Lets Build A Forest Chapter 5


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The Queen Of The Forest

Well I best get to work, said Guen. You better tell everyone to get away from the trees because once I make the beacon tree the magic from the cove gets pretty intense causing tree limbs to start swinging and someone may get hurt. Alieta walked up to everyone and told them to get back to what ever they were doing. Guen has to do something to the forest to finish setting it up. Everyone headed out of the woods. You have good control over everyone here, said Guen. That is a similar kind of control that Ivy has over magic. People love you and do what you say and magic loves Ivy and does what she says. Now best you get back also. I will come out when I am done. When Ivy gets here I will take you in with me and then you can see what Ivy is capable of. Tulip got to Ivy's house and knocked on the door. Viridian answered it. Hello Tulip, nice to see you again. Hi Viridian, is Ivy here I need her to come to the forest with me, said Tulip. Yes she is in her room having a nap, said Viridian. She should get up now though. Would you like to come in? No I will wait out here, we are in a bit of a hurry, said Tulip. The magic needs the queen to set things up. So Ivy is the queen then? asked Viridian. Yep, she is the best, said Tulip. Okay I will go get her, said Viridian and went to her room and knocked on the door. Ivy, Tulip is here and says she needs you to do something with the magic in the forest. Ivy opened the door and still looked a bit tired. They are done already? asked Ivy. I guess so, she is standing outside. Okay, time to go back to work, said Ivy then she went outside where Tulip was waiting for her. Hi Tulip, how did it go, is the cove made already? asked Ivy. Yep and Guen just went in to make the beacon tree, said Tulip. There is too much magic in the cove right now for any of us to activate the overviewer if it will even lets us seeing you have already communicated with the magic. Okay so what do I have to do? asked Ivy. Well first you have to activate the overviewer by touching the top of the water with your fingers and leave it there until the screen stops glowing, said Tulip. Then you have to communicate with the pool and set everything up and make boundaries and rules so it will stop the forest from growing outward. After that the forest will settle down and it will be finished and safe for us to go in. Okay, lets go then, a forest sprites work is never done, said Ivy. You mean a queens work is never done said Tulip. Come lets go, Mom should be done by now.


They both headed over to the woods where they found Alieta and Guen standing waiting for them. Okay, Ivy is ready to set everything up, said Tulip. Is the beacon tree ready? Yes it is, said Guen. Are you coming in with us? Nope, I need a break, said Tulip. Besides I would rather go in when the magic is all under control. Have fun Ivy, then Tulip flew out of the woods. Okay lets go and get this done said Guen. She yelled out, "Forest open wide and deep we are flying to the cove". The forest opened but not wide enough for Alieta's wings and not very deep either. Ivy could you tell this forest what you want it to do please? asked Guen. Okay, forest open up wide and deep. Alieta, Guen and I am flying to the cove fast, said Ivy. The forest did exactly what she said and Alieta could barely see the end of the tunnel. Okay lets go, said Ivy. See queen of the forest, said Guen then they followed Ivy through the tunnel until they got to the end. Ivy said open please and the cove trees opened wide for them and they stepped in. Okay Ivy, did Tulip tell you how to activate the overviewer? asked Guen. Yep touch the water until it stops glowing then go to the pool and set everything up. Yes very good, said Guen. Now we will stay here for now until Ivy is finished. Getting too close to the pool will just make us dizzy. Yes I am starting to feel it already, said Alieta. Ivy flew across the pool and over to the overviewer and touch the water with her fingers. Suddenly that section of the cove lit up so bright Alieta had to turn her head away. In a minute the light got dim then went back to normal. Next Ivy walked towards the pool. Now you are going to see for yourself what I saw her do in my cove, said Guen. Ivy sat down on the side of the pool then walked to the middle of it. She looked down at the water then closed her eyes. Once again like in Fairy Land the water began to swirl then bubble and the magic above the pool became visible but this time it was going in the water. Then a swirl of magic formed around Ivy sucking all the magic towards her then passing down her body into the water. Ivy raised her arms up high and looked up and began to turn around slowly until she was facing Alieta and Guen again. Then she brought her arms down fast. The pool got very bright for a moment then stopped bubbling and the pool went calm and back to normal. Okay all done, said Ivy. Then she got out of the water and looked at the overviewer. What do you see Ivy, asked Guen. The entire forest and all of Fae Land except the far north end, said Ivy. Eden's magic hasn't reached there yet. So Alieta, what do you think now? asked Guen. I have never seen anything like that before, said Alieta. How can such a young girl control so much magic like I just saw. Beats me but she can. I sure can't, said Guen. This cove is bigger and a lot stronger than my cove. Ivy walked over to them looking no worst for wear. How do you feel Ivy? asked Alieta. Energized and hungry, said Ivy. I am going back to the palace and get Tulip to make me a snack. You can show Alieta around now and you both can come and go out from the top of the forest. That makes getting here and back to the palace much faster. Ivy before you leave, did you set the permissions to let the pixies back in? asked Guen. Yep all pixies, all fairies plus Alieta are allowed in but only fairies and me can invite someone new in for now. Okay bye, then Ivy flew up and out of the fairy forest. So Alieta what would you like to see first? asked Guen. That overviewer, said Alieta. Very good choice, said Guen.


