The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Lets Build A Forest - Chapter 1


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After Guen the Queen of Fairy Land finished talking to Gabriel and Alieta in the den and Gabriel went back up to heaven, Alieta and Guen went back outside to see how the fairy princesses were doing. Okay, I don't see Tulip here, said Guen. Yes and I don't see Ivy here anymore either, said Alieta. She called over Phonixa that was kicking a ball around with everyone. Hi Alieta what's up? asked Phonixa. Do you know where Tulip and Ivy went? asked Alieta. Ya sort of, said Phonixa. Tulip was going to go fly around some to see how big Fae Land was and what else was here but Ivy wouldn't let her go alone so she went with her. The rest of the girls wanted to go too but Tulip told them to stay here and wait for Guen to come back out. Fairies are very curious, they asks so many questions and Lilly was flying around the palace looking in all the window, Pippie checked under my hair to see if my ears were pointed when I told her they weren't. Sunflower was doing flying tricks for Repellia. It was hard to keep track of them seeing they move around so fast but I know Tulip went with Ivy, that is for sure. Guen smiled. See they can be quite the handful, said Guen. They are just really excited to be here, they will settle down some soon. Oh we don't mind, they are fun to have around and now we are playing soccer, said Phonixa. They learn fast and are really good at playing the game. Is there anything else, I need to get back to the game, my team is loosing badly. Who is on your team? asked Alieta. Oh it is Fae Land girls against Fairy Land girls, said Phonixa then she ran back out to rejoin the game. Of course they are losing, said Guen. None of your girls can fly. I don't think they care, said Alieta. Looks like they are all having a great time.


Tulip's Little Adventure

Ivy and Tulip were flying north over Eden. Wow there sure is a lot of open space here to fly, said Tulip. So where we going Ivy? I want you to meet a little girl I meet not long ago that I think is very special. Why is she special? asked Tulip. Well her name is Liza and her father died a while ago when she was a bit younger from some illness. Her Mother who's name is Grace brought her to Fae Land to live but Victoria was still sad inside and kept to herself. Oh that sounds really sad, said Tulip. Yep but not long ago Alieta wanted me to go to the human colony to meet the people there. They mostly stick to themselves. Anyways Apollonia took me and the twins there to a park where there was lots of people on blankets having picnics. Everyone stared at us at first but then Apollonia spotted Victoria and her mom sitting alone at the far end of the park. Somehow she knew there was something wrong with Liza. She flew right over to them and I followed, she knelt down in font of Liza. She is only seven years old and I never seen such a young human before. Liza stood up and smiled at Apollonia. Grace was very surprised to see an angel to say the least. Apollonia told Liza that she must stop being sad because she is making her father unhappy seeing you this way. He is in heaven and is watching you and wants you and your mother to be happy again. I never saw that part of Apollonia before so I suppose all angels, dark or white want to help people to be happy. So is Liza better and happy now? asked Tulip. Yes she is better inside but they still have no friends yet because for some reason humans tend to form groups of friends and it is hard for new people to get accepted by other people plus she is a single mother that doesn't help her to blend in. That is why I am bringing you there. What can I do, I am newer here than them, said Tulip. I know but one thing I know for sure is no one in that colony has ever seen a fairy before. Only drawings in fairy tale books. People don't believe fairies are real but I bet children believe like I did when I was real young. Truth is I never stopped believing. Hopefully they will be back at the park on this nice sunny day. You want me to make other people notice Liza and her mom, don't you? asked Tulip. That is my plan, said Ivy. Okay there is the village just up ahead.


When they reached the village they took a right to where the park was. There were plenty of people there as Ivy expected. Do you see her yet? asked Tulip. Yep, same spot way at the back, said Ivy. Why don't they move closer where everyone is? asked Tulip. I am not sure, said Ivy. Lets go down and find out. They both flew down and landed beside the blanket. Hello again Grace and Liza, I brought a friend of mine for you to meet, said Ivy. Hello Ivy, I have never seen a pixie up this close before, said Grace. Liza and I watch them from the window at night before we go to bed. Sometimes one will come right up to the window and wave at us. Liza looked closely at Tulip. Your not a pixie, you're a fairy, said Liza. Don't be silly, said Grace, there is no such thing as fairies. They are just imaginary. Well then I am imagining because this is a very pretty fairy, said Liza. Pixies look different. Look different how, asked Grace. Pixies look like elves except with wings. Fairies look much younger and have a special twinkle in their eyes because they are magical inside and not just their wings. Where did you hear that? asked Grace. Dad told me when I was younger. He read me a story about fairies and I asked if they were real. Did he say they were real? asked Tulip. No not exactly but he said if you believe in something hard enough then sometimes it will become real. Grace looked at Tulip. Hmm you are very young looking, said Grace. Tulip smiled at her and Grace saw that twinkle in Tulip's eyes. Oh my goodness, said Grace I saw it, the twinkle. See I told you Mom. Ivy's friend is a real fairy, said Liza with a very big smile on her face.


