Back To Work Chapter 5


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Creating A Building While In The Hot Tub

Both Ivy and Daisy got the fire going for the hot tub. Okay we will have to wait a bit for the water to heat up, said Daisy. Okay, I will fly home and get mine and Sara's bathing suit, said Ivy. I won't be long and she flew off. How about you Daisy, do you have a bikini? asked Jessica. Nope, all my clothes are still in Cumberland for the most part, said Daisy. Well I have extras so you can use one of mine, said Jessica. Not sure if I have the colour you like best but I am sure they will fit you. That is okay, any colour will do, said Daisy. While Ivy was flying home she noticed Alieta was on the grounds with some man. She went down to see what was going on. Hi Ivy how are you doing? asked Alieta. Okay, she said. I am just going home to get our bathing suit, said Ivy. We are testing out Jessica's new hot tub. Oh I figured that was where we would find her, said Alieta. This is the man from Cumberland that is going to make up the plans for Jessica's new building. Well you know where we will be, said Ivy. Bring a bathing suit. He can talk to us all from outside the tub. Alieta smiled then Ivy took off again. How come she didn't ask me to wear a bathing suit? asked the man. Well first of all it is not her hot tub and next Ivy is young and doesn't think it would be proper for one man to be in a tub with bunch of nearly naked pretty girls. Oh, okay he said. Alieta went inside the palace to get her suit then the two of them started over to Jessica's place.

 Ivy got home and ran into the house. Hi Viridian, I just came to get mine and Sara's bikini. We are testing out Jessica's new hot tub. Okay Ivy, have fun, said Viridian. The people are here to start working on the new room for your gifts, said Viridian. It will probably take a few days to finish it. Okay, there is no rush, said Ivy. Got to go, Alieta will be there too. Then off she went. My that girl has a lot of energy, where does it all come from, thought Viridian to herself. Ivy got back to Jessica's place and saw that the back door was open so she went in. Hello, I'm back with the swim suits, said Ivy. Then she looked around and saw how big and nice Jessica's place was. We are upstairs Ivy come on up, yelled Jessica. Ivy went up the stairs and saw another long hallway with lots of doors on either side. Okay what room are you in? asked Ivy. First door on the left, said Jessica. Ivy walked into what was Jessica's bedroom where Sara was sitting on the end of the bed and both Jessica and Daisy were looking at bikinis. You have a really nice house, said Ivy. Well thank you, it took Jazmen and I a very long time to get it the way we like, said Jessica. Now this suit is mine so you can pick any of the others in this top drawer, they are all the same size. Daisy opened the drawer of the dresser. I thought you said you had a couple extra bikinis, said Daisy. There must be over a dozen in here. Ya I kinda impulse shop sometimes when I am in town, said Jessica. If I see something I like I buy it. One never knows when one may need something.

Ivy gave Sara her bikini then they both stripped and put on the suits. Well you two are not shy, said Daisy. Nope not around girls I am not, said Ivy. Jessica and Daisy put on theirs also. So is it ready yet? asked Ivy. Just about, said Daisy. A little bit longer should do it. Alieta is coming over too, said Ivy. She is bringing a guy that needs to talk to you about the building for making candies. Oh okay, said Jessica, she sure doesn't waste any time. Alieta wastes nothing, said Ivy. I told her to bring her suit also. That man has to stay out though, said Ivy. Jessica and Daisy smiled. Yes of coarse Ivy. No men allowed for testing the tub out today. Good, said Ivy. Okay lets all go down and get in the tub, should be warm enough by now, said Daisy. They went downstairs and out back and Daisy tested the water. Yep good enough, lets all climb in and relax. Just a minute, said Jessica. I forgot something then she ran back in the house. Daisy, Ivy and Sara climbed into he tub and the water was at a perfect temperature. There we go, said Jessica when she came back out holding a box of candies and a bottle of wine. Now we are going to test this out properly, said Jessica then climbed in the tub. Can I have a candy? asked Sara. Yes just help yourself. Would you like some wine too? asked Jessica. Nope not for Sara she is too young, said Ivy. Maybe next year. How old will Sara be then? asked Daisy. She will be two but candies are good enough for now, said Ivy. Daisy had a confused look on her face. I'll explain it to you later said Jessica then passed the bottle of wine around to everyone.

While they were enjoying the hot tub Sally and Fawn showed up to get paid. Wow look at you four all enjoying a nice soaking. Ya it is fantastic, said Jessica. Can we come in also, asked Fawn. Well Alieta is coming over too so not sure, said Jessica. Oh, we better not said Sally. Hi, my name is Ivy, what is your names? asked Ivy. Oh really, You are Ivy that everyone has talked about? Yep I guess so, said Ivy. Well I am Sally and this is my best friend Fawn. You are just as everyone said, your absolutely beautiful Ivy. Kind of a perfect mix of cute and pretty and I love your green hair. How sexy! said Sally. Ivy smiled. Ya every one keeps saying I look sexy, said Ivy. Yep you are, said Fawn, you must have all the boys chasing you. No I don't get into that yet but I think it would be fun some day but I only like boys my age and not guys that are full of muscles. A nice boy sprite would be nice, said Ivy. Well Ivy I think I know where to find such a boy for you. But right now is it okay if we hang out for a bit and relax? asked Fawn. It is such a nice day and we did a lot of flying. Sure grab a couple of chairs from on the grass then sit and enjoy, said Jessica. Just don't hit on the man Alieta is bringing with her. He is a building designer and is coming here to talk to me. No problem, said Sally. We both got dates from those two guys in Cumberland. Daisy giggled. You two don't waste time, said Daisy. Well we are not going to live for every, well maybe we are but still they were so cute and buying dinner for us in a very nice eatery, said Fawn. Just then Ivy could see Alieta and the man coming.

