The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Chameleon Chapter 1


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  It's another morning in Fae Land, just seven more days to the harvest featival. Alieta gave her order of corn on the cob to Jazmen to bring it to the farm in Cumberland. She only ordered half as much this time seeing that it was only going to be a one week festival but more people have moved to Fae Land so she is hoping in will even out. Ivy and Sara had breakfast with Viridian then Sara took off with Tillia to the cove. Ivy left a bit early to do some warm ups in the dance studio hoping to get a head start on everyone but when she got there, Ginger, Phonixa and Repellia were already there warming up. Ivy smiled and said hello to them then then got changed. The four of them were doing some warm ups when Ktara and Paisley showed up too. Back in the tree fort Keiko made Ginger a nice breakfast of mushed up eggs and juice. She told her that after dance class she was going to Cumberland to look for the girl that she thinks her name is Miyo to see if she would come and sing at the festival. Keiko told her they were coming too becaused it sounded like another adventure. After eating she headed out to start her second day of teaching the girls how to dance. Back at Alexa's place she headed out with Angus and Sivia to the palace for them to get shampooed but more important she wanted to see the new Ginger in action plus meet Clary...

Dancing Together

  When Ginger got to the palace, she stopped to say hi to Alieta seeing she was a bit early. Hi Alieta, is it going to be a nice day today? The sun dial says yes and pretty hot too, said Alieta. Oh good, hot is getter than cold, said Ginger. I figured I would go in a bit early and do some warmups before everyone got here. Well it is a bit late for that, said Alieta. Why? asked Ginger. They are all in there now, said Alieta. Guess everyone had the same idea. Ginger smiled. That is a good sign that they are trying hard to become good dancers, said Ginger. Well I am sure Ginger inside has told them that you want them to perform at the festival so that might have a berring on things too, said Alieta. Well I better get in there then seeing they are all a bit ahead of me, said Ginger. Is that your tights in the bag? asked Alieta. Yep, always have to wash them after wearing them, said Ginger. Well just put them in that bench inside like the rest of the girls and Ginger has the elves clean them after you are done and they will be back in the bench nice and clean for the next time, said Alieta. Wow that is so nice of them, said Ginger. Yes Ginger always makes sure things are taken care of in the palace, said Alieta. I have known those girls with you for quite a long time and when they set there mind to something you should know they will succeed. Ktara and Paisley have succeeded against impossible odds with the team plus Ginger has done many remarkable things in the past and that Ivy is just plain amazing. The two sisters are young and have tons of energy and will what ever it takes to keep up with your dance team. Yes it is a team now, isn't it, said Ginger. Yes and you are the captain so get in there, said Alieta with a smile. Ginger ran into the palace to get ready.

  Alieta saw Angus and Sivia sitting by the palace. Hey I didn't even see them get here, said Alieta. She walked over to them and asked if it is bath time for you two? Both their tails started to wag. Okay I will get a couple of elves to take care of you two, I suppose Alexa is on her way. Alieta called over two elves then they took Angus and Sivia off to get washed up. Soon Alexa arrived and walked over to Alieta. Bath time I see, said Alieta. Yep but more important I have to check out this new singing and dancing pixie Ivy told me about, plus the new super fairy, said Alexa. Alieta smiled. Yes that is what Ivy called Clary. She will be out here around lunch time with the rest of the fairies, said Alieta. You can talk to her yourself. So has the dance class started yet? asked Alexa. Well they are all in there but probably just doing warm ups right now, said Alieta. You can hear the music from out here when they start to dance. So is she really that good a dancer? asked Alexa. Well I saw her sing and dance for us and Pippa out here yesterday and let me tell you that girl has tallent. I have never seen that kind of dancing before, Ginger calls it free style I think, said Alieta. Her singing is amazing too with a voice that can carry far enough away that it attracted elves to come over to listen to her. She sang three times and by the last song there was a fairly large group of people gathered around sitting on the ground. Even Zan came out before eight o'clock to sit and listen to her. Well if Zan came out that early then she must be a very special singer, said Alexa. Oh there is the music, said Alieta. Sounds like country music this time. Lets go in and watch from the back. That way we won't be disturbing them. They both walked in and Alieta took Alexa over where the table with the candy and money was.

