A Day In Fae Land Chapter 4


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Chapter 4

   Viridian and Tillia reached Oaklyn's place and as usual they were all outside running around playing. Oh look, said Oaklyn, there is Viridian and looks like she has a white horse. Really, said Taiyo, I wonder why she needs another horse. They all ran up to meet them. Holy, that is no horse, said Oaklyn. It is a unicorn! Hi all, do you like Sara's knew freind? asked Viridian. You bet, it has been a very long time since I have seen a unicorn. My she is so pretty, said Oaklyn. Well thankyou dear, you are not bad yourself and such a handsome man you have there too, said Tillia. Wow she can talk too, said Oaklyn. Yes this is Tillia and she is a special unicorn and is very magical, said Viridian. Taiyo smiled. Well, so this is what a unicorn looks like. I have never had the pleasure of meeting one before, said Taiyo. What about you Starlite? Nope never but wow all I heard about them seems to be true, said Starlite. You said her name is Tillia, I have heard stories about her. What kind of stories? asked Oaklyn? She is supposed to be the most magical of all unicorns I was told, said Starlite. Yes and she is very fast runner too, said Viridian. Sara is her companion and when she is on Tillia, there is nothing faster, not even Angus or Sivia. Wow, come Colin, say hello to Tillia, said Oaklyn. Okay Mom but why does she have a horn on her forehead? Oh that is a very magical horn dear and all unicorns have a horn there but this unicorn is very special, said Starlite. She can heal and do other things with it too, I was told. Hello Tillia, my name is Colin, you are very pretty. Well hello Colin, aren't you a nice handsome young centaur, said Tillia. Colin smiled, the asked can I pat her Mom? Well ask her, said Oaklyn. Yes dear please do, I love it when everyone pats me. It feels real good, said Tillia. Colin started to pat Tillia. Wow your so soft, said Colin, like a rabits fur. Tillia smiled. So I heard that you can only have the one rider and from what Viridian said, that rider is Sara, said Starlite. Yep, Sara is my companion and is the best I every had, said Tillia. When she rides me my magic becomes very strong. Almost anything is possible then. So I saw you all were playing as we rode up. Can we have some fun together? Yes we can. Colin loves to kick his ball around so do you want to join in? asked Oaklyn. Yep sounds like fun, said Tillia. I think I will sit and watch, said Viridian then got off her horse and sat on the ground.

Tillia was having a lot of fun kicking the ball around with the centaurs. Viridian figured why should they all be having the fun so she went and joined in. It was tricky trying to keep up with them though seeing they all had four legs but she did pretty good seeing Colin kept passing the ball to Viridian so that they would have lots of turns. You are really good, said Tillia to Colin. Yep I play every day with my dad, said Colin. In a bit they all stopped and sat to rest. You know there is a game called polo where people ride horses and use a big bat to hit a ball around, said Vitidian. It is played a lot like soccor. Centaurs would have a bit of an advantage seeing they wouldn't need a rider but they can if they want but there are a lot of very good horse back riders in Fae Land. Polo is a very big sport in some countries and teams are made from different parts of the country and they play against each other. Trophies are given to the winners at the end of all the competitions that can last for a few months or longer. I can see that sport becoming big here. Really, that sounds interesting, said Oaklyn. So teams are made you said. Yes but I am not sure how many are on each team. I would have to look that up, said Viridian. They have a regular season of so many games. That way you get to play each team a few times. Then the best six teams move to the playoffs. Winner of the playoff wins the trophy. Okay that would be fun but who would we play, asked Taiyo. Well say the palace gang would have their team and the heroes would have a team. Cumberland would be another team. Then there are the Black Fae and the Blue Fae, the elf village. Oh I see make up teams from different groups and areas just in Fae Land, said Taiyo. Yep that is the way it works, said Viridan. It can get even bigger than that too sometimes. Bigger, how, asked Tillia. Well all the countries that play the sport make what they call an all star team. That is the best players from all the teams in that country. That way the best players everywhere get to play against each other. All star games are set up like playoff games but there is also a bigger trouphy for winning that tournament plus all the winning players get a nice sized cash prize. Now that sounds like something we all here in Fae Land would love to do, said Oaklyn. Well let me read up on it first and talk to Alieta also, said Viridian. Something like this will bring the entire country together and that I know Alieta would love. 

