The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Back To Work Chapter 1


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The morning after Ivy's party, it seemed like everyone was a bit slow getting going. Alieta was an hour late getting up so she rushed to get dressed and go down to the dinning room but no one was there yet. She felt a bit relieved knowing she was not the last one up but now she was waiting for someone to come out of the kitchen to bring her a coffee then some breakfast but no one showed up when she called. She went into the kitchen and no one was there. It was nice and clean though so she made herself a cup of coffee then sat back down at the table. Tara and Avan seemed to be the only ones that didn't sleep in and found it odd that the palace grounds were barren of people. A sprite on patrol saw them and flew down to talk. She told them that it seems to be like this all over the place. Fae Land is very quite this morning. Tara and Avan decided to sit on the steps and wait and see who came out first. Jessica saw that she slept in so got up quickly and went down stairs to get things started to finish off the candy orders. When she got to the kitchen she saw Daisy working away by herself and seemed to be having fun. Viridian was up making breakfast for Ivy and Sara but had to knock on their doors to wake them up a couple of times so they could eat before going to the forest. In the cove, Savanah was taken back home by Apollonia and when eight o'clock came around Tulip and Lollipop were wondering where Ivy was but after thinking about it for a few seconds they figured it out. The two of them decided to go check out how the new thing was doing in the forest that Lilly and the other fairies were working on for something to do while they waited for Ivy and Sara to show up.

Late Start Early Delivery

Daisy turned around and saw Jessica standing behind her still looking a bit tired. Hi Jessica, did you have a good sleep? she asked. Oh yes, I slept like a log, said Jessica. You know I have never understood what that meant, said Daisy. A log doesn't sleep, so wouldn't that mean you didn't sleep also? asked Daisy. Jessica smiled. Well a log is dead so I think that is what it means, like a dead sleep or something. So where are you at with the candies? asked Jessica. Almost done, said Daisy. There was only thirty boxes left to be made so these will be ready for a early delivery today, said Daisy. Really, said Jessica. Wow do you think we should deliver them early? They might expect that all the time, said Jessica. Better early than late I think, said Daisy. Ya I suppose you are right, said Jessica. Well I need a coffee before I get started. Over there in the pot on the stove, said Daisy. I kept it warm for you. You even had time to make coffee, what time did you get up? asked Jessica. Oh about the same time I always do. About six o'clock I think it was, said Daisy. Jessica sat down and started drinking her coffee when Jazmen showed up. Good morning everyone, I slept like a log. Both Jessica and Daisy smiled at each other. So is there anymore candies to be made? asked Jazmen. Nope Daisy did the rest of them this morning, said Jessica. Really, there looked like a lot when we got home last night, said Jazmen. Not really, said Daisy plus after I ate a couple that gave me some sugar energy. I figured out a system then got them all done. Now we just have to figure out how to get them all to Cumberland. Ya that many boxes will take several trips even with three or four sprites delivering them, said Jessica. Well I will go get the two sprites I usually use and see what they say, said Jessica. What we really need is a wagon and a couple of horses. It may take a little over two hours to get to Cumberland but they are a day early so that doesn't matter. Well the hot tub is being delivered today and they use a wagon with horses to delivery it, said Daisy. Why don't you wait until they come then. Once they finish I can easily talk them into helping me get them there with their wagon, said Daisy. Are your friends the sprites pretty and single? Oh yes, Sally and Fawn are very single and very pretty, said Jazmen. Well there you go, just have them two ride with the guys back to Cumberland and we won't even have to pay them for transport, said Daisy. I know those two guys like being around me and have asked me out lots of times. Imagine when they see two new pretty sprites that want to ride with them. Jazmen smiled. You are a sly one, said Jazmen. Well being a sprite among mostly humans does have it's quirks, said Daisy with a smile.

Okay then you all don't need me here so I am heading out to work to see what is going on, said Jazmen and off she went. Okay I suppose I will go now to contact my girls and tell them what is needed to be done today then I think I will go see Ivy in the cove, said Jessica. Okay sounds good to me, said Daisy. It will take the guys three hours to assemble the hot tub so tell them to come here then. Okay now the money is in that box on the shelf there so pay the men when they are done for me please. Give them a bit of a tip too. Okay, I will, see you later Jessica, said Daisy. Okay now I just got to clean up a bit then I can sit and relax then wait for the wagon to get here, said Daisy to herself. Daisy got everything all cleaned up then went in the living room and sat on the couch. She saw a book on the table titled The Three Quests & In Search Of True Love. Hmm, that sounds interesting she thought so she picked it up and saw it was written by Alieta. Wow she is a writer too? Very talented woman she must be. She sat back and started to read the book.

Daisy got about half way through the book when a knock came at the door. Oh that must be them, she thought. She opened the door and there stood two of her ex-coworkers. Daisy, what are you doing here? the man asked. Oh I live here now, said Daisy. No way, you live in this big house? he asked. Yep, I sure do, said Daisy. So is Jessica here, the invoice has her name on it. Nope she went to see Ivy in the cove. She left the money with me to pay you though, said Daisy. Okay then, I suspect she wants it out back then, he asked. Yep probably, said Daisy. Go around back and find a good flat place to set it up please, said Daisy. They walked around to the back of the house and the two men checked for the best place. I think this will be best, said one of the men. So Daisy, I heard you got fired from the store. No I quit. I sold this hot tub to Jessica and boss man started yelling at me for taking the rest of the day off so I quit. Ya that sounds more like it, said the man. He would of never fired you. So you are looking good today. Thank you but if you two get this put together fast I will introduce you to two other pretty single sprites that will be here when you are done, said Daisy. Really, that would be awesome, said the man. Okay Mac, lets get this job done and ready in record time.



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