said hi. "Wow, look Mom a different fairy, a bigger and very pretty one, said Jessie, My name is Jessie, you have big wings and flowers on you. Jessie started pointing at her wings and flowers and jumped up and down. Lily began to move back some. Jannice put her hand on Jessie's head. "Stop moving so fast Jessie, looks like you are scaring her. She must be timid." "Oh sorry, said Jessie and stood perfectly still. Lily looked at Jannice and smiled then got closer again. "Are you timid, like my Mom said?" asked Jessie without moving. Lily went down on one knee and smiled at Jessie. "What does timid mean anyways?" asked Jessie. "It means I scare easily, said Lily. I am not used to being around people so fast movements and loud sounds scare me but I am working on fixing that. You are so cute and full of life. My name is Lily and I am a Flower Fairy." "Really, I have never seen a Flower Fairy before, said Jessie. Can you do magic with your wand like the fairies in the forest?" "I can do all kinds of magic but I don't need a wand, said Lily. I can make anything you want." "Well what I want a fairy can't make, said Jessie. Lilly did make me a pretty bracelet with her wand though but we left it at home for safekeeping." "That was nice of Lilly but I know what you really want," said Lily. "You do, how do you know what I want, only my Mom knows," said Jessie. "I can see it inside you, said Lily. Something every little girl should have while they grow up. Now I am going to need your help. This is very powerful magic that I need to do." "How can I help, I can't do any magic," said Jessie. "You are wrong, that smile of yours can make other people smile and to me that is very powerful magic too, said Lily. Now kneel down on the grass and then close your eyes very tight." "Like this?" asked Jessie. "Yes perfect. You should come down here also Jannice, said Lily. Now I want you to think hard about what you really want, said Lily. Make it so you can see it even with your eyes closed." "Okay I see Tabby," said Jessie. "Good, now believe that if you want something bad enough that it can happen," said Lily. She then waved her hand over the ground in front of Jessie and a swirl of air was felt around them, enough to move everyone's hair. "Now open your eyes Jessie," said Lily. "When she opened her eyes her mouth also opened wide. "It is Tabby, you made Tabby for me," said Jessie. "No we both made Tabby. I couldn't make Tabby without your help," said Lily. "Look Mom a little Tabby kitten." "Yes I see, said Jannice. I watched as Tabby rose up from the ground and became a kitten sitting there now." "Can Tabby talk like Koko and Trigger," asked Jessie. "Well I don't know who they are but real cats don't talk like we do. "They make cat sounds," said Lily. "So this kitten is real?" asked Jannice. "Yep as real as you and me. You best give her some milk now though," said Lily. "I will," said Jessie then softly picked up Tabby and walked over to where Ivy was sitting on the steps. "Hi Ivy, is it okay if I bring Tabby into the dining room?" asked Jessie. "Tabby?" Ivy looked up from her phone. "Where did you get that? Did you bring it here from home?" asked Ivy. "No Lily made her for me," said Jessie. "That was nice of her, said Ivy. Very cute and real looking too." Ivy went to touch Tabby's head and she looked at her hand. "Oh my god it moved," said Ivy looking very surprised. "Ya she can't get away I have a good hold on her, said Jessie. So is it okay to bring her in and give her some cream?" "Yes of course but you said Lily made Tabby and you saw her do it?" asked Ivy. "No, I had to close my eyes and concentrated but my Mom saw her do it, said Jessie. She was very surprised but I knew when a fairy says they are going to use magic to make something then why be surprised. Fairies don't lie. Lily said I have a magic smile that makes other people smile. She is really nice. Scares easy but so do I sometimes. Okay got to feed Tabby, bye." Then Jessie headed for the palace door. Jessie went into the dining room and asked Sally for a bowl of cream. "Don't you mean ice cream?" asked Sally. "No just regular cream, it is for Tabby my kitten," said Jessie. "My goodness, where did you find a cat, I didn't think there were any of them in Fae Land or anywhere close by anymore," said Sally. "Lily made her for me," said Jessie. "Lilly can't make living things with her wand," said Sally. "Not that Lilly, a different Lily that does magic without a wand, said Jessie. She is really pretty." "Okay, well sit at the table and I will try to find a bowl small enough to put some cream in," said Sally. Jessie sat at the kid's table and put Tabby on it. "Okay found something," said Sally. "Just put it down in front of her," said Jessie. "As soon as she placed the bowl on the table Tabby started licking up the cream. "She is so cute, said Sally. I have never seen a real kitten before. Can I touch her?" Sure kittens love to be patted," said Jessie. Sally got down and reached over and started to pat Tabby with her fingers. "She is so soft too, said Sally. What is that sound she is making?" "She's purring. Cats do that when they are happy," said Jessie. "So a different fairy named Lily made Tabby for you that is very pretty," said Sally. "Yep she is a Flower Fairy that has stronger magic," said Jessie. "I would love to meet her. Well, she is timid, which means she gets scared very easily, especially with fast movements and loud sounds," said Jessie. "Really a Flower Fairy, I never heard of that kind of fairy before, said Sally. Look she is finished and licking her paw now. "Ya cats clean themselves, said Jessie and love to play, watch this." "Jessie started running her finger back and forth on the table and Tabby kept trying