The Chameleon Chapter 6


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Palace Gang Gets Bigger

Well I am off, said Quazar. Call if you need me and that goes double for you Rosemary. Okay bye father and Quazar vanished. Well that has been quite the day so far, said Alieta. Ginger came out and said the room is being set up but we are limited on the things we can put in there. We found two beds and a dresser though. Well here comes Ivy with a few of the fairies so maybe they can help out, said Alieta. There are fairies here? asked Rose, Yep eight of them in total, said Alieta. Everyone reached the palace and the fairies checked out Rose. Oh wow, lots of fairies everywhere, how nice, said Rose. So who is the other girl asked Tulip. Ivy told us about you Rose. Oh I am Miyo, and a friend of Ginger's we sing together. She is my friend too, said Rose and we are going to be room mates. Very nice, said Tulip. That said, Tulip can you ask Lilly to go and fix the room up for them. We are running low on furnishings, said Alieta. Sure can said Tulip. Lilly, can you come over here please. Yes Tulip, what's up? asked Lilly. Well these two are going to be rooming together in the palace so can you read them both to see what they like then go with Sunflower and make that room great for them. Okay that will be fun, said Lilly. Lilly read Miyo first. Okay got it, then she read Rose. Really, that is what you like for a bedroom? asked Lilly. I guess so, what did you see? asked Rose. Well you seem to like most the same things as Miyo plus and pink too, said Lilly. Ya I love pink things too. Black for clothes and pink for a room, said Rose. I like lots of pink things and so did my mom. Okay then that makes things easier, lets go Sunflower we have a room to fix, said Lilly then two of them flew into the palace. So will they know what room to go to? asked Alieta to Ginger. Oh they will find it, the door is open and two elves are in there, said Ginger.

Okay so it is too late for lunch and too early for supper so lets have what I call an ice cream surprise but lets wait for Lilly and Sunflower to get back first, said Tulip. So do you like ice cream? Miyo asked Rose. Yes I had it once before and it was wonderful. Very cold, said Rose. Ya I love it too, said Miyo. So do they got enough ice cream to give to everyone here? asked Rose. I don't know, said Miyo. Ivy over heard them talking and went over to them. Don't worry there will be enough for everyone and even for seconds if you want, said Ivy. Then she walked away. Well she knows something that we don't know, said Miyo. I guess though she seems to be very smart for a forest sprite, said Rose. Ya and super pretty too, said Miyo. Clary came flying out of the forest with Sakura and landed not far from everyone but Sakura flew right over to Yeanny. Alexa went over to meet Clary. Hi Clary, my name is Alexa. I have heard some pretty amazing things about you. Well I suppose so, said Clary but everyone here seems to be amazing one way or another, said Clary. My mother told me about you Alexa. You are very amazing too. She figures you are even smarter than her and that alone is something else. Well it is really nice to see that the other fairy princesses have their oldest sister back, said Alexa. Yes it was a long journey getting here but yes great to see all my sisters again, said Clary. So that new girl is a Demi God and from what I have heard they can be very powerful. Is it going to be safe having her live in the palace with Alieta and the other girls? Yep no problem, said Alexa. She is the daughter of Quazar. Who is Quazar? asked Clary. He is the king of the overloards and a very good friend of ours, said Alexa. Oh okay, overloards are good then right? asked Clary. Well they keep everything in space and all the solar systems working properly. Fixing suns before they go super nova and keeping meterors from hitting planets with life on them. If it wasn't for them bad things could happen in a major steller way, said Alexa. Yep, Mom was right, you are smarter than all of us, said Clary with a smile. 

