Ivy's Helper Chapter 4


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Ivy Takes Sara To Town

So is there anything else you would like to see? asked Ivy. I don't think so. You did a very good job of explaining everything to me, said Merlin. Good I want to get back to the palace and see what Sara is doing, said Ivy. You can teleport out of here now but you can't come back in unless I bring you in again. Okay see you later Merlin, then Ivy flew out of the cove. Well that girl definitely knows her stuff in here, thought Merlin. Sets rules and moves magic around and even talks to a pool. This must be the new generation of magic. I'm going to stick to my old fashion way. When Ivy got back to the palace grounds she found Sara talking to Repellia. She flew down and said hi to Repellia. Hi Ivy, we were just talking about you. Really how come? asked Ivy. Well Alieta said you needed some new ideas for things to put in the forest, said Repellia. I mentioned a spa would be very nice but she thought that the fairies don't need a spa. Sara never heard of a spa before so I described one to her that I saw in a magazine in town then she said it would be nice. Yes Alieta did mention that you thought a spa might be good, said Ivy. So there is a picture of one in town? There is an entire magazine with pictures and different kinds of spas, said Repellia. Really, what store did you see it in? asked Ivy. The corner store just past the Pancake House, said Repellia. Sara do you want to come with me to that corner store and see if we can find that magazine? asked Ivy. Okay, what is a corner store? asked Sara. Repellia giggled. Sara sure asks a lot of questions. I like being able to tell her things, said Repellia. Liza asks lots of questions also, very young people are fun. I suppose Sara is now the youngest person in Fae Land. Yep, she is for now but she is the smartest one day old person in Fae Land, said Ivy. Come Sara lets go on a little adventure. What's an adventure? asked Sara. Follow me and you will find out said Ivy. Then they both flew off. Man two gorgeous forests sprite here now, thought Repellia. Funny how they act a bit like sisters though, and kinda look like sisters a bit too. Anyways time for a big bowl of ice cream!


Ivy showed Sara the way to the west town then she flew along the main street to the corner store and landed at the front door. Okay here we are Sara, said Ivy. She looked behind her but Sara wasn't there. Where the heck did she go, wondered Ivy. She flew back down the street some and found Sara looking in the window of the jewelry store. She landed beside her and asked why she stopped here. Look at all the pretty things in here, said Sara. What are they for? Well this is a jewelry store and girls buy those things to wear, usually on special occasions or just because they like rings and bracelets, said Ivy. Do you want to go inside and have a look around? Yep, I would like to a lot, said Sara. Ivy smiled and they both went in the jewelry store. Wow, everything is so sparkly in here, what are these? asked Sara. Those are bracelets but that looks like real gold and real gems, said Ivy. The store owner walked up to the two of them. Well I know there was a forest sprite here named Ivy but not two, said the girl. Hi I am Ivy and this is Sara, she is new to Fae Land. Well Ivy it is very nice to finally meet you and welcome to Fae Land Sara. My name is Cindy. May I help you with anything? Well we don't have any money and these things look expensive, said Ivy. Some things are but you are looking in the bargain clearance counter. Not that expensive at all and none of the gems are real but they look real. I like that one with the green stars, said Sara. Yes that one is pretty said Cindy and it matches your hair and eyes. Here let me put it on for you and see how it looks. Cindy took it out from behind the glass and placed it on Sara's left wrist. Sara's eyes opened wide and got a big smile on her face. It is so pretty, said Sara. Yes it is especially on such a pretty girl, said Cindy. That bracelet is on sale for fifty dollars but seeing you are new here I will let you have it for twenty dollars. That sounds like a very good deal but like I said we don't have any money, said Ivy. I would love to buy it for you but nice things need to be paid for here. Sara now looked sad. I tell you what Sara you can have it as a gift for coming to Fae Land. I know forest sprites help all the trees and plants here so you deserve it, said Cindy. Really I can have it, thank you! I really like you Cindy, said Sara with a big smile. Cindy chuckled. My pleasure Sara. Now you come back sometime when you have some money and I will show you some other real nice things, said Cindy. Okay we have to go to the corner store to look for a magazine on spa's. Repellia said she saw one in there. Okay then have fun you two, said Cindy.


They both left the jewelry store and Ivy said no more looking in windows until we finish in the corner store and find that magazine. Okay, your the boss, said Sara. They walked up the street some then Sara stopped. What is that nice smell? asked Sara. That is the Pancake House, they make good food in there, said Ivy. Oh, now I am starting to get hungry again, said Sara. Well we can eat when we get back home. Viridian makes good food too and we don't need money to have it, said Ivy. Where does money come from and how come you don't have any? asked Sara. I think it comes from the palace but I am not one of the heroes like Viridian is. The heroes all get money for the work they do protecting Fae Land, said Ivy. Oh well then I will protect you and you can protect me then will the palace give us money too? asked Sara. I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way, said Ivy. Come on there is the store so lets go. They both walked into the corner store and Sara was looking around but didn't say a word. Ivy took her over to where the magazine rack was. Okay now look for a book that has the word spa written on it, said Ivy. What does the word spa look like? asked Sara. Ivy picked up a magazine and asked Sara what it said. That can talk too? It is not saying anything right now, said Sara. Ivy smiled. Well I guess we got to teach you how to read and write also, said Ivy. The girl in the store came over and said hello. Nice to see you again Ivy, I see you brought a friend with you, said the girl. Can I help you with anything. Yep, Repellia said she saw a magazine in here that was all about spas, said Ivy. Yes there is one, said the girl. I don't know why the owner of the store brought it here to sell, no one in Fae Land can afford one. Here it is, it does have lots of nice pictures in it and how to put them together. Okay so can I borrow it and bring it back after I show it to Tulip? asked Ivy. No but why don't you just put it on Repellia and Phonixa's account at the palace, said the girl. It is only fifty cents and I am sure they won't mind. Well it was Repellia that told me about it so okay. I will give it to her when I am done with it, said Ivy. Sounds good to me said the girl then handed the magazine to Ivy. Ivy flipped through it a bit. Wow there are a bunch of different kinds, maybe Viridian knows more about these, said Ivy. The girl put the magazine in a small bag then handed it back to Ivy. They thanked the girl then left the store.

As they were walking down the street getting ready to go back home, Sara started asking Ivy some questions. Do all these buildings sell things? asked Sara. I think most of them do, said Ivy. So we need money to go inside any of them, said Sara. Well we can go in but we just can't buy anything, said Ivy. Besides we can always get the fairies to make us things. Oh, okay, that is good then, said Sara. Is it hard to learn how to read and write? I don't remember, I was just a young kid when my parents taught me, said Ivy. Both Viridian and I will teach you plus you will need to know how to count also plus do simple math. Okay, if you say so boss, said Sara. Why are you calling me boss? asked Ivy. I heard a elf saying that to Ginger when she asked her to do something for her, said Sara. Is that not the right thing to say? It is if I was Ginger but I am your friend and we are going to be working together a lot so just call me Ivy. My full name is Ivylynn, my mom gave me that name. Is your mom pretty too like you? asked Sara. My mother was the prettiest girl in the forest and my dad was very handsome too. You said was what happened to them? asked Sara. They both got killed saving my life, said Ivy. Oh I don't have a mother or father but that must of made you very sad, said Sara. I will protect you too, I am very strong and if anyone tries to hurt you I will make sure they will never try again. Ivy smiled at Sara. Okay lets head home and have a treat and let Viridian look at this book, said Ivy. Then they both took flight.




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