A World Invasion  Chapter 3


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Back at the palace Ginger was kneeling on the ground looking at a few piles of gold bars as both Alieta and Ivy flew over her and past her then went into the palace fast as for no one to see them. Look at all this gold those two girls have. Every bar is ninety nine percent pure and each bar has a stamp on them saying weight and some logo. Well this is going to take some time for the treasurer to make coins out of them. Wait until Alieta see's all of this. I wonder how that war thing she was talking about is going, I haven't seen anything war like going on anywhere around here. Just seems like a nice peaceful day, none of the elves have said anything to me and I haven't heard anything back from the sprites I called to arms. Maybe I shouldn't of done that. Well O am leaving this gold here until Alieta sees it. I am sure she is going to have some questions about it.

Ivy came out of the palace and said hi to Ginger. Got to go to work, said Ivy. Talk to you later then she flew off. When did she go in the palace. I never saw her go in and I have been out here for a while. A minute later Alieta came out and walked over to Ginger. There you are, I didn't see you go back into the palace? asked Ginger. Actually I just got here and had to change, said Alieta. I didn't want anyone to see me dressed in my war ready outfit. Okay so how did it go? asked Ginger. It was nice and quite around here. Well not so much on the grassy plains, said Alieta First two aliens appeared in spce ships first that must of come through a portal but shortly after that a large number of alien ground troops came through another portal but tons of sprites took care of them right away.  Ginger stood up fast. So it was good that I ordered a call to arms then? asked Ginger. Yep it sure was and may of saved out lives and any other people that may of come by, said Alieta. You did very good, said Alieta. Giid I was beginning to think I made a mistake so did you kille the two in space ships? asked Ginger. No didn't have to, said Alieta. Actually Ivy and Tempressa took care of them mostly and took thier weapons away from them. Ya Ivy came out of the palace a minute ago and said she had to go to work then flew off, said Ginger. Ya I told her to put the weapons in the armory inside that chest at the back and lock it up. Later you go in there and make sure she hid it good enough but be careful if you see it. The two weapons in it are nothing like we have ever seen before, said Alieta. Okay so I guess that is where everyone is. Rose is missing and the two shemales haven't come out of the woods yet, said Ginger. So are we winning? War is already over, said Alieta. We won big time. Those aliens heard on thier radios that everyone was retreating so I let them get back in the space ships and fly away. Wow that was fast, said Ginger. Yep our girls put a big hurt on them, said Alieta. Cindy is going to come by later and let me know the details and when they will be back. So what is going on here? Where is all the gold from? Repellia and Phonixa have been bringing a few bars each at a time from Kandice and Karman's place for the past hour, said Ginger. They said there is a couple more piles and a few more big ones left. So does the treasurer know what is going on? asked Alieta. No I wanted you to see them first and figured I should wait until it is all here then her come out and figure how much it is worth. It will take her a while to melt down each bar and make coins from it all, said Ginger. What are those two nuts going to do with so much money? asked Alieta. Beats me but the sisters are sure having fun with them since they got back. Between the four of them they will figure something out. Ya I guess so, said Alieta. Next time you see either of them tell them I want to talk to Kandice and Karman. Okay, they should be back with another load of gold soon, said Ginger. Okay I am going to tell Jazmen the war is over and let everyone go back to just on alert again, said Alieta.

