A Day In Fae Land Chapter 2


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Setting Up The Kitchen

  Okay, here is the forest, now how do we get in? I see no entrance yet, said Ktara. Well there must be at least one, said Tempressa. Lets ride down that way. They rode south a bit then saw a tunnel. Okay here it is and there are some posts to tie up the horses, said Ktara. They both tied up their horses then went through the tunnel. Wow look at this forest. It is like Wonderland's forest, said Ktara. Well I didn't go with all of you there but this does look like a wonderland, said Tempressa. So where do we go from here? asked Tempressa. Well Keiko said they were in the south east corner so that way I suppose, said Ktara. Hello welcome to the Fantasy Pixie Forest. I am you guide Roseberry. Oh hi Roseberry, this is Tempressa and I am Ktara. We are here to help Keiko and Amelie get their kitchen going. Oh two heros! How nice and yes I was at their place yesterday and man what a tree house. I have never seen one quite like that before, said Roseberry. Ya fairies have a way of making things very big and beautiful, said Ktara. Yep that it is so follow me and I will take you there. It is not too far from here, said Roseberry. They followed her along a few paths while taking in some of the sights. Okay here we are. Now you two got a long climb up that ladder but being heros that should be no problem for you two, said Roseberry. They both looked way up then said, Okay I guess we got a good climb ahead of us, said Tempressa. Do you want me to fly up and tell them you are here? asked Roseberry. No that is okay. We will knock on the door. Probably a good view from up there also. Oh ya, the best, said Roseberry then flew off. Okay, you ready? asked Ktara. Yep lets go. It is not that far up, said Tempressa. They started climbing the ladder and in about three minutes they reached the top and found they had to cross a bridge to get to the front door. Wow look at this place. It is like a small palace made out of trees, said Tempressa. Yep and looks well designed too, said Ktara. Okay lets get in there and see what it looks like inside, said Ktara. They crossed the small bridge then knocked on the door. Keiko answered the door. Hello welcome to our humble home, she said. Humble this is far from humble, said Ktara.

  They went inside and saw the place was very roomy. Nothing too fancy in the way of furniture but that was expected for a house in a forest. The kitchen how ever Ktara fell in love with. Now this is an amazing kitchen, said Ktara. What do you think Tempressa? Yes lots of room a new stove big sink and look a two door ice box, said Tempressa. Those are expensive. Where did you two come up with the design for this kitchen. Not sure exactly but we have read a lot of people and we see stuff in them so this is one that we liked and thought Ginger would like so we made it for her, said Amelie. So do you have running water too? asked Ktara. Well just cold water right now, said Keiko not a lot right now but when it rains we will have tons. Haven't figured out how to make hot water yet. Well you have a stove so that will make hot water for you, said Ktara. Okay any thing in the ice box yet? asked Ktara. Nope not yet but we think Ginger went shopping after dance class so she should have a bit when she gets here, said Keiko. Okay, said Ktara. Tempressa do you thing on the ice box please. My pleasure, said Tempressa. She opened the two doors then flashed it with a good coating of ice then opened the bottom compartment and made a big block of ice there. Wow that was very cool, said Amelie. I heard you could do that but seeing is way better than hearing. Tempressa smiled. Now on the bottom two shelves is where you keep things that you want to keep frozen. The other shelves are for keeping stuff just cold. Same goes for the shelves on the doors. The higher up the less cold, said Tempressa then shut the ice box. Okay now you two forgot one very important thing, said Ktara. Oh really, what is that? asked Amelie. You need a pantry to hold all the fresh vegetables and spices plus anything else that doesn't need to be kept cold, said Ktara. Oh okay so what does a pantry look like, asked Keiko. Oh sort of like the ice box but a bit shorter and made of wood, said Ktara. Oh okay that sounds easy then Keiko made her wand appear and made a pantry. How is that, asked Keiko. Let me check, said Ktara. Yep that is good. You will be able to get a lot of stuff in there. Just then Ginger and Alieta walked in.