to catch it. "That is adorable," said Sally. "Yep, kittens love to play just like me, said Jessie. Ginger reached Andrew and Zenith's house and then knocked on the door. No one answered the door so she knocked again. Still, there was no one answered. What the heck, I can hear someone in there, thought Ginger. She looked up and saw the bell so she rang it. In a moment Zenith opened the door. "Hi Ginger, what's up?" "How come you didn't answer the door when I knocked on it?" asked Ginger. "That was you, I thought it was Sarah jumping on the furniture," said Zenith. "Why is she jumping on the furniture?" asked Ginger. "Andrew took Kalvin to town to buy some things for the house so Sarah got bored and she just made up some kind of furniture jumping game to play," said Zenith. "Okay, well can I come in please?" asked Ginger. "Sure, you're always welcome," said Zenith. They went into the living room and Sarah was standing on the coffee table. "Look who is here Sarah," said Zenith. "Hi Ginger, did you come to play?" asked Sarah. "Well, I came to tell your Mom that I forgot that Jannice and her daughter were coming to the palace for the weekend and was hoping you and Kalvin would come and play with Jessie. She is almost three years old and is from the human town of Haven plus loves to play. Kalvin played with her the last time she was here." "Can we go Mom? If Kalvin likes Jessie then I will too." "Well we have to wait until Andrew gets back first, said Zenith. That might be a while yet." "You could leave him a note telling where you are," said Ginger. "Ya, that will work, I am getting bored too, said Zenith. Okay, but we have to walk, Andrew took the horse." "I can take Sarah with me and that way she can meet Jessie faster. There are no kids there so she is probably bored too," said Ginger. "Okay, want to go for a horse ride with Ginger and meet Jessie?" asked Zenith. "Yep that sounds like fun," said Sarah. "Okay first go to the bathroom then you can go." "Okay Mom, then Sarah ran upstairs. "I better go check on her and make sure she is not washing her feet again," said Zenith. "Why would she be doing that? asked Ginger. "She has been obsessed with keeping her feet cleaned so the floors will stay clean. Just a phase she is going through," said Zenith. Ginger smiled. "Pretty funny stage don't you think," said Ginger. "Well at least it isn't anything weird," said Zenith. When Quinn got back to the house she found Mirela starting to put the ice cream in the ice box. "Hi Mirela, let me help you put everything away. Is Kendra up yet?" asked Quinn. "Not yet but I am going to wake her after everything is put away. Good thing I left when I did because just as I got home the two delivery girls were at the door knocking. So you said you would explain to me why Lily is different from other fairies later and it is later now," said Mirela. "Well you saw she can do things that other fairies can't do, said Quinn. That pond she made is a good example, how it can project a false landscape is beyond me and it isn't really a projection. Once I flew there to visit and she wasn't in the haven. I was able to touch the trees and rocks that were there so they were all just as real as the haven is with the house and garden that I could see. That is some very powerful magic coming from that pond." "So does her magic come from the pond?" asked Mirela. "Nope, before we even reached Fae Land and we were just traveling around looking for things to do and see, she was able to do remarkable things. Any kind of food we wanted she would make instantly appear. She always stayed invisible when new people were around until she could sense whether they were bad or good. Sort of like Ivy can do but not as fast. She never became visible when lots of people were around though. She was always a bit skittish from the first day we met her but after we got attacked by a bunch of wolves while we we sleeping, that is when she became scared of everything." "How did you three survive a wolf attack?" asked Mirela. "Lily saved us. She can't sense or read animals so she had no idea that wolves were about to attack while she was sleeping. Pippa and I were small as usual when sleeping but Lily was full size, she rarely got smaller like us two. Two wolves attacked Lily biting and grabbing onto her arm and leg. She screamed bloody murder so loud that the wolves let go of her for a few moments. She healed herself fast then stood up and saw there was an entire pack of wolves ready to attack. She waved just one hand killing every wolf and turned them to dust. She then got down on her knees and started crying. We went to her and asked why she was crying after saving us all. She just kept saying forgive me over and over again and wouldn't stop crying. That is when we saw something that I will never forget. A bright glowing angel appeared with beautiful big wings and touched Lily on the shoulder which made her stop crying. God sent me to tell you he forgives you for saving his two children this time but never kill again out of anger, said the angel. You have powers that he did not give you but you could have done many other things instead of destroying wolves that were just hungry and did what was natural for them. Take this so that God can keep an eye on you like all his other children of the world. The angel put her hand on Lily's chest and she began to glow like the angel. You have been blessed with a pure white soul, take good care of the gift he has given you. These souls normally go to the newborn innocent children that he loves the most. Then the angel vanished." "Wow, so she was born without a soul? asked Mirela. Well I guess being hatched out of a flower pod doesn't come with a soul, said Quinn. After that, she stayed