A World Invasion Page 4


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Pegasus In Fae Land

Back at Sara's place she went and woke up Tillia that was sleeping in her shelter. Wake up Tillia, I have someone I want you to meet, said Sara. Really, who is it? asked Tillia. Hercules and he is quite the man, said Sara. Hercules! said Tillia and got up fast. You mean the real Hercules with all the muscles? asked Tillia. Yep and super strong, said Sara. He is waiting for us out front. Okay, I have only heard about him but never got to meet him, said Tillia. She shook her entire body and head. How do I look, asked Tillia. You always look great, said Sara. Come on lets go. They both walked around to the front and Tillia walked wright up to Hercules. My you are a big one and look at those muscles, said Tillia. Very nice to finally meet you Hecules. Very nice to finally meet you too, said Hercules. I was told that you were beautiful and that you sure are. I always wanted to meet you but you vanaished for the longest time and even Pegasus didn't know where you were. Ya I was in limbo for a very long time, said Tillia. I missed my friend Pegasus too but now I have Sara as a companion and all is good again. Who is Pegasus? asked Sara. Oh a very beautiful white flying stallion, said Tillia. Very magical and can fly as fast as a dragon. Really a flying horse. Does he have wings or something. Yep and very big like an angel's wings sort of, said Hercules. He belongs to me now well sort of and is the only horse big and strong enough to carry me but Gabriel wouldn't let him come on this trip with me. She was afraid of his safety. So Sara, how did things go with the war. Umm not sure, said Sara. I think it is over. Once Ivy and Tempressa took the aliens weapons from them, us two started talking seeing they didn't need us for anything. Ivy seemed to have everything under. Hercules told me some of his amazing adventures. Sounds like you two like each other, said Tillia. So Hercules, where is Pegasua now? Not too far away, said Hercules. Even though Gabriel said not to go with me, he just followed me on his own. He is kinda like a pixie that way and does what he wants. More than likely he is grazing somewhere here. Your kidding, a flying horse is here in Fae Land? asked Sara. Probably, want me to call him? asked Hercules. I sure do, said Tillia. Pegasus is my kind of man we are very good friends!

Okay then you go hide behind the house Tillia Then I will call for him, said Hercules. I want him to meet Sara first then we will surprise him with you. Sara and I are hungry and she said there might be some food for us in the ice box. Okay, I already ate, said Tillia. An elf brought me a good breakfast. Then Tillia went back to the shelter again in the backyard. Okay ready, asked Hercules. Yep sure am, said Sara. Good keep your eyes to the sky. He is quite the sight to see flying and coming in for a landing, said Hercules. He put both hands up to his mouth then yelled very loud, so loud, half of Fae Land must of heard him. " Pegasus. Come Boy"! Okay now keep looking up, said Hercules. In a few moments Sara saw him flying fast towards them. Pegasus rarely flew in a straight line and swerved back and forth and even did a loop de-loop then came in for a landing. Stand back Sara and give him room. Those wings are very big and stretched out when he is landing, said Hercules. In a few more moments Pegasus landed and walked up to Hercules. You called big guy? asked Pegasus. Hope it is important, I was enjoying some of that nice green grass way out there.

Hi Pegasus, yes this is important I would like you to meet a very good friend of mine. Her name is Sara and is quite the girl, said Hercules. Wow isn't she a pretty one, said Pegasus. What is she? I am a forest sprite, said Sara. My you are magnifcent looking and nice flying too. Well thank you Sara, said Pegasus. I like her big guy, she said I looked magnificent, you just say I am a handsome winged horse. Sara giggled. So Sara I see you have big wings so I take it you can fly pretty fast too, said Pegasus. Yep and very fast over long distances, said Sara. Well we should go flying together soon. I love flying much more than running. So Hercules, why did Gabriel not want me to take you to this place. It seems harmless enough, said Pegasus. Well there was a war going on but it is over now, said Hercules. It was advanced beings from another planet that had space ships armed with deadly weapons. I suppose she didn't want you to get hurt. An alien attack, how odd. So did you win? asked Pegasus. Well the war was in a parallel reality but a bad outcome would effect this land too but seems like the heros from Fae Land that were sent to fight won. Heros from Fae Land, is this is what this place is called? asked Pegasus. Yep Fae Land is the most magical place on the planet, said Sara. Really, well one thing I know for sure. It has the best tasting grass I have ever eaten, said Pegasus. So Pegasus, Sara and I are going in the house to get something to eat but I have a surprise for you and I am sure you will like it, said Hercules. Okay, I like good surprises, said Pegasus. Sara ran around to the back of the house and told Tillia Pegasus was here. Wow he is amazing, said Sara. Ya he is something else, said Tillia. We used to hang out together before Hercules was with him. Quite the free soul, said Tillia. Well after you two chat and catch up some, take him to meet Alieta. It is the rule when someone new and special is in Fae Land, said Sara. Well it is more Ivy's rule but I am sure everyone there would like to see you two. Okay will do Sara, said Tillia. Sara then ran around to the front of the house and they both went in but Hercules had to duck down quite a bit to get in.