In a bit Sunflower and Lilly came back out and said all finished. It will be perfect for the two of you, said Lilly. Okay girls get your wands ready and lets do the ice cream surprise for everyone on this very hot day, said Tulip. All their wands were out and started to glow then a long table appeared with a large number of ice cream sundaes on it in a variety of flavors. Okay everyone grab a spoon and grab a sundae. It is hot out so they will begin to melt fast, said Tulip. Ginger won't mind that, said Phonixa, she likes the chocolate milk at the bottom. Did you see that? asked Rose to Miyo. Ya magic wands just made a ton of sundaes on a table. So it is true what I heard about fairies, said Rose. Well lets grab one they look fantastic, said Miyo. They both ran up and grabbed a chocolate sundae and a spoon. Oh you like chocolate too, said Miyo. Well it is the only kind I have ever had but the others look really good too, said Rose. Soon everyone had a sundae and were enjoying it on this hot day. Ginger, Phonixa, Repellia, Miyo and Rose were sitting together. After we are all done can we go check out your room? Sunflower told me that Lilly did some very nice finishing touches in there, said Ginger. Ya that sounds like a good idea, said Miyo. Hello everyone, my name is Sakura. Can I sit with you please? Sure have a seat, said Phonixa. Sakura sat down with her sundae. Sakura, this is Miyo and this is Rose, said Phonixa. Okay hi, said Sakura. Hey there is black stuff on your face you know, we got a washroom at school where we clean up after painting. You have very pretty purple eyes and I have pretty pink eyes. Miyo and Rose are two nice names, very easy to say. I like my name best though. Both Mia and Rose began to laugh. Well you two, now you have met Sakura that is Yeanny's girl. The most fun girl in Fae Land is is naturally funny all the time, said Repellia. Yes she sure does say a mouthful said Mia. Only ice cream in my mouth but not full, it is too cold to have a big mouthful said, Sakura. Yes you are right, said Rose with a big smile on her face. The black on my face is just makeup so I look scary. Really, you don't look scary to me, said Sakura. Just looks like you lost a fight with someone. Rose started to laugh. Does she talk like that all the time? asked Rose. Yep, said Phonixa. No I don't, said Sakura. I don't talk when I am sleeping, at least I don't think so. Well almost all the time then, said Phonixa. Okay, said Sakura then when back to eating. There is a lot of ice cream in this glass, said Rose. Ya I know, don't you just love the way fairies make sundaes, said Ginger. Well I am full, cannot eat anymore, said Rose. Me too, said Miyo but man that was good. Look at you Ginger, you ate it all. Yep I love ice cream, said Ginger as she licked her spoon clean. Okay lets go check out the room, said Miyo. Can I come too? asked Sakura. Sure just finish your sundae and we will all go, said Repellia.

Everyone finished eating then Miyo said lets go check out the room. They put their glasses on the table then went inside the palace. Okay so where do we go from here, asked Miyo. Um maybe up these stairs, said Ginger. Hopefully we will see someone and they can show us the way. They went up the stairs and saw a long hallway with doors on either side. Okay this looks like the right floor, said Ginger. A elf walked across the hall ahead of them. Hello, can you help us please, asked Ginger. Well yes, what would you like? asked the elf. We are looking for the new bedroom for Miyo and Rose, said Ginger. Oh that is this one, I was just bringing you two some night clothes. Follow me please, said the elf. They went in the room and the elf put a nightie in each dresser. So do you like it, the fairies did a great job don't you think, said the elf. Yes it is wonderful, just like I wanted, said Miyo. Yep just perfect, said Rose. Wow, you two got everything in here, said Ginger. Two nice beds, two dressers, a vanity, a big floor mirror, nice big carpet, pictures, chairs and even a wardrobe to hang your dresses. Well I left my clothes back in my room in Cumberland, said Miyo. Ya I don't have any other clothes, said Rose. Oh don't worry about that said Phonixa. The wardrobe room has plenty of clothes. It is just down the hall across from our room. We take care of that room and keep it organized. Well even free clothes too, said Ginger. Okay then you two are all set so just ask any elf if you need anything further, said the elf. Oh and if you want anything washed just leave it in that basket over there and put it outside of your and someone will come by in the morning and take them to the laundry room. Nice, said Miyo, I don't even have to do my laundry. I am going to like it here. Look Rose, there is a bathroom. Now you wash your face so you don't have two black eyes anymore, said Sakura. I get the feeling Sakura doesn't like my style of makeup, said Rose. Oh what made you think that, said Repellia.


