Lets Build A Forest Chapter 3


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Starting The Forest

Later that day after Tempressa left and Alieta brought Guen back outside, Guen noticed that Tulip wasn't back yet and couldn't see Roseberry, Chestnut or Sunflower either. She asked Lilly where they were. Well Chestnut and Sunflower are behind the palace, said Lilly. Really what are they doing back there? asked Guen. Sleeping, I was going to wake them up but they looked so comfortable. Why, did they find a nice tree to sleep on? asked Guen. Nope, they are sleeping on the grass, said Lilly. I see, well seeing that Alieta invited us all to sleep in the palace tonight on beds because the woods are over filled with pixies, they will be used to sleeping on a flat surface, said Guen. So where is Roseberry? Somewhere in the palace. She wanted to explore, said Lilly. I see well I want you to get Pippie and come with me, said Guen. Where are we going? asked Lilly. I need you two to test the ground on the other side of the woods where it is all barren to see if it would be possible to grow trees and plants there, said Guen. You mean we are going to build another forest? asked Lilly. We will try, as you know there has to be some soil under the sand and rocks plus a water source of sorts. You two are good at being able to sense that, said Guen. Now go get Pippie and ask Phonixa and Repellia to go wake up Chestnut and Sunflower and find Roseberry because if the land will support plant life then we are going to need all you girls to work together and use your wands to add magic out there to prepare it for seeding. Hopefully Ivy will be back with Tulip by then. Okay, said Lilly then flew off to get Pippie. Okay this part won't take long, said Guen. If Tulip comes back tell her what we are doing. It would be best to have her there if the land is good because she is the best at leading her sisters and telling them what is needed to be done. But she is the youngest you told me, said Alieta. Wouldn't be best to have the oldest with the most experience to be the leader like Chestnut. No, she had her time of leading before her sisters were born besides she has never created a forest from scratch, just improved on an existing one, said Guen. Tulip on the other hand has helped me build Fairy Land same as Lilly and Pippie but Tulip is very smart and loves organizing and figuring out how to make the impossible possible. There has only been one fairy like her in the past but sadly she was killed by dragons a long time ago. Then Guen flew over to Pippie and Lilly. Ready you two? asked Guen. Yep we are but we need Tulip you know, said Pippie. Not for this part, said Guen. I am filling in for her. Then they flew off towards the west woods. So they are thinking they can make a forest grow in a desert, said Ginger. How is that possible? I have no idea but it seems they did it before, said Alieta.

Once they reached the outer border of the west woods the three of them looked at all the open space and dry land. It doesn't look like anything has ever grown out here before, said Lilly. Ya it is all sand and rock, said Pippie, it is going to take a miracle to make anything grow out here. Nonsense, think positive, said Guen. Not always what you see on top is the same that is hidden underneath. Now first I want you two to go out about twenty feet and spread apart then use your finger to sample the ground. See how far down any workable soil may be plus if there is any water underground. Then keep moving out twenty yards at a time doing the same thing until you have read about one square mile. Then come back and report to me. Okay, got it Mom they both said and headed out. They both spread out some like Guen told them to do then got down on their knees and stuck a finger into the sand. Lilly looked up at Guen. Hey there is some magic out here underground, said Lilly. Plus good soil not far underneath. No water yet though. Fine keep going out. There has to be water somewhere underground, said Guen. The two girls kept moving out sampling the ground plus moving outward. Lilly stood up about a mile out into the desert and looked happy. Both Lilly and Pippie came back to where Guen was watching. I found water, said Lilly. It is pretty far out but not that far down. Yep and there is some magic everywhere I sampled and soil under the sand, said Pippie. Looks like we can start a forest out here after all! This is so exciting. Guen smiled. Okay lets go get the others. If there is already magic underground then all we have to do is drill down to the water then seed everywhere. Where are we going to get the seeds. It is in the middle of summer and the trees have already seeded and started new trees in the woods I bet, said Lilly. I am not sure yet. Maybe Alieta knows, said Guen. Then they headed back to the palace.