Here comes Alieta everyone and she brought her suit too. I heard it is a very, well sexy on her as you all say, said Ivy. Hello all, this is Josh and he is the man that will be designing the new building for Jessica. They all said hi Josh at once. Josh swallowed then said, "My my, I have never seen so many pretty sprites in one place before. Very nice to meet you all". Okay Josh turn around. I have to change and no peeking, said Alieta. Josh turned around but Ivy got out of the tub and put her hands over his eyes from behind. Okay Alieta, he won't be able to peek now, said Ivy. Good girl Ivy, thank you, said Alieta. Alieta put on her swim suit then asked the girls how she looked. You look so hot Alieta, said Daisy. Yes Alieta, you wear that suit well, said Fawn. Well thank you girls. Alieta got in the tub then told Ivy it was okay to let Josh go. Okay, see I told you Alieta had a sexy swim suit, said Ivy Then she got back in the hot tub. Okay Josh grab a chair then tell us where to start, said Alieta. Jessica here knows her business best so you will be talking to her mostly. Jessica put up her hand and said, "I'm Jessica just in case you didn't know".

Okay then lets get down to business, said Josh. Now first I need to know how big this place needs to be he asked Jessica. Well I think it needs to be fairly big. As Alieta told me there are a lot of stores in Cumberland, said Jessica. Yes there are one hundred and seventy two stores in the two towns and more being built as we speak in the north most town, said Josh. Alieta smiled. Yep, it is going to have to be pretty big, said Alieta. Okay so I have a plan already made up for a very big warehouse, so we can work from that, said Josh. Now what needs to be put inside and how many rooms. Well we will need a place to store the candies that are ready to be shipped. That way we will have stock on hand for orders and won't be rushing all the time to meet delivery dates, said Jessica. Then I want a wall made to separate the kitchen from the storage area with a double door in it. Okay, so far that all can be done easily, said Josh. Now I don't want just one big kitchen set up, said Jessica. I think three separate full kitchen will be needed over time. Plus I have some new ideas for a new chocolate based candy treats that I would like to keep separate from the other candy kitchen set ups so two for the regular candies and one for the new chocolate ones. Hmm, okay I can work on that, we will need a good carpenter and cabinet maker for that type of design, said Josh. Now each kitchen should be about the same size as the one I have here in my home, said Jessica. Now back to the storage area, there has to be a loading and unloading spot so that it makes it easy to load and unload wagons. We need a couple of washrooms also. Okay that goes with out saying, said Josh. Anything else. Well yes, said Jessica. A second floor to keep the fresh fruit in with some big ice boxes and room for shelves to hold the packaging and order slips. You know stuff like that. Josh scratched his head. Well okay I will have to work on that part. That makes it a very unique building, said Josh. All the places I have ever needed to design all had just one floor. The top floor was always just used as apartments for people to live in. Big ice boxes are heavy so extra support will be needed. Plus wide stairs, will probably be needed. Yes and a ramp beside the stairs, said Jessica. That way people don't have to carry things down the stairs. Don't want anyone to trip and fall going down. Tripping is less likely going up rather than down. Yes that is correct, said Josh. My you must of done your research on all these special features. No not really, said Jessica. I just think a lot when I am cooking and making candies by myself. Jessica is very smart, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Yes it would seem that way, said Alieta. Now one last thing. How much water will you be using so I know how big and how many water tanks will be needed to put on the roof or will you be buying all your water? asked Josh. Oh Misty can help with that, said Ivy that got all excited now. She is the best at finding underground water. She will find the best spot for water plus that will be the place to build also, said Ivy. Good thinking, said Alieta. Two problems solved at once. Well I am smart too you know, said Ivy. They all smiled. Yes we all know that Ivy, said Alieta. I am smart too but not as smart as Ivy, said Sara. Josh smiled. Okay that will be good enough for now, said Josh. I will get to work on this quickly. Now we need it as fast as possible, said Daisy. I have a feeling we are going to get swamped with orders very soon. Oh ya, said Fawn. Here is another order for candy boxes I got from another store plus the big grocery store ordered another fifty boxes but said he can wait until next week for delivery. See it is starting already, said Daisy. Well Alieta, you have some very smart girls working for you here, said Josh. Oh no, they are not working for me they work for Jessica. I am just paying for everything, said Alieta. You are doing this with your money, he asked. Well not my money but the crowns money. This business will employ people and make life better for them. That is why I am doing it, plus I love those candies, said Alieta with a smile. Okay then, said Josh, knowing that, these plans will be ready in two days. I have two other partners that I can get to help me. What ever they are working on now can wait. Okay thanks Josh, see you soon, said Alieta. You bet, said Josh. Best meeting I have ever been to with so many very pretty sprites here. Yes definitely best meeting ever and he went to his horse and rode away. All the girls were smiling. Not a bad guy at all, said Daisy. Ya but not cute enough for us two, said Sally.



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