  After Rose washed the makeup off her face, the girls went back outside and found Alieta and Ginger sitting on the steps talking to Zan. Yeanny told Sakura it was time to go home so they both left. So how does your room look? asked Ginger. Perfect they both said. Everything a girl could need in a bedroom is there, said Miyo. The elf was very nice and even brought in two nighties for us. Yes well living in the palace has it's perks, said Alieta. Get to know Phonixa and Repellia and they will fill both of you in about what goes on in the palace and where everything is. It seems they like the two of you anyways. Okay they both said then they all walked over to talk together. Well looks like Miyo is staying for good, said Ginger. Ya and Rose looks happy too, said Alieta. Well Rose must have some powerful powers being Quazar's daughter so she may be able to help the team when needed, said Ginger. Yes I was thinking the same. Quazar was very persistent at telling me to take good care of her, said Alieta. He must know what she can do... So does your room look as good as ours? asked Miyo. Yep, very girlie like and everything we need, said Repellia. Now when you want to change into something different just come and get us, we know where everything is in the wardrobe room and all the best hottest items are hidden at the back so it is hard for anyone else to find, said Phonixa. Now what you are wearing Rose is super hot and you got nice straps on your feet but you should loose the bones, they look kinda gross and primitive. You will need to wear something different if you come to town with us to shop. That outfit is way too wild for the humans to see. Rose smiled. So it is okay around here then? asked Rose. Yep, sexy is the way of the palace gang. Well you two will see tomorrow in dance class, said Ginger. Everyone wears a sexy dance outfit. Ya especially Ivy, said Repellia. That girl is so hot looking. Miyo giggled. So why doesn't she have a boyfriend? asked Miyo. She does, a very good looking forest sprite named Tobias but he is fairly new here and only comes to the palace when Ivy goes and gets him, said Repellia. So what do we do around here now that all the excitement has passed? asked Miyo. Well it is very hot today so maybe we should go for a swim in the fairy forest, said Phonixa. Really there is a pool in there? asked Ginger. Oh ya and a very big one, said Phonixa. Oh I love swimming, said Ginger. Ya me too, said Miyo. How about you Rose? Oh I can stay a float and move around some, said Rose. Well that is good enough, said Phonixa. There is a beach ball in there we can toss around. Lets go to the wardrobe room and get you three some nice bathing suits to wear then head out over to the forest, said Phonixa. They headed towards the palace and Alieta asked what they were up to. We are going swimming, said Phonixa. Do you want to come? Not me, said Alieta. I am going inside to relax for a bit. Me too said Ginger. Um have you seen Keiko and Amelie anywhere? asked Pixie Ginger.It is unlike them to leave without telling me. Actually no, I haven't seen them for quite a while, said Alieta. Okay, I guess they went back to the treehouse, said Pixie Ginger then they went in the palace.

Unknown to anyone on the ground, Keiko and Amelie were sitting up on the palace roof watching everthing and listening to everyone. Keiko turned to Amelie, "Do you think it is safe now?" Not sure, said Amelie, we better wait a bit longer just in case. Well thar Chameleon Rose isn't a Demi Demon but Demi God sound even more powerful, said Keiko. Ya she seemed really nice though, kind of like Yeanny, said Amelie but did you see the size of her father with those huge wings and markings all over him. Ya I know and Alexa said he is the king of the overlords and takes care of the universe, said Keiko. I never heard of an overlord before. Me neither, he must be super powerful, said Amelie. Well we will just have to be careful around Rose just like Yeanny, said Keiko. Alieta and Ginger heard them talking and got off the steps and looked up. Hey what are you two doing up there? asked Alieta. Nothing, just enjoying the veiw, said Keiko. Okay but how long have you been up there? asked Alieta. Oh about the time when that big Quazar guy showed up out of nowhere, said Amelie. Alieta looked at Ginger that was smiling. Those two can be very nutty at time but I know why they flew up there when Quazar showed up, said Ginger. Yes so do I, look you two it is safe down here and Quazar is gone but he would never hurt either of you, said Alieta. Why don't you both come in the palace with us and I will treat you to a nice slice of cake with some ice cream. Keiko and Amelie looked at each other and smiled then flew down. You know Alieta, some of the weirdest things go in here at the palace but for some reason you make it feel very safe here, said Keiko So what kind of cake you got? Oh a few different types, we will have to ask the elf working in the dining room, said Alieta. Okay, hope there is chocolate, said Amelie then they both went in the palace. Well that was one way to get them down here, said Ginger. That was the only way Ginger, said Alieta.  

The End



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