A Day In Fae Land Chapter 3


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The Three Musketeers Times Two

At the palace everyone was just hanging out enjoying the nice sunny day. Ivy and Sara were sitting with Tillia and Ginger talking about how great dance lessons were. Kendra flew out of the woods and went to talk to Ivy. Hi Ivy, how are things going, I was getting bored in the woods so I decided to come out here and see what was going on, said Kendra. Oh all is great so far, said Ivy. I went for my first dance lesson today and it was a lot of fun. Dance Lessons? You were always a good dancer from what I remember, said Kendra. Yep but getting even better now. The new Ginger is a great dancer and is teaching a bunch of us how to dance better, said Ivy. The new Ginger, who is that? asked Kendra. Oh a real nice pixie that lives in the Fantasy Pixie Forest with Keiko and Amelie. She is an amazing singer too, said Ivy. Oh okay, said Kendra. So do you want to do something together. It has been a while since we did anything together. Well I am heading back home with Tillia, said Sara. I promised Viridian that we would do something together after work and lunch. Well maybe we could go there first, said Ivy. Then I can show you some of Fae land. Okay that sounds good to me, said Kendra, what about you Sara? asked Ivy. What do musketeers do? asked Sara. They have fun and play, said Ivy. Okay sounds good, said Sara. Lets go, we will see you at home first. Then Ivy and Kendra flew off. Okay Tillia, lets go and get there before them, said Sara. Tillia smiled and said okay that will surprise them. Sara got on Tillia and they took of like a flash. Well now I have to find something to do, Ginger thought to herself. Hey Phonixa, you two doing anything today? Yep, going shopping, do you want to come? asked Phonixa. Sure why not, shopping is always fun, said Ginger.


Sara and Tillia got home super quick and they could see Ivy coming fast with Kendra. Okay lay back down like you were at the palace and I will sit beside you, said Sara. This will surprise Kendra for sure. Tillia smiled then layed down. The two of them landed beside Sara and Tillia. Hey how did you two get here before us? asked Kendra. Magic, said Sara. Magic, what kind of magic? asked Kendra. Unicorn magic, said Sara. Yep, Tillia is super fast when Sara is riding her, said Ivy. Nothing is faster. Wow she must be super fast, said Kendra. Or more like super, super, super fast, it only took us like a minute to get here. Took us about thirty seconds but we had to slow down a bit going around Sandy Lake, said Sara. Kendra shook her head. Viridian came out of the house. Oh good you are all here, said Viridian. Yep we are being the three musketeers today, said Ivy. I see so what is everyone up to for the rest of the day? Well us three are going flying around, said Ivy. Kendra hasn't seen much of Fae Land yet. Oh, that sounds nice, said Viridian. We came here first to see what you were doing, said Sara. Well I walked over to Ktara's place she left to go get Tempressa and then they were going to show Ginger, Amelie and Keiko how to set up their new kitchen, said Viridian. Not sure what that is all about. Oh I heard they built a big tree house in the forest, said Ivy. Alieta went shopping with the new Ginger then I guess they are both going there also. Oh okay, sounds like they will have a little dinner party together, both Tempressa and Ktara are very good cooks. I will have to go there sometime and check out that tree house. I have never seen a tree house before, said Viridian. Me niether, said Ivy, we can go together. Fairies always make great and wonderful things with their wands. So Tillia, do you have any ideas as where we should go today? asked Viridian. Well yes, said Tillia. I heard there is a family of centaurs living here in Fae Land, I would love to meet them, said Tillia. Centaurs are amazing beings. I used to play with them and Zan a long time ago. Okay, said Viridian. They don't live too far from here, I don't think they even know about you yet. Okay, looks like everyone has a plan, said Ivy. Okay you two, first stop is the beacon tree. That is where Sara first met Tillia, said Ivy. It is a very magical tree. Okay, lead the way, said Kendra then they all flew off. Okay, let me get my horse and we can leave also to surprise Oaklyn and Taiyo. They have a young boy too plus Oaklyn's cousin Starlite lives with them also so it should be lots of fun, said Viridian.