Guen showed Alieta some of the basic functions of the overviewer which took some explaining. Now when I touch the surface of the water the overviewer screen turns on that shows just an over view of the fairy forest but if I pan the screen out like this then we can see all of Fae Land now, said Guen. This is incredible, what are those blue dots moving around? asked Alieta. People walking around outside, said Guen. Those green dots would be my girls and that bigger one is probably Ivy. So Ivy can follow anyone she wants from here? asked Alieta. No all she can do is see the dots, said Guen. If someone was to accidentally slip and hurt them self then the dot would turn red then Ivy could send someone out to help who ever it is. Okay that is good to know, said Alieta. Yes it is very good, said Guen. Now if something bad or evil was to appear in Fae Land like an evil wizard, a big red flashing light will show up on the screen. If it is night time and the screen is off, it will turn on by it's self centering on the evil being. Now depending on what secondary controller Ivy picked, probably Tulip, the pool will send out a signal to what ever tree Tulip is sleeping on and shakes it so she wakes up. So this device is always on and making sure nothing bad is going on in Fae Land? asked Alieta. Yes, think of it as an alarm system, said Guen. The cove is completely defensive and will not send out white magic blasts at anything with one exception. What is that? asked Alieta. Well in case there is something attacking the forest and won't give up trying to get in even though it can see the forest is healing faster than it can do damage the pool will send out a repelling blast that will send what ever it is back away from the forest at least a mile away. That normally happens with devils and demons, they are pretty dumb for the most part. This is quite the system you have set up here, said Alieta. Yes but it is what us fairies had to create to protect out existence on earth, said Guen. Without a magic forest and a cove we would of all been killed a long time ago. Now you can come in here anytime you like from above and sit in the pool or just dangle your feet in it. It is very soothing and will heal any skin blemishes or scrapes. The water fountain is over on the far wall that is drinkable. At the moment there is nothing else to see in the forest until my girls start making things. Okay then so I suppose we should go and see if Grace, Liza, Cathy and Jim are here yet, said Alieta. It must be getting close to lunch time. I agree, I am feeling hungry myself, said Guen then they both flew out of the cove and headed back to the palace.

 Back at Alexa's place she was out back playing with Angus and Sivia when Tempressa came around the corner of the house and in the backyard. Hi Alexa, how do you like my new look asked Tempressa. Alexa turned around and was shocked to see the change in Tempressa. Wow, you have hair, I mean you always had hair but I had no idea you had so much of it and what an amazing outfit, said Alexa. So that means you like it? asked Tempressa. Yes very much, said Alexa. You finally went to the hair dresser and had them fix your hair? Nope Lilly did it for me with her magic wand, said Tempressa. Did you know there are fairies her now? No I didn't, said Alexa. When did they get here? Yesterday I think. There is six fairy princesses and their mother the queen, said Tempressa. Lilly made this dress for me too. So they are real fairies and not wizards that look like fairies, said Alexa. Of course they are real, what wizard would want to look like a fairy, said Tempressa. I over heard Pippie talking to Ginger that they were going to make a forest where the desert plain is. Some kind of magical forest I think. Really, changing a desert into a forest would take some very powerful magic, said Alexa. Yep, you should go to the palace and meet them, they are so cute looking and love to do magic, said Tempressa. I am going home and going to invite some of my friends from downtown for a bit of a party. No more looking scary for me. Alexa smile as Tempressa left her backyard. Real fairies in Fae Land, now that was totally unexpected thought Alexa.

