The Adventures In The Land Of Fae - Book 10


Attack Of The Dragons And Wyverns Chapter 1


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During the harvest festival in Fae Land two visitors appeared on horseback named Zatsuky and Carmen plus a Yellow Fae girl named Amy. Alexa talked to Zatsuky and Carmen and found out they were dragon slayers and the sword that Zatsuky carried was the Crimson Sword that was very magical and deadly. After talking with Tempressa, both Alexa and her agreed to let Zatsuky and Carmen join the team of heroes which now made ten members plus Angus, the Titan wolf. Once Alieta got a visit from Gabriel the angel that filled Alieta in on some important facts about the future of Fae Land, everyone went back outside and joined everybody having fun at the harvest festival.

Lessons Of The Sword

Everyone was having a great time outside with music playing and food out for those that were hungry. Zatsuky and Carmen were very happy they came to Fae Land where there were so many elves unlike Tazia where they travelled from. They were mingling in nicely and Amy was also having a great time dancing with two men at once. Eventually it started to get dark and everyone headed home. Ginger went up to Zatsuky and Carmen. Hello, I am Ginger and I take care of everything that happens in the palace. I had two elves set up a room for you two while you are staying in the palace. Oh so you are like the palace manager then, said Carmen. Sort of but I also like to help out in the palace in all the departments plus I am incharge of what gets built on Fae Land property. Wow you have a big job then, said Zatsuky. I suppose so but it is a very fun job, said Ginger. Now come with me and I will show you where your room is.

Ginger took them in the palace then up the stairs to their room. Now if you ever need anything just look out the door and you will always see an elf in this hall because my room is just down the hall and Alieta's is just across from mine, said Ginger. So what do you think of the room? You have your own bathroom with big bathtub. A toilet and sink with a big mirror. There is soap and shampoo under the sink too plus toothpaste and clean brushes. Wow I could live in here, said Carmen. Now the beds are singles, one with red sheets and the other with blue, said Ginger. I figured that was what you two would like best. A dresser for each of you too. Now just across the hall from here is the wardrobe room where you can pick out clean clothes whenever you need them plus there are night clothes like pajamas and nighties plus panties. All those clothes. with fit you perfectly because they were made on a magic loom that enchanted them to fit properly. That is about it, so do you have any questions? Not sure, I am still amazed with that big bathroom, said Carmen. I have one, where do we wash our clothes when they are dirty? asked Zatsuky. You don't just leave them on your bed and during the day and an elf will take them to the laundry department and return them clean and folded, placed in your dresser just like your outfits that you had on when you first got here are now, said Ginger. Wow this is better than staying in a classy hotel, said Carmen. Of cource it is, you are in the queen's palace now and she wants things this way, said Ginger. You will find that Alieta is more like a mother to all of us here than a queen. Now in your dressers have some night clothes already in them so have a good night's sleep and maybe I will see you in the morning for breakfast. Then Ginger left them alone. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a place like this would exist, said Zatsuky. Maybe we are dreaming, said Carmen, but if we are I hope we never wake up.


They both got ready for bed and in no time they fell asleep seeing it was a while since they slept on a bed. Zatsuky woke up first as soon as the sun started coming up so she quickly used the bathroom before Carmen got to it first then put her clothes on and snuck out of the bedroom into the hallway. Now where do I go, she wondered. The elf in that hallway came over and said good morning to Zatsuky. Are you looking for someone? she asked. No, I can't remember where that dining room is, said Zatsuky. The elf smiled and told her to go down the stairs then hang a left and it is the first door on the right. Just follow your nose, I can smell the bacon from up here she said. Zatsuky thanked her and followed her instructions to the dining room. She went in and no one was there yet. Maybe I am too early, said Zatsuky. An elf came out of the kitchen with some clean dishes. Hello there, you must be one of the new girls. Which one are you Carmen or Zatsuky? Zatsuky, Carmen is still asleep. I always get up early to have breakfast then do my exercises. Good for you, I get up early too but not big on the exercising thing though, said the elf. My name is Sally, would you like the breakfast special? I guess so, what is it? asked Zatsuky. Two eggs with bacon and sliced bananas plus your choice of coffee tea or orange juice, said Sally. Sounds good to me, said Zatsuky. Okay then have a seat and it will be ready in a few minutes. Then Sally went back into the kitchen. Now this is the way to live and I am sure I am awake and this is no dream, thought Zatsuky.

 Zatsuky sat down at the table and in a few minutes Sally came back with her breakfast. You didn't tell me what you wanted to drink so I brought you some orange juice, said Sally. Do you want some coffee or tea also? No orange juice is perfect, said Zatsuky, thank you. Okay enjoy then said Sally. Then went back into the kitchen. While Zatsuky was enjoying her eggs and bacon, Gabriel appeared out of nowhere. Hello Zatsuky, I see you have a nice healthy breakfast there. Zatsuky looked up. Oh my God, an angel then stood up fast. Please sit down and eat, my name is Gabriel. I brought a very special friend of mine here to show you more about your sword. Really, I already know how to work my sword, said Zatsuky. You only think you do and he is here to finish enhancing it also said Gabriel. Really, what else can possible be done to it to make it better? asked Zatsuky. Well he first had to see if you would use the Crimson Sword to just kill evil and not become evil yourself. Having great power like that can do bad things to people but you showed you were the right person for his gift. Over the past ten years you killed a lot of dragons with your friend Carmen that save many people's lives, said Gabriel. Now that you are in Fae Land, there will be much bigger challenges for you to partake in as a team member here. Just then Sally walked in and saw Gabriel and dropped the plate she was holding. Oh my God an angel? Umm, can I get you anything? asked Sally nervously. Gabriel laughed, No dear, sorry I scared you here let me fix that for you. Then Gabriel made the broken plate whole again and placed it on the table. There you go Sally, good as new. Now Zatsuky, after you finish eating go get the Crimson Sword and bring it outside behind the palace on the edge of the Bad Lands. We will wait for you there, said Gabriel then vanished. Zatsuky looked at Sally that was still a bit shocked. Do angels show up here often? asked Zatsuky. No, that is the first one I have ever seen, said Sally. I need to have a nice strong coffee now. Then she went back into the kitchen.



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