  Hello, oh we have company, said Ginger. Look who is here. Hi Alieta welcome to our home, said Keiko. Yes and what a home it is, said Alieta. This is an amazing tree house. So I see you have our two kitchen experts here. Yep Tempressa already flashed the ice box, said Ktara. Did you bring any food with you? Oh it is on route, said Alieta. They are delivering it. We will just have to fly it all up. Tempressa laughed, ya I could see them trying to climb that ladder with bags of food. That would be a real trick. So where are you two at in setting up the stove? asked Alieta. Well best we wait for the food to get here but we need some small sticks and branches to set it up, said Ktara. Oh we can get that, said Keiko. Lots of wood around here. Okay good, said Ktara. We need dry dead wood please. Some small logs will be perfect too. Keiko and Amelie went out to gather some wood. So Ginger, let me show you how the stove works, said Ktara. There are some adjustments on it that you need to know about. They both went over to the stove and Ktara knelt down. Now in this compartment is where the wood goes that supplies the heat for the entire stove. This big door is the oven and this plate on the bottom slides back and forth allowing you to control how hot it gets in the oven. Okay, that all sounds simple enough, said Ginger. Yes it is pretty easy to work a stove once you know how the controls work, said Ktara. Now on the top surface you have four spots for cooking on. Two big and two small. Now the big ones get the hottest and are good for big pots to boil water or make a big stew and the smaller ones are best for small pots and pans. Okay that all makes sense too, said Ginger. Now you can control the heat of each burner as they are called with these four dials, said Ktara. Now watch what happens when I turn this dial from closed to fully opened. Ginger watched and saw as Ktara turned the dial the vents slid open until they were opened wide. Now that allows you to control the heat so that you don't burn stuff. Good for keeping something warm or simmering what ever you are cooking. Fully open is the hottest of coarse which boils water fast, said Ktara. Now the first time Ivy came over to learn how to cook we made spaghetti together. It is fun and easy to make and you learn all the stove top basics plus how to make a tomato sauce that can be used for more dishes other than just on pasta. Okay I think, said Ginger. So did you two buy any stuff to make spaghetti? asked Ktara. Yep we got all the fixing for a great sauce and lots of pasta, said Alieta. Good then Tempressa and I will both show you how to make spaghetti and you will help us, said Ktara to Ginger. Yep spaghetti is always a crowd pleaser, said Tempressa.

Keiko and Amelie came back up with a bunch of wood and sticks. Okay so where should we keep the wood? asked Keiko. Oh over there beside that chair, said Ginger. We just need a box to put it all in. Okay that is easy, said Keiko then made a wooden box for the wood. Now it is best to use some old paper from magazines or something, said Ktara. Do you have any paper around yet? Nope just these three new cook books and the fishing magazine we bought today at the store, said Keiko. Really, you bought them at a store with no money? asked Alieta. Nope, the girl gave us the first book for learning the basics but it cost one dollar so I offered to trade for the book. I made her a nice bracelet and she got very happy then gave us these other books too plus said we could pick what ever else we wanted, said Keiko. So the bracelet, was it made of gold? asked Alieta. Yep and made it match her red dress so added some rubies to it too, said Keiko. Alieta, Ktara and Tempressa laughed. That would of been a very expensive bracelet, said Alieta. Of coarse she got very happy and let you take what ever you wanted. You could of bought everything in the store. Well we had what we wanted, said Keiko. Doesn't cost a fairy anything to make nice things like that. Good trade in my opinion. Yes and for her too, said Alieta. They heard someone yell from outside saying the deliver is here. Oh good, said Alieta. Lets get down there and get the bags, said Alieta. Now bring your money Ginger. You will give each person five dollars for a tip. Do you remember which coin is five dollars? Yep I do, said Ginger. Okay good lets get down there, said Alieta. Wow all four of them went down there, said Ktara. I wonder what they all bought? Well knowing Alieta she made sure these three will have lots to eat, said Tempressa.

