Back To Work Chapter 2


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Jessica Visits Ivy In The Fairy Forest 

Jessica got to the forest entrance and could not find a way in. What the heck she thought. These trees are so close together, no one could get in here. Maybe this is the wrong entrance she thought so she turned and went to fly off and fine another way in. Pippa appeared and asked are you having some trouble? Well yes, no one can get in here, you would have to be a snake to slide in between these trees, said Jessica. Well snakes can't get in either, said Pippa. The trees won't allow them in either. What do you mean the trees won't let them in? asked Jessica. They just won't, said Pippa. No large animals, reptiles or uninvited people can get in, said Pippa. Hmm, well I wanted to see Ivy today and see what she did in here. I wanted to surprise her, said Jessica. Well I can help you, said Pippa. How? asked Jessica. Do you have a saw or something? Pippa smiled, nope that won't work either. Here let me show you. Pippa turned to the forest doorway and said I am Pippa and I have Jessica with me and she is coming in with me. The trees then opened up nice and wide. Holy, said Jessica. They all moved. Yep, the trees are alive. They just needed me to ask them to open for us. Okay, so do you have to do this all the time like a doorman? asked Jessica. Nope, once you are allowed in then you can go in by yourself from now on. These are Ivy's rules and they are good ones, said Pippa. Come lets go. The cove is straight ahead. They flew in and Jessica could see the trees opening way up ahead for them to fly through easily. In a bit they got to the end and Pippa stopped. Now this is the doorway into the cove. Just put out your hand as if to touch a tree and it will open for us, said Pippa. Jessica put out her hand and the trees opened for her. Must be magic right, said Jessica. Well the fairies do all live here, said Pippa with a smile. They went in but neither Ivy or Sara could be seen. Look at this place, said Jessica. It is like a wonderland in here. Nope Wonder Land is much further to east of Fae Land, said Pippa. I wonder where they are? They are always here at this time, said Pippa. Well I suppose they will be here soon. Do you want to soak your feet in the pool while we wait? It is magical too and is very good for your skin or maybe go for a swim first, said Pippa. A swim. This water is not deep enough to swim in, said Jessica. No not here silly. In the big swimming pool through that archway over there and down the path a bit, said Pippa. There is a bigger pool in the forest? asked Jessica. I though every one was talking about this pool though it does make sense now seeing how shallow this one is. Yep, and a sauna plus an eatery and some other things, said Pippa. Jessica shook her head. Lets just soak our feet for now, said Jessica.

While they were resting and enjoying the water doing it's magic on their feet Tulip flew in and saw them. No Ivy yet I see, said Tulip. Nope not yet, said Pippa. She is on her way though. How do you know that? asked Tulip. Oh I just know, said Pippa. Yes I suppose you would know, said Tulip. It is just that we need her to help us get some more magic to the new area we are building by the waterfall, said Tulip. I can't control the overviewer as good as her. So Ivy can do it better than a fairy? asked Jessica. Yep, she is the best and besides she is the queen of the forest so the cove will do what ever she tells it to do, said Tulip. Wow I didn't know that Ivy had that much power, said Jessica. Oh yes she is very strong inside and getting stronger. What do you mean power inside her? asked Jessica. Oh that you will have to ask her about yourself, said Tulip. That is personal stuff. We respect Ivy's privacy about stuff like that, said Tulip. Well I suppose that really doesn't matter to me, said Jessica. I just like what I see of her on the outside. Good said Tulip. We all think the same as you. Did you bring any candies with you? No sorry, I will next time I come though, promise, said Jessica. Tulip smiled then joined them on the pool side to wait for Ivy and Sara.

In a few minutes Sara and Ivy showed up and saw the three of them soaking their feet. Ivy smiled and was happy to see Jessica there. Hi Ivy, I came to see you and what you did here in the forest. Jazmen said you controlled a lot from in here, said Jessica. Yep I can do most stuff from here but I also fly around too checking on things, said Ivy. So Tulip how are things going with the new pixie forest? Oh everything is great there now, said Tulip. We have been helping Lilly with her project in this forest but need your help sending some more magic to it with the overviewer. Okay, said Ivy. I can do that. How much is needed? Well it is close to the waterfall so they are both sharing the magic right now so maybe double it, said Tulip. Okay that should be easy, said Ivy. You want to watch Jessica? You bet, said Jessica. All this magic stuff amazes me. Okay all seems good here now, said Pippa. Got to go back to work checking on the new pixie forest then off she flew. The four of them went to the overviewer and Ivy turned it on by touching the water with her finger. It is right there where the two faint green spots are, said Tulip. Yes I see them, said Ivy. Not too far from the cove so no problem fixing that. Ivy used her finger and dragged it to the faint green spots then held it there until the spots were nice and bright. There that should do it, said Ivy. So that is all you had to do? asked Jessica. Why couldn't you do that Tulip? Oh there is a lot more to it then just dragging a finger along the water, said Tulip. What really is needed is what Ivy tells the coves magic to do with her mind that makes it work. The cove only listens to her for the most part, at least for major changes. Ivy smiled at Jessica and said, "See I have some magic too!" Yes I see that, said Jessica. The fairies do all the building with their wands and I direct the magic to the location to what ever they build so it will stay there and not crumble, said Ivy. We make a good team. So why would something crumble? asked Jessica. I have seen them do magic out by the palace and it all seems to stay. Oh that is different, said Ivy. Out side of the forest the magic is much weaker but gets stronger as you get closer to Eden. It is pretty much taking care of it's self. The things that fairies do out there are separate like making food and tables plus creating other things. In the forest there needs to be some kind of order seeing we have been adding very complex structures in here. If there was no control and direction for the magic to go then it would just do as it wished and be sort of a big cloud of magic changing shape all the time that would cause lots of problems with the new structures and eventually they would start to crumble, said Ivy. You sound really smart, said Jessica. I am glad someone in here knows how to do all this stuff. Me I just make candies. To me that is magic also, said Ivy with a big smile.

So Ivy I was thinking that maybe you could come to my place when you are done here, said Jessica. My hot tub is coming today and is probably being set up now as I speak. What is a hot tub? asked Sara. I am not sure, said Ivy. Maybe something like the pool in the spa. Well sort of but this is much better and bigger, said Jessica. It can fit up to eight people in it and I can control the temperature of the water. It is for relaxing in and chatting with each other while sipping on some wine. Okay sounds good, said Ivy, can Sara come too? Of course Sara can join us, Daisy will be there too, said Jessica. Sara got a big smile on her face. So who will take care of the cove? asked Sara. Tulip is here and if she needs me she can come and get me but there is not much more for us to do here anyways, said Ivy. Okay, count me in the hot tub too, said Sara. Good and I have a bunch of bikinis at my place too, said Jessica. Plus lots of candy too? asked Sara. Yes Sara, I always have candy at home, said Jessica.



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