Ivy and Sara took Kendra to the golden beacon tree. Wow such a beautiful tree, said Kendra. Yep I planted it from a branch off a tree beside the cove in the fairy forest. It grew real fast, said Ivy. Touch it and say hello, it will like you knowing there is another forest sprite here. Okay, said Kendra. She walked over to the tree and touched it and said hello in tree language. Oh my this tree is very magical and happy, said Kendra. Yep let me say hello too, said Ivy. Now both of them were touching the tree and talking to it. Sara saw the branches were all moving a bit. Boy that tree must like you two a lot. It is moving all it's branches. Yep, I told it you were here too and it wants you to come say hello also, said Ivy. Sara smiled then went up to the tree and held a branch and said hello also. Okay lets head out towards Alexa's place. She lives in the north town with Diego and her two Titan wolves, Angus and Sivia. They are really cool, said Ivy. Really two wolves? asked Kendra. I heard you mentioning Alexa before, have I met her? asked Kendra. I don't thinks so, she is a small girl and very smart, said Ivy. She is the leader of the heroes. So a small girl has two Titan wolves as pets, I hope they are friendly, said Kendra.Yep very freindly and very big, said Ivy. Okay, said Kendra then they headed out again.

Shopping With The Sisters

  Okay here we are in town so where do you two want to go first? asked Ginger. Well we were thinking about getting an ankle bracelet or a ring, you know something simple but girlie, said Phonoxa. Oh, okay so Cindy's jewlery store and boutique, said Ginger. Yep that is the place. We have looked around in there before but never bought anything yet, said Repellia. Most the things are too expensive in there but we heard they got a new line of less expensive stuff now. Okay then lets go there first, said Ginger. There is something there that I want to look at anyways. Ivy, Sara and Kendra are colling themselves as the three musketeers today so we can be out own three musketeers too. They headed down the street and went in Cindy's store. Okay, have a look around and I will get Cindy for us, said Ginger. Phonixa and Repellia walked around looking at stuff and Ginger found Cindy at one of the counters. Hi Cindy, how are you today? asked Ginger. Oh hi Ginger, I am just fine. So what are you looking for today? asked Cindy. Well I want to look at that necklace again but the two sisters want to see that new line of less expensive stock that they heard about, said Ginger. Oh good, that new line is very popular and has been bringing in a lot of new people. The new stock looks very close to the real thing too. Now the necklaces are over there hanging up. There are a few different new styles in gold or silver. I will go help out the two sisters, said Cindy. Ginger walked over to where Cindy told her where the necklaces were. Well hello girls. Ginger says you are interested in my new line of jewlery, said Cindy. Yep, most of the stuff in here is way too much for our budget, said Repellia. Well come with me and I will show a whole bunch of new things that will look great on either of you, said Cindy then she took them to a different counter. Now this whole section is where the new stock is plus hanging up over there is some new nightware. You know stuff for sleeping in or what every. Phonixa smiled, ya we got boyfriends now so looking good is important to us. They both looked at the things in the display counter like bracelets and ear rings. Hey look at those bracelets, said Phonixa. We should get a matching pair. Ivy and Sara wear braceletes all the time. Yes they are brand new and I only have the two sets, said Cindy. The red stones and the blue stones.  Ginger over heard Cindy and went to see what she was talking about. Now I can't just sell you one set because they are only sold as sets of two but if you buy both these sets then I can give you a better deal, said Cindy. Oh so how much is a set of bracelets? asked Phonoxa. Well normal price is thirty dollars a pair but I will give you both sets for fifty dollars, said Cindy. Wow that is a good price though we wanted to buy a nice nightie each also but that can wait, said Repellia. Well there is not much to a nightie so they are on sale for nine dollars right now, said Cindy. Phonixa and Repellia checked to see how much money they had together. Okay we will take the braceletes, said Phonixa. Perfect, said Cindy. I will box these up while you two look at the nighties over there.