Tillia came around the front of the house and walked up to Pegasus. Tillia! You live in this Fae Land now? asked Pegasus. Yes and I love it here, said Tillia. So who is is your companion now? asked Pegasus. Sara is and we are amazing together. She is very smart and extremely strong, said Tillia. Really a sprite for a companion. That is a first, said Pegasus. So with her riding you how fast can you run now? asked Pegasus. Well so far we went faster than the speed of sound but we might be able to go faster but why, that is fast enough, said Tillia. With her on me my magic is very strong. Wow that is fast, said Pegasus. After you disapeared I asked some other unicorns if they knew where you were. They said you were in a place called limbo. Ya I was there for a very long time, said Tillia. Not anymore and I am not planning to ever end up there again. As long as Sara stays alive I will be with her and sprites are everlasting like you and me. Well that is great news, said Pegasus. I really missed you a lot. It was Hercules that cheered me up when we met after Olympus fell. We have been a team ever since. So Pegasus, Sara told me that it is a rule for anyone new and special coming to Fae Land must meet and talk to Alieta, said Tillia. Who is Alieta? asked Pegasus. The queen of Fae Land. She is a wonderful person and very kind. Extremely pretty sprite too, said Tillia. Okay I guess I have to then, said Pegasus. When should I go? Now with me, said Tillia. Just fly over that mountian to the south and you will see a big building. That is her palace. Lots of amazing people live in that palace and will love to meet you. Okay but what about Hercules? asked Pegasus. Oh leave those two alone, we don't need them. Lets go, race you there. Then Tillia took off like a flash. Race you? Your probably already there, said Pegasus. Pegasus took flight and headed towards the palace.

Tillia got to the palace first as expected and saw Penny coming out of the palace. Hi Tillia, how are you? asked Penny. Wonderful, just wonderful, said Tillia. Well that is nice to hear, where is Sara? She is with Hercules at her place having something to eat but can you get Alieta for me. I need to talk to her and meet my friend. Okay but what friend? asked Penny. Tillia saw Pegasus coming over the mountain. Here he comes now, said Tillia. Look up. Penny looked up and saw Pegasus flying in fast. What, Is that a flying horse? asked Penny. Yep, he sure loves flying and is really good at it, said Tillia. Pegasus saw Tillia in front of the palace and came in for a landing. Okay I am here. Man you can run girl, said Pegasus. Who is your cute friend? This is Penny and she is going to get Alieta for us, said Tillia. She is one of Alieta's top elves. Well nice to meet you Penny. Wow, your beautiful, said Penny. Very big and beautiful. I'll go get Alieta, she is not going to believe this. Then Penny ran back into the palace. I like her too, said Pegasus. She said I am beautiful. Well you are and many more things, said Tillia. So have you met a queen before? Yep, kings, queens, you see one you have seen them all, said Pegasus. Well Alieta is not like any queen you have met before, said Tillia. Everyone here loves her and she loves everyone in return. Very smart and very kind to everyone also. Okay so not your everyday kind of queen then, said Pegasus. Not at all, said Tillia. You will see. She is very special.

