The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Black Swarm Chapter 1


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In the morning Alieta as usual was first in the dining room. The elf brought her a coffee as Alieta waited to see who would be next to show up. Samantha and Ginger came in next and sat down. The elf brought both of them a coffee also. So where is Zan and the the other girls? asked Samantha. Oh the girls usually come down an hour later and Zan, well who knows, sometimes around ten o'clock and sometimes at eleven o'clock, said Alieta. With Zan it all depends on when she went to bed. So everyone has their own wake up times, how nice, said Samantha. Well only Ginger here does work in the palace so she always gets up early but doesn't always show up here when I am here, said Alieta. So what do the three young girls do? asked Samantha. Well Tabitha is just visiting until school starts so she is a guest. Phonixa and Repellia pretty much do what they want, said Alieta. Well they should have some chores I would think, said Samantha. Oh they are very useful to me, said Ginger. Really how is that? asked Alieta. Well you notice that a lot of times they will not come outside for at least a couple hours after we do, said Ginger. Yes, I figured they were just late sleepers, said Alieta. Oh no not most of the time, said Ginger. You see they both told me that they were brought up to work for their food and clothing. Now you told them that we didn't do things that way here in the palace. Yes that is right, their parents made them work before they ate, said Alieta. My that sounds nasty, said Samantha. Yes but the parents are being punished for their bad ways, said Alieta. Well have you ever gone into the clothing room lately? asked Ginger. Well no, I can never find anything in that room, said Alieta. Well you should check it now. Those two girls have organized the entire room by type of clothing, colours and even very old clothing in a special spot. There is a section just for elves that work here in the palace, said Ginger. Really, I thought you had elves that did that, at least I figured it was you seeing how fast you come out with clothing when asked for it, said Alieta. Nope elves, said Ginger, we have lots of other things to take care of here and those two are much better at it than our elves plus sorting clothing is not my thing anyways, said Ginger. Looks like they are paying their way here Alieta. They sound wonderful now to me, said Samantha. Well that is not the only place they have fixed as they call it, said Ginger. Really, where else then? asked Alieta. The armory room is a place that they took over and now it looks completely different in there. The last time I think you were in there was when you got Viridian's outfit, said Ginger. Well yes that was a while ago, said Alieta. Ginger smiled. Well it looks like a store in there now. Completely organized and everything cleaned and polished. They even separated the enchanted items from the un-enchanted items. They have a rack labeled "To Be Enchanted" also. How do they know the difference? asked Samantha. Oh these two are no dummies, said Ginger. They test them with a knife that is not enchanted and see what it can or cannot pierce. They do the same with weapons on metal armor, said Ginger. The only thing missing in there is the price tags. Alieta and Samantha started to laugh. Well if they are doing all of that then maybe they should be paid, said Alieta. Oh no don't do that, said Ginger. It makes them feel good that they are doing things for you. I do have a sneaky way of giving them some money about once a week, said Ginger. I got to hear this, said Alieta.

Well you know how they like to go to town all the time. Yes they used to go there to meet boys but now they have a couple of good boyfriends, said Alieta. Ya I know but they like to pay there own way most of the time, said Ginger. Now I ask them what their plans are for the day, just like you ask all of us all the time and if they say they are going to town then a give them a bit of money and then I tell them people in the palace has to have some money on them for emergencies at least. Now I never give them a lot but I know the two of them pool it together and save it to buy some nice clothes or treat themselves with ice cream or what ever, said Ginger. Well you shouldn't have to be paying them out of you pocket, said Alieta. Oh I don't, said Ginger. I went down to see the treasurer and asked her about giving them a small wage but you know what she is like. She said only Alieta can decide who gets paid and who doesn't. So I told her everything these two girls do for nothing and she actually was surprised anyone would work for free. She went and brought out a old big bag that was filled with lots of gold coins and even gems and said this was left from the old queen Scarlet and I have no way of knowing how to add it to my books without throwing them all off. It seems that Scarlet had this bag in her bedroom and gave money to those that really needed it and there was no record of it anywhere. She called it a "Slush Fund". The treasurer put it on a shelf and told me to use that when needed for those two very nice girls. Your kidding, she actually did that for you? asked Alieta. Well for the girls too. She may seem very tight and strict but she does have a good heart, said Ginger. Just then the three girls came in and asked what was for breakfast. Oh what every you three want, said Alieta, just ask the cooks. We are going outside to check the sun dial and see what the weather is going to be like today. So have you three figured out what to do today? Nope not yet but maybe go to town or hang around here, said Phonixa. Too early to figure that out yet but we were thinking of cleaning up some of the old sections of the library downstairs. Pretty dusty in those old areas. Alieta and Ginger smiled.

