Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Ivy's Helper Chapter 1


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A few days had past and every morning when Alieta went out to check the sundial she would see Ivy heading to the fairy forest. Alieta wasn't exactly sure what she was doing in there but what ever it was she was happy that Ivy now had something important to do and even though she was a queen now she never talked about it and was still the same Ivy that everyone loved. Phonixa and Repellia were going to the elf village every day to see Liza and Grace plus Cathy and Jim. Jim had three elves working for him and he was surprise at how fast they learned everything he would show them and the first thing they did was repair the hole in the palace roof. Ginger gave him a number of projects to work on but left him to decide what repairs needed to be done first so basically he was his own boss. Apollina was showing up on the palace grounds to tell Alieta how Guen was doing back at Fairy Land and that she was a big hit with all the fairies there and had lots of friends now. Gabriel showed up and apologized to Alieta for saying she was sneaky and had a master plan in place to get fairies to live in Fae Land. She said that God told her Alieta just did what she had to do to make everyone happy and she did nothing wrong achieving her goal. Today Alieta got up a bit later than usual and when she went down to the dining room she was surprised to she Phonixa and Repellia sitting at the table talking to Tulip that she hadn't seen so much since her mother left Fae Land. So this is a pleasant surprise said Alieta as she sat down. Has everyone had breakfast? Yep we had the breakfast special and Tulip had a milkshake, said Repellia. Yep you said I could come back in the dining room anytime and my milkshakes don't taste as good as Sally's, said Tulip. You see milkshakes have milk in them and milk is mostly water. Fairies can't make water, we can find it underground but that is all. Lots of things that come from the earth we can't make with out wands like plants and flowers. But water comes from the clouds in the sky, said Phonixa. Okay so where did the water come from to make the clouds? asked Tulip. From lakes and streams on earth, said Phonixa. Yep that is true but where did the water come from that filled the lakes that made rivers and streams? asked Tulip. Um from the clouds in the sky, said Phonixa. This is some kind of a trick question. Nope, nobody knows which came first except God. He made water and clouds at the same time maybe, said Tulip. All I know is Sally makes the best milkshakes. Alieta laughed. Yes she does and you are welcome to come anytime to enjoy one, said Alieta.

A New Soul

So Tulip, how is everything going in the fairy forest? asked Alieta. Really good, we made a waterfall like the one in Fairy Land, said Tulip. Ivy has everything under control. She is having a problem thinking of things to make in there though. She likes the waterfall but wants to make our forest different. Now that we have so much more room none of us can think of anything but Ivy said she will figure it out. I think she already has an idea though because she has moved a bit of magic to one side of the forest. Anyways I have to get back there and help where I can, Then Tulip left the room. I know what they should build next, said Repellia. A spa so we can go and relax. I doubt the fairies need a spa, said Alieta. Well Phonixa and I would use it and I bet Grace and Cathy would too, said Repellia. I suppose, said Alieta. I need to have my breakfast, what are you two going to do today? We are taking Grace to town and shop for more clothes for Liza, said Phonixa. Then who knows. Okay we will leave you to have your breakfast. We have some planning to do plus Grace is supposed to be meeting us soon by the sundial. Then they both left. Once they got outside they checked the sundial. After nine already, said Repellia. Grace will be here soon. I still think a spa is a great idea. So do I, we could get our nails done and wash our hair then sit in scented warm water just relaxing, said Phonixa. Anyways here comes grace now. Hi girls I made it, hope you haven't been waiting too long. Nope we just got out here. Cathy is taking care of Liza and boy she loves to spoil her. Well one day she will have her own child to spoil, said Repellia. Okay lets go get the horses and head to town. I don't have a horse, said Grace. Just borrow one from Alieta's stable, she won't mind, said Repellia. Maybe there is a sale on and we will buy a new outfit for us too. Yes I could use a new dress also, said Grace. So what do you think about having a spa in Fae Land? asked Phonixa as the walked over to the stables.

After Alieta finished her breakfast she went outside and saw that Phonixa and Repellia had already left. She walked over to the sundial but just before she reached it, she noticed Ivy flying towards her. Hmm, she is coming out of the forest early today, I wonder what she is up to, thought Alieta. Ivy landed beside Alieta and said hello. Hi Ivy, how are things going? asked Alieta. Great, except I am having trouble figuring out what to make next in the forest, said Ivy. Yes so Tulip told me a bit earlier, said Alieta. She said you want to make this forest different from Fairy Land's forest. Yep, I have a few possibilities I am thinking on but first I need to do some research, said Ivy. Well I don't know if this is a good idea or not but Repellia said she would like to see a spa in the forest, said Alieta. What is that? asked Ivy. It is a place where people go to relax and get pampered some plus sit in warm scented water usually with candles around, said Alieta. I have never been to one but I saw them advertised in some magazines in town. That sounds like a really good idea, said Ivy. It is a lot of work trying to get the magic to spread further north in Fae Land. I have to stay in the forest longer than I want but the magic will only let Tulip activate the overviewer and do just simple things even though I asked the pool to give her full access. Well that seems odd, said Alieta. I thought the magic does what ever you ask it to do, said Alieta. It does but Tulip said it is just like the cove in Fairy Land, there can only be one queen with full access. Ivy looked up and said someone is coming. Alieta looked up and saw something very high up flying towards them. Can you tell if it is bad or good yet? asked Alieta. Can't tell, I think she is okay but there is nothing inside that I can see yet, said Ivy. Maybe when she lands I will see more.