The next time Repellia and Phonixa came back with more gold, Ginger told them that Alieta wanted to talk to Kandice and Karman. Okay but there is still some more gold but we are going to take a break, said Phonixa. These bars are heavy. Then they rode off. Okay I am going in to get the treasurer, said Ginger. Guard the gold for me, said Ginger to an elf near by. Guard it from who? asked the elf. No one will steal it sitting in frint of the palace. I know, I was just kidding, said Ginger then went in the palace. Alieta came back after talking to Jazmen and saw Phonixa and Repellia riding back with Kandice and Karman. Okay thanks girls, said Kandice. Make sure you buy some ice cream, said Karman. They jumped off the back of Repellia and Phonixa's horses then the four of them made another pile of gold bars the the twin rode away. Hi Alieta, we still got more gold to bring but this is most of it, said Kandice. Yep two big bars and another pile of small bars, said Karman. Repellia and Phonixa are the best helping us but they needed a break, said Kandice. Ya so we gave them some money to buy some grocieries for us, said Karman. Yep they are the best at shopping for stuff, said Kandice. They got us to buy these two outfits and man we love them, said Karman. Yep we look sexy like them now and not like all the rest of the elves here, said Kandice. They were gone for a while so we waited for them to come back before going shopping for clothes again, said Karman. So what did you want to talk to us about? asked Kandice. Alieta smiled and remembered how these two talked back and forth and quite fast like pixies. Well I need to know what you want me to do with all this gold for one, said Alieta. Put it in your treasury like you did with the first bar we gave you and make coins, said Karman. Well that is going to be a lot of coins, said Alieta. We know but we don't need them all at once, said Kandice. Nope we will just come and get more when we run out but we still have a bunch left from last time, said Karman. Okay, we can work something out that way, said Alieta. Now with that much money, have you got any plans as what to do with it all? Well we are working on that, said Kandice. Repellia and Phonixa has some ideas of starting a business with us but we haven't figured out what kind yet, said Karman. Repellia thought maybe a clothing store but there is already a bunch of them already. Then Phonixa thought of an eatery but none of us are very good cooks so that won't work either, said Kandice. Do you have an idea for us? asked Karman. Not sure at this time but let me talk to Yeanny, said Alieta. She is thinking of building a college or university in Fae Land so the kids here don't have to travel to Cumberland or outside of Fae Land to continue their schooling. That sounds like a very good idea, said Kandice. I don't think we have enough money to build something that big though, said Karman. No Yeanny is extremely wealthy and will pay for the construction of the school, said Alieta. You two can take care of the business end of it like book sales and uniform sales. Stuff like that. You two hang around the grounds here and after I talk to Cindy I will go get Yeanny. Who is Cindy? asked Kandice. That angel over there, said Alieta. Wow a real angel! they both said at the same time. Alieta smiled then walked over to Cindy.

Hi Alieta, I didn't want to bother you while you were talking to Kandice and Karman. Arn't they adorable sisters. Sisiters, they didn't say they were sisters, said Alieta. Oh yes, twin sisters actually. Funniest elfs you will ever meet, said Cindy. Really, they told me they were slaves in a human gold mine and mint and not sisters, said Alieta. Well yes they were but it was their mother that led the rebellion against the humans and as you know elves are much stronger and smarter than humans. They soon won and they took off with a wagon of gold. So what happened to their mother? asked Alieta. She is here in Fae Land too. You just haven't met her yet. They haven't been here for very long. Her name is Angela, quite pretty as elves usually are. Wow, the things I learn when I talk to an angel, said Alieta. Those two said she died while trying to save them from something and they were just best friends. So why did they say they were not sisters to me. They sure looked liked it. Well back when they were slaves, the humans found out they were mother and daughters so they broke them up as to not let them plan against them. That was when the mother had enough and formed the rebellion. God smiled on the three of them and guided them to Fae Land and provided everything they needed for the trip and kept them safe. So how old are they? asked Alieta. Well the mother is pretty old but those two can't be more than twenty years old, said Cindy. Okay so that actually makes sense to me now, said Alieta. Repellia and Phonixa befriended them as soon as they met them. Yep as expected, said Cindy. Even while they were in Granada having fun they really missed these two knew friends they had. Other than becoming home sick they really wanted to go see the two of them more than anything. The four of them will make a good team, you will see. The mother didn't want them known as sisters and rarely leaves the house. She is still unsure about being here and didn't want her two girls separated again. Now back to the War information. Yes please tell. Gabriel told me we won big time, said Alieta. Oh yes and it was amazing to see. I never had the chance to see your girls in action before, said Cindy. Mother Nature took Zatsuky and I took Viridian. Apollonia took care of most of Europe seeing she was familar with it. That girl Viridian has power and can go invisible. When she spun with that spear, it wiped out everything in seconds then I would fly her to another main city ready to be attack. Banshee was a one girl army wiping out hundreds of ships at a time and could fly fast like you Alieta. She knew exactly where to go on her own. Tara and Avan broke up into different hemisphere's and just turned hundreds of ships into dust. There was one girl that I didn't know though named Rose. That girl has some major fire power. Almost as much as the two she devils. She would let out a huge energy burst that would engulf at least two hundred ships at once and explode them. She worked alone too teleporting all over the place. Later she told me she was Quazar's daughter. In about three hours that team of six girls and one angel had the enemy retreating back out to space. Fastest war ever on record of any kind and not one human got killed. Be proud Alieta. They did it for you and Fae Land. Alieta got tears in her eyes. When will my girls be back? she asked. Well Rose will be back soon. She wants to come back because her friends and really doesn't like the modern world in that reality. The other girls will be a few days yet. They are world heros now and every big country wants to meet them and give them medals. That world has been having wars over stupid things like land and religion for centuries. The Fae Land girls just united the entire world of nations and now there is a new holiday that every country will honor. What to hear what they are calling it? asked Cindy with a smile. Yes of coarse I do silly, said Alieta that was still crying. They call it "World Fae Land Day", said Cindy. Your kidding. A holiday named after Fae Land, said Alieta. Yep a world holiday and anyone from Fae Land is welcomed to visit anytime but I need to go back and get Rose, said Cindy. Kendra did a very good job discribing Fae Land and the people that lived here when she was there so the when the girls appeared  to defend their world newsrooms all over the world had camera crews on the ground broadcasting them wiping out the enemy like they were nothing. Anyways I will be back with Rose first. She misses her friends here a lot plus you too. Then Cindy vanished.


