The Black Swarm  Chapter 2


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A Mystery Visitor and Warning

Back at the palace Alieta, Samantha and Ginger went and checked the sun dial and saw it looked like it was going to be mostly cloudy all day long. Well at least it won't be very hot like it has been for the last few days, said Ginger. Jazmen flew down and said good morning to everyone. Hello Jazmen, nice to see you, said Alieta. So how are things going with the army? Well all is great there but I think I am going to make a bit of a change with them, at least for now, said Jazmen. Okay, what is it? asked Alieta. Well seeing that not much is going on right now and there seems to be no major attacks going on anywhere also, I want to do what I did during those very hot days, said Jazmen. You mean just keeping them on alert, said Alieta. Yes, there is no reason to be taking them all from their families or what ever they do when not fighting so that makes more sense to me, said Jazmen. Yes I agree, said Alieta. That was how we did things back when there was not a lot of fighting going on, said Alieta. So I am going to have twenty winged sprites always in the sky watching over Fae Land in a six hour rotation. If there is a problem then they will do as always and tell me and you. Plus if needed be we can start using the call to arms horn again, said Jazmen. Okay that sounds smart, said Alieta. So if the horn was to go off how would that work with Alexa's team? She decides who comes and who stays at home, said Alieta. Well I think the system we have in place now works best. Sending winged messengers are the fastest way of informing Alexa what is going on unless you have a better idea, said Jazmen. No I think you are correct and have things well in hand. We will go with your ideas. The army shouldn't have to assemble every day if nothing is happening, said Alieta. Okay good, said Jazmen. I will tell the captains and they can relay the news to the rest of the army, said Jazmen and off she flew.

Well sounds like Jazmen is a very good general and is not power tripping with her girls, said Samantha. Oh Jazmen is great, said Ginger. She likes to have fun too like every one else. An elf walked over and said there is some one on a horse over there coming this way. Looks like she came from the Bad Lands. They all looked and saw an interesting looking woman on a horse heading toward the palace. Okay lets get back to the steps and see what she wants, said Alieta. They all got back to the palace steps and waited for her to approach. She is taking her time, said Ginger. Must not be anything that urgent. Well maybe her horse is tired, said Alieta. Finally she reached them and got off her horse. An elf from the stables asked if she could take the horse and give it some water and oats. My that is very kind of you, she said. Yes please do. She is quite tired and deserves to be fed. She then turned to the three of them and said she would like to talk to the king or queen. I am the queen, said Alieta. Oh good she said, I am Yeanny The Sorceress and have a message or better said a warning for you. Really, what is it? asked Alieta. Well I have been traveling north from the south continent and there is a threat heading in a northerly direction, said Yeanny. Okay what kind of threat? asked Alieta. Well it is one that an army can not fight, said Yeanny. It is a natural threat and involves a very destructive breed of insects. Have you ever heard of a locust? Not me, said Alieta, what about you two? asked Alieta. Nope not me, said Samantha. Me neither, said Ginger. I thought as much, said Yeanny. They normally never cross the great gulf and move into the northern continent. So what are they all about? asked Alieta. Well they are like grasshoppers but bigger and have wings. They always travel in large swarms and eat all vegetation in their path. All vegetation? asked Alieta. Yes, tree leaves, corn fields, fresh hay and wheat. Just about anything that is green, said Yeanny. So do you have a lot of green plants that would attract them? Alieta looked at Ginger. Ginger swallowed then looked a bit worried. Well Fae Land is full of lush forests, woods and plants plus we have orchards and well probably the greenest country any where, said Alieta. Hmm that name sounds familiar for some reason. Well I thought so from just seeing this area, said Yeanny. How big is this Fae Land? she asked. Oh quite huge. It is a vast country that has four big provinces in it, said Alieta. Well that is going to be a problem then, said Yeanny.

