The Chameleon Chapter 5


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Quazar Greets His Daughter

Well well, that is the first time you have ever called me Rosemary. I thought you forgot about me, said Quazar. Father, of coarse I didn't forget about you, I thought you forgot about me, said Rose. You always just showed up by yourself. Yes well that is a bit true but your mother used to call me sometimes when she was feeling down, said Quazar. So let me look at you. My you have grown into a lovely woman. So what have you been up too, all these years? Well after mom died I went out and started working as a Demi Demon. What! You are no demon, said Quazar. Well mom said you were, so that is what I thought I was, said Rose. Oh that is my fault then. I never told her what I was. I figured it would be too much for her to understand, said Quazar. So what are you doing here in Fae Land? asked Quazar. Well I was told Alieta killed the sister of a woman that hired me so I was to kill her but now I know she is the wrong Alieta. Good thing you found that out in time, said Quazar. You see those two in the armor over there with those weapons, they could of blown you into pieces. No one comes here to kill anyone and leaves alive. Ya I thought they looked really dangerous, said Rose that is why I agreed to talk to them first. Well I am glad you did, said Quazar. So what are you going to do now? asked Quazar. Well bring back this money to that lady I guess, said Rose. Hell with that, said Quazar. You did enough looking around to earn it I bet. Forget about her. Well she is a witch and will come looking for me, said Rose. Good, let her find you then call me. I will make sure she doesn't bother you again, said Quazar. Rose just smiled. So Alieta, where are those two pretty she devils, Tara and Avan? asked Quazar. In the East Woods, they always hang out in there when it is very hot out, said Alieta. Oh okay, come Rosemary, I want you to meet two very good freinds of mine. These are the sexiest she devils you will ever see, said Quazar. Really dad, sexy she devils? Well they are just friends but who knows, they both like me, said Quazar. Okay Alieta we are heading over to see Tara and Avan. I have a story to tell them. I will bring back Rosemary before I leave. Take good care of her for me. Then they both vanished. What did he mean by that I wonder, said Alieta. Well sounds like you are taking care of his daughter, said Alexa with a smile. Oh boy, what am I going to do with a dark Chameleon Demi God? asked Alieta. No the the king of the overlords princess, said Alexa.

Repellia and Phonixa came out of the palace and saw everyone standing around. Oh looks like we missed something again, said Phonixa. Yes you did but it is all good now I think, said Alieta. What do you mean you think it is all good now? asked Repellia. Well I think we got a new person staying in the palace. Oh cool, what is she like? asked Phonixa. Well different, said Alieta, you will see. Well Alieta I suppose we can go back home now, said Zatsuky. Yes go ahead. All is safe now, said Alieta. Us too said Ktara. Need to rest a bit after that dance class. Well I am staying here until I get to talk to that super fairy, said Alexa. Ivy smiled. You call her that too! She is you know. I will tell them all it is safe to come out now, said Ivy then she flew off. Well my work is done here too, said Gwyneria and she vanished. Everyone else left for home leaving just Zan, Ginger, Yeanny and the the two sisters with Alieta and Alexa. Alexa sent Angus and Sivia home too. Well check out our new bracelets, said Phonixa. Yes they are very pretty, said Alieta. Yep but but I see you got new ones too, said Repellia. Yes Ginger gave them to me, said Alieta. Yep we all got a good deal on them because Ginger was with us but I am sure they are worth a lot more than what we paid for them, said Phonixa. Really, said Alexa. Well speaking of Ginger, her comes the new Ginger with Amelie and Keiko and looks like they someone else with them. Really I wonder who she is? asked Repellia. Pixie Ginger said she met her a long time ago and can sing like her so they went looking for her in Cumberland to sing at the harvest festival together, said Alieta. Oh cool, another good singer. Hope they sing for us a bit, said Phonixa.