Fairly quckly, Cindy came back with Rose. Here she is Alieta. Your amazing beautiful Rose, said Cindy. Okay got to go get back to that Granada newsroom. Then Cindy Vanished. Hi Alieta, it is so good to be home again. Not much magic there in that world, said Rose. Let me shake your hand Rose. You are one very special girl. Rose put ot her hand and Alieta grabbed her hand and shook it. You should of stayed there with the others. They all want to thank you and give you medals. Your a world hero now. No not for me. I just did what I had to do and needed to come back here, said Rose. Well you really impressed Cindy. She said you have some very powerful energy in you and wiped out a lot of aliens. Ya well at first when I saw them coming towards me I was scared but then my dad talked to me in my head. He said feel the power inside and let ot out with all you got. I felt it grow in me then pow, I let it out of both my hands and destroyed everything in sight. It felt good and I wasn't scared anymore. It eneded up being fun knowing I was doing it for you and Fae Land. No way a bunch of aliens were going to take away the new home I had here. Did Cindy say I am beautiful? Yes she did and you are so very beautiful, said Alieta. When an angel that important says you are beautiful then believe it. Rose smiled, okay but I think Repellia and Phonixa are prettier than me still. Think what you want but each person is different and they don't consider themselves beautiful just like you think, just pretty and sexy of coarse. Ya they are that, said Rose. So is Miyo around, I really want to see her and tell her what I did. I think she is in the palace, said Alieta. Go in and find her then treat yourself and have something to eat. You must be hungry. Ya I am starved Alieta. Thanks and never change, You are best, said Rose then ran inside the palace.

Alieta walked back over to where Karman and Kandice were still standing. Hi Alieta, the treasurer was here and added up what was here so far and now Ginger and a couple of elves are bringing the gold in a few bars at a time each, said Kandice. So what did the angle say to you? asked Karman. We saw you crying so was it bad? asked Kandice. No actually it was very very happy news, said Alieta. Sometimes I cry a bit when I am that happy. Oh our mom does that, I mean a good friend of ours does that when she is happy, said Karman. Never mind you two, Cindy told me all about how you two are twin sisters and your mother is here too, said Alieta. Oh okay but we didn't know what the people were like here when we first got to Fae Land and we didn't want to be separated again, said Kandice. We would never separate a family here, said Alieta. So does your mother live with you two? No she bought her own house from an elf not far from us, said Karman. We are old enough to be on our own now. So can you two go and see if she would come and talk to me, said Alieta. She is a hero in my eyes for leading the rebellion that freed all those elves. Okay, she wanted to meet you too but figured you were too busy to be bothered by her, said Kandice plus she doesn't go out much, said Kandice. Come lets go get her Karman. Would you like to borrow one of my horses? asked Alieta. No we don't know how to ride one, said Kandice. We will run. And off they ran. Funny and adorable is right Cindy, thought Alieta.

In Granada, at the news station Joanne was still broadcasting live on all international networks this time. Suddenly Cindy appeared and looked right into the camera. Hello everyone in TV land. My name is Cindy and I would like to thank everyone in Granada for taking such good care of the girls that visited here and treated them well in Granada. Now if anyone needs a new born baby blessed then just ask for an angel to come bless him or her for you. There are lots of angels everywhere and not all have wings like me. So once again thankyou all. Just a minute, said Joanne. Can I talk to you before you leave? You sure can dear, angels love listening to people, said Cindy. Okay but I have to keep the camers running until we finish up here, said Joanne. Is that okay? If it is okay with you it is fine with me, angels have no secrets, said Cindy.

