Ivy's Helper Chapter 5


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While Ivy and Sara were flying over Eden heading home, Sara spotted two people laying on the grass. Who are they? asked Sara. That is Zatsuky and Carmen, they are both heroes like Viridian on Alexa's team, said Ivy. Would you like to meet them? Okay, they don't seem to be wearing much, said Sara. They are wearing bikinis, people wear them when the lay in the sun relaxing or go swimming, said Ivy. They both flew down and Ivy said hello to them. Hi Ivy, that must be Sara that Ktara told us about, said Zatsuky. Yep, she is my new helper and is very new, said Ivy. Yes so Ktara told us, said Carmen. They both stood to greet Sara. Welcome to Fae Land Sara. You are just as pretty as our Ivy, said Zatsuky. What do you have in the bag Ivy? Repellia gave me an idea about making a spa in the fairy forest and told me there was a magazine in the corner store that showed pictures of different types of spas so we went and got it so I can show Tulip and see if the fairies can make it, said Ivy. Nice a spa would be awesome, said Carmen. Just then Tempressa came out of the house. Look Tempressa, Ivy brought Sara here, said Carmen. My look at you, so pretty and all, said Tempressa. Very nice to meet you Sara. That is a very pretty bracelet you have on. Yep I love it and Cindy gave it to me for free, said Sara. We don't have any money to buy stuff. Really, how come Ivy? Only the heroes make money from the palace for what they do for Fae Land, said Ivy. I guess Repellia does too seeing she has a palace account at the corner store. That is how I was able to buy this magazine, she just put it on Repellia's account. Hmm, interesting, said Tempressa. We were just heading home now to have a snack and show Viridian the magazine then I need to teach Sara, how to read and write, said Ivy. You can teach? asked Tempressa. I think so but Viridian will help me, said Ivy. So you ready to go home now Sara. You can always come back another time to visit. Yes please do, you are always welcome, we are kinda neighbors, said Carmen. What are neighbors? asked Sara. Just people that live close to each other, said Carmen. Okay bye neighbors, said Sara then they both flew off. Man I am going to have to have a talk with Alieta, said Tempressa. What about? asked Zatsuky. You heard them, they have no money, Viridian is the only one in that house that makes money, said Tempressa. We all make money and can support ourselves but Viridian is supporting both of them now plus Ivy is now Queen of the Forest and controls the magic here and Sara is going to be helping Ivy. That is not right and needs to be fixed. Well today we sit and relax, said Carmen. I am sure you yelling at Alieta can wait a day. I didn't say I was going to yell at her, said Tempressa. Ya right, we know you Tempressa when you get mad about something, said Zatsuky. Ya I do yell when I get mad don't I, said Tempressa. Oh ya, you make sure everyone knows you have something to say, said Carmen.

When Ivy and Sara got home they went in the kitchen and Sara sat right down in her chair. Viridian we are home, yelled out Ivy. Viridian came out of her room and went in the kitchen. So how did you two make out today? asked Viridian. We did great, said Ivy. Got everything done that needed to be done and took Sara to town where she got a bracelet for free and I got a magazine that I need you to look at, said Ivy. Wait Sara got a free bracelet from in town, how? asked Viridian. Cindy at the jewelry store gave it to her as a welcome to Fae Land gift, said Ivy. Sara stuck out her arm to show Viridian. My that is a pretty bracelet, said Viridian. That was nice of Cindy, so what was it that you needed me to see. Well I am thinking of having the fairies build a spa in the fairy forest but in this book there are different kinds and I was hoping you knew something about them and could tell me which one would be best to show Tulip, said Ivy. Well I know a bit about them though I have been to one myself but first it looks like Sara is hungry, said Viridian. Yep me too, is there something we can have in the ice box? asked Ivy. There is some cake that Ktara brought over for us, said Viridian. That would be great! said Ivy then put the bag on the counter and sat down also. Viridian served up the cake and sat down with them. So a spa in the fairy forest, where did you get that idea from? asked Viridian. It was Repellia's idea, she figures people would like it and come to relax, said Ivy. Oh I see so you don't really want a complete spa because they are very big and people go to a spa for a short vacation, said Viridian. They have a building with rooms for sleeping in them and a swimming pool plus a massage parlor and other things including a bar with fancy cocktails for drinking. All you need is the scented pool and maybe a spot to do yoga or a massage table. What is yoga? asked Ivy and Sara at the same time. Nothing you two need to do, said Viridian. It is a form of exercise and stretching plus meditation to loosen up and relieve stress. Oh okay so after we finish here can you help me teach Sara how to read and write? She doesn't know about numbers either, said Ivy. Really, they really sent you down here fresh, said Viridian. I imagine we can start some lessons today. We will leave the counting and math lessons after she can read and write some. Sara will learn fast, she is really smart, said Ivy. She eats fast too, would you like another piece of cake dear. Yes please Viridian and some ice cream too if you have any, said Sara. Well that is one thing we always have, said Viridian. As for everything else, I am going to have to get more creative. What does creative mean? asked Sara. Don't worry about it, I will figure it out said Viridian.

The End...



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