Attack Of The Dragons And Wyverns Chapter 2


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The Magic Of Merlin

Zatsuky ate the rest of her breakfast fast and drank the orange juice then ran back up to her room where she found Carmen just waking up. Hi Carmen, the washroom is all yours, said Zatsuky, I am getting sword lessons from a friend of Gabriel's. Okay have fun, said Carmen that was still half asleep. Zatsuky went to her chest and took out the Crimson Sword then ran out of the room. Hmm, what does she need lessons for and who the heck is Gabriel, Carmen wondered. Well time for a nice long hot bath. I hope they have good shampoo here. Once Zatsuky got outside she ran around the palace and saw Gabriel talking to an odd looking old man just outside of the boundary of Fae Land. She walked up to them and smiled. Okay here she is, said Gabriel. You do your thing and I am going to check on a few families in the human village I have been keeping and eye on. Then Gabriel flew away. My my look at you, I must say you have grown into a lovely young woman over the past years. My name is Merlin and I made the Crimson Sword for you. Merlin? Zotac mentioned you back home and said you created the viewing room that we used to locate Fae Land, said Zatsuky. Well yes I created it but he is my apprentice and doesn't have the full power yet to operate the viewing table fully yet, said Merlin. He will though in time. Now let me see that fine sword. Won't it burn you? asked Zatsuky. Nope, I made it so it has no effect on me, said Merlin. She handed Merlin the sword and he smiled. Very nice, perfect weight, easy to swing around. He then pointer at a rock and blew it into pieces. Not bad for level one, said Merlin. Hey I thought it had to be glowing red to be able to fire a beam from it, said Zatsuky. No not at all dear, you are in full control of this sword. Consider it a part of you, said Merlin. Just think what you want it to do and then do it, said Merlin. So do you like magic? I love magic, said Zatsuky. Good then watch this while I upgrade the sword to its full potential. Merlin turn the sword horizontal then took his hands away as it floated in mid air. Then he began to chant something in a strange language and sword began to glow a bright blue, then a bright red. He began to wave his hand over the sword and it started to spin and energy swirls encircled the sword. Then the sword went blue again and the swirls vanished the the sword stopped glowing. Merlin took hold of the sword then kissed the blade. There all done, lets see what it can do now, said Merlin.

Now do you see that boulder way over there to the left? asked Merlin. Ya but that is almost two hundred yards away, said Zatsuky. Yep it sure is, said Merlin. What is the furthest thing you have shot this sword at. Just dragons, maybe fifty yards away at most, said Zatsuky. Okay watch this now, said Merlin. He pointed the sword in the direction of the boulder that was very far away and shot the energy beam out that blew the bolder into pieces. Wow, that was amazing said Zatsuky. Well that is nothing compared to what you can do with the sword now, said Merlin now take the sword. Zatsuky went to grab it from Merlin. No, don't take it from me like that, make the sword come to you, said Merlin. How do I do that? asked Zatsuky. Remember I told you the sword is part of you so just think come and visualize the sword in your hand, said Merlin. Look at the sword then put out your hand. Zatsuky did as Merlin said and in a moment the sword just vanished from Merlin's hand and appeared in her hand. See that was easy, wasn't it said Merlin. Now if for some reason you lose hold of the sword or left it unattended just think of it and make it come to you even if you can't see it or it is far away. Now hold the sword with both hands and squeeze the handle hard. It is time to merge the new energy with you. Will it hurt? asked Zatsuky. I don't know, maybe a bit, said Merlin with a smile. Zatsuky grabbed hold of the sword with both hands and squeezed hard. The blade started to glow red again then blue. Suddenly all of Zatsuky began to glow blue then red. Then all went back to normal. So did it hurt? asked Merlin. Not really, I just got this tingling feeling all over. I sure do feel wide awake now, said Zatsuky. Perfect now it is your turn to fire the sword but not just at a bolder two hundred yards away, said Merlin. Look way in the distance to where that cliff begins to fade out of sight. No way that is over a mile away, said Zatsuky. Well try it and see, said Merlin. Just stare at that spot and point the sword in that general direction, said Merlin. You don't have to be exact, the sword will see what you are looking at. Then just squeeze that handle when you are ready so shoot. Okay I will try but I still think that is just too far for an energy beam to reach, said Zatsuky. Merlin moved off to the side then Zatsuky pointed the sword into the distance. Now you have to focus and when you see the spot you want to hit clearly, fire away, said Merlin. Zatsuky stared at the very end of the ridge and in a moment she squeezed the handle hard. A red bean shot out at the speed of light and blasted the entire end of the ridge to nothing. Yeah, you did it, yelled Merlin and started to dance on the spot. What didn't you know it could fire that far? asked Zatsuky. Not really. This is the only Crimson Sword I have ever made, said Merlin. Best be the only one too from what I saw it can do. Just then Alieta came around the corner of the palace. Hey what's going on out here? she yelled.