Penny ran into the sitting room just as Alieta and Angela were getting ready to leave. Alieta, Alieta Tillia is outside and she wants to talk to you, said Penny. Okay so why are you so excited? asked Alieta. You have seen Tillia many times. She brought a friend that she wants you to meet and wow what a friend, said Penny. Okay so she has a friend, who is it? asked Alieta. Well I don't know his name but he is white and has wings plus big, said Penny. Okay so she has new man friend that has wings like a lot of us here, said Alieta. Not a man, a horse and a very beautiful one. You should see him fly. No way, it cain't be, said Alieta. What Alieta, can't be what? asked Angela. Well the only winged white horse I have read about is Pegasus. I didn't think he really exsisted. Pegasus is here! I thought he was just a myth, said Angela. Who is Tillia. Oh Tillia is Sara's unicorn, said Penny. What Pegasus and a unicorn is outside? asked Angela. Yep so are you coming out Alieta? I got to tell Ginger about this. She will freak, said Penny then ran out of the room. So Angela, do you want to meet Tillia and Pegasus. Are you kidding, I wouldn't miss this for the world, said Angela.

Alieta and Angela walked out of the palace and saw Tillia talking to Pegasus back some from the palace. My god, he talks too, said Angela. Look at the two of them. They both are so beautiful. Yes they are, said Alieta. Come lets meet Pegasus. They walked up to them and Angela looked at Tillia. Wow a real unicorn. You are so beautiful, said Angela. Thank you dear. You are very beautiful too, said Tillia. My name is Tillia and this is my friend Pegasus. Wow, my name is Angela. This day has turned out to be very special for me. Pegasus lowered his head to Alieta. It is an honor to meet you Queen Alieta. Tillia tells me you are special. It's an honor to meet you too Pegasus, so handsom and majestic looking, said Alieta. Never in my days did I think I would meet the mystical horse Pegasus. Pegasus turned to Tillia. I like her too, she says I am majestic and mystical, said Pegasus. So Tillia tells me that it is a rule to meet you when first coming to this Fae Land. Yes it is sort of a rule but more of Ivy's rule. She is a forest sprite and Sara's sister. Very powerful and well loved girl here and queen of the forests and the land. My another queen. Should I go see her too? asked Pegasus. No need for that, she will find you soon enough, said Alieta. She controls all the magic here in Fae Land. So where are you staying? Oh I need no special care, said Pegasus. At night I will just curl up under a tree to sleep and I love the taste of the grass here so no need to feed me oats. Ya Pegasus is a free soul and requires no special food or shelter, said Tillia. He does have a thing for sugar and apples like me though. Yep, always nice to have a treat, said Pegasus. So are there any restrictions here that I must obey like where I can go and graze? Not really, said Alieta. Go where you like, I am sure everyone here would love to meet you all over Fae Land, especially the humans. Oh so there are humans here too? They can be a bit annoying at times, said Pegasus. Well they all live in the north west colony and are very nice. Most have families with children. Everyone here is very pleasant, said Alieta. Just then Ginger and Penny came out of the palace. My who is that pretty elf over there with Penny? asked Pegasus. That is Ginger, my main girl that runs the palace and many other things here, said Alieta. She is also my very best friend and has done remarkable things during her life. So Pegasus, can anyone ride you or are you like Tillia and can only have one companion? No anyone can get on my back. That is up to me though, said Pegasus. I prefere only to let deserving people to ride me like Hercules. We are a team. Well offer her a ride then for me. She has never been up in the air, said Alieta. She may like to try it. Okay I will, said Pegasus. A pretty girl like that on my back will be a pleasure for a change. Come Tillia, lets let Ginger meet Pegasus alone, said Alieta. We can watch from the steps and see what happens. Why what could happen? asked Angela. Well Ginger loves horses as much as people. If you can't find Ginger anywhere then check the stables, said Alieta.