Alieta could now see it was a girl and in a few moments she landed in front of the two of them. Sure looks like a forest sprite to me Ivy, is she a friend of yours? asked Alieta. No I have never seen her before, said Ivy. Besides none of my old friends know I am here. Hello dear why are you here? asked Alieta. I don't know, said the girl. She was very pretty like Ivy with long green hair and lovely green eyes and matching finger and toenails. You are a forest sprite like me, said Ivy. Really, is that what I am? she asked. I can't read what your name is though, said Ivy. Actually I can't see anything in you except that you have a very white soul. What is your name? Um let me think, he told me. It started with a s.... oh Sara. That is it, said the girl. Alieta was now looking very confused and so was Ivy. So Sara, welcome to Fae Land, said Ivy. Is that were I am? asked Sara, what is a Fae Land. Ivy smiled. Here is Fae Land silly, said Ivy. Sara smiled back at Ivy. Alieta came forward and asked Sara what it was she wanted or needed. Um not sure, said Sara. All I know is he told me to find the queen. Well I am queen of Fae Land, said Alieta. Nope not you, you don't feel like my queen. She does and pointed at Ivy. Alieta smiled and now things were beginning to make a bit of sense to her. Yes Ivy is Queen of the Forest, said Alieta. Yes that is it, a forest. I have this huge need to be in a forest, said Sara. What is a forest though? she asked. Ivy looked at Sara deep this time and then went very serious looking. She then turned to Alieta and said, "She is new Alieta". Well yes she just got here, said Alieta. Not that kind of new, said Ivy. She is new inside, very pure and very white. What does that mean? asked Alieta. It means she is a new soul, said Ivy. A new soul like a new born baby? asked Alieta. Yep, sort of, brand spanking new, said Ivy then gave Sara a hug. You feel so right for me, said Sara. Alieta called out for Gabriel.

Gabriel appeared and said "Hello Alieta, what can I do for you?" Do you know anything about her? and Alieta pointed at Sara. Oh hi Gabriel, said Sara. Hello dear, I see you made it down safely. Yep I did just as you asked, said Sara. Fly straight down to where the big building is. So you do know about her, said Alieta. Yes of coarse, God just made her and isn't she a beauty, just like Ivy, said Gabriel. Wings are a bit bigger but stronger than Ivy's. She is a bit bigger overall too and very strong. She will be perfect for Ivy. Perfect for what? asked Alieta. She is Ivy's helper, said Gabriel. Okay that much I sort of figured out when she said I was not the right queen she was looking for but Ivy was. Well you made her a queen so what is a queen without someone to help her, said Gabriel. Alieta smiled then noticed that Ivy and Sara were busy chatting away with each other. You see, Ivy has too much to look after now in Fae Land by herself. He saw this and made her a helper that could do a lot of work for her. Thus the stronger wings and body, said Gabriel. Ivy deserves to have fun with her friends too you know and she will teach Sara the ropes, and also introduce her to all her friends too. They will be splendid together for Fae Land, said Gabriel. Now Sara does not have the strong insight powers like Ivy but she can talk and listen to plants and the plants will love her as much as Ivy, said Gabriel. Lets just say Sara is cut from the same cloth without the extra inner energy. Safire happened to come up for a visit when she saw everyone and ran over. Wow, who is the new girl? asked Safire. Sara turned and looked at Safire then screamed and hid behind Ivy. Oops, did I say something wrong? asked Safire. Ivy tell her about Safire, said Gabriel. Okay, this is Safire. She is queen of the Blue Fae that lives underground and she is very nice and would never hurt you, said Ivy. Why is she blue? asked Sara. I don't know, but it is a nice colour of blue, said Ivy. Safire smiled. Yes it is a nice colour, just like the sky, said Sara.

Safire went up to Gabriel. I really didn't mean to scare her, said Safire. I don't come up here that often so I just figured she was one of the gang here at first until I got closer. Well she will be, said Gabriel. Just go over there and talk to her and Ivy. Just try not to confuse her, said Gabriel. Confuse her, why, how old is she? asked Safire. About twenty minutes, said Gabriel. Ya right, look at her, she's a fully grown woman, looks a lot like Ivy too. Safire walked over to where the two of them were talking. Well Alieta I am off, I am sure Sara will do just fine here. So where is she going to live? asked Alieta. Let Ivy figure that out, said Gabriel then vanished. Ivy I am going into the palace to tell Ginger about the new arrival, said Alieta then headed in. Sara, I am very sorry for scaring you, said Safire. I didn't know you just arrived here in Fae Land. Where did you come from? Heaven, said Sara. No I mean where did you live before you came here? asked Safire. This is the first place I have ever been, said Sara. I like it here, it is really pretty. Safire smiled. Ivy help me out here, is she a friend of yours? asked Safire. She is now, said Ivy. God just made her and she is going to help me but I have to teach her a bunch of stuff first. Sara is very smart but doesn't know about too many things yet. First I have to let her meet Viridian, then we are going to have some ice cream, Sara has never eaten before but I know she will love it like me then after that I will take her to meet the fairies in the new fairy forest. What fairies, there are fairies her now? asked Safire. Yep just on the other side of the west woods, said Ivy. Okay you ready to meet one of my best friends Sara. Yep, bye Safire nice to meet you. Okay follow me, said Ivy then they both flew off towards Sandy Lake. Man I have to come up here more often, thought Safire. Ice cream does sound like a good idea though. Then Safire went in the palace.




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