The Adventure With Zan Chapter 2


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The Trip Back To The Palace

  They headed towards Ktara's place and saw her outside. Hi Ktara, what's up? yelled Tempressa. I just came out to see if any coconuts were ready to take off the trees, said Ktara. How do you get them off? asked Tempressa. Ivy flies up and grabs them for me, said Ktara. Hi Candy and Zan, are you showing Zan around? Yep, it is my new job, said Candy. Don't ask her how it has been hanging out with Zan today. You won't believe it, said Tempressa. I am next though, you get in line, she said with a smile. Okay I think. So heading back to the palace are you? Ktara asked. Yes, It is almost supper time, said Candy. Well Ivy and Sara should be home now, so stop in and say hi to them. Zan was looking two coconut trees. What do you do with coconuts? asked Zan. It is a fruit. You cut it open and eat all the inside plus drink the milk inside. It is very good, said Ktara. Oh okay, thank you Ktara, said Zan. So you going to the palace also for supper Tempressa? asked Ktara. Yep, I need to talk to Alieta anyways, said Tempressa. Hey Candy, is Tara and Avan flying yet? asked Ktara. I don't think so, Alieta said they like it in the woods where it is nice and cool so I didn't see them today yet, said Candy. Go figure, she devils that like it cooler instead of hotter, said Ktara. All right we are off, see you later, said Candy.

They headed over to Ivy, Sara and Viridian's place and saw all three of them in the front yard. Zan got off her horse and ran over to see Ivy so Candy and Tempressa did the same. Hi you all, How are things? asked Tempressa. Hi Tempressa, said Viridian. We are just doing a bit of yard work before supper. So do you know Candy here, I think I have seen her before but not sure, said Viridian. Well she has a new job taking care of Zan now. Nice that would be fun to do. Oh yes, from what I have heard so far it is, said Tempressa. Hi Ivy, your sister is very pretty too, said Zan. Sara is Ivy's helper, they are not sisters, said Viridian. Feel like sisters to me, said Zan. So you all heading over to the palace for supper I suppose, said Viridian. Yep we have worked up a good appetite, said Candy. Ivy, that is baby coconut tree? asked Zan. Sort of, too young to have coconuts yet, said Ivy. You should come in the forest sometime with us. It is amazing in there, said Ivy. Okay, maybe tomorrow, if Candy says it is okay, said Zan. Oh she can come in too, said Ivy. Sara came over and asked Zan why she thought Ivy and her were sisters. Maybe because you look alike, said Zan. Same inside too. So Zan is speaking pretty good now, said Viridian. She really learns fast. Yes she learned most of the English language today, said Candy. A bit broken English still though. It seems the more she talks and listens to people the better she gets. Well I was told that she was very smart, said Viridian. So what were you and Zan talking about, asked Viridian. She told me about all the old friends she has found here in Fae Land. She is very old, said Sara. So how old is old asked Tempressa. Older than anyone here put together, said Candy. Older than Alieta too and I am pretty sure she was one of Gods first creations. Well that is old if I ever heard it, said Tempressa. So she found old friends here? Just the souls, said Sara. Okay, what every that means, we best be heading out to the palace now, said Tempressa. Thanks for dropping by, said Viridian.

When they got to Sandy Lake, Zan was amazed at how beautiful it was. She got off her horse and ran to the lake. Keep your clothes on Zan, said Candy. Okay Zan yelled back. Tempressa laughed. She is quite the character isn't she. Yes she is so funny and doesn't even have to try. Just a fun loving person like the fairies and pixies, said Candy. Zan came running back and hopped on her horse. The water is very perfect and clean, she said. Candy told her how the comes from underground then comes out the Waterfall Mountain keeping the water fresh and clean. Okay, lets go to the palace and eat, said Candy. They headed out and in five minutes they were on the palace grounds. Alieta was outside talking with Tulip. They all dismounted and Carling plus another elf came for the horses. Hi Candy, did you have a good trip? asked Carling. Yes just amazing, said Candy. Hi Candy I am Irene. We will take good care of your horse. Thank you Irene. My they are being really nice to you here now, said Tempressa. Ya they are but I like it, said Candy. I bet you do girl and Tempressa smiled at her. They all walked over to the palace where Alieta and Ginger was standing. So Candy, how did you two make out today? asked Alieta. Oh it was amazing, said Candy. Good, I thought you would enjoy being with Zan. So Zan did you have fun too, Alieta asked. Yes, best time ever, said Zan. Perfect, said Alieta. Ktara asked me if Tara and Avan could fly yet, said Candy. Not yet but they have been busy, said Alieta. Doing what? asked Tempressa. Killing devils, demons and creatures, anything that is attracted to magic, said Alieta, We watched them a few times but it is obviously they have no problem wiping out anything that shows up. Yep I not even afraid to be out here with those two taking care of business, said Ginger. So are they going to be on the team also? asked Tempressa. Nope they are staying just around here for now, said Alieta. If the team needs any help with something Alexa can always call for Apollonia to help. Well Ivy invited us to go in the fairy forest tomorrow, said Candy. That is good, Zan here has a pure white soul so that means the forest will love her and let you in without any help. It is a fair walk to the cove though but it is a very good walk and well worth it. Cool, said Zan. She really likes that word she learned today, said Tempressa. So Tempressa what is up with you? asked Alieta. Oh I have to talk to you about something but I want to eat first, said Tempressa. Okay then lets all go in and eat, said Alieta.

