The Amazing Land Of Fae 

A World Invasion  Chapter 1


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The rest of the day went by normally, and Hercules was given a big cot to sleep on for the night seeing he was too big to fit in the Palace plus he enjoyed sleeping under the stars. Alieta and Ginger were sitting on the palace steps as always watching the pixies. Hercules watched them too and told them that Fae Land was no land that he had ever seen before. Ginger was unaware of what might be coming and Alieta wanted it to stay that way and trusted what Tempressa told her. Soon they turned in for the night but Alieta had a very big problem falling to sleep...

In Granada Kimmy took her telescope out side and looked at the stars as she liked to do from time to time. As she was scaning the stars something big appeared in her view. She panned the telescope back and saw what looked like one big ship and lots of other ones around it. No way, she said to herself. It can't be. Alien space ships and lots of them. That can't be good. She called the the news room and told them what she saw and they first thought she was seeing things but she said call the planetarium and gave them the corordinates. They did it because Kimmy was well known in Granada and within a few minutes air rade sirens went off all over Granada. Kimmy ran back inside her cottage and turned on the TV. "Alien space crafts are approching. Everyone please stay indoors. We do not know what there intentions are at this time." Kimmy shook her head. What do you think assholes. You don't bring that many ships to say hello". She went in her bedroom and started to get ready for bed but with the sirens going off and what she saw she decided to stay up because sleeping wouldn't happen tonight. I hope Fae Land knows what is happening because that might be are only chance, she though. I hope Kendra was right what she said about Fae Land having the most powerful beings on the planet. She comes from a place where magic is everywhere. That is what we need now, magic and a miricle!

Back at Fae Land Hercules got up and looked around. Looks so peaceful here at this time in the morning, he thought. Well I suppose it is going to be another nice day he said. More than you think Hercules. They are here, said Apllonia that suddenly appeared. Okay so what do they look like, asked Hercules. Reptillian like and not that strong, said Apolloina I tried to tell the captain that they were not welcomed here and we were able to destroy them but he said, "That is what they all say before we defeat them". Then he pointed some kind of gun at me and tried to shoot me but that did nothing so I came here. Okay so how many are there? asked Hercules. One big ship and lots of small ships and I mean lots, said Apollonia. We are going to have to move fast. You make sure Fae Land stays safe and tell Alieta to get the heros here battle ready just in case. I will go get Zatsuky and Viridian plus the she devil sisters and I will be needing Rose and Banshee, Cindy will be leading them two. With this many ships they will be very handy to have. Okay how do I get a hold of Tempressa, Sara and Ivy? asked Hercules. They will be here very soon, said Apollonia. Let the battle begin and they think they are attacking just humans. Wait until they see what the power of white magic and what it can do! Then Apollonia vanished. 

Over at Carman and Zutsuky's place Zatsuky saw her sword glowing bright red. Okay it must be time, thought Zatsuky and got dressed in her fighting gear. She went outside where Carmen was and told her the war has begun. Okay so you be safe, said Carmen. I wish I could help but I get it. I would just get in the way. You are never in the way, said Zatsuky. You are the best friend I have and I will make sure nothing changes that. Go to Paisley's place and bring your sword, just in case but try not to to get Sparkle worried. Hopefully no one here will know there was ever an attack. Sparkle is very special. Ya I know, said Carmen and cute as they come, said Carmen. Apollonia appeared. Oh good you are ready, said Apollonia. Yep sword is red and ready for action, said Zatsuky. Good, lets go to Granada, that will be our base, said Apollonia then they vanished. Well off to see Paisley I guess, thought Carmen. Maybe one day I will get to go to Granada.

At Ivy and Sara's home Ivy called out for Sara. What do you want? asked Sara. I was just feeding Tillia. She can eat by herself, said Ivy, They are here, I can feel them in Granada's reality. It is faint but I am sure they are bad and we have to get to the palace and see Hercules. Okay I have no problem with that, said Sara. Hercules is quite the man. Ya I know you like him but first we have a job to do, said Ivy. Okay, lets go then said Sara. He is really strong you know, even stronger than me. Ya I know silly. Come lets fly to the palace, said Ivy. Just then Apollonia appeared. Oh good you two are here, said Apollonia. Yep we were just going to fly to the palace, said Ivy. Good. I need Viridian to get ready now, said Apollonia. Okay she is inside, said Sara. Just call her. I am going to see that handsome man Hercules. You mean he is pretty right said Ivy. No Tobias is pretty, Hercules is very handsome, said Sara. Lets go Ivy. Then they flew off. That Sara has grown up fast, I suppose Hercules would be the perfect match for her though, thought Apollonia. Then she called for Viridain to come out.

