The Black Swarm Chapter 3


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Tillia Shows She Can Help

In the cove Ivy and Sara were watching the overviewer closely. Tillia was just looking around at everything. Okay it seems like they have started, said Ivy. Looks like they just erased everything and are starting over. The green dot is gone. Tulip flew in and said they are drilling now for water first. You won't need to go very deep, said Tillia as she continued to look around. Tulip smiled then headed back. Tulip got back to the site and said Tillia says the water is not that far down so lets just try two wands first. Okay, said Pippie and Lilly and they started to drill and in a few seconds the water started to come out. Guess she was right, said Tulip. Back in the cove both Sara and Ivy saw a green dot reappear. Guess they found water already, said Ivy. Told you, said Tillia. Sara smiled. Okay lets let it spread a bit then lets rebuild the structure again but in the opposite direction this time, said Tulip. They waited a bit and saw the water was running directly to the pond at the water fall location. Okay wait until it connects then lets get building, said Tulip. In a few minutes the small stream reached the other pool and they saw that everything looked fine. Okay girls lets get to work, said Tulip. They started to rebuild the temple and noticed it was going together faster than before and ran into no problems. In about ten minutes the main structure was finished and all looked great. Okay now we need Lilly to do the finishing work on it so I will get Ivy to send some more magic this way, said Tulip. Tulip got back to the cove and Ivy said all looks good so far. Lilly needs a bit more magic sent there to do her thing to finish it off, said Tulip. Okay, said Ivy but before she was able to put her finger into the water to send more magic over the green dot got bigger and very bright. Hey I haven't done anything yet, said Ivy. They all looked at Tillia and she had just walked into the pool. You were right, this does feel nice on my legs, said Tillia. They all smiled. Well we were told that she was very magical, said Sara. Looks like the cove's pool likes her too!

Tulip headed back to the site and saw Lilly had already started to finish off the temple. This is easy, said Lilly. It is like it is doing the work by itself. She did a bit more to it then was about to add lily pads and flowers like the coves pool had but they appeared by them self. Now that is odd, said Lilly. Why did that happen? she asked. Unicorn magic Lilly. Tillia walked into the coves pool to check it out. That is some powerful magic then, said Lilly. Well it is the same magic we use, said Tulip. Lets just watch and see if it stays all together now, said Tulip. They watched for a while and saw that the water kept changing direction. Back and forth from the temples pool to the water falls pond then back to the temples pond. Okay looks good, said Tulip. Lets head back to the cove. When they got to the cove they saw Tillia was out of the pool and was looking at the overviewer with Sara. Ivy was standing back to give them room. Just don't touch anything Tillia. It is very sensitive. I have no fingers silly. I can't touch it but I like the nice green lights though, said Tillia. The rest of the fairies were surprised to see Tillia seeing most of them never saw her yesterday. Sara, introduce Tillia to everyone please. They have never seen a unicorn before, said Ivy. Sara introduced Tillia to them all and each one of them. Chestnut and Misty were especially amazed that the cove let her in but still were happy to see Tillia. Thanks for your help, said Pippie. It looks beautiful now. Oh happy to help when I can but really didn't do much, said Tillia. Oh you did more than you think, said Pippie. Well that should do it for today, said Tulip. Lets go to the palace and see what is going on there. There is something, said Ivy. I feel Alexa, Zatsuky and Viridian are there and someone else with magic. Do you sense anything Tillia. No I don't know them so can't tell anything is different there, said Tillia. Well maybe we should stay in here, said Tulip. Nope I have to see the new person with Alieta. Got to check her out, said Ivy then flew off through the top of the forest. Well we might as well go to, said Tulip. We can always get back here fast if we need to. They all flew out and Sara rode Tillia out through the forest pathway. Pippa flew into the cove and saw that there was no one there. Now where can everyone be she wondered. She went to the overviewer that was left on and saw that there was a bright green light on where the waterfall area was. They must be there she thought and flew through the archway then over to the waterfall. Okay I don't see anyone yet, thought Pippa. She called out but no one answered. She looked over to the right and saw an archway. Well I have never seen that before, I wonder what is in there. She walked through and saw the new structure that the fairies were working on. Now this is impressive, said Pippa. Nice pond with lily pads and surrounded by rock carving, I wonder what it is for. Well if they are not here then they must all be at the palace then I can ask them. Then Pippa flew out of the forest and headed for the palace.