So Grace, why is it you put your blanket down way back here away from the rest of the people? asked Ivy. Mainly because I am a single mom and I have very little money left so if people know that then they will feel bad for me and offer to help out but I don't want to be a charity case, said Grace. We can manage on our own and I will find work somewhere to support Liza. What is money? asked Tulip. That is what everyone here uses to buy things like food and clothes plus other things, said Ivy. They use different sizes of gold coins here. In my opinion you got it backwards. People like to help out each other here in Fae Land. It feels good to give just as much as it does to receive. Well nobody has offered to help yet nor even come to say hello, said Grace. Ivy looked around and saw that quite a few people were looking in their direction. Ivy noticed a young man and young woman sitting across from each other talking. She read them a bit to see what they were talking about. You see that young couple over there, said Ivy. They have been trying to have a baby for two years with no luck so far, said Ivy. Do you want to know what they are talking about to each other? You can do that? asked Grace. Yep Ivy can read people when she wants to, said Tulip. Are they talking about me? asked Grace. Actually they are talking about all of us right now. Mostly they think you are so lucky to have a beautiful daughter. They would do anything to be as luck as you. Plus they are wondering why Tulip and I are over here. They think I am lucky, but they look happy when ever I see them, said Grace. They are happy and in love but just with each other. They have no one to share there love with. Come with me and I will show you how easy it is to make friends here. Tulip your up, start showing Liza what a fairy princess can to with her magic wand. Your a fairy princess! My dad used to call me his little fairy princess all the time, said Liza. Ivy took Grace's hand and walked over to the couple on the blanket and Tulip made her wand appear in her hand.

 Hello this is my friend Grace and that cute girl over there with Tulip is her daughter Liza, said Ivy. Hi Ivy, very nice to finally meet you, said the woman. My name is Cathy and this is my husband Jim. Hi Grace nice of you to finally come over to talk to us, said Cathy. We so envy of you. Why, you two seem to be doing very good together, said Grace. Ya most people think that but what is being married and having money if you can't have a baby and make a family, said Cathy. You and your husband must be very happy with such a lovely little girl to raise. Well we were but he passed away from an illness a while back, said Grace. Oh my God that is so said, said Cathy. That is why we never saw your husband. If you ever need anything just ask, we would be glad to help. Jim here has a really good job in Cumberland so and I am stuck at home alone during most days during the week days so it would be very nice if you and Liza would come over and visit me, said Cathy. We could go shopping together and I can introduce you to some of my single friends that want to have a family too but just haven't met the right man yet. It would be fun. Really but you barely know me, said Grace. I do now and besides if Ivy is your friend then you must be a good person. Four children ran by them and went to where Liza and Tulip were. Um that little pixie over with Liza, isn't a pixie, is she? asked Jim. Nope Tulip is a fairy princess visiting Alieta with her five sisters and mother, said Ivy. Your kidding, a real fairy! The guys at work are not going to believe this, said Jim. Don't tell them dear, they will think you are nuts, said Cathy. Please can both of you sit with us and talk more. We brought snacks and wine. Tulip seems to have those children captivated for now. Okay, how about you Ivy, do you have somewhere to be? asked Grace. Nope this is exactly where I wanted to be, said Ivy.


The four girls that ran to where Liza and Tulip were, watching with wide open eyes as Tulip made a bracelet on Liza's wrist with her magic wand. Wow a real fairy, said one of the girls. Can my friends and I stay and meet your friend the fairy? asked one of the girls. I suppose so, but Tulip is a fairy princess, said Liza. No way, a real fairy princess is here in our park, said another girl. Yep and there are five of her sisters and her mother at the palace with Alieta, said Liza. Five more fairy princesses and a fairy queen too! said the first girl. Wow, my name is Sandy, my name is Ruby, my name is Linda, My name is Krissy, I am the smallest and youngest. Well nice to meet you all, said Tulip. This is my good friend Liza, would you all like a bracelet too? All four girls put their arms out. Okay, I gather that means yes, said Tulip with a smile. She made her wand appear again and one by one she created a bracelet on each girl's wrist. Now my Mom has to believe you are a fairy, said Sandy. Do fairies like to play like we read in the fairy tale books? Well two things all fairies love to do the most is do magic and play, said Tulip. All four girls screamed and jumped up and down. Well looks like Tulip is a big hit with those girls over there, said Cathy. It won't take long for everyone here in the village finds out there are fairies in Fae Land now. Well for now anyways, they are just visiting, said Ivy. But I do have a feeling some of them may stay. How do you know that? asked Jim. I don't, it is just a feeling but when I get a feeling about something it usually comes true, said Ivy. So what ya got in that big basket?




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