When they returned to the palace grounds they found Chestnut, Sunflower, Roseberry and Tulip talking among themselves. Okay, I see you are back from your little adventure Tulip. How was it? asked Guen. It was great, I got to meet children and made them all bracelets and ice cream cones. Alieta walked over to find out how things went. Ivy knew this very nice woman named Grace that has a cute little girl named Liza. Her father died a while ago and moved here but they don't have much money but Ivy introduced Grace to a couple that couldn't have a baby and they offered to help them out. The woman had something wrong down there so I fixed it with out her knowing. There were a lot of nice people there at the park. You said there is a single mom in the human village? asked Alieta. Yep Grace and Liza, said Tulip. They are new to Fae Land. I see, well what did you find out Guen? asked Alieta. Well surprisingly there is already some magic underground there and Lilly found water underground also so I need all six of my girls to use their wands to drill down to the water so it can spread across the desert sands, said Guen. Thing is we have no seeds to plant yet. I can take care of that, said Alieta. Cumberland is always replanting new trees to replace the ones they cut down to make building lumber. How many seeds to you need? A mix of five hundred seeds or more but no pine trees. They are no good for pixies plus the needles that fall off are high in acid and kill plants on the ground around them. Okay so how long will it take to drill for water? asked Alieta. Not long, the water table is not that deep under that desert, said Guen. Okay I will be back in a bit, said Alieta then flew off to Cumberland. Okay, you girls all ready to drill? asked Guen. Yep, they all said. Good you are in charge Tulip, where is Ivy by the way. Once she heard we were going to build a forest she took off to the woods to talk to Pippa for some reason, said Tulip. Oh, okay lets go we have water to drill for, said Guen.


Once they all arrived on the edge of the desert plains Guen asked Lilly to show Tulip where she found water underground. They both flew out about half a mile. Okay this is where it starts, said Lilly. Do you want to start here? asked Lilly. Nope, we need to go out further, said Tulip. We need to go out where the water pressure is strongest, said Tulip. There is a lot of dry land here that needs to be made wet. Lets check about out one mile further. Really, that will make a forest bigger than Fairy Land if it grows properly, said Lilly. I know that is my plan, said Tulip. It will grow proper and spread over time. Remember pixies will be living in it dropping pixie dust on everything day and night. That and with us giving the ground a boost with the magic from our wands, will make this the best forest ever and very magical. Okay, your the boss, out another mile then I will test it, said Lilly. They flew out another mile then Pippie tested the with her finger. Wow there is lots of water underground here and close to the surface too. How did you know going out further would be better? asked Pippie. If you look around you can see that the land slumps down around here and the ground is not sandy, instead it is mostly rock a shale. That means there used to be a small lake here many years ago, said Tulip. Man you are smart to be able to know all this stuff. Tulip smiled then told Lilly to bring the others here. Lilly flew back to Guen and her sisters. Where did you go? asked Guen. We lost sight of you two. About two miles out where the land is lower. Tulip says it is going to be the biggest forest ever, said Lilly. I taught her well, said Guen. Now do as Tulip says then some of you come back for the seed when you are done but make sure you hit the ground with the magic of your wands too. Yep Tulip already said that, said Lilly. They all flew out across the desert plains and landed where Tulip was standing. Okay everyone make your wands appear and get in a circle, said Tulip. Time for fairy princess sisters power. They all got in a circle at stuck their wands out almost touching. Okay on three, said Tulip. One, two, three, blast! All the wands lit up sending a bright beam of energy into the ground cutting though the rock and shale like butter then suddenly water gushed out high in the air then began to running out very fast soaking the ground, spreading out fast. Okay that is step one done, said Tulip. Now spread out and begin adding magic to the ground with your wands everywhere within a two square mile area and don't miss a spot. We want this forest to be perfect and very magical.

