A World Invasion Page 2


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Aliens In Fae Land

Okay can you read them better now, whispered Tempressa. Ya a bit better, they ear not very strong, said Ivy. A bit weaker than humans. Lets got out fast and grab those weapons from them. Then what, we don't know how they work, said Tempressa. Just fake it until I get a good read off of one, said Ivy. Just point it at them. If he comes at you use it like Hercules club or freeze him. Ya I think I will freeze him said Tempressa, Those weapons look powerful. Tempressa ran out fast and grabbed the weapon from the alien and pointed them at him and he just stood there looking at her. Ivy did the same but she was invisible. Ivy began to read the one she grabbed the weapon from very deep while invisible. When she found out all she needed to know about him she flew up a bit out of his reached. The alien saw no one except for his weapon floating in the air above him. Ivy became visible to him then flew down and had the weapon pointed right at him. He went to grab it back from her but Ivy yelled, "Don't move Garp or a blow a hole in you". The Alien stopped dead in his tracks and stood still and said something in an alien language. Put your finger on the first trigger Tempressa but don't squeeze it, that fires the weapon. Tempressa smiled and did as Ivy said then pointed the weapon at his head. Speak english, said Ivy. I read you and you can speak it very good. Your not much of anything without your weapon are you. Should we go help them now? asked Sara. No wait and see what they do next, said Alieta. Ivy is in control now. What kind of creature are you? asked Garp. You are not like the creatures we have seen on this planet. I am not a creature, said Ivy. I am a forest sprite and a very powerful one. You can read minds and that is all. Stop trying to read mine though, your brain is too weak and I have you blocked. Why are you here in Fae Land? Ivy then waved the others over. This is what you call this place? asked Garp. I was just flying over the west countryside of a country as a scout and suddenly I just appeared here. Ya me too, said the other alien. How did you do that? Lets just say it was magic, said Ivy. You are in a very magical place now. There is no such thing as magic woman, said Garp. So you two don't believe in magic, Tempressa will show you some magic.

Do you want me to freeze these aliens? asked Tempressa. Just their feet to the ground, said Ivy. That way they can't go anywhere. He says there is no such thing as magic even though he saw I could go invisible. He is reptillian and cold blooded so those feet will thaw out back to normal. Okay, how did you know that? asked Tempressa. Alexa told me, we talked a lot when we were working on the solar cells together. Oh that figures then, said Tempressa. Okay move back Ivy just incase there is some flash back. So you don't believe in magic, why is that? Magic is everywhere. Magic is for children to believe in, said Garp. Just trickery. Well then watch this trick then, said Tempressa and she pointed her her left finger at his feet and froze both of them solid to the ground then did the same to the other aliens. Ahh, that is impossible. You must have some kind of freeze gun, said Garp. Nope just my finger, said Tempressa. Do you want me to show you again? No please don't. I can't move, said Garth. Well best you stay still, said Ivy. If you try and move your feet will crack and break up onto pieces. Okay I won't move, are you sure they will thaw out back to normal? asked Garp. Yep, Alexa is never wrong and the smartest person in the world, said Ivy. So Alieta ask them what ever you want, they are not going anywhere until their feet thaw out. This one name is Garth and that other one is Jabber.


Why did you get Tempressa to freeze his feet? asked Alieta. He didn't believe in magic so I got Tempressa to show him some magic, said Ivy. She was happy to show him. I bet she was, said Alieta. So will he be okay? Yep, cold blooded so they will thaw good as new, said Ivy. Anyways they are kinds stupid beings. They think just because they are taller than us they will be abole to overpower Tempressa and me and get their weapons back. Heck Sakura could probably beat them.  So what did you find out about him? asked Alieta. Well his name is Garp and he is a low ranking soldier and without this big weapon he is pretty harmless, said Ivy. Very weak and fragile. Not that smart either. Really but look at the ship he was in. You have to be smart to come up with that, said Alieta. Well they stole the technology from another race that lived on their planet. Seems there were two breeds of reptile people living there and once they had the technology they had to leave the planet fast seeing the smarter and much stronger breed were going to kill them all. So now they travel in space looking for planets that have air they can breath and resources to make more ships. I think they have been doing this for a very long time. Okay so Gabriel told me they had thousands of ships now, said Alieta. Probably but they are very weird when it comes to reproducing, said Ivy. Really, how is that? asked Alieta. Well the female lays lots of eggs instead of giving birth like we do. They lay the eggs and leave them to hatch. No families or love involed at all. Very odd society in my opinion. Anyways go talk to him, like I said he can't move right now and even if he could you could snap him in half. Okay but it seems you found out all that is needed to know, said Alieta. Well ask one of them what is going on in Granada's reality then, said Ivy. When I read him I went deep and didn't bother with recent stuff. He knows your the queen so act like one and not so nice like you really are. Like I said he isn't that smart and will respond to a higher authority. Okay so be a mean queen then, said Alieta. Well more like bossy. Don't give him a chance to say no or not answer. Your really smart, so figure it out, said Ivy. Okay so off I go to drill these guys and Alieta walked over to them.