Joanne walked around to the front of the desk beside Cindy. You said angels are everywhere but how come when I pray for one, a angel never comes? asked Joanne. Well first of all a person has to be deserving and not just asking to win a lottery or wanting a better life without you doing anything yourself first and you have to have a good soul but you have had several visits from more than one angel, said Cindy. Really, when? asked Joanne. Once when you were ten and got your foot caught in that train track gadget while a train was coming, a man came and freed your foot for you that seemed to come out of nowhere. You also saw him again when you were thirteen and needed to find your way home in the dark and was lost. Do you remember now? Yes he walked with me all the way to my house then waved goodbye. It was odd he knew where I lived though, come to think of it now. That was the same man. Yep sure was, said Cindy. An angel helped you to stay focus on your studies. That was Angel Angie that you thought was a school councilor but nope she was no teacher. You just think back all the times you prayed for something that was really important and you will remember someone showed up to help. You do great work here Joanne, people trust you and love how you tell the truth about the local news. You have a natural talent and you treat people as equals and you made Kendra feel very good being on TV with you. Most forest sprites stay hidden in the forest and rarely let people see them at all little on talk to them. Joanne blushed. Is there anything else dear? No I feel very good now, said Joanne. Okay everyone, bye for now and remember, angels are everywhere and were will be watching, said Cindy, then she vanished. Okay everyone you saw it here first on Granada news, said Joanne to the camera. A real angel with important messages for us all. Angels see and hear everything that is going on in the world. To all those amazing girl warriors that came to save our world from Fae Land, we all thankyou from the bottom of our hearts. Happy World Fae Land Day Everyone! 

Karman and Kandice went to their Mom's house and found her in the kitchen. Oh hi girls, where are the groceries I asked you for? asked Angela. Phonixa and Repellia haven't come back from shopping yet, said Kandice. Ya we are here because Alieta wants to see you, said Karman. What the queen wants to see me, why? asked Angela. Um something about you being a hero and something else I think, said Kandice. Oh my what should I wear, I have never talked to a queen before. Well we like here and we talked to her wearing these new pretty and sexy clothes that Repellia and Phonixa picked out for us, said Karman. She is really nice, you will like her, said Kandice. Ginger is there too I think, she is getting us more gold coins from the gold bars we gave them, said Karman. Well we didn't bring them there but Phonixa and Repellia did, said Kandice. Yes they have been very helpful, said Angela. Okay let me freshen up some and I will walk over. Ikay we are going home to wait for Phonixa and Repellia to get back. They are getting us some ice cream too, said Karman.

Alieta saw Penny coming out of the palace so she called her over. Yes Alieta what can I do for you? asked Penny. Well I am going up to my sitting room but if a elf comes by can you come up and tell me please? asked Alieta. Her name is Angela and is supposed to be quite pretty. Okay will do, said Penny. Alieta went in the palace and Penny sat on the steps and watched for this mystery elf. After about ten minutes a elf on a horse rode up then jumped off the horse and walked over to Penny. Penny stood up and said hello. Hi, my name is Angela and Queen Alieta asked to see me. Wow I have never seen you before and I know everyone here, said Penny. Well my two girls and I have only been here for a few weeks, said Angela. So what are your girls names? asked Penny. Karman and Kandice. They are my twin daughters. What they are twin sisters and you are their mother. I have known them for a while but why haven't I seen you out and about. Well my girls do all the shopping for me and we came from a bad place so I am very careful, I don't go out much, said Angela. Looks like that was a mistake though seeing it is so beautiful here and my girls made new human freinds. Do you know them? Phonixa and Repellia. Of coarse I know them, everyone knows the twins and they live in the palace. Oh okay so is Queen Alieta busy? asked Angela. If she is then I can come back another time. I wasn't sure what to wear meeting a real queen for the first time but my kids said I looked fine like this. You look perfect, said Penny and drop the queen and just call her Alieta. She conciders herself an equal to everyone here. Anyways she is expecting you so stay here and I will let her know you have arrived. Okay thankyou dear. Oh my name is Penny and I work for Alieta in the kitchen and other places. Then Penny ran onto the palace fast. My such a sweet and pretty girl, thought Angela.