That is a real good deal, said Ginger. Yes I know but look at them, they look so happy, said Cindy. So they cost more than what you said I am guessing, said Ginger. Well yes. They are really a hundred a set seeing that is real gold and not plated and those are real gem fragments. But you will lose money then, said Ginger. Oh I will make it up some where else, said Cindy. I get them gem fragments for next to nothing from the elder village. Those two come in here all the time and just look around. Such pretty girls need a bit of girlie stuff and they really loved these. Besides when people see them wearing them all the young girls will want them. Those two are trend setters like you, said Cindy. I am a trend setter, how come? asked Ginger. Well it is you that started wearing sexy clothes and coming to town to shop a long time ago. Before girls used to dress very conservative, said Cindy. Even elves are begining to wear different outfits sometimes. So Ginger have you found anything yet? Yes, I think that pearl necklace, said Ginger as long as it isn't too expensive. Well those are very rare coloured pearls plus it comes with matching assesories, said Cindy. What kind of assesories? asked Ginger. well ear rings a finger ring and one bracelet, said Cindy. Really, so how much is it then? asked Ginger. Well lets see, said Cindy. With your discount I can let you have it for two hundred and thirty five dollars. Oh that sounds good, said Ginger. I don't like bracelets but I can give it to Alieta, she never wears jewelry. No need to wrap it up the necklace though, I will wear it. Ginger put on the necklace and looked in the counter top mirror. Looks perfect, said Ginger. Oh yes Ginger. Very good choice, said Cindy. Ginger paid Cindy then Phonixa and Repellia came skipping over. Okay we found two nighties. Red one and a blue one with matching panties, said Phonixa. Wow did you just buy that pearl necklace? Yep, do you like it? asked Ginger. You bet, looks perfect on you, said Repellia. Ginger smiled. So lets see the nighties you two picked out, said Ginger. They both held them up to show Ginger. Very nice, said Ginger. The two sisters paid Cindy then they left the store. Well we don't have much money left so I guess we can head back to the palace, said Phonixa. Well how about I treat you two for a nice ice cream sundae. The pancake place makes the best sundaes, said Ginger. That would be awesome, said Repellia. It is fun shopping with you. It is fun with you two also, said Ginger. So what is in the little bag? asked Repellia. Just a little something I got for Alieta, said Ginger. Okay lets head over to the pancake place. They walked over and once inside they sat at the front table by the window.

We like sitting here so we can watch all the people going by, said Phonixa. We get to see the different types of clothes and shoes the girls have on. That way we can keep up with the times. Got to stay in fashion you know. I suppose so, said Ginger but I like the things I wear. Well ya, said Repellia. Everything looks great on you. We check you out too. You set new fashion trends all the time, said Phonixa. Really I do? asked Ginger, that is what Cindy said also. Yep those short shorts started a trend now lots of people wear them. That school girls top tied up at the front. Very popular now with the teen girls. Well Cindy said you two set trends for the young people here too, said Ginger. Ya we know, it os fun seeing people trying to dress like us but we have an advantage over everyone, said Repellia. Really, what is that? asked Ginger. Well we have the palace seamstresses to make new stuff for us plus two twin sisters look hot no matter what we wear, said Repellia with a smile. Now that is funny, said Ginger. We are they three musketeers of fashion! Hello Ginger, Phonixa and Repellia, what can I get you three today? asked the waiter. Three sundaes please, said Ginger. Okay what flavors then? he asked. Stawberry for me, said Phonixa. Vanella strawberry ripple for me, said Repellia. Ginger looked up and told him just chocolate please. Very good choices, said the waiter then left. Chocolate is good too, said Phonixa. Why did you say just chocolate. I don't know. It seems very common, that is all. Well ya because it is so good, said Repellia. We like all types of ice cream though, except for the green one that has mint in it. It is like brushing you teeth while eating ice cream. Ginger laughed. Yes minty ice cream dosn't appeal to me either. The waiter came back in a couple of minutes and gave them all the sundaes. Okay enjoy he said then left again. We can never finish the entire sundae here, said Phonixa. They are nice and big, better too much than too little I say. Well I usually finish it all because I like that ice cold chocolate milk at the bottom of the glass. Best way to finish off a sundae, said Ginger. Hmm, maybe we will try that too, said Repellia. Milk is not that filling. They all started to eat the sundaes. So when we get back to the palace, we are going to try on these nighties. We got that nice mirror in our room now to see ourselves in them, said Phonixa. Well I am sure you too will look very pretty in them, said Ginger, Ya and super sexy too, said Repellia. Ginger smiled and thought to herself that these two pretty girls had plans with their boyfriends.



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