Viridian came out and saw Apollonia. Hi Apollonia is it is time? Yes I already have Zatsuky in Granada waiting for you plus Avan and Tara too. Okay I will only be a minute getting changed. I will be right back and Viridian went back in the house. My that girl is tall and pretty, thought Apollonia. Viridian came back out in full gear with her spear. Okay I am ready to go, said Viridian, so you know I can go invisisble with this suit on? asked Viridian. No I didn't know that, said Apollonia. That might come in useful. Yep I figured that, said Viridian. Well I have a few more people to get in ready mode but I will be right back, said Apollinia. Dont move. Okay but will I be going to Granada? Yep you will in a few moments, said Apollonia then vanished but reappeared in a couple of minutes. Okay time to go to Granada, said Apollonia, I had to get Banshee and Rose though Rose looks a bit nervous but I am sure she will do just fine, said Apollonia. Ao lets go and we will tell you all the plan. Whi is we? asked Virdian. Cindy is helping to teleport everyone around, said Apollonia. Okay lets go save the world then teleported the two of them to Granada.

Back at the palace Alieta came out to see what the day was going to be like but saw Hercules with his club standing and looking at her. So how did you sleep out here? asked Alieta. Very peacefully, said Hercules. Best sleep I have had in years. So you should know the war has started. What all ready? asked Alieta. Yep but Apollonia has been here and she took Rose and Banshee with her plus a few more girls I think, said Hercules. So there is some kind of world war going on now but I don't hear anything, said Alieta. Well neith do I but Ivy and Sara on their way here, so talk to Ivy, she is the one that can sense stuff, said Hercules. All will be good anyways! You are talking about my dearest friends, said Alieta. And they will always be, said Hercules. Don't worry, we have this covered. That is what I keep hearing. How am I not to worry? asked Alieta. Beats me but Apllononia has everything under control and Cindy is there too, said Hercules. Then Sara and Ivy flew down. Hi Alieta we are here and ready. So what are you up to? asked Sara to Hercules. Sara is such a nut, said Ivy. She siad Hercules is very handsome but Tobias is very pretty. Alieta shook her head wondering why she was the only person concerned about this attack. Ivy Hercules says the war has started, can you sense anything ? asked Alieta. Yep but it hasn't begun yet, they are just here, said Ivy. Look up there and you will see something that looks like a star but you can't see stars during the day. Alieta looked up and saw what Ivy was pointing at. Okay Sara, take Hercules to the grassy plains. That is where most of the portals have appeared. Okay, said Sara and she flew up a bit. Just gab my legs, said Sara. Gladly and very nice legs they are, said Hercules. Then Sara flew off with Hercules. Are you okay? asked Ivy to Alieta. No I am very scared right now. Why arn't you? asked Alieta. 

Ivy walked up to Alieta very close. I am very scared, said Ivy. I have never been this scared before but I have to look good for Sara and believe in what our friends can do to stop this all from happening. Sars needs to see that I am not afraid, that way she will be okay knowing everything is in control. So is everything in control? asked Alieta. I don't know but I am not going to stand around here and let some beings from another flipping planet take Fae Land and the rest of the world from me, said Ivy. I have faith in everyone and you should too. I would feel much better if you came with me though. You are the best warrior of everyone here and the smartest. Alieta smiled. You really think so? Definately, you are the queen so get ready and meet me at the grassy plains. I have to go get Tempressa. With you helping there is no way we will lose. Then Ivy flew off. That Ivy is one smart cookie, said Gabriel that appeared out of thin air again.

