Ivy's Helper Chapter 2


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Sara Meets Some Of Ivy's Friends

Ivy and Sara flew over to Ivy's place. My it looks really nice here with all the flowers and this big tree, in the middle, said Sara. Those flowers are called tulips and that is my coconut tree. What is that big blue building for? asked Sara. Oh that is our house, said Ivy. That is were I live and sleep in at night. Really, you don't sleep in the forest. I feel that I am suppose to sleep in the forest. Well I used to sleep in the forest but not anymore, said Ivy. Once you get to sleep on a nice soft bed you will see why. The pixies take care of the forest at night time so I can sleep indoors where it is nice and quite and dry when it rains. So what are pixies, asked Sara. Magical little elves with wings that have pixie dust that help the trees grow. The trees love them all, said Ivy. Oh okay I think, said Sara. Now Viridian lives with me and she is older and knows lots of things that is best for me because I am young too, just not as young as you, said Ivy. So be nice to her and do what ever she says even if you think she is wrong because Viridian has never been wrong with me. Okay I will be nice, said Sara. Ivy called for Viridian. Viridian, can you come out please and meet Sara please. Viridian came out and saw Sara standing a bit behind Ivy. Go slow Viridian, she is very new, said Ivy. Okay, Viridian walked slowly towards them. Well hello Sara. My you are very pretty like my Ivy. So Ivy where did she come from? asked Viridian. God made her for me to help with Fae Land, said Ivy. Really, said Viridian. Yep she is very new and has not seen very many things yet. I am in charge of her, Gabriel said so, said Ivy. So Sara, how do you like Fae Land so far? asked Viridian. Well what I have seen so far looks very pretty, said Sara. Sara just got here and landed on the palace grounds beside Alieta and me so that is all she has seen other than our front yard, said Ivy. So what is inside that house? asked Sara. Oh there is rooms and stuff plus a kitchen where I make our food. Would you like to come in and look around? asked Viridian. I think so, said Sara. Is it safe in there? Yep, very safe said Ivy. Okay then, Sara said.

They went inside and Sara just kept looking around. Something smells really good, she said. Oh that is my soup that I am making for lunch, said Viridian. Would you like to try some to eat? I have never eaten before, said Sara. Oh dear, Then I will just give you a little bit first, said Viridian. You two sit at the table and I will bring you some. They both sat down and Ivy was surprised that she was not uptight about being inside. Okay here you two go. Now use the spoon Sara but it is hot so blow on it lightly a bit to cool it down then take a sip. Ivy showed her how to do it. Sara did the same and tasted the soup. This tastes really good, said Sara. She took another sip then another and soon was eating like a pro. The two of them finished the soup then Viridian asked Sara if she wanted to try something cold. Ice cream, said Ivy. It is my favorite. Okay, said Sara. Viridian got them both a bowl and gave it to them. Now this is very cold to start with so eat it slowly first like the soup. Just let it melt in your mouth. Okay, said Sara and tried a little bit and her beautiful green eyes opened wide. Wow this is amazing. I tastes like, I don't know what it tastes like. Ivy smiled. Told you it was really good, said Ivy. I call it happy food.

Just then Ktara came in and said oh sorry I didn't know you had company. Sara turned around fast and looked scared. Oh my she is like Ivy. So pretty and all, said Ktara. Don't worry Sara, she is my friend too. She is really nice. Okay Ivy, said Sara. Did I do something wrong, asked Ktara. Nope, it is all good, said Ivy and they both got back to the ice cream. Viridian took Ktara aside and filled her in what Ivy told her about Sara. Really, that new and for Ivy. That is awesome, said Ktara. What does awesome mean, asked Sara. Good hearing too, said Ktara. It means very good, said Ktara. Oh, okay and Sara went back to eating. So where is she staying, asked Ktara. I want her to live with us, said Ivy if it is okay with Viridian. She can sleep in my room with me. Well if that is okay with Sara. Forest sprites usually like to live in the forest, said Viridian. Oh Ivy told me that there are things called pixies that take care of the forest at night. And forests don't have a kitchen and ice cream, then Sara smiled at the two of them. She is adorable, said Ktara. She has lovely green colour hair like Ivy's and those eyes are so beautiful. Has Alexa met her yet? asked Ktara to Ivy. Nope not yet. Maybe tomorrow but she will have to come here alone, said Ivy. One step at a time Gabriel said. Sounds good, said Ktara. Ktara went over to Sara after she finished her ice cream. Looks like you enjoyed that, said Ktara. Yep, it was the best, said Sara. It seems to be making my wings feel really good, and she started flapping them. No flapping wings in the house, said Viridian. They might break something. Oh sorry. I can fly very fast too, said Sara. I bet you can, said Ktara. So Ivy what are your plans for the rest of the day. Well I will take Sara to the forest for a bit to meet the fairies then maybe come back home after, said Ivy. Oh ya, first I want Pippa to meet Sara too. What are fairies? asked Sara. Kind of like pixies but do magic with their wands, said Ivy. Okay can we go now, the ice cream is kicking in. Sure go ahead, said Viridian. Out they went and flew away. You have the two most prettiest girls ever living with you now and they both are so lovable. Yes, it is weird how that has worked out but I could never say no to her staying here with those lovely eyes looking at me. I don't have a bed for her yet though, said Viridian. No problem. I have a spare you can borrow until you buy one for her, said Ktara. Okay lets go get it while they are gone, said Viridian.