So is that the queen over there with those other girls? asked Miyo. Yes and she is really nice, said Ginger. Well I heard she was nice but how does one act around a queen? asked Miyo. Just be yourself, said Keiko. Everyone else does. Alieta dosn't act like most other queens, you will see. They reached everyone and Miyo got off the horse. Well here she is Alieta. This is Miyo, took a while to find her though, said Ginger. See I told you, just a bit taller than me. Yes I see that, said Alieta. So hello Miyo, welcome to the palace, said Alieta. Thankyou Alieta, my boss at the store heard the two of us singing together and when she found out that I would be singing at the festivial she lent me her horse and told me to come to the palace with Ginger to practice. So you will be staying with us for a while? asked Alieta. Um, I don't know, said Miyo. I never thought about that. Well where Ginger lives in a tree house but that would be quite the climb for you to go up and down the very high ladder everyday. And the palace has no empty rooms left I think, said Alieta. Oh she can stay with us or maybe with the new girl, said Phonixa. Well we will see, said Alieta. The new girl is different like I said and not completely human. Um what does that mean? asked Miyo. Is she dangerous? Well not to us though she can be to bad people. You will see when Quazar brings her back out of the East Woods. Oh Quazar is here too. Awsome, so were are not missing everything today then, said Phonixa.

In about ten minutes Quazar and Rose appeared in front of everyone who were talking to Miyo and Ginger that had their back to him. Well we are back, said Quazar. Miyo and Ginger looked at him then screamed and ran behind Phonixa and Repellia. What is that? asked Miyo. That is Quazar silly, he won't hurt you. He is a king you know, said Phonixa. A king, a king of what? asked Miyo. Of the overloards, you know those guys in space taking care of everything, said Repellia. I am sorry you two for scaring you but I didn't know you were here, said Quazar. Well you are very big and scary looking to me, said Miyo. Yes I get that sometimes, said Quazar, well most of the time. It takes a bit of getting used to me but Tara thinks I am very handsome. Well you do look very strong and I suppose you are good looking for what ever they said you were, said Miyo. A overloard, said Repellia again. Yes that is right, king of the overloards so I suppose I should say it is an honor to meet you? asked Miyo. Oh the honor is all mine. You are very pretty for a human. Miyo smiled, thankyou Quazar. My dad can be a bit of a charmer, said Rose. Oh so this is the new girl? asked Phonixa. She doesn't look that different. Dark makeup like a goth girl and cool tattooes but still very pretty. Well some of it is makeup but the markings on my lower back I was born with, said Rose. Well I like it, said Miyo. I have some tattoos that are part of me now see. Miyo walked over to Rose and showed her all her tattoos. I like them,very artistic. All black also which is my favorite colour, said Rose. No kidding, that is easy to see, said Miyo and the both started to laugh. Well I guess they will be sharing a room, said Alieta. Ginger can you get some elves to get that last room ready for them. Um Ginger already went in the palace with an elf, said Yeanny. Okay, that girl can read my mind sometimes, said Alieta. Quazar walked over to Alieta. Well looks like my daughter has finally found some friends. This place is truely magical, said Quazar. Alieta laughed. What did I say to make you laugh? asked Quazar. Well if some one was to draw a picture of all of us standing out here now, it would look more than magical. Two fairies a pixie, me a sprite, you an overloard, Rose a Demi God and four human girls plus Zan a Triffie being very quite and finally a wizard, said Alieta while smiling. Well you keep very good company, said Quazar. Yes I suppose so, said Alieta.

So before you leave to take care of the universe, would you like to hear these two sing. I have only heard Ginger sing so far and she is amazing but she say's Miyo can sing great too, said Alieta. Well sure why not, said Quazar. The universe can wait a bit. Okay Ginger can you two do that for us? asked Alieta. I can, how about you Miyo? asked Ginger. Yep but what song should we sing. Ginger whispered in Miyo's ear. Okay that is a good one, said Miyo. They got beside each other and started to sing a very nice modern song. Everyone was loving the two voices that seemed to be made for each other. Alieta looked over and saw Rose was dancing away to the song. Those two girls are very good, said Quazar quietly to Alieta. Yes and your daughter is a good dancer, look, said Alieta. My she is so graceful. I wonder where she learned to dance like that? said Quazar. When the song was over everyone clapped. Just amazing girls, said Alieta. Yes very cosmic and hevenly, said Quazar. Well I think it was just beautiful, said Zan. Rosemary, where did you learn to dance like that? asked Quazar. Mom taught me, she was a dance teacher before she had me, said Rose. Well looks like you have another front dancer Ginger, said Alieta. Yes she is very good, said Ginger.




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