Attack Of The Dragons And Wyverns - Chapter 3


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Prayden Is Under Attack

That was some display of power and magic, said Alieta. Ya I had goosebumps watching, said Ginger. So are the lessons over yet? asked Alieta or is there more because people are starting to arrive for the festival. No that is it, said Merlin, now Zatsuky just has to practice some. Well you are welcome to join in and party with everyone, said Alieta. There is always plenty of food and music. Food, you said, I think I will stay for a while then, said Merlin. You best put your sword back in the chest now, said Alieta. There will be no practicing while the people are here on the palace grounds. Okay, Carmen should be out of the bathtub by now, said Zatsuky. She would stay in there all day if I let her. People were arriving fast and Merlin was having a great time got to meet all of Alexa's team. He was a pretty good dancer for being so old and even did a flip for everyone. The music stopped and everyone looked and saw a couple of horsemen riding towards them. They stopped near the palace entrance and dismounted. Alieta went to them and asked what the problem was. Our province of Prayden to the north east is being attacked by dragons and some other kind of flying creatures that we have never seen before, said one of the men. Zatsuky and Carmen overheard them talking and said they are probably Wyverns, very nasty creatures that can attack from the air or land but they have no fire. Odd though they never attack together, said Carmen. Wyverns stay clear of dragons seeing they are much smaller plus dragons consider them food also. Alexa went over and heard what was going on. "We can help you get rid of them but how many are there? asked Alexa. We don't know, they seem to be everywhere, said one of the men. Alexa called the team over and they all agreed to help except Taiyo and Oaklynn that hadn't arrived yet. Then Zatsuky said, Carmen and I will come to help also. You will need my sword help to bring down the dragons numbers and Carmen knows the best way to kill wyverns. Thank you, said one of the men. It is half a days from here, is that okay. I know where it is, said Alexa, we will get there faster than that. Alieta told two elves to bring the men inside the palace then Carmen and Zatusky went inside to gear up. When they came back out their horses were ready for them. I do not think you will need Angus with you, said Alieta. Best he stay here with us. These are flying creatures and he is best on the ground. Besides after what I saw today and what Zatsuky can do with that sword of hers, I doubt the battle will last very long. Really, what did she do? asked Alexa. You will see, just make sure you are near her when she gets going, said Alieta. These are flying creatures and he is best on the ground, said Alexa. She turned to Angus and told him to stay. Angus must of heard them talking and knew he could not be much help so he just laid down. Don't worry about Angus, my elves will keep him busy, said Alieta. Merlin went over to Angus. My aren't you a very big boy, would you like a treat? Angus sat up and wagged his tail and Merlin made a few milk bones for him.

The team started on their way to the north stopping to get geared up then headed to the north eastern province of Prayden and were making good time. We will get there in a few more hours at this rate, said Alexa. After a bit they could see far in the distance, smoked rising into the sky so they knew they were almost there. Alexa ordered the team to stop for a minute and said we need some kind of plan. Why do they call Prayden a province? asked Carmen. Because it is part of Fae Land just like Cumberland, said Alexa. There are for provinces in total. Oh okay, said Carmen. You can make a plan with dragons but Wyverns are very unpredictable plus very fast on the ground and in the air, said Zatsuky. Yes Wyverns are much smaller than dragons, about twice as big as a man, said Carmen. Well you are the one with that magical sword so what do you think we should do? asked Alexa. Well maybe you all can fight the Wyverns on the ground while I go up and deal with all the dragons, said Zatsuky. Go up? How are you going to do that? asked Alexa. The sword makes it so I can levitate nice and high, said Zatsuky. Merlin upgraded my Crimson Sword this morning so now I will be able to wipe out lots of dragons at the same time. Just keep an eye open for falling dead dragons. Merlin did this for you? asked Alexa. Yep, he created the sword and now he says it is the most powerful of all swords, said Zatsuky. Okay if there are going to be raining dragons then we will start from the south end of Prayden and fight our way north and you do your thing from the North end of Prayden, said Alexa. Okay sounds like we got a plan now, said Tempressa, so let's get moving.