She is right you know and she is very scared but with you with her she will feel safer, said Gabriel. That girl looks up to you and pretty much everything she does here is for you. Really, I thought she was doing everything for Fae Land, said Alieta. Well that too but to her you are Fae Land. That girl loves you so much and what you do here. She will do anything you ask her to do without question. She trusts you, said Gabriel. But I rarely ask her to do anything for me, said Alieta. You don't have to ask, dear, said Gabriel. She does it for you because you are her queen and like a mother to her. She has no parrents now so she adopted you as her mother. Ivy is loved by everyone here. She loves Fae Land so much she would die for it. she was also correct when she said you are the best warrior here. You led a group of sprites armed with bow and arrows and managed to defeat all enemies and make Fae Land the most powerful land around. You didn't need heros with magic weapons or Avan and Tara plus the other powerful beings. Yes that is true but we did need Banshee when the orcs and creatures attacked and then sthe she devils and demons, said Alieta. Yes you did but this enemy is not them, they are weak, and not that bright beings with no magic skills. Now go get your gear on and make sure that nothing bad happens to Ivy and Sara. Those two are some of God's favorites. Make us proud once again Alieta. Then Gabriel vanished.

Alieta ran into the palace just as Ginger was coming out. Can't talk now Ginger, got a war to fight. Ginger smiled. Okay good, Alieta is going to help but what war I don't see anything going on. Just then a weird image appeared on the palace grounds but vanished fast. Okay so something is happening, said Ginger. Alieta ran out in her full war gear. Got to go Ginger. You take care of things here, said Alieta then flew off. Now that is the Alieta I remembered from a long time ago, thought Ginger. But what is going on she wondered. Ginger called down a sprite from above. Yes Ginger, what's up? asked the sprite. Alieta put me in charge and she said there is a war she needs to fight, said Ginger. But there is no reports of anything going in Fae Land. Well if Alieta is in full geat and armed then yes there is somewhere, said Ginger. This is an official call to arms to all the winged army and I want them in the air right away flying over all of Fae Land. You can do a call to arms? asked the sprite. I just did now tell Jazmen and get those sprites in the air said Ginger with a firm voice. Hkay boss, consider it dine, said the sprite then flew off fast. Hmm, I kind of like this being in charge thing, thought Ginger. Then ran into the palace. Alieta flew over to the grassy plains and saw Ivy, Sara, Hercules and Tempressa on the ground so she flew down to Ivy. Okay I am ready, said Alieta. Where do you need me. Wow, that is what I am talking about Alieta, man you look amazing, said Ivy. Thank you it's been a while since I wore this outfit but it still fits, said Alieta. So is there anything going on? Ya but stay low and look over there. You take charge now okay, said Ivy. Ya okay, said Alieta and saw what looked like some kind of a space craft not far away then another appeared out of nowhere.

Okay lets get behind those rocks over there, said Alieta.They all went behind a group if large boulders and watched as something came out of the two ships. Wow they has no clothes on, said Sara. Looks really ugly too. Looks like they are carring some kind of weapon, said Alieta. Everyone stay down and lets see what he does before freezing them. Just then a portal opened up not far from the two ships and a number of alien troops started walking out of it. About thirty came out of the portal then it closed. Okay this complicates things some, said Alieta then raised her bow and arrow and got ready to shoot. Just then arrows were flying down from the sky hitting and killing the alien ground troops. It happened so fast the two aliens that came out of the ships were unawaye of what just happened. ALieta looked up and saw about a hundred sprites in the sky. Well something must of scared Ginger when I left her in charge, said Alieta. Only a call to arms will bring out that many armed sprites. Ginger can do that? asked Tempressa. Well she did and it's a good thing or we would definately be in big trouble right now, said Alieta. The two aliens looked around then walked a bit away from the ships some. I have an idea, said Ivy. What is that? asked Alieta. Well I can read them a bit from here but it is all wierd and mixed up but they do have souls, said Ivy. If I go invisible and also translucent then I can sneak up to them and grab those weapons. Then I can go visible to him but stay translucent and get a good read and see if they has any other powers. Hmm, well Gabriel already told me they have no magic skills so why dont you take Tempressa up high and fat when they are not looking over here then fly over them then come down fast and both of you grab their weapons, said Alieta. Temp can freeze it's hand so ot can't fire that weapon before she grabs it. Sounds good to me, said Tempressa.  Either that or I just freeze the two of them solid. I got a bad feeling about those two, said Tempressa. Hercules smiled. You sound like a true warrior but I think Alieta's idea is better to start with, said Hercules. Ya I know, said Tempressa but we have to do it fast, we don't want anyone to see them or those two ships. Okay Ivy, your up, said Alieta. Do your thing and be careful. Ivy went translucent and invisible then grabbed Tempressa and flew up high out of sight then came down behind the two space ships.




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