Oh oh, looks like we woke up Alieta, said Zatsuky. Sorry Alieta, Merlin was just showing me some new stuff I can do with my sword. Alieta walked over to them. Okay, hi Merlin, long time no see, said Alieta. Gabriel did tell me you were going to come soon, I just didn't expect you to be here so soon. Never put off till tomorrow when it can be done today I say, said Merlin. Nice to see you again Alieta, you are looking as lovely as ever. Thanks, so what were those loud bangs I heard? asked Alieta. We were just testing the sword to see what it can do now after the upgrade, said Merlin. Plus I am teaching Zatsuky other things she can do with it. Okay, Gabriel also told me you had to finish doing something to that sword. What did you do to it? asked Alieta. Oh a bunch of things that made it better and much more powerful plus it is fully merged with Zatsuky now. The Crimson Sword is now the most powerful hand weapon on the planet, said Merlin. I just have to show her what else she can do with it. Okay, I thought it was already very powerful, said Alieta. What else can it do now? asked Alieta. Well that is up to Zatsuky to say but it is much more powerful now and instead of being to kill a target from just a hundred yards away it can reach at least a mile now, said Merlin. She just blew the corner off that cliff way out there with one shot. See it is still smoking a bit. Holy that is very far away, said Alieta. Now if you want to watch then you need to step back beside the palace while I show her this other enhancement I added. It can be very dangerous and deadly to anyone close by, said Merlin. Okay I do want to see this, said Alieta. Just don't blow up my palace please, said Alieta. Merlin smiled at her and assured her that would not happen.

Alieta went back to the palace and watched from around the corner of it. Ginger saw her and came over to see what she was looking at. What is going on? asked Ginger. Merlin is here and showing some things about the sword to Zatsuky, said Alieta. He told me this next skill is very dangerous for anyone close so I am watching from here. Can I watch too? asked Ginger. Sure just poke your head around the corner like me, said Alieta. Now this sword has the ultimate defense and destroyed mode for anything within a hundred yards to you, said Merlin. It can be used on the ground but is best used high in the air. In the air, I can't fly, said Zatsuky. No but you can levitate with that sword, said Merlin. Now how it works is you have to hold the sword with both hands and hold it upright in front of your chest making sure half of the blade is above your head or it won't work. When the sword starts to flash red and light blue it is ready. Okay but why blue? asked Zatsuky. The sword has both white and dark magic in it, that is why it is so powerful. Red beam is for dark magic and blue for white but sometimes both will work together depending on what you are fighting against. Now first let me go translucent just incase a beam shoots close to me. Now place the sword to your chest. Like this? asked Zatusky. Yes, perfect, said Merlin. Now think of the sword but don't squeeze that handle just yet. There now you see the blade is glowing blue this time because no evil is close by. Now look up and think about rising up say sixty feet. Then push up with your feet and keep looking at the spot you want to reach. Zatsuky looked up and guessed where sixty feet would be then pushed upward with her feet and to her amazement she began to rise up. When she reached the target height she stopped in mid air. Perfect Zatsuky, you are doing great, said Merlin. Now I want you to think that you are spinning in mid air. That will tell the sword what you needing it to do, but still do not squeeze the handle yet. Zatsuky started to spin slowly at first but soon she was spinning faster and faster. Keep going faster, said Merlin until everything around you is just a blur then squeeze the handle hard. Melin got down on one knee and saw Zatsuky was just a blur to him now. Then Zatsuky squeezed the sword's handle. the sword started shooting out an amazing show of blue energy beams everywhere in all directions. So many and so bright that it was hard to keep watching them. Okay Zatsuky. loosen your grip and think stop spinning and down, said Merlin. Zatsuky stopped squeezing that ended the light show then slowly began to come back down and slowed down spinning until she reached the ground and fell on her butt. Alieta and Ginger ran over. Are you okay? asked Alieta. Yep just really dizzy right now, said Zatsuky. Merlin laughed. Yes you will get used to that in time, said Merlin.



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