Once Tulip figured they did enough with their wands they all headed back to Guen. Okay all done, said Tulip. The ground will soon be all wet and ready for the seeds. Very good girls, you made your mother very proud of you all, said Guen. Yep, Tulip said she wanted this forest to be very magical so we made sure to add lots of fairy magic to the ground, said Pippie. Yes I imagine she would want that, said Guen. Now lets head back to the palace and see if Alieta is back with all the seeds. They headed back to the palace and saw Ivy talking to Alieta. Okay it is getting late so everyone make yourself some supper, said Guen. Tulip you make Alieta, Ivy and Ginger supper too if they haven't eaten yet. Then you all can seed the ground then head back and go in the palace for a good night's sleep on beds. Really, we can sleep in the palace? asked Chestnut. Yes, unless you want to sleep outside on the grass but we are Alieta's guests so I would prefer you do as she asks, said Guen. No that is fine, said Roseberry, it is really nice in that palace with lots of big rooms. They landed on the palace grounds and made something to eat for themselves then Tulip and Guen went over to Alieta and Ivy. Okay everything is ready, said Guen. Did you get the seeds? Yes, I had to buy a fifty pound bag though so there is a lot more than five hundred seeds, said Alieta. Well seeing that Tulip made the area much bigger than I expected we will probably need them all. So where are the seeds? asked Guen. I gave them to Pippa, said Ivy. I told her as soon as you all left to get a bunch of pixies to start grabbing handfuls and spreading them out everywhere that is wet. They are probably all ready done by now, they can fly supper fast you know. Guen giggled. That was good thinking on your part, said Guen. Now we can relax have something to eat then call it a night. I am going home for supper, said Ivy. Viridian is probably wondering where I am plus she shouldn't have to eat alone. She can cook really good now! Well how about you Alieta? would you like something. Yes but lets go inside and eat, said Alieta. Let my cooks make something for you. Okay sounds good, said Guen. Tulip when you girls have eaten and are ready go inside, I am sure a nice elf will show you to your rooms. Okay, said Tulip then joined her sisters.


Ivy flew home then Alieta took Guen in the palace then into the dining room. Now have a seat and I will call the cook and she will tell you what they have for the specials today, said Alieta. I'll have what ever you are having, said Guen. Okay then, said Alieta. She called for the cook and asked for two orders of burger and fries plus a glass of fruit juice each. So it sounds like Tulip had a lot of fun with Ivy today at the human village, said Alieta. That is the only place in Fae Land where there are young children. Yes Tulip has never seen young people before and she did seem very excited meeting some today, said Guen. Now there is something that I want to talk to you about that is concerning me. Really, what is that? asked Alieta. Well as you have seen all my girls are having a very good time here. Much more than they have back home mainly because they have met some amazing people that have welcomed them with open arms, that includes myself of course. Well yes the people of Fae Land are very friendly and loving, said Alieta. Yes exactly plus not one person here asked for one of the fairies to make them something. All fairies love to do magic. It makes us feel good inside to make someone else happy. Yes people here always do things for others, it is the way of life here, said Alieta. Yes and that is an environment that my girls are used to. In Fairy Land everyone helps each other out and works together no matter what it is. The thing is there is so much open space here even though there are so many more people living here. They can really fly their hearts out here but not back home in the confines of the forest. So what are you trying to say? asked Alieta. Well as you may of over heard, Tulip made the base of that new forest much bigger than I expected. Plus she made sure that her sisters made the ground full of fairy magic. That means when those seeds begin to grow, they will turn into trees very fast which also means pixies will be moving in there soon spreading pixie dust all over the place day and night. That forest is going to become huge and extremely magical. So how big and how magical will it be? asked Alieta. Tulip made them work their magic on two square miles of desert land. Now as you know pixie dust also helps plants and trees to grow, so my guess is that in a few months that forest will be at least ten to twenty times bigger. Oh my God that is huge, That is practically all of the desert plains. Yep but the good thing is no one will ever be able to go through those woods. As you read in that fairy book, the trees are alive and will not let anything in without permission. No dangerous animals, no insects and not even birds. Nothing will be able to attack you from this south west border of Fae Land. Well that is very good news, said Alieta. Yes but the forest needs to be controlled buy a cove, that you read about too. With out a cove there is no saying how big the forest will get over time and may invade lands that are not barren and belong to other lands and people. Plus rules and permissions need to be made for the forest to obey. That is why, and I am sure why Tulip decided to drill for water where she did. It is the center of the forest and she wants to build a cove there with her sisters. The problem with that is Tulip is still learning how to use the cove back home and really can't control the magic very well yet. That is something that just I can do and takes years of working with the magic waters of the pool for it to listen to you. There is only one person that can run that cove that will be more powerful than Fairy Land's cove and be able to control the magic right away. That is Ivy. Just then the cook came out with the two orders of burgers and fries. Well this looks delicious Alieta, thank you very much, said Guen.




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