So what do you think of your new friend Tillia? asked Alieta as the were walking back towards the palace. Oh I have know Pegasus for a very long time, said Tillia. Were used to hang out together before he met Hercules and I was in limbo. Okay then so you teo are old friends reunited, said Alieta. Yep isn't he quite the man, said Tillis. Alieta smiled. Yes in a horse with wings kind of way I suppose, said Alieta. Once they reached the palace steps Alieta saw Ginger had a big smile on her face. So what do you think of Tillia's friend? asked Alieta. He wants to meet you and said you were very pretty. Really so that is the real Pegasus? asked Ginger. Yes that is Pegasus, said Alieta. Knows how to address a queen properly, said Alieta. I think he is very, um I have no words for how much I like him, said Ginger. Then go, he is very pleasant to talk to, said Alieta. Ginger walked over to Pegasus with a smile on her face. Hi Pegasus, I am Ginger. My you are the most beautiful horse I have ever seen and I have seen plenty. None with wings of coarse but a pure white stallion. I always wished I could have such a beautiful and strong horse. Well arn't you fillied with pleasentries. Keep going, I like it, said Pagasus. Ginger laughted. Your funny too, so you are with Hercules now? asked Ginger. Well yes, we are a team when he needs me but we are both free souls and do separate things when there is no trouble, said Pegasus. Mostly I fly around and look for new places and things to discover and graze in grassy fields, said Pegasus. I love to fly and can go very fast and high.

So Alieta said you like horses, said Pegasus. Oh yes, I love horses with a passion, said Ginger. I love to ride them in the open grassy areas running fast. There is something special riding a fast horse with the wind in my face blowing my hair back. It is a magical sense of freedom. So you like riding then, how would you like to ride me? asked Pegasus. I don't just let anyone ride me but you are special, I can tell. Really I can ride you? I always wanted to ride Tillia but can't, only Sara can ride her. Well I don't have rules like Tillia and she doesn't have wings either. Come and take me for a spin, said Pegasus. Let me see how good a rider you are. Okay! Lets do it, said Ginger. So do you want to bend down some? asked Pegasus. Nope just stand still, said Ginger then she went to the side of Pegasus then took three big steps and jumped in his back perfectly. Wow you got some talent there girl, said Pegasus. So are you afraid of heights? asked Pegasus. Not sure, how high are we talking about? asked Ginger. We will see, just tell me whent we are high enough, said Pegasus. Okay hang on tight Ginger, here we go! Pegasus bucked up on his hind legs then flapped his wings hard and took off to the sky and soon they were out of sight. Well there she goes, said Alieta. I knew she would want to ride him, she loves horses and told me she wished she had a white or even a black stallion of her own many times. I tried to find her one but seemed like there only wild black stallions around and impossible to catch. Well she sort of does now. When Pegasus likes someone he will come when they call, said Tillia. He loves flying more than anything in the world. Well then, her dream may have come true then, said Alieta with a big smile. Yes and Pegasus is a very good friend to have, said Tillia. He can fly almost as fast as I can run on my own and that is faster tahn most sprites. How fast can he run? asked Angela. Faster than any horse but why run when you have those big beautiful wings that will get you where you want to go in no time, said Tillia.