Tillia Surpises Tulip And Ivy

Viridian made breakfast for Ivy and Sara and the two of them ate up fast. So what is the plan for Tillia today? asked Viridian. Well I am going to meet Ivy in the cove but leave Tillia in the woods. Ivy said that she can call for Pippa to make sure she doesn't get bored. We are always out by lunch anyways, said Sara. Okay that should work, said Viridian. You know she could also hang out with the palace gang sometimes too. Bet she would like that too, said Viridian. Yep I know, said Sara. Okay we got to go. We have to try and find out what is wrong with the new section that Pippie came up with in the forest. It just won't stay together for some reason. Oh okay then see you later, said Viridian and off the two of them went. Okay I will fly to the forest and you ride Tillia, said Ivy. Okay see you there, said Sara. She went around back but Tillia wasn't there. Hmm, I wonder where she is, thought Sara. She went back out front and still couldn't see her. Sara was starting to get worried. Just then Tillia came running over from what looked like Ktara's place. Here I am Sara, said Tillia. Ktara came running after her. Boy she is hard to keep up with, said Ktara. What was she doing over there, asked Sara. Well she must of been hungry because she knocked on my door and when I opened it I saw her with a pineapple in her mouth. She dropped it and asked if she could have it. I said sure help yourself, they are not on my property anyways. I was going to go get a knife to peel it for her but she just picked it up and ate it skin and all. Sara smiled but then thought. We are going to need to get a lot more food for her some how. She likes to eat a lot, said Sara. Oh only when I wake up and usually after running fast, and lunch time, said Tillia. I always like to have a little something before I go to sleep also. Ktara smiled. Yep you are going to need more food. Funny thing was she suddenly perked her head up high then ran like crazy back home, said Ktara. Yes I sensed Sara was worried about me, said Tillia. Had to go show her I was okay.

Okay are you good for now Tillia? asked Sara. Yep good to go, said Tillia. Okay, I have to work today in the cove so we will take the short cut behind Sandy Lake and no need to rush, said Sara. Plus you can get a drink from the river there. Okay, said Tillia. Sara got on Tillia and she rode off. Ktara thought to herself that they all were lucky to have a unicorn living with them but unlucky she doesn't eat hay or oats. Maybe grow a very big veggie garden and orchard here in Eden. Sara stopped and let Tillia have a drink from the river then went back on their way. They got to the woods and started in. Tillia was looking all over the place as she walked. What is it Tillia? Sara asked. Oh just lots of eyes on us, said Tillia. Sara smiled. Those are the pixies, there are tons of them in here, said Sara. Oh okay, I like pixies. Does Pippa live here in Fae Land? asked Tillia. Well yes she does, in these woods actually, said Sara. Oh really! She is the best. So funny and helpful. She has been around forever you know, said Tillia. Well if you get bored here while I am working just call her name or head over to the palace. Always something going on there, said Sara. Okay here we are, said Sara. She jumped off Tillia then opened the forest doorway. Wow that was very magical, said Tillia. Yes, fairy magic, said Sara. Now the forest won't let you enter. Even the centaurs can't get in. It is a safety precaution that is all, said Sara. Okay, bye, said Tillia. Sara started to get ready to fly when she took one more look back at Tillia. She looks a bit sad she thought to herself. She turned around to talk with her but then Tillia took a few steps into the forest and the trees didn't close on her. Come closer Tillia, said Sara . Tillia kept moving towards Sara as she moved backwards then suddenly the trees closed when Tillia was completely in the forest. Sara ran up to Tillia and hugged her neck. Yeah! The forest likes you Tillia. That is good because I was afraid those trees were going to eat me, said Tillia. Sara laughed. Okay lets try this, said Sara. She got back on Tillia and told the forest that her and Tillia were going to run to the cove. The trees opened up wide and high and they started to run to the cove. Not super fast Tillia. Don't want to break any branches, said Sara. Okay, said Tillia. In a few minutes they got to the cove entrance and the door opened by it self. Wow that has never happened before, said Sara.