They started again towards the smoke and in an hour they saw what looked like hundreds of flying creatures in the air above the wooded province. Zatsuky rode up beside Alexa and said that this was very unusual because dragons and wyverns never fly together like that, they actually hate each other and dragons eat wyverns. There must be some other force at work here is all I can think off like a wizard. It would take a very strong wizard to control that many creatures, said Alexa. Okay you head to the north end of the province and we will get started in the south. Zatsuky took off as fast as she could ride. I hope that sword is as good as what Alieta said it was thought Alexa. One thing is certain, that girl has no fear of dragons. Once Alexa's team got into the woods they saw they had their work cut out for them. There were hundreds of of these flying creatures diving down into the towns, dragons breating fire and wyverns chasing people. Man there are a lot of them, said Titan. Well best to get started, said Carmen. Just ride fast and slice away as fast as you can. Wyvern don't take much to kill and their necks are the soft spot then she rode off ahead of them. Hear that Alexa soft necks, said Tempressa. Alexa smiled. Okay team lets get them, said Alexa and they all started chasing and killing the wyverns that seemed to be very unorganized. In the meantime Zatsuky was now in position and her sword was glowing a bright red.

Carmen's advice was very good and it was easy to kill these Wyvern by just cutting their throats. These are the stupidest wyverns I have ever seen, said Carmen. What do you mean by that? asked Alexa. Normally Wyvern work together and plan their attack but these ones are just unorganized and it almost seems like they want to die, said Carmen. Like they may be in a trance being controlled? asked Alexa. Ya exactly, said Carmen. Anyways it is still fun killing them. Zatsuky had the Crimson Sword to her chest and was now rising up into the sky above all the trees. Some of the dragons and wyverns saw her and turned to attack. Okay I hope this works thought Zatsuky. She bent the sword toward the attacking beasts and began to pick them off one by one. As soon as the wyverns saw her killing the dragons they all swooped down to the ground out of sight. This is cool I don't have to spinn to stay up here, said Zatsuky. She then began to shoot out three beams at a time which sped things up some but there were still lots of dragons flying around and now they were all headed towards her fast. Lets see how powerful this sword is now, thought Zatsuky. She put the sword to her chest then squeezed the handle as hard as she could thinking wide blast. The sword got very hot for a moment then let out a huge blast that shot out across the top of the trees and hitting every dragon that was in the air, killing them instantly and dropping down into the forest below. Now that was real cool, said Zatsuky. Look out below!

Down on the ground the team watched as dragons both red and green where falling through the tree, many of them landing on wyverns and killing them. That's my girl Zatsuky, said Carmen. Looks like she kicked butt up there. I can't believe my eyes but you must be right, said Alexa. Look there are several coming at us at once, said Paisley. That is when I come in, said Tempressa. Tempressa pointed both hands out and froze all six of them solid then they smashed them into pieces. They all moved in deeper into the town and saw that all the people were hidden in their homes so that was a good thing. A bunch of Wyverns came flying at them fast and Tempressa froze them all also and they came crashing down and broke into pieces when they hit the ground. More came at them so the team started to battle them again. Then suddenly red flashes of light could be seen and it was getting closer fast. In a minute Zatsuky joined the team while blasting wyvern as she walked by them. Isn't she awesome, said Carmen. Awesome is not a big enough word for it, said Alexa. Not many left, said Zatsuky, all the dragons are dead and just a handful of these stupid wyverns are around hiding somewhere. They are hiding, is that normal? asked Alexa. Yep, wyverns are chickens when there isn't a bunch of them working together, said Zatsuky. They are not that great at staying hidden anyways. They headed deeper into the town and found lots of creatures dead on the ground. The sky above them was clear. Alexa told Carmen and Titus to look for the ones that were hiding. Zatsuky went down on one knee. Okay that was fun but now I need to rest for a minute or two though, said Zatsuky. Pretty awesome though don't you think. Oh ya, said Alexa, you can say that again. Carmen will make sure not one wyvern gets away but the odd thing is my sword is still bright red, said Zatsuky. It should of dulled down a lot by now. So it glows when creatures are near? asked Alexa. Well maybe I missed a bunch in the last town, said Zatsuky. The team moved on and met Carmen and Titus who was holding a wyvern head in one hand. I think I will keep this one as a trophy, said Titus. Oh no you won't, said Paisley. You are not bringing that thing into our house. Everyone laughed. So are they all dead now? asked Alexa. Yep they sure are, said Titus. Okay so why is your sword still red and flickering Zatsuky? asked Diego. That means something bad and dangerous is coming, said Zatsuky. Never seen it flicker before though.




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