The four of them landed and there was three men standing there with two bags each. Okay, said Alieta. Thanks for the fast delivery. Well we heard that there was a tree house in here so we wanted to see it plus the girl at the store said Ginger was important to you, said one of the men. Yes she is and very special too, said Alieta. Now tip these nice men Ginger then lets get these bags in the kitchen. Alieta, Keiko and Amelie took the bags then Ginger gave each of them a tip. Thankyou very much the men said. Now this is what I call a tree house, said one of the men. I made one for my little boy in my yard but nothing like this one. Must of taken a long time to build. Yep, about four hours, said Amelie then they flew up with the bags. Four hours? It took me that long to make just the floor on my son's tree house. They're fairies dummy. They make things with magic, said another man. Oh that is right, but still look at this place, it is huge! Okay here are all the groceries, said Alieta and they placed all the bags on the picnic table. Told you, said Tempressa. Alieta likes to make sure people get fed. Yep everyone has to eat, said Alieta. Now you two get all these things put away and Ginger watch where they put everything. Okay, said Ginger and watched as Tempressa and Ktara put all the groceries away. Okay all done, said Ktara. Now let me have a look at those cook books please. Keiko got the three books and handed them to Ktara. They all sat down and Ktara gave one to Tempressa and Alieta to look through. Okay this book has some nice recipies in it, said Ktara. Yep this one too, said Tempressa, all deserts! Here we go, said Alieta. This book is about cooking the basics and has how to make spaghetti. Okay perfect, said Ktara. It will be a good book for Ginger to start with. So it takes about two hours for the sauce to cook. The pasta boils fast so should be already by supper time. Oh good, said Alieta. That will give me some time to check out the rest of this place and some more of the forest. We will come with you, said Keiko. We are going to leave the cooking to Ginger. Okay, said Alieta. First show me around the tree house please. Keiko and Amelie showed Alieta the bedroom first then they went up to the look out tower. Wow nice view here, said Alieta. Yep, Pippa liked it too, said Keiko. Just can't see towards the palace. Yes but most of Eden and all the way to the north town and if you look way over there to the west you can see a bit of The Land Of Magic where young wizards go to school, said Alieta. Really a school for wizards? We are not too good around wizards, said Amelie. Well this school teaches them how to be good wizards, said Alieta. Well okay but wizards still scare us, said Keiko. Yeanny is okay, she is really nice and Sakara is quite the little girl. Yeanny saw what a wizard or demon can do to us so she knows to be very careful when we are close by. Now we built a nice big deck too, said Amelie. Got to make some nice deck chairs and tables for out there yet but you can see some of the forest from down there. Okay, lets have a look, said Alieta.

They flew down to the deck and Alieta saw it wrapped around the the back and the other side of the bedroom also. A nice big area where several people could hang out on. Just remarkable, said Alieta. Looks like you two thought of everything to make this a perfect home. Yep we like it and so does Ginger. She will get us to add stuff later. She is better at making things look very nice inside, said Keiko. So lets head out to the forest and look around. I have only seen a bit of it so far, said Alieta. Ya us too, said Amelie. It is a very big forest. The three of them flew off to explore. Back in the kitchen Ktara and Tempressa were getting ready to start making a spaghetti dinner for everyone. Now Ginger, we will ask you what we want and you find each item and bring it to the counter here, said Ktara. Okay I think I remember where eveything was put, said Ginger. They started asking for things and Ginger kept looking and finding the stuff they wanted. Okay, good now get the pound of ground beef out of the ice box before it freezes, said Tempressa. Ginger opened the ice box and saw the packaged marked ground beef. Here it is and it is still soft, said Ginger. Good, said Tempressa. Now watch Ktara first and she will show you how to cut up the tomatoes and stuff for the sauce. Now while she is doing that. I will get the wood in the stove to be ready for lighting. Ginger watched closely as Ktara sliced up everything and let Ginger try a bit too. When everything was done. Ktara found a pot that was a good size for Tempressa to make the sauce in. Now watch Tempressa. She will show you how easy it is to get the fire going, said Ktara. Tempressa showed her how to light the match and started some twigs going on one side first then lit another match to get the other side going too. Now we wait a bit for this to get going good then I will put a couple of small logs on top, said Tempressa. Once they both get burning good you just shut this drawer and open this vent some. That will make all the heat we need to cook with. Once the fire was going good enough Tempressa shut the drawer and opened the vent. Okay now we wait a few minutes for the stove to heat up then Tempressa will show you how too make the sauce, said Ktara. Okay, this looks easy so far, said Ginger. Once the stove was good and hot, Tempressa put the small pot on the stove and turned on the burner. Okay hand me the ground beef and I will brown it first, said Tempressa. Ginger gave her the package then she put it in the pot and began stirring it slowly. Now just get the meat all brown then we will put the rest of the stuff in the pot, said Tempressa. Then we just have to turn down the heat some and let it simmer for a while. Later we will get the big pot out and fill it half way with water then bring it to a boil for the pasta. We will need to add another small log then to keep things hot. Tempressa got the sauce all made, added the salt, pepper and garlic then put a lid on in and turned down the heat. Okay, now we wait and just have to stir it once and a while, said Ktara. In the meantime you can show us the rest of this tree house. Okay, said Ginger. We have to go up that ladder to get to the bedroom. Keiko said half the fun of living in a tree house is using the ladders. Tempress smiled. Well at least shorter ladders are fun but that big one outside is a bit of a challenge.



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