The two of them walked in to the cove and Tillia looked around. Wow so magical in here and very pretty. Yes the fairies like pretty things too, said Sara. Ivy looked over and saw Tillia in the cove and flew over fast. How did she get in? asked Ivy. I don't know, said Sara. The forest entrance wouldn't close until she came in. Next Tulip flew into the cove and saw the three of them. Wow the forest must like you Tillia. I guess so, said Tillia. Tell the forest I like it too please, said Tillia. I like where you all work. Both Ivy and Tulip smiled. It makes sense, said Ivy. When I changed the rules for Alexa I did say all the team members were special and allowed in but still no animals were allowed in. Now she is not an animal and she is special plus she has a pure white soul. I guess she meets all the requirements, said Ivy. I suppose so, said Tulip because here she is. So Tillia, don't drink the water in the pool, you can stand in it or lay in it but it is magical and tastes funny but will sooth any aches and pains you may have. Drinking water is over there in that fountain, said Sara. Okay, said Tillia. Lilly and Pippie flew into the cove and saw Tillia too. Hi Tillia. The forest must like you, welcome to the cove, said Pippie. Did you like the shelter Tulip and I made for you in the back yard? asked Lilly. Yes very much, thank you, said Tillia. Okay everyone lets get to work now. We have to see what is wrong with that new area that you came up with Pippie. If we can't get it to stay together then we will have to scrap it, said Tulip. I know but it was such a beautiful spot, said Pippie. What is wrong with it? asked Tillia. Oh the magic won't hold it together. Something wrong with the structure we figure, said Pippie. Oh, well maybe I can help, said Tillia. How? asked Pippie. Here grab my horn. Don't worry it won't hurt you, said Tillia. Tillia lowered her head and Pippie grabbed hold of the horn. It started to glow very bright and everyone was watching in wonder. When it stopped glowing. Tillia said you can let go now. Okay I got it. Got what, asked Tulip. Well you have it backwards for one. The entire thing has to be turned around. The way it is, the structure part is pushing back the magic instead of pulling it in. Ivy smiled. That makes sense Tulip. That would explain why it keeps fading in and out on the overviewer. Yes it could be dangerous there right now. It could explode, said Tillia. Lilly opened her eyes wide and said, "Like kaboom!" Yep I guess so, What is kaboom? asked Tillia. Pippie laughed. Means explode Tillia. Now you said for one. What else is wrong, asked Tulip. Oh the water is all wrong, said Tillia. It is fighting with another place that is near by, said Tillia. What do you mean fighting? asked Ivy. Oh I sense that everything here is alive some way or another. The ground, the plants and trees, the water and even the rocks and structures in here. Really? Even the structures are alive, asked Tulip. Well not like you or me but yes they feel and know their purpose. This entire place is made from the magic of pure love. It is the strongest of any magic and will do some amazing things. That is what made me, said Tillia.

So how do we make every thing happy then, asked Pippie with a smile. Well what I saw in you was you are sharing a water source with a pond and a waterfall. You can't do that, said Tillia. You have to stop the path from the pond to the structure then make a separate water source for it. You watch, I bet they become best friends and then they will share each others water together, said Tillia. Tulip looked at Pippie then looked at Ivy then looked at Tillia. If this was anyone else telling me that rocks and structures were alive I would think they were crazy. But somehow what you are saying makes sense. Okay girls lets go to work unless there is anything else? asked Tulip. Well just that when I use magic I get hungry. Just a bit right now and it will pass but a nibble would be nice, said Tillia. Then smiled at Tulip. Tulip smiled back and gave her three sugar cubes then she flew off with Pippie and Lilly to try what Tillia said to do. So you can read people like me, said Ivy. No not at all like you Ivy, said Tillia. You are very powerful inside and can do so much more than me. I can only sense stuff around me especially danger and love. I can't read anyone at all unless they touch my horn but then I can only see what they are thinking about. Sara I can sense the strongest, even from a great distance. We are bonded. That is like two souls being joined together if you get that at all. Maybe I think I know what you mean, said Ivy. Okay Sara lets get to the overviewer and get this fixed!



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