Back To Work Chapter 3


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Getting Things Started

Back at the palace the cooks finally showed up and so did the all the girls that were starving and ready for breakfast. They said sorry for sleeping in but Alieta didn't tell them that she slept in also. They all ate then went outside and found Tara and Avan sitting on the steps. Hi you two, said Alieta. Well about time someone came out here, said Tara. It gets boring out here with no one around. Alieta looked around and saw no one was walking around on the grounds as usual. Yes I can see that it can get boring, said Alieta. Ya a sprite flew down and told us it is like this every where in Fae Land, said Avan. Ginger smiled then said, "Well we sure did put on a big party! Everyone is probably just a bit slow getting started today". So did you two check the sun dial and see what it was going to be like today? asked Alieta to Avan and Tara. Yep, it shows a sun partly covered with a cloud, said Tara. Oh that is good then, said Alieta, No rain at least. So now I need to get a sprite to go to Cumberland and get an architect to come and talk to Jessica about the new building for making candies and you Ginger tell Jim about the new add on room for all of Ivy's gifts. So lots to do today, what are you girls going to do today? Well we have dates with those two cute boys we met at the party yesterday, said Repellia. They are treating us to a early dinner in town. Okay that sounds like fun, said Alieta. How about you Tabitha? I don't know yet, she said. All the boys were too old for me at the party so I just danced with Zan and Jazmen most of the time. Well you can hang with us said, Zan. Candy should be here soon so we all can figure something out together. What about you two? asked Alieta to Tara and Avan. We will do what ever Zan and Tabitha decide to do, said Avan. Don't look like we are going to get attacked any time too soon. Okay then, said Alieta. Everyone has something to do, so lets all get this day started. It may be a late start but at least it is a start.

Alieta sent a sprite to get an architect to talk with Jessica today. Phonixa and Repellia went back in the palace to get ready for their date later on. Ginger headed over to the elf village to talk to Jim to get work started at Ivy's place. Okay so what should we do? asked Tabitha. Well I have never gone swimming in the new pool yet, said Zan. Ya us either, said Tara. Okay, then lets wait for Candy so we can see if she wants go there with us too, said Zan. Candy showed up a few minutes later and was excited to go swimming with them all. We don't have swimming suits said Tara. Oh a fairy will take care of that for you two, said Tabitha. They are very good at making bikinis. What is a bikini? asked Avan. Oh very sexy swim wear, said Ginger. Oh good, we like sexy, said Tara. Okay, let Tabitha grab her bikini then lets all go, said Zan. When ready they all headed out to the forest then once inside everyone walked to the pool seeing that not everyone could fly and there really was no rush. Once at the pool, they saw that no one was there so Zan offered to run to the cove and get a fairy seeing she was the fastest runner. In the meantime Tabitha got changed then sat on one of the lounge chairs to wait. When Zan reached the cove she saw Ivy and Jessica talking and Tulip was there also with Sara. Hi everyone, said Zan. Can you all spare Tulip for a minute. A bunch of us are at the pool and need some bathing suits. Yes I can help you all out there, said Tulip and off the two of them went to the pool. I guess the pool is the most used place in the forest for everyone, said Jessica. Yep it is, said Ivy. I like the sauna also plus the eatery is good too. There is a self serve box there that I can get ice cream when ever I want it. Jessica smiled. Lets go get some ice cream then while we are waiting for that hot tub to be ready for us, said Ivy. Sure why not, said Jessica then the three of them they left for the eatery.


When the two of them got to the pool Tulip first gave Zan a bikini then looked at Tara and Avan. Hmm going to be hard to beat what you are wearing now but let me think of something, said Tulip. Tulip gave the two of them bikinis that fit them perfectly. Tara and Avan looked at each other and smiled. Then she gave Candy a nice pink bikini to wear. Okay is everyone ready? asked Zan. Yep all set, lets all get wet. Zan jumped and so did Candy and Tabitha. Tara and Avan saw that getting all wet could be fun so they jumped in too. Both Tara and Avan's feathers stayed looking pretty normal while they were soaking wet. They found that it was hard to stay a float though seeing their wings added weight. Zan told them to move their wings some and that will help. They tried that and found it worked. So how do we swim like you all? asked Tara. Hmm, try on your backs first, said Zan. Kick your feet then move your wings and arms to move you around. Everyone else was watching to see if they could do it. They both folded their wings that made it easier to get on their backs then started moving their arms and legs. They were able to move nicely in the water. Tara opened her wings then pushed them back hard then went flying across the pool very fast. Hey let me try that, said Avan and she did the same. Wow, I have never seen anyone move that fast in water before, said Tabitha.

They all started playing around in the water seeing who could hold their breath the longest and stuff like that. Tulip saw that they needed something so she made a beach ball and threw it in then made her own bikini and joined them all. Ginger grabbed the ball and said lets see how long we can keep the ball in the air with out it touching the water. They all got it going but at first not so good. After a few more tries they were able to keep the ball going nicely and were have a great time. Tabitha was the best swimmer of them all seeing she took lessons back home. She did some amazing dives off the board that impressed everyone. Tara wanted to try diving so she got on the board and did what Tabitha did and ran to the end and bounced off then spread her wings that made her float outward then tucked them in making her dive down into the water. When she came up for air everyone was clapping. That looked so cool, said Tabitha. Sort of a combination of flying and diving. You almost reached the center of the pool. So I am guessing I did it right, said Tara. Well right for a she devil anyways, said Zan. After some more goofing around they were starting to get tired so they all got out of the water then laid down on the lounge chairs to dry off. Zan sat beside Tara and asked her how she liked swimming. It was fun, said Tara. Not as good as flying but very different and refreshing.

So once we dry off a bit more, lets all go to the eatery for some lunch and I will make it, said Tulip. Sounds good to me, said Zan. Us too, said everyone else. They all headed back to the cove then they all crossed over to the other side of the cove and went through the archway there and headed down to the eatery. Once there everyone took a seat on the picnic tables and Tulip made lunch for everyone. So once you all finish eating I will change you all back to the clothing you were wearing except for Tabitha then you can wander around some if you like but I have to get back to the cove and keep an eye on things while Ivy and Sara are at Jessica's place, said Tulip. Well I want to talk to Repellia and Phonixa before they go on their dates, said Tabitha. They have dates? asked Zan. Yep, those two boys they met at Ivy's birthday party yesterday, said Tabitha. They did say they were going on a date when we were all outside together. Oh I must of not been paying attention, said Zan. So what do human girls do on a date with boys? They are just going to an eatery I think then maybe going dancing, said Tabitha. They said they had to get ready before the boys came to get them. Get ready, those two always look ready for boys, said Candy. It's the boys that better get ready for them. Everyone laughed. They all ate their lunch then Tulip changed the girls clothes back to normal then Tulip headed back to the cove. We might as go back to the palace too, said Zan and see what Alieta is doing. Okay, good idea, said Tara and they all headed out of the forest.



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