Alexa had just finished filling Zatsuky and Viridian in about the swarms of locust when Ivy arrived, followed by the fairies. Ivy looked at Yeanny then said she is okay to Alieta. No secrets and has good magic, was a bit lonely but happy now. Alieta smiled. Meet Ivy, Yeanny, our amazing forest sprite that controls the magic here in Fae Land. Um how did she know that about me by just looking at me, is she psychic or something? asked Yeanny. Nope not really, said Alieta. Just very special. You will see. So what is going on? asked Tulip. Got to deal with swarms of locust, said Alieta. What are they? asked Tulip. Flying insects that eat vegetation, said Alieta. Oh so will they effect the forest? asked Misty. Nope nothing can get in the forest or hurt it especially insects, said Ivy. Yes well Pippa said they won't touch anything with pixie and fairy dust on them, Tara and Avan are going to take care of them, said Alieta. Okay so it is safe out here? asked Pippie. Yes, so Pippa says anyways. Alexa saw Sara riding towards them fast. Since when does Sara ride a horse? asked Alexa. That is not a horse, said Tulip. It is the amazing Tillia the unicorn. Really? I have read about them in school but that is all, said Alexa. Hi everyone sorry we took so long but Tillia had to stop and talk to some of the pixies that appeared out of no where with a bunch of questions, said Sara. Alexa, and Zatsuky were staring at Tillia until Viridian, said, "Isn't she beautiful?" Yes she is, said Zatsuky but where did she come from? Well we will fill you in later but first we have some bugs to get rid of, said Alieta. Yes of coarse, said Zatsuky. Okay Tara and Avan, head out, said Alexa. As soon as you see them flying then start turning them to ash. Okay boss and off they flew. Now you three head out to the Bad Lands, about half a mile then spread out but stay on your horses. You will probably have to move around a lot. The three of them rode off. So what is out there? asked Tillia. Swarms of Locust, said Alieta. Oh they are nasty, said Tillia. What are they? Sara asked Tillia. Oh flying bugs that eat everything that I like to eat, said Tillia. I don't like them. Oh, then I don't like them either then, said Sara.

Tara and Avan flew out fast and far and in about half an hour they saw that the sky ahead of them looked almost completely black. Wow there must be a ton of them, said Avan. Lets get closer then when in range lets get them, said Tara. They flew out closer but they underestimated how fast the were moving and soon they were in the middle of a swarm. Most just flew by them but some latched on and started biting. Hey what the heck. They bite too, said Tara. Ya hurt a bit too, said Avan. Look down there is a small pond, lets dive into it and get these things off of us. Good plan, said Tara. This will be like diving off the board in the big pool. They flew down and dived underwater and got them all off. Okay lets catch up to them and use our wings to blow them back some then start wiping them out, said Tara. Okay but look back there. Lots more and way over there too, said Avan. Man this is going to take a while. The two of them got way ahead of the coming swarms then kept blowing them back with their wings as they started killing them all a bunch at a time. Avan looked to the side and saw a few swarms were headed towards them. Hey I thought these bugs went for just leaves, why are they coming after us? asked Avan. I don't know. Must be under control by something. Lets go invisible so they can't see us, said Tara. Being invisible worked great and soon they had the first bunch wiped out. Okay here comes another bunch over there and over there. Lets split up, said Tara. The two of them started killing them all again and after about ten minutes they couldn't see anymore. Do you think we got them all? asked Tara. Well not that bunch that got by us so lets go back and get them, said Avan. Oh maybe not, said Tara, Look. A huge massive wall was heading towards them but this time it looked like one big swarm and not several smaller ones. This is going to be tricky, said Avan. Got any ideas. Ya, lets go on either side of them and start killing them that way, said Tara. Keep moving in until they are almost all gone then we can return to the front of them and finish them off. Okay but man they are moving so fast. Bugs can't fly that fast, said Avan. Well these ones are so lets step on it. We will be getting close to Fae Land soon at this rate, said Tara.