Now these locust eat all the vegetation but don't really kill the plants usually. Nature has it's way of replenishing itself, said Yeanny. Now I do sense a powerful energy coming from this land. It was how I found this place once I got past great canyon. Well yes, Fae Land is the most magical land on the planet, said Alieta. Magical? How is that possible. Is there wizards living here? asked Yeanny. No the magic is natural and comes from the ground. Pixies feed the magic and have made it very strong over the years, said Alieta. Pixies you say. There must be a lot of them to generate this much energy, said Yeanny. Oh yes, they number in the thousands and more come every day, as Pippa has told me. No one really knows how many there really is, said Alieta. Thousands! I have never heard of a place that had that many pixies, said Yeanny. Maybe a few hundred at most. Well now you have, said Ginger. Yes I suppose so, said Yeanny. Can I see one please. I know they are very unpredictable and care free but they need to be warned too because these insects will destroy their forest. Yes give me a moment, said Alieta. "Pippa we need you here at the palace steps fast please". Pippa appeared fast as usual. Yes Alieta what do you need. I love it when you call. You always say please. Alieta smiled. Wow I never heard of a pixie responding like that before. Usually you have to go in the forest and look for one, said Yeanny. Well Pippa here is special and is the queen of the pixies, said Alieta. Pixies don't have a queen. They are just individuals that do what ever they please, said Yeanny. Who is she? asked Pippa. She doesn't sound that nice to me so far. Um sorry Pippa, you just took me by surprise though are you really a queen? asked Yeanny. Yep, queen of all pixies everywhere they tell me, said Pippa. All pixies everywhere, how is that possible? she asked. I don't know but they all know me everywhere. News travels fast with pixies you know, said Pippa with a smile. Yes I suppose so, said Yeanny. So who are you? asked Pippa. I am Yeanny The Sorceress, and have a warning for you. Oh a sorceress, a good one I hope, said Pippa. What is the warning? Have you heard of a locust Pippa? asked Alieta. Yep, nasty little bugs they are, said Pippa. Well Yeanny here says that our army cannot do anything against them and they will eat anything green in their path and they are heading this way, said Alieta. Well for the most part they won't bother with Fae Land or the fairy forest. Pixie dust will repel them and even kill them if the try to eat anything, said Pippa. Why is that, asked Yeanny? Oh pixie dust, is way too strong for them and now there is fairy dust too. That is why there are no insects in Fae Land, at least above ground anyways, said Pippa. There are fairies here too? My this must be the most magical land anywhere, said Yeanny. Yep we all love it here, said Pippa.

So what about these four provinces you mentioned. Do they have pixies also? asked Yeanny. Only one does, said Pippie. The Black Fae's province, the others will need to be protected, said Pippa but maybe there is a better way. Really, how is that? asked Yeanny. I have been trying to kill them for a while now and can kill some of them but they are fast and just keep on coming and pass me. Pippa smiled and looked at Alieta. Well you don't have Tara and Avan. They can kill anything plus Zatsuky and Viridian also, said Pippa. Why what is so special about them that can do better than me? she asked. Well Tara and Avan are very special she devils plus Zatsuky and Viridian have weapons that can have been enchanted with the power of the heavens, said Alieta. Um she devils? Usually they are bad and would not care about the locust, said Yeanny. Well these two are God's she devils. Most powerful beings on the planet, said Alieta. I still don't see how they could stop swarms of locust, said Yeanny. Well ask them yourself, said Pippa, here they come now and pointed at them. Yeanny looked and saw the two of them flying fast towards her. They both landed and looked at Yeanny. Nice outfit girl. Very sexy, said Tara. Yeanny smiled. Well they definitely don't look like regular she devils and good looking too. More like gorgeous, said Pippa and smiled. Yes gorgeous would be a better way of describing them, said Yeanny. So what is up? asked Avan. Pippa can you tell them, you seem to know more about locust, said Alieta. Sure can, said Pippa. So you two probably have never heard of them before, they are like flying grass hoppers that eat vegetation. What is a grass hopper, asked Tara. Um a insect about the size of one of your fingers, said Pippa. Oh so tiny things, said Avan. Yes but they travel in swarms and number in the thousands, said Pippa. Oh okay so bad tiny things. Pippa smiled. Well not really bad like an evil wizard or demon. They are doing what comes natural to them, said Pippa. Oh so not really bad but like to eat. Don't sound to dangerous to me, said Tara. Okay this is going to be harder than I thought, said Pippa. Now think of it this way. If you owned a big farm and made your living from it and sold produce to other places so everyone could eat but then these locust came and ate everything then moved on to the next farm. Then that would be bad, right? said Pippa. Yes but there is still meat, said Avan. Well if they ate all the vegetation then there would be no food to feed them either. Eventually they would starve to death and people too, said Pippa. Tara and Avan looked at each other. Oh so very bad then I would say. We can't let them starve animals and people. That is high on God's priority kill list, said Tara. Good, glad you understand now, said Pippa.

So what can these two do to stop thousands maybe millions of locust? asked Yeanny. Oh we will kill them all, said Avan. You two can kill that many locust by yourselves? They are not just in one big bunch you know there are many swarms of them that cover a lot of miles in each direction, said Yeanny. Well it will take longer, said Tara. We are really fast fliers you know. You can help too if that sword can do anything by getting the few that fly by us. Yes it is strong but I cannot fly just levitate so not much use to you I would think, said Yeanny. So how far away are they? asked Alieta. Oh I would say at the most two days away depending on how much food they stop to eat, said Yeanny. But there is a lot of open desert land south of here so maybe sooner. Okay, that gives us a bit of time to make a plan, said Alieta. You need Alexa, said Pippa. She makes the best plans. Who is that? asked Yeanny. Oh the smartest person you will ever meet, said Pippa. I will tell her to come to the palace for you, said Pippa and off she went. This place is sounding more and more interesting the longer I talk with you all here, said Yeanny. Oh you have not even come close to seeing the amazing people here in Fae Land, said Samantha. I have been here for two days and have seen things that I never even dreamed of. Now I suppose I better get back to my land. Hope these locust don't reach there. I wonder if Ivy has had time to get the pixies and sprites to move yet? asked Samantha. Probably not with Tillia the unicorn here and all that excitement, said Alieta. A unicorn too! Yeanny, just shook her head. Yep Tillia, a very special unicorn, said Ginger. You have Tillia here! She is the most magical of all the unicorns, said Yeanny. Yep we know and man she can run! said Ginger. Pippa came back and said Alexa is on her way. I have to get back to the woods and tell everyone about the locust but they won't care much about them either, said Pippa then flew off. Very interesting pixie, said Yeanny. Oh she is very interesting and helpful, said Alieta. One of the oldest pixies anywhere and has been all over the place and knows a lot. Very smart and magical girl. Okay now we wait for Alexa so would you like a drink or something to eat? asked Alieta. Something cold to drink will be fine, said Yeanny. Alieta asked an elf to get a tall glass of cold juice for her. So now we sit and wait for Alexa, said Alieta. Both Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps. Tara and Avan stepped over to where Yeanny was standing looking a bit confused. So who are you anyways? asked Tara. I am Yeanny a sorceress. So you can do magic then? asked Avan. Well yes some but mostly I make potions and other things that help the body, said Yeanny. I can do some spells but I don't like doing stuff like that. So why is it that nobody here seems that concerned with that is coming here? asked Yeanny. Well it's just a bunch of bugs we all have to kill, said Avan. Nothing like killing demons and devils and other evil creatures that we have killed before. Just relax and let us take care of things and once Alexa gets here she will come up with a plan as usual.


Soon Alexa arrived and asked what was going on. Alexa this is Yeanny and she is a sorceress and brought us some news just south of here, said Alieta. Okay, never met a sorceress before, said Alexa. So you must do magic stuff then. Yes I do but not the kind we need now, said Yeanny. Alexa looked at Alieta. Okay what we need from you is a plan, said Alieta. I will let Yeanny tell you about the locust attack. Yeanny told Alexa all about them and what they can do and how the two she devils were going to help. Okay so my team can't do much against insects, said Alexa. Yes but they move really fast and some will get past Tara and Avan, said Alieta. Well lets see, said Alexa. So they are attracted to vegetation you said and not magic. That is correct, said Yeanny. Well Fae Land is full of vegetation, said Alexa so they will probably head this way. Well yes but Pippa said they won't bother anything here because of pixie dust, said Alieta. Oh okay, she knows best about that kind of stuff. So how many do you think will get past Tara and Avan? asked Alexa. Don't know. They said they were very good at killing things, said Yeanny. Oh yes they are, said Alexa. So I would say let them take care of their end and I will get Viridian and Zatsuky to kill the ones that get past Tara and Avan if any do. I can help too, said Yeanny. My sword is enchanted and can shoot out a wide burst of energy. I can also rise up in the sky some but not move around much, said Yeanny. Okay then, the more the better, said Alexa. So all I need is Viridian and Zatsuky here but in full gear but that is for tomorrow I guess. Well maybe but if we get to them further away then wouldn't that be better? asked Alieta. Well yes it would, said Yeanny. The locust need to be in the sky though to kill them. Okay, said Alexa. Send a messenger to get the two of them here now and then I will tell them the plan. They may laugh first when they hear they are killing insects this time, I am sure of that. So you sure there is no evil something controlling these bugs? asked Alexa. Pretty sure, said Yeanny. I haven't see one. Well you won't they always stay hidden. Once Tara and Avan are finished then we will find out, said Alexa.



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