invisible all the time, only showing herself when it was time to eat until we reached Fae Land where she created her safe haven. Now telling that story made me realize I was too hard on Lily after you left saying she was a coward for not going to the palace and meeting some of the wonderful people that were there. When I said that, I could tell I hurt her feelings so I am going back to say I'm sorry." "You called her a coward! Never call a friend like her a coward," said Mirela. "I know I was just a bit mad that she was too afraid to leave her safe place," said Quinn. "Well get going, said Mirela. You don't want to lose her as a friend." "That will never happen but I do have to go fix this," said Quinn then left. When Quinn got to the secret path in the forest she began to call out her name over and over again but Lily didn't answer her. "Man she must be very mad at me or something," thought Quinn. "She has never refused to come to me before. Unless, she did as I asked her to do and went to the palace. That is very unlikely with out me or Pippa with her for support but I better go check anyways," said Quinn. Then she flew off towards the palace. When Quinn got to the palace she saw Lily talking to a woman which made her very surprised. She also saw Ivy standing in front of the steps of the palace so she went there first to not interrupt Lily. "Ivy, I see Lily is here which I didn't expect to see without me. Did you get to talk to her?" asked Quinn. "Yes, after I let go of her," said Ivy. "What you had a hold of her, why?" asked Quinn. "I was talking to Alieta and I sensed someone was behind me but couldn't see anyone. I couldn't read who or what it was other than her name. When she got close enough I went invisible and saw her then grabbed her arm." said Ivy. "You grabbed Lily by the arm! Why, did you sense she was evil or something or a danger to anyone?" asked Quinn. "Well no I felt she was no danger to anyone but I needed to see what she wanted." "Lily would never hurt anyone or anything and you knew that yet you still grabbed her and probably scared the heck out of her," said Quinn. "Ya, she started screaming and wouldn't stop and kept trying to get away from me, said Ivy. She even bit me hard making me bleed but I still hung onto her." "Well good for her, said Quinn. You deserved being bitten for scaring an innocent fairy that just wanted to see what the people here were like after being secluded in her safe haven for so long, said Quinn. I thought you were smart, why didn't you just let her listen to you two? You're lucky she didn't turn you into a goat." "She can do that too?" asked Ivy. "She can do whatever she wants, Lily is super powerful but super kind also, said Quinn. Did she tell you she was a Flower Fairy?" "Yes, she did but I can't find anything about them on the internet." "Well, you won't. We met Lily shortly after she hatched from the flower pod and stayed invisible most of the time, said Quinn. There is no record of her anywhere in history. She is the only one of her kind so you should consider yourself lucky she even came here to see you people. You ever touch my friend again and I will bite you also. I am so mad and disappointed in you." Then Quinn punched Ivy in the stomach and walked over to Lily. "Okay, now I have been told off too. "Now know what Alieta meant when she said never get Quinn mad at you. The thing is she is right and could have done things differently. Now I feel like an idiot," said Ivy. "Hi Lily, you have no idea how happy I am to see you here," said Quinn. "Quinn, you're here! I did as you said and I am not a coward anymore. The people here are really nice like you said and I am making some new friends," said Lily, "That is good, said Quinn. That is why I came looking for you, I wanted to say I was sorry for calling you a coward. You are not a coward, You are my best friend and should never have talked to you like that." "No, I was a coward alright but I forced myself to come here, said Lily. It got very scary at first but all is okay now. "Yes, I heard Ivy grabbed you, said Quinn, why didn't you just get small and fly away from her?" "I could of but didn't, said Lily. That was the most scared I have ever been in a while but I didn't want to be a coward so I kept screaming really loud, yelling at her to let go of me and kept trying to get loose, said Lily. I even bit her but she wouldn't let go, but I held my ground, then she let go of me so I won. Man, she is really strong." Quinn smiled. "Yes you certainly did win, said Quinn, so who is your friend?" "This is Jannice and she is human plus has a very cute young daughter named Jessie that is giving Tabby some cream in the palace right now," said Lily. "Okay, so who is Tabby?" asked Quinn. "It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, said Jannice. She made the cutest little orange kitten appear out of the ground. I could barely believe my eyes." "So a kitten, you haven't made anything alive in a long time," said Quinn. "I know but when I asked Jessie if she wanted me to make her something, she said what she really wanted a fairy couldn't make for her. I saw she really wanted a kitten so I made her one." "So do you know what Jannice really wants?" asked Quinn. "Yep but she already has what she wanted," said Lily. "Ya I have a wonderful little girl and a handsome loving husband plus a home for us to live in," said Jannice. "Yes that is true but you also wanted to have another baby," said Lily. "Well yes, but we just started working on that," said Jannice. "I am not sure what that means, but you have a tiny little baby growing in you right now, said Lily. Maybe three days old but that is just a guess." "Are you sure?" asked Jannice. "Yep, positive," said Lily.