Pegasus and Ginger were flying north near the border of Fae Land. Yep you sure do know how to ride a horse, said Pegasus. Much better than Hercules and a lot lighter too. So where is this grassy area you talked about that you like to ride? Oh I'll take you there, said Ginger. I have some new homes being bult there for future new comers. Ginger steered Pegasus out futher from the border then flew over the west town. Down there is the town were everyone does most of their shopping, said Ginger, There is another town in the north area of Fae Land too. Okay good to know but I don't shop, said Pegasus. You can always buy me an apple or two though. I love apples. Well I don't have to buy apples. We have an orchard and lots of apples, said Ginger. We have some fresh green ones in the palace kitchen. I will get you a couple when we get back. Okay just ahead there is Lulu's two little houses. She is a pixie and Sakura's best friend. Both of them are very funny and a bit nutty, said Ginger. Now just down there is the grassy plains. Those two big houses over there are Banshee and Mika's homes. Okay lets go down so I can check out the grass there. I eat a lot of grass, maybe ten pounds a day, said Pegasus. Okay lets go down, said Ginger. Pegasus flew down and landed in a nice green area then took a big mouthfull of fresh grass. Man the grass tastes so good here. So much flavour and thick. Very easy to get a good size mouthful and chew. Well that is because of the magic coming from Eden, said Ginger. Ivy has some of Eden's magic diverted west to help the Fantasy Pixie Forest that the fairies made. There are fairies here too? asked Pegasus. Yep a bunch of them in the fairy forest just west of the palace, said Ginger. Just then Ivy landed in front of Pegasus. Ginger, where did you find this really cool flying horse? asked Ivy. This is Tillia's friend Pegasus, said Ginger. She brought him to the palace to meet Alieta. Oh good, save me from doing that, said Ivy. My you are the most gorgeous horse I have ever seen and those wings are so magnificent and big. My name is Ivy and it is very nice to meet you Pegasus. Oh so you are Queen Ivy, said Pegasus. Alieta did say that you would find me soon. So you like my wings? asked Pegasus. I like all of you, said Ivy. Even that fluffy tail that flaps around when you are flying. Your so soft to, as Ivy began to pat Pegasus. So where are you two going? No where special, said Ginger. Just flying around showing Pegasus some spots of importance here. I have never seen Fae Land from the sky before. Now I get why you like flying so much. Take Ginger up about a thousand feet then you can see all of Fae Land at once, said Ivy. It is an amazing view. Okay I am heading home. Alieta said today is a holiday and know one works today anywhere. World Fae Land Day or something like that. Okay, see you two later then Ivy flew off. Now that is one sweet girl, said Pegasus. So nice and smart, just like Alieta. I have never met queens like those two before. Ginger smiled and didn't bother to tell him there was yet more queens living in Fae Land. So do you want a high view of Fae Land. Ivy said it looks amazing, said Pegasus. Okay that would be awesome and then we can go back to the palace stable where I can brush you down and have a couple of elves wash your coat and make it shine, said Ginger. You don't have to do that, said Pegasus. I know but I want to, you are getting the royal treatment, said Ginger. Okay but don't forget the apples, said Pegasus. Ginger laughed. I won't silly. Then off they went high into the sky.

Back at the palace Tillia was laying down on the grass and Angela was behind her patting Tillia's back. Alieta was standing beside Tillia waiting for Ginger and Pegasus to get back from where ever they went. Here they come, said Tillia. Wow look at them go, said Angela. I don't think I would be able to hang on like Ginger. Ginger knows her horses that is for sure, said Alieta. I wonder where they went, they were gone for over an hour. Ginger brought Pegasus in for a soft landing then jumped off of Pegasus. Wow that was amazing, said Ginger. You should of seen us after Ivy talked to us on the grassy plains. Oh so you saw Ivy then, did she read Pegasus? asked Alieta. Not sure, I don't think so. She just patted Pegasus and said how beautiful he was, said Ginger. Ya she really liked my wings and tail, a very nice queen too, like you Alieta, said Pegasus. Yep and she told Pegasus to take me up around a thousand feet so I could see Fae Land from high up. Man it was awesome. We could see the palace and the fariy forest all the way over to the north town, said Ginger. Fae Land looks so beatiful from above too. Now I get why Ivy loves flying so much. Anyways I got to grab a couple of apples then I am taking Pegasus to the stabbled to brush him down and get the elves in there to wash his coat. Then Ginger ran in the palace. Well looks like she had a good time, said Alieta. Yep and the very best rider I have ever had plus light as a feather, said Pegasus. She knew how to steer me and wasn't afraid of going real fast or high. Remarkable pretty girl Ginger is. Ginger came back out with tthree apples. Two for you and one for me, said Ginger. Then they walked over to the Stables with Pegasus. Well looks like Pegasus is going to get the royal treatment, said Alieta. Yep I love how the elves in there take care of me, said Tillia. Looks like Ginger has a new horse to ride. Why don't you go in there too. There are enough elves in there to pamper both of you, said Alieta. No this is Pegasus turn, said Tillia. I am sure he has never been pampered like this before. That guy deserves it. Besides I like what Angela is doing. She is a good patter. Well this has been one amazing day, said Alieta. I met and talked to my first alien from a different planet. Met a beautiful elf that is the mother of twin girls and now Pegasus. I dought tomorrow can beat this day. Well you never know Alieta, said Tillia. All your girls haven't come back from Granada yet. I bet they will have a lot to talk about. Yes that is true, said Alieta. Just then Ginger the pixie and Merlin apeared in the bi-directional teleporter. Who are they and what is that? asked Angela. Okay so I guess today's events are not over yet, said Alieta with a smile on her face. 

The End



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