Ivy took Sara west then south along the elf village. This is where most of the elves live, said Ivy. Do you know what they look like? Yep, they are the little girls with the pointed ears I saw at the palace grounds that were looking at me, said Sara. Yes but you have pointed ears too just like me, said Ivy. I do? then Sara felt her ears. Look at that I have pointed ears too, said Sara. Do they look okay? Ivy smiled, Yes they look perfect, said Ivy. So you don't know what you look like I am guessing. Well I have two lumps on my chest and a tummy then long legs and two feet with ten toes, said Sara. I don't know what my head looks like except for the green hair I can see. Oh and my nice big green wings. Well there is a pool in the fairy cove where you can look at yourself in the reflection of the water, said Ivy. What is a cove? asked Sara. It is too hard to explain without you asking a bunch of new questions so you will see when you get there, said Ivy. When they reached the west woods they flew to where the fairy forest entrance was then Ivy called for Pippa. In a few moments Pippa appeared that scared Sara and ran behind Ivy. Hi Ivy, who is that behind you, asked Pippa. Ivy grabbed Sara's arm and pulled her beside her. This is Sara and is very new so she scares easily right now so don't pop up like that until she gets used to you, said Ivy. Hello Sara, sorry I frightened you, my another forest sprite, said Pippa. Where did you find her? She found me, God made her to be my helper, said Ivy. I see, so do you think the cove will let her control the magic like you? asked Pippa. Maybe not at first, but I have to teach her how everything works in the cove and the forest, said Ivy. The trees will like her though. Sara had wandered over to a tree and touched it and it moved over, opening the entrance that made Sara jump back. What happened I just wanted to talk to the tree, said Sara. Don't the trees here like me? Pippa, smiled. Looks like you have your hands filled with this one, said Pippa. She must be very new. Sara, this is the entrance to the fairy forest and when you touched the tree they saw you were a forest sprite and opened up to let you in, said Ivy. That means they like you a lot. Oh, okay, I didn't know trees could move like that, said Sara. Hello tree I like you a lot too, said Sara. Then the tree branches began to move around a bit. Yep this tree likes me, said Sara.

I have a feeling it is going to be a lot more fun around here with another forest sprite in Fae Land, said Pippa. Where is she staying? At my place, Viridian and Ktara have already met Sara, said Ivy. Okay that makes sense, I hope Sara likes to play also, said Pippa. I think I like to play, I don't know what play is but I know it is fun, said Sara. Well pixies just love to play and have fun and so do fairies, said Pippa. You will find out what playing is soon enough, said Pippa. Well time for Sara to see the cove and meet the fairies, said Ivy. We have lots to do before supper time. Okay, have fun, nice meeting you Sara, said Pippa then flew off. So Pippa is a pixie? asked Sara. Yep, Pippa is the Queen of Pixies, said Ivy. Another queen, there is a lot of queens in Fae Land, said Sara. Yep there is but Alieta is the queen of the queens, said Ivy. She runs all of Fae Land and everyone living here., said Ivy. Okay lets go. We need to fly fast because it is pretty far to the cove. Ivy told the forest to open wide and far then they took off. In a few minutes they reached the cove entrance and asked the trees to let them in. The two of them stepped in and Ivy saw Tulip staring at the overviewer. Tulip, come and meet Sara, yelled out Ivy. Tulip looked over and flew over fast. That explains it, the overviewer just got brighter, said Tulip. Where did you find another forest sprite? God sent Sara to be my helper, said Ivy. She is very new so we need to teach her how the cove works. Wow she is very pretty too, so Sara how much do you know about magic? asked Tulip. I don't know what magic is, said Sara. Well you are definitely in the right place to find out, said Tulip. Your really pretty, do all fairies look as pretty as you? asked Sara. You have beautiful wings too. Tulip looked at Ivy. I really like your new helper Ivy, said Tulip.



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