  Okay girls you almost have it. The box step is a very basic dance form of dancing that can be used in country songs but some others too, said Ginger. Now lets try again but this time everyone get in a line like yesterday. Watch each other and try to match their steps. Just go with the beat of the song and you will see that you will be doing synchronized dancing that looks very impressive to an audience. She started the song again and everyone started dancing again. As Alexa watched she could see how cool it was when everyone was doing the same moves. Now everyone take four steps forward then back into the box step. Good now four steps back, said Ginger and keep dancing. Great keep it up! Now everyone turn to your left and keep dancing. Perfect, now everyone take four steps forward. The six girls now were moving across the the floor. Now four steps back again please, said Ginger. The song was about to end and Ginger said now turn forward facing me squat and touch the ground with your fingers but keep looking ahead. They all did exactly that and were very close to being synchronized. Then the song was over. Okay stand and rest, said Ginger. Everyone was standing and smiling plus talking among them selves. Ivy saw Alieta and Alexa by the table that reminded her that she hadn't put her coins in the bowl yet. She went to the bench and took out the money from her bag then flew over to the table and dropped in the coins. Hi Alexa did we do okay? Yes very good, said Alexa. Best I have ever seen. So the lessons cost money I see. Nope they are free, said Ivy then flew back to where eveyone was standing. If they are free then why did she just drop money in the bowl? she asked Alieta. Well think about it, said Alieta. You know as well as me that your's and my girls will not do something this important to them without giving something back. Ginger is not charging any set rate at all. It was Pippa's idea to leave a box of candy and a bowl for donations. She has no money being a pixie and all but yesterday she made over a hundred dollars and today looks like she is going to do the same. Ya I get that, said Alexa. She definately knows how to teach. I would love to see her dance her way though and singing would be nice. Oh then let me tell her, said Alieta and she walked over to Ginger. They all gathered around to see what Alieta was talking about then Ktara ran over and grabbed two chairs and put them in the center of the room. Come Alexa, sit with me please, said Alieta. This you are going to like. Alexa sat beside Alieta then Ginger gave a few more instructions to everyone. Ginger walked over to Alexa and said hi to her. I have been told that you are a very special person so I will do something special for you. My girls are getting pretty good so you two will be our test audience for this next song that I think you will like. Ginger ran over and started the song then got in the middle position several feet ahead of the line of girls.

  Ginger got in a semi crouch position with the palms of her hands pointed forward. As soon as the music started she started to do the Egyptian head bob back and forth as the girls behind her started the four step. Then she started to sing and dance for Alexa and Alieta moving beautifully across the floor to a bit faster up beat country song. Alexa was amazed at how she could move and never missed a beat. Ginger did a singe flip and went right into the four step while the girls in the back were doing their thing moving back and forth, forward and back watching Ginger to see what they should be doing. Ginger was doing some very special dance moves to this song and sang away with a nice smile on her face. Sometimes soft and sometimes loud and raspy. When the song ended everyone bowed. Alexa jumped up and started clapping. Just amazing she kept on saying. Ginger smiled then turned to everyone and said grab a towel and dry off then we are going to do this song again and again until we get it perfect. It will be the first dance routeen we do at the festival. Okay we best go now and let them practice, said Alieta. They headed out but Alexa dropped a couple of coins in the bowl first. Well that was worth it, said Alexa then they both went back outside. So what do you say now Alexa. Can that girl dance or what, said Alieta. Dance and sing like nothing I have ever heard or seem before. How can she do flips and everything without missing a beat? I don't know, said Alieta but she does and makes it look easy. Zan came out and saw the two of them so she walked over. Hi Zan, did the music wake you up. Oh no that music is not loud enough to wake me up where my room is, said Zan. But when I did wake up I could hear Ginger singing again. I will never tire of her voice. So did you see her dance too? asked Zan to Alexa. Oh ya, I sure did and what a dancer she is, said Alexa. Yep not bad for our super pixie, don't you think, said Zan and I hear she is learning to cook too. Singing dancing pixie that cooks, definately going to make a lot of friends. I wonder what else she can do. Alieta smiled. Well that is more than enough but you never know, said Alieta. So I have never seen you wear bracelets before, said Zan. They are very pretty. Well I used to wear wrist bands at one time but Ginger gave me these as a gift, said Alieta. Lucky you, maybe I should start hanging out with her and she might buy me something nice like that, said Zan.



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