Lets Build A Forest Chapter 4


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The Magic Forest Is Growing

Alieta had a confused look on her face. Why do you think Ivy should run the forest from a cove? asked Alieta. She is just a teenager, I know she has some extra talents when it come to reading people and sensing evil but what makes you think she can control magic and run a magical forest by herself? Well first I have seen what she can do with magic, said Guen. You see the cove is located in the center of the forest in Fairy Land. Only I can use the device that I call the overviewer. It allows me to see the entire forest and will indicate where extra magic is need to repair damage or where a good spot will be to build something new inside. I can run my finger over the top of the viewer and move some of the magic to a specific spot and a stream of magic will follow my finger to that place. Now when were were attacked, those creatures did a huge amount of damage that would of taken weeks for me to repair bit by bit. Okay so you can control the magic then, that makes sense, said Alieta. Yes but Ivy wanted to know how the overviewer worked and when I showed her she stuck her hands in the water of the overviewer and gathered all the magic stream together then pointed them at the damaged spot then had me hold them there. Okay so that makes sense if I am following you correctly, said Alieta. Sure it makes sense but I can't do that, said Guen. I have to move one stream at a time and only a few will go to the same spot but this is the most amazing part. I was having some trouble holding the streams together so Ivy walked right in the pond, dead center then sat down and closed her eyes. Suddenly the pond began to swirl and bubble. Magic began to rise up from the pond then moved to Ivy. Suddenly all the magic streams pointed at the damaged area and I didn't have to use my hands anymore. In a minute or two the entire damaged area was repaired. Ivy opened her eyes and stood up and smiled. All she said was there, it is all fixed and wanted some ice cream for Apollonia and herself. I am telling you Ivy can control white magic somehow like nothing I have every seen before or thought was possible. Tulip watched the whole thing and so did Apollonia. I do agree that Ivy shouldn't be alone running the forest, that is why I need to see if my girls will stay and help her. It takes at least four fairies princesses to create a cove anyways. I need to go back to Fairy Land tomorrow and I will take what ever girls want to come back with me but I am pretty sure none will want to leave Fae Land just yet. Well that was a lot of information to process especially about Ivy but your girls are always welcome to be in Fae Land, said Alieta. Thank you for saying that, said Guen. That was a very tasty burger and fries, said Guen. An elf came in the dining room. Yes, what is up, asked Alieta. All those cute little fairies are in just one of the rooms we prepared for them, said the elf. They got smaller and shared the two beds, said the elf with a smile. Okay, so do they look comfortable being inside? asked Alieta. I guess so, they all fell asleep right away, said the elf. They are so polite and adorable. Alieta smiled. Well looks like the people here don't want them to leave either, said Alieta. I have something to do tomorrow and I want you to come with me if that is okay with you? Sure anything you want Alieta, said Guen. Good, now let me show you your room for the night, said Alieta.

In the morning Alieta got up a bit earlier so that she could tell Sally that all the fairies were here and to get breakfast started earlier. When she went downstairs to the dining room she found the fairy princesses sitting quietly at the table. Good morning Alieta, they all said at the same time. Alieta smiled then said good morning back and sat down. So you all get up early I see, where is your mother? asked Alieta. Mom always sleeps longer than us, said Sunflower. Okay so have you eaten yet? Nope, we were waiting for you, said Pippie. Alieta smiled again. So how did you all sleep, were the beds comfortable? asked Alieta. They all looked at each other then Lilly spoke. I don't know, we were all asleep. Now Alieta couldn't help it and began to laugh. She notice that Tulip was missing. Is Tulip still sleeping? asked Alieta. Nope she went in that door where the nice smell is coming from, said Lilly. Did she say what she was going in there for? asked Alieta. Nope