At the palace Alieta and Guen found Ivy sitting on the grass with Tulip talking, Lilly was over by the palace talking to Phonixa and Repellia. Chestnut and Roseberry were sitting talking to Ginger while Sunflower and Pippie were both flying around playing together. Look at them all, said Guen. I just can't do it. What, can't you do? asked Alieta. I can't take them away from all this love, I have never seen them so happy. They all worked together and built themselves a new and even better fairy forest. How can I tell them it is time to go home now. It will break their hearts and what will all the people here feel when they find out the fairies they made friends with are gone. Well I have to gather them all together and tell them anyways. Lollipop can not work the cove that well back home like Tulip and I can so I have made my decision. Alieta wasn't sure which way Guen was going to go. Was she going to take them all back to Fairy Land with her or let them stay here. Guen called for all her girls to come and gather in front of her. Ivy went to where Alieta was standing. What is going on? asked Ivy. Not exactly sure but it may be time for the fairies to go back home, said Alieta. Ivy got a very sad look on her face. Okay girls, you all did a great job and accomplished what we came here to do. The forest is completed and the pixies now have plenty of space to move into and welcome new pixies to Fae Land. All the girls suddenly became very sad looking. Guen look at each one of them then said that is what I thought. I have to go back to Fairy Land today, Lollipop can not do what Tulip can do without my help. So if you all want to stay here in Fae Land, you have my blessings. Wait but we will all miss you said Tulip, We can't stay here without you. How can we be princesses without our queen. Guen smiled. You will always be princesses and I will always be your mother the queen plus you have another two queens here. You have Alieta Queen of Fae Land and Ivy, Queen of the Forest. Ivy looked up fast. What? I am a queen? asked Ivy. Not yet, said Alieta. Now don't you all think for a moment that I will not be back to check on you all. Be on your best behavior in this amazing land of magic. You girls belong here now. They all flew up and started air dancing together. Ivy flew over and joined in. Alieta walked over to Guen. So do you think I did the right thing Alieta? asked Guen. I do but won't you miss them? asked Alieta. I will be back every two weeks if Apollonia is not too busy. I trust you with my children. I saw what you did today at the human village and I have seen how you take care of the girls here at the palace. Your heart is like mine, there is always room for more love. Alieta smiled. Okay now it is my turn, said Alieta and called Ginger over. Have you been crying Ginger? asked Alieta. No, well maybe a little bit. I thought they were all going to leave, said Ginger. Guen smiled. Nope they are going nowhere and wiped the tears from Ginger's face.

Alieta looked up and asked everyone to come back down for a minute then asked Ivy to come forward. Ivy had a big smile on her face. They are all staying she said to Alieta. Yes they are, said Alieta. Now Ginger I need you to witness what I am about to do and all of you will be witnesses too. Ivy, after seeing what you were able to do today in the cove of the fairy forest that was something I have never seen before in all my years, I am going to make it official. Make what official? asked Ivy. Well the forest has made you it's queen and Guen and all her children believe you are the queen there also but seeing you can now control the magic of not just the fairy forest but all of Fae Land also, I therefore with the the power of being Queen of Fae Land, I now make you the Queen of the Forest plus all plants in Fae Land. Lets face it, you love magic and magic loves you. Ivy was stunned for a moment then smiled and gave Alieta a big hug. I am really the Queen of the Forest? asked Ivy. Yes you are, said Alieta. Wow! Wait until I tell Viridian and Ktara and Alexa and Carmen and Zatsuky and... Yes Ivy go tell everyone, said Alieta. Just then an elf came walking over holding the hand of Liza. Well hello Liza, what are you doing here? asked Alieta. Well my Mom said I could come here while the elves helped her get the new house ready, said Liza. Really, she said that did she, said Alieta. It seems that Liza here kept asking her mother when she could come see the palace and all the fairies plus Ivy, said the elf. It was best to get her out of the way any how though. It would seem young human girls have a way of getting there own way. Not just human girls, said Guen. All children have that special talent. Is it okay if I stay for a while Alieta? asked Liza. Yes of course, said Alieta. Wow, look at all the fairies. Do they all live in the palace with you? asked Liza. No they live in the Fairy Forest that is right beside the elf village where you live now, said Alieta. Okay that is really close then, said Liza. Repellia went over to Lilly then they both went to Lilly. Come over here where Phonixa is waiting for us, said Repellia. The first thing we are going to do for you is give you some nice clothes, worthy of a little girl that lives so close to the palace, then we are going to fix your hair and what ever else we think of. Well that didn't take long. The twins will have Liza looking like a little princess, said Ginger. Well isn't that every little girls dream is? asked Guen. Yes I suppose it is, said Ginger.



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