 Ivy headed towards Alexa's place which was not a far fly for any of them. Okay here we are, said Ivy. Let me knock and see if she is home. She knocked but no one answered. Hmm, no answer, said Ivy. Well I can hear noisies from back there, said Kendra. Oh okay, they must be in the backyard, said Ivy. They walked around and saw Alexa and Diego playing with Angus and Sivia. Hi everyone, said Ivy. I brought one of my old freinds for you to meet. Angus and Siva ran up to Ivy and she got down on one knee and let them lick her face. Yep, definately friendly, said Kendra and very huge. Hi Ivy and Sara, who is your freind? asked Alexa. Well this is Kendra, we were friends when I was younger in my old forest. Oh really, said Alexa. Well nice to meet you Kendra. This is my boy friend Diego and these two are Angus and Sivia. Angus and Siva went to her and wanted to shake. Oh okay, said Kendra and she shook their paws. Wow there paw is as big as my hand, said Kendra. Yep, told you they were big, said Ivy. So do you live here in Fae Land? asked Alexa. Yep I live in the west woods right now, said Kendra. Really, as I remember when Ivy first got here she found the trees were too small for her to sleep on, said Alexa. Ya I know but I can make do, said Kendra. It is better here than at Samantha's forest where there is mostly pixies in there. Well I want her to live in the fairy forest, said Ivy. Much nicer in there with bigger trees plus I am sure Tulip would make Kendra a nice bed to sleep on too. You mean live with fairies, said Kendra. Yep and the forest will love you. Forest sprites can come and go as they please, said Ivy. Hmm that sounds interesting, said Kendra. Yep and knowing those fairies they will build you a house to live in if you want. They love doing magic and stuff like that. Really, like a house that you live in, said Kendra. Well not like ours seeing you won't need a kitchen seeing the fairies make food but a nice home in a magic forest, said Ivy. I think I am moving to the fairy forest, said Kendra. Never lived in a house before but things are a lot different here I have noticed. Oh ya, said Alexa. There is nowhere else anywhere like Fae Land.

So I took them to see the magic beacon tree first then went to Ktara's place but she wasn't home but I think she went to the Pixie Forest, said Ivy. Keiko said they needed her to show them how to work the stove in the tree house. It will be too late for us to go visit them today, so we came here next. Um you said tree house in the Pixie Forest. You must mean Amelie and Keiko made a tree house for themselves, said Alexa. Yep and Ginger too, said Ivy. Ginger went to live with them too? Why would she leave the palace? asked Alexa. Not that Ginger the new Ginger. She is a very special pixie, said Ivy. Oh akay, a different Ginger but special how?  asked Alexa. Oh she is an amazing singer and best dancer ever, She is giving me, Ginger, Phonixa, Repellia, Ktara and Paisley dance lessons in the palace's grand hall, said Ivy. Wow, she must be good to impress Paisley, said Alexa. She is a real good dancer already. Yep, Paisley said she never saw anyone that could dance as good as Ginger can, said Ivy. It is a lot of fun once we finish doing the stretches to warm up. There are things called barres in the hall. They are good for stretching the legs so we won't get cramps in them. Really so like a real dance studio then, said Alexa. Yep and a magic music box that Clary made for us, said Ivy. Clary, who is Clary? asked Alexa. Oh that is Guen's very first daughter, they all thought she got killed by the dragons a long time ago, said Ivy. Clary said she went the wrong way when getting away from the dragons and got lost. Ended up very far away but finally found her way to Fae Land and now they are one big happy family again. Clary is very special too, said Ivy. Oh boy, dare I ask. Why is Clary special? asked Alexa. Oh she is half fairy and half sprite. Her father was the very first male sprite and was all blue like Safire but kept the magical energy that he had as some kind of enery ball or something. He could fire out energy blasts and go invisible I think plus can fly very fast. Sadly he got killed but held off the dragons long enough for the fairies to get away. Clary can do all of what her father could do but she uses her wand to do energy blasts. She also can do all the fairy magic. Plus she can also read people very deep kind of like me, said Ivy. I call her a super fairy! Okay I have go to the palace tomorrow and see what I have missed, said Alexa. So the new Ginger will be there tomorrow? asked Alexa. Yep, dance class starts at nine o'clock, said Ivy. Good, I will be there. It is time for Angus and Siva to get washed up anyways, said Alexa. Okay we will see you there then? asked Ivy. Oh yes, a singing and dancing pixie and a super fairy, I wouldn't miss that for anything, said Alexa.



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