Penny ran into the sitting room where Alieta was sitting in her chair. Alieta, she is here and she is Karman and Kandice's mom and they are twins. Yes I know, said Alieta. I just found that out today also. Oh okay well she is not very pretty, said Penny. Really, what is wrong with her? asked Alieta. Abosolutely nothing she gorgeous, said Penny. The most beautiful elf I have ever seen. Right up there with Ivy and Mika, just more mature looking. Gorgeous long hair and green eyes plus a body to die for. Alieta smiled. Really that pretty? asked Alieta. No not pretty, beautiful, said Penny. She stays inside all the time because she is unsure of what Fae Land was like. She said something about coming from a bad place. Yes the three of them were slaves in a gold mine along with many other elves, said Alieta. Cindy told me she led a rebellion and freed all the elves from the humans. Wow, gorgeous and a hero too. So are you coming down to meet her? asked Penny. You bring her up here, said Alieta then go home. Today is a holiday. Really, how come? asked Penny. I will tell you later and tell the rest of the staff to go home too. No one works today, my orders. Alright, I will be right back with Angela the hero, said Penny. Oh she seems really nervous too. Then Penny ran out. Okay so gorgeous and a hero plus an elf mother of twins. I better stand up and fix my outfit and hair, thought Alieta.

In a minute Penny came up with Angela. Here she is Alieta. Karman and Kandice's mom, said Penny. Wow she is really pretty, said Angela quitely to Penny. Yep and really nice so go over there and meet the best queen in the world, said Penny. I got some good news to spread so see you later. Then Penny ran out. Angela slowly walked up to Alieta. My god she is gorgeous, thought Alieta. Hello Alieta, Penny told me to address you that way, is that correct? Yes it is, said Alieta. Okay so my girls said you wanted to talk to me. Did they do something wrong or get in any trouble here, said Angela. If they did I am so sorry but we are new here and don't know the laws yet. No they are just fine and perfect citizens, said Alieta. They are very delightful and always put a smile on my face. Ya they are something arn't they, said Angela. I am glad they have fitted in here so quickly. So why did you want to talk to me? Well Cindy that I am sure you haven't met yet is an angel and she told me some things about you and your history. I wanted to meet and talk to the girl that put together and led a rebellion against the humans and freed all the enslaved elves. Cindy gave me the short version but I want details. Can you do that for me, girl to girl. Angela smiled. Yes I can, said Angela. Good then have a seat and lets talk, said Alieta.

They both sat down and got comfortable. You are not anything I expected, said Angela. Really what did you expect? asked Alieta. You know a more regal look with robes and a crown and not a very pretty sprite in a sexy outfit. Penny said you consider yourself an equal to everyone here. I do but with more responsibilities and power. I prefere to have friends instead of desiples that I rule over. I don't ask much from anyone here just if they are going to build something new somewhere then they have to see Ginger my main girl and pay a small fee for the permit. Okay that is all the laws here? asked Angela. Yep but we call them rules, said Alieta. Now before you get started with your story I have a question for you. Okay what is it? asked Angela. Well as I have known it to be for centuries, when a elf gives birth to a child the mother stays with it for about fourteen to sixteen years. Then they go their own ways. Rarely an elf gets to see their mother very often but you three seem to still be a family and Cindy told me your girls are over twenty. Yes that is the way of elves but how many do you know had twins? asked Angel. Your the first actually, said Alieta. Yep and it is extremely rare also but there is a bond that was made between the three souls that can never be severed. I let my two girls live in their own home because they are mature enough now but I live very close by and we see each other and talk every day. Besides you have seen them. What mother would want to leave them and never see them again. They are so cute and funny, my heart lights up when they are around me. Alieta smiled. Okay I get it now, said Alieta. There is a magical bond that will keep you three a family forever. There is a family you should meet soon that have a similar magical bind. Yeanny and Sakura. Yeanny didn't give birth to Sakura but instead created her by accident. She is a wizard and loves Sakura very much and their souls are separate but connected at the same time if that makes sense to you. Sort of but you said created her, said Angel. Ya you can talk to Yeanny about that but Sakura met your two girls and let me tell you they are so similar and funny plus now there is Cupid's little sister living here and she is Sakura's best friend and they are exactly the same. You mean the real Cupid, the guy with the love bow and arrow. Yep that is the guy, said Alieta. Wow I am beginning too really like this place, said Angela. Fairies live here too right, I know they don't just live anywhere. Yep Fae Land is the most magical place in the world with the most remarkable people living here. So welcome to Fae Land Angela!




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