Hi Alieta, these guya are so boring, said Tempressa. I asked them if they knew any jokes and they didn't know what a joke was. Asked them if they had any kids and just said lots. Man what a wierd race. Anyways their feet begining to thaw so they might be a bit sore right now. Now don't try anything with our queen or I will freeze you solid and Hercules over there will smash you up with that big club of his. We won't touch your queen I am not a high enough level to attack her, said Garp. Okay then what ever that means, have fun Alieta, said Tempressa. Then she walked away. That girl talks a lot, said Garp. Oh she is nothing compaired to some of the girls we have here, said Alieta. Now I have some simple questions for you. Are you willing to answer them? I will try but I have limited knowlege about things, said Garp. Okay so first how was the war doing before you got here? asked Alieta. That I know. Before I got here I was with a squad of fighters, maybe sixty of us. I watched as this one girl that was flying high in front of us some how with no wings, send out some kind of energy charge at us. All the front ships went crashing down to the ground right away except for a few of us that were at the back. I flew off straight up but saw she also sent out beams at the other ships and blew them out of the sky. What kind of weapon did she have? asked Garp. That must of been Banshee. That was magic and not a weapon. The death wave probably killed all the people flying the ships so they crashed and the death ray she uses for desroying one or two targets at a time. Really, more magic. We didn't know there was such a person like that among the humans. Well she is from Fae Land, said Alieta. Okay so maybe those other girls are from here two, said Garp. Keep talking, what other girls? asked Alieta. On my radio I heard reports that hundreds of ships were being distroyed big winged girls. So fast our ships never had a chance even to fire at them. Reports were coming in from all over the planet that ships were being distroyed by a handful of girls. The humans didn't have one aircraft in the air that was odd seeing when we scanned the planet we found thousands on the ground in certain areas of every country. Were they from here too. Yep, those are my girls, said Alieta. Avan and Tara are she devils and can't be killed plus the most powerful beings on the planet. The other two girls are from here also. They have weapons that were given the power of the heavens. Man if we knew that we would of never attacked this planet. A few of us were sent out to scout for remote areas to regoup and make bases. That is when that bright light hit us and we ended up here. My engines all shut down and I had to land fast. I really didn't want to be here but it seems safer than the other place I was except for the ice girl and the invisible girl with the green hair. Okay so you came through a portal, said Alieta. It is bi-directional between Granada and here. Just then Garp's radio came on. Everyone retreat if you can fast as you can then it went dead again. Looks like we lost, said Garp. We have never lost a war with a planet before and so fast. Ivy yelled at Alieta. "Look way up, do you see them all". Alieta and thei two aliens looked up and they could see hundreds of ships leaving the earth's atmosphere. Can we go now please? asked Garp. Yes go and never come back, said Alieta. Don't worry about that, said Garp. They both wiggled their feet and broke free of the ground and got in their ships and Alieta stood back as they fired up the engines and took off to the sky.

Ivy walked over to Alieta and asked is that it? Are they all leaving for good? Yep sure looks like it, said Alieta. Our girls gave them a beating they will never forget. And neither will the rest of the world, said Gabriel that appeared out of thin air as usual. Hi Gabriel, they are gone for good right? asked Ivy. Oh yes, they will never be back here again, said Gabriel. Now we are not finished with them yet. God gave Quazar permission to relocate their entire population to a new vacant planet far far away from here. All the planets they took over will be rid of them and free again. Quazar will probably destroy all their space crafts too but that is up to him. So did you help the girls move around, asked Alieta. Nope not me, that was Cindy and Apollonia's job. Mother Nature help out some too to speed things up, said Gabriel. I stayed here and watched what was going on with the two aliens after the winged army wiped out the ground troops that weren't suppose to be her but portals can be unpredictable at times. You should thank Ginger for that. Ivy and Tempressa went up and beyond the call of duty and disarmed the two aliens. Tempressa froze their feet so they couldn't move and you Alieta interrigated them like the good queen you are. You all made us proud in heaven. Ya but Hercules and Sara didn't have to do anything, said Ivy. I told Zeus to send Hercules to Fae Land to help defend it if needed but really we wanted him here for other reasons. He has fought enough battles for good and has earned his way into Fae Land. Well Sara likes Hercules, said Ivy. Sara is very young and finds Hercules fasinating but she will lose interest in him over time and Hercules has someone rlse coming here very soon thatyou all will enjoy. Those two will stay friends though but Sara's biggest live is her sister that showed her how smart and brave she was today. Now Cindy will be by later and report to you Alieta. Okay so when are my girls coming back? asked Alieta. Cindy will let you know. She can teleport them just like me. Anyways I am off so Alieta get changed before anyone see's you Ivy and put those guns in the armory. So far no one here has seen anything. What about all the dead alien bodies over there? asked Alieta. What dead bodies, said Gabriel then vanished. Both Ivy and Alieta looked over where they were but not a sign of them could be seen. Okay you take that weapons and hide it in the armory, said Alieta. There is a chest at the very back where I kept the gears that I gave to Viridian a long tome ago. It has a pad lock on it so lock it up and hide the key in there also. I will fly to my room and get changed, said Alieta. Ivy took the weapon from Tempressa then they both flew off. Tempressa looked at Hercules and Sara still chatting away. Well best leave them two alone, she thought. I am going to go see Ktara and find out what she has cooking. Then Tempressa walked away.

Sara look around and saw no one around. Hey where did everyone go? asked Sara. Not sure, said Hercules. Maybe the war is over already. I guess so, why didn't anyone tell us anything? asked Sara. I bet they all went to the palace. So what do you want to do now? Beats me, what do you all do in Fae Land? asked Hercules. Lots of stuff, said Sara. I know, lets go to my place and you can meet Tillia. Then I will see if there is anything in the ice box to eat. Are you hungry? I am always hungy Sara, said Hercules. Ya me too, lets go, said Sara. Grab your club over there and lets walk to my place. It is not far from here. Then you can tell me another story. Okay I have a good one when the Romans tried to kill me but that could never happen. Who are the Romans? asked Sara. A bunch of people that used poor people to duild and do things for them as slaves. No way the could hurt me though especially with my companion, said Hercules. You have a companion too? asked Sara. Well more like a very good friend, said Hercules. You will meet him soon. Then the two of them headed back to Sara's home.



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