The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

A Day In Fae Land  Chapter 1


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  Gingers first dance class was a huge success. Everyone had a lot of fun and learned some new moves and how to warm up before dancing. The six girls all left her some money by the candy box in the way of donations that added up to over one hundred dollars so now Ginger had some money to go shopping for some food so she could learn how to cook in her new kitchen. Ginger never shopped before so Alieta offered to take her to town and show her how much fun it was and also how to shop smart. The two of them took off to the food store. After Keiko and Amelie got back to the tree house after buying some cook books from the store they decided to go visit Ktara and see if she would show them how to work the stove. When they got there, Ktara was on her front yard practicing some of the new dance steps she learned today. Ktara told them that the dance class was great and Ginger now had some money to shop with. Keiko told her about the tree house they bulit and a new kitchen also but needed her help teaching them to work the stove plus how to understand the cook books they bought. Ktara just had to see this tree house so agreed to help out but told them that maybe she should get Tempressa also seeing she needed to keep caught up with what was new in Fae Land plus she was good at cooking also and would get their ice box working for them. Keiko thought that was a good idea so Ktara headed out to get Tempressa then Amelie and Keiko went back to the tree house to wait for them and Ginger. When Ktara got to Tempressa's place she was very happy to see she was being included plus really wanted to see this tree house also. They both headed out together to the Fantasy Pixie Forest.

Lessons In Shopping

  Alieta brought Ginger into the grocerie store where she knew her Ginger went to and ordered food for the palace kitchen. Wow look at all the stuff in here, said Ginger. Yes lots of good food and items but not all is the best for you to waste money on, said Alieta. Now you are doing a first shop so you are going to need all the basics first like salt and pepper and other spices plus things like pasta, eggs, bacon, bread and other stuff like that, said Alieta. Now you grab two baskets from over there and give me one and I will take you through the lanes and show you what to buy and what is a good deal also. Okay sounds good, said Ginger then they started to shop. The two girls behind the counter saw Alieta and one wondered if she should go help her because she never saw Alieta in their store before. No said the other woman. I heard Alieta is anmazing at shopping in other stores, Ginger does the shopping here and if she is anything like Ginger when it comes to buying food then she will be just fine. Alieta and Ginger went from one row to another picking up things that were needed. Okay now we need some meat, said Alieta. Come with me and I will show you how to buy raw meat. It looks different cooked so you may not recognize it. They went to the meat counter and the butcher came over and was glad to see Alieta. So what do you need today, he asked. Usually Ginger is here placing orders. Well this is all for this Ginger and she is stocking a new kitchen so I want you to show her each type of meat that she will need to start with and tell her what it is, said Alieta. Okay, said the butcher and started taking out some different meats, showing them to Ginger then wrapping them up. Now make sure you write on each package what they are please, said Alieta. Not a problem, said the butcher. When done Ginger put the packages in her basket.

  Now we need vegetables, said Alieta. They are over here. Okay so carrots, potatoes and tomatoes are most common plus onions are good for adding flavour to sauces, said Alieta. Wow I didn't know so much stuff was needed for cooking, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. You should see Ktara's ice box and pantry. This is nothing compared to her items, said Alieta. They got what was needed then Alieta told her that there was one more section they needed to check out. This is where you buy the things to make deserts and sweets. Oh, I like this section, said Ginger. Yep me too, said Alieta. Now you first need a bag of flour plus sugar of coarse. Get some brown sugar also. It's in a lot of real good deserts. Now this bag is icing sugar. It is different from regular sugar and is very sweet and fine. You will need a bag of that too. Holy, how I am going to get all of this back to the tree house? asked Ginger. Oh don't you worry about that, said Alieta. They will deliver for us. Well I hope they got wings because it is a long climb up the ladder to our front door, said Ginger. Hmm, yes that might become a problem, said Alieta. Well I have an idea so lets just finish up here and we will head out. I am really interested in seeing what Amelie and Keiko built. Now grab some bars of chocolate and vanella plus a box of baking soda and some yeast. There that should do it for now, said Alieta. Now we take every thing over to the checkout counter and that is where they add everything up and tell us the cost. Then you pay them. Okay, hope I got enough money for all this stuff, said Ginger. Alieta just smiled again. They put the two very full baskets on the counter and the girls started adding things up and bagging everything. Okay, the girl said. Will that be on your account Alieta? No this is for Ginger here, said Alieta. Oh okay but it is a pretty high bill, said the girl. What is it? asked Ginger. Um sixty five dollars, said the girl. Oh okay, that is fine, said Ginger then tried to hand the girl the entire bag of money.

No Ginger you count it out then hand it to her, said Alieta. Well I figured that but I don't know what each coin is worth, said Ginger. Oh I see, said Alieta. Let me show you. Alieta took out the three diffrent sizes of coins in the bag and told Ginger what each of them were worth. Okay, I got it, so six of these ones and one of this size, said Ginger. Yep that is correct now hand them to her, said Alieta. Okay thankyou, said the girl so where are these being delivered? asked the girl. Well to the tree house in the Fantasy Pixie Forest, said Ginger. Where? There is a house in there? asked the girl. Yep a very big tree house, said Ginger. Alieta was smiling again. Well we have never delivered there before, said the girl. How do we find the tree house? Oh it is easy to find, said Ginger. The house is at the south east corner of the forest and very close to the tunnel going in. Not sure how long it takes by horse to get there but the bags will have to be walked in through the tunnel. Yep the forest is not that far away to the north and you can't miss it but we will need three people to carry these bags in, said the elf. I suppose there are stairs to get up this tree house? Nope, a very long ladder, said Ginger. A ladder they can't carry all these bags up a ladder, said the girl that was now looking very worried. Well dear you just have them delivered to the bottom of the ladder and we will take care of things from there, said Alieta. Oh good, said the girl. I was getting really worried on how to do this. Well we got wings and the two fairies that live with her have wings so this is no problem for us, said Alieta. Okay thanks Alieta, and you too Ginger, said the girl. We will tip the delivery people when they arrive, said Alieta. Okay Ginger we are done so lets head out to your place. They left the store and headed to the forest. I wonder who that pretty girl is? asked the girl. She must be important to be shopping with Alieta. Yes and must be a pixie if she lives in that forest but don't look like a pixie but two fairies live with her also, said the elf. Well I haven't been there yet but I think I will go soon. Sounds like a very magical place to go, said the girl. Ya me too, lets go together, said the elf.




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