They all sat down and Candy asked where the two sisters were and Tabitha. Oh they ate already. They wanted to go out and hang out with the fairies for a while before it got dark, said Alieta. Now I did get some good news from Cindy. Gladas came out and asked how every one was doing. Candy saw it was the elf that got in trouble earlier. Don't worry Candy, I get it now why you liked this job for so long. After they sent me home because I smelt like horses and hay I came back and was handed an apron. After serving people all day I found that they were all nice to me, even the stable crew at lunch and all thank me when they left. You get respect in this job and get to see people all day long. In the stables you see some one once in a while and just for a minute or two. So what can I get you Candy, asked Gladas. Well first I never worked in the kitchen, I design clothes from home and work with the seamstresses here to make them, said Candy but the kitchen does sound like a nice place to work. Oh I didn't realize that but yes I like the new job, said Gladas. So what is recommended, asked Candy. Well the beef stew smells great in the kitchen and with some sweet bread I believe it would be good choice. Okay sounds good, said Candy. And how about the rest of you. Zan just, said Yum. Okay I take that as the same as Candy, said Alieta. Ya me too, said Tempressa. Okay we will back shortly with your orders, said Gladas. She seems to be doing okay, said Candy. Oh yes, I knew she would. She is a good girl. Just been in the stables for too long, that is all, said Alieta. In a couple of minutes out came the food and every one ate. This is really good, said Candy. Of coarse, we have the best cooks around, you know that, said Alieta. They all finished and the table was cleared off. So Candy tell me all about your trip with Zan. Go ahead Candy and don't leave out anything, said Tempressa with a smile. Okay then but it was more of an adventure with Zan then a trip, said Candy. I finally found Zan in the elf village talking to all my friends and she was able to see that lots of them were Triffies along time ago and were her friends. She looked so happy and was hugging everyone. One of my friends asked where we were going today and I just said I was going to show Zan some of Fae Land. She told me to take her to Casper Park. It was best this time of year. Yes it is, said Alieta, the lilacs are in bloom and every where smells great. Well yes and soon as we got to the southern most point of Casper Park, Zan commented on how great it smelled. So we followed the river some until we got to the lake. Zan was overwhelmed at how beautiful it was and jumped off her horse ran to the lake, stripped off her dress and jumped in. She convinced me to come in too so I did the same and got naked and went skinny dipping with her. Alieta laughed. Oh I used to do that too back before too many humans started to move in. Really, said Tempressa. I always wanted to but never got up the courage to do it. Well maybe you and I will go together some day. It is so refreshing, said Alieta. Yes it was and I was surprised, said Cindy. Zan heard some people coming so we both went under water and she started blowing bubbles at me and making faces. I started to laugh and had to go up for air and notice the people had passed. We got dressed and headed up the lake some more where we found two young boys fishing. Zan asked if they had caught anything and they said no. Zan looked out over the lake and pointed and said there fast. The two boys cast out to where Zan pointed and in a few seconds they both had a fish on their line. Next we followed the river a bit but then saw a large group of humans in the park having a celebration or something. I was unsure how they would react to Zan and her horns. She wanted to go after asking if human males were okay here. So we rode into the park and a woman waved us over. She heard that Fae Land had a new visitor and asked us to sit and eat with her family. Now I don't remember how it happened but some how she got the father to tell him what was bothering him and he said he was working on an idea to make his family some more money but couldn't figure it out yet. I told him that Zan was smart like Alexa, so he said prove it. Zan asked for a pencil and paper that he had with him in his bag and she went to work on a very detail drawing. She said fun game then kept working on the drawing and looked up a few times at his two kids then kept drawing. Then she said all done and what I saw was a very detailed drawing of a board like game with two cubes with dots on them. It actually looked like it would be really fun to play and very easy to make. The man was amazed she came up with this so fast and knew right away that it would be a great game for all ages and he would be able to sell them to his friends. I told the family that we had to go and we left leaving smiles on all their faces. It seemed every where she went people ended up smiling when we left. Very magic like. Yes she has that effect on people, said Alieta. I would love to check out that game she made. It sounds like it would be fun. Yes, a very fun game, said Zan. Well next we headed to Alexa's place and I warned Zan about how big Angus and Sivia was but it didn't seem to bother her. When I got there I knocked on the door and Alexa answered and she knew me, I turned to show her that I brought Zan with me, but she wasn't behind me anymore. Alexa asked Diego where Angus and Sivia were and he said out back. We went to the back yard and there was Zan playing with them kicking a ball around. Diego wanted to show Zan how high they could jump so Alexa threw the ball high in the air and they both jumped after it but Zan jumped too and got the ball before them. Man can she ever jump. Yes I was told she could jump very high and fast, said Alieta. That is when Tempressa showed up at Alexa's place for a social call. She was on her way to see you about something so she came along with us.


Then we just went a bit through Eden and talked to Ktara some at her place then Viridian, Ivy and Sara. Then I showed her Sandy Lake and the water fall that she loved and ran to the lake and I told her to keep her clothes on. Then we came back here because we were all hungry and it was supper time, said Candy. Well that was a real adventure, said Alieta. I am glad she got to see some nice areas in Fae Land and met lots of new people. Once word gets out that Zan is so nice and all, everyone will want to see her and that makes me happy. So maybe go outside for a bit, said Alieta. The fairies should be out there with our girls and have some fun with them. They are always interesting to hang out with. Yes the fairies are lots of fun. Tulip is youngest but is their leader sort of. It is different from normal but fairies are different anyways, said Zan. Yes that seems to be true for some reason, said Alieta. Tempressa looked at Zan and asked her what Zan was short for. Zan doesn't seem like a queen like name. Oh yes not just Zan, she said. My full name is Zanithianna, but Zan is nice and easy to say and I like it, said Zan. Now that is a beautiful name fit for a queen, said Tempressa. Yes it is a very pretty name,said Alieta. Okay off you two go and let Tempressa and I talk.



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