They got into position and started killing them but noticed the swarm was also very long and deep so they had to keep moving around a lot. They were getting too close to Fae Land now so they got in front of them and got real big but that made them visible again. They started flapping their wings and blowing them back and killing as many as they could. The three girls on the ground could see them coming now and could tell they were having trouble killing them all. The swarm was getting lower as to start attacking Fae Land so Tara yelled to Viridian to get up here and start spinning. Viridian heard and jumped off her horse and started to spin and rose up into the sky. Go invisible, yelled Tara. They bite, we will get back and keep blowing them to you. Viridian went invisible then started the light show. Zatsuky and Yeanny started blasting them from below. They were doing great and the swarm was getting smaller fast. Tara looked and saw another swarm was beginning to form behind the front one that was almost gone. Alieta saw this and ordered all the fairies back to the forest. Alexa saw what was going on and said this is not natural at all. Nope, said Ivy. There is five of them and they are big but invisible. Very bad too. Okay everyone in the palace and you Ivy go too, plus Sara and Tillia. Okay said Ivy and flew off. Sara was still on Tillia and wondered what she was doing as she ran over to Alexa. I can help but need Sara on me. Alieta said no. Sara doesn't fight like them. No time to argue, said Tillia. Just trust me. She told Sara "High speed position fast" Sara did it but Tillia could tell Sara was scared now. The two of them zoomed out super fast and a loud bang was heard as the past Tara and Avan then slowed down some. Soon the two of them were behind the second swarm and Tillia stopped then went invisible. The first swarm was all gone now so Viridian came back down. Alexa ran out to them and said good work but lots more to get yet. Tara and Avan came down also and went back to their regular size. Was that Sara and Tillia I saw blur go by us on the ground? asked Tara. Yes, Tillia said she could help then took off with Sara, said Alieta. A locust landed on Alexa and bit her. Alexa swiped it off and stepped on it. What the heck. It bit me, she said. That is not natural, said Yeanny. They don't bite people. Alexa lifted her foot and saw the locust was still moving so she stomped on it a few more times that did the job then she picked it up and showed it to Yeanny. That is no insect, said Yeanny. It looks mechanical. Alexa tore off it's head and it sparked. Yep definitely not an insect, said Alexa.

We better get out there, said Tara. Those two are out there somewhere all by themselves. Ivy came flying back and looked really scared. Where is my sister. I feel she is really scared. We can't see them, said Alexa. Out there some where. Ivy grabbed Alieta's hand and was squeezing hard. Just then a huge white blinding light filled the sky. Then they could see Tillia and Sara off in the distance. Tillia had her horn pointed straight up and it was glowing very bright. I know you are scared Sara but trust me. Just think appear, real hard. Okay, said Sara and did as Tillia said. In a few moments five very big demons appeared looking very confused. Tillia and Sara became visible now. One saw Sara and Tillia and tried to sent out a fire ball at them but nothing happened then Tillia took off like a flash back to the palace. There look Tara, demons, lets get them. Viridian and Zatsuky can take care of the bugs, said Avan. They flew off fast and confronted the demons. Tillia and Sara got back and said you better start killing those bugs. They are after more than just leaves, said Tillia. Sara jumped off of Tillia and Ivy grabbed her and hugged her tight. She said trust her so I did, said Sara that was still shaking a bit. It's okay Sara, you are safe with me now, said Ivy. Alieta went to Tillia and looked mad. Why did you put Sara's life in danger? She was in no danger as long as she did what I knew she could inside her. She did great and now we will win and all live. Those things that you thought were locust are not natural and would of eaten everyone in Fae Land alive. They made them, said Tillia and looked towards the demons. Alieta looked around the corner of the palace and saw a bunch of demons in the distance. Okay I see them, said Alieta. Yep and now they are defenseless so no fight needed, said Tillia. Avan and Tara can just kill them now. Why are they defenseless? asked Alieta. When Sara and I made them appear for Avan and Tara it also took away all their evil powers. White magic is way stronger than black magic you know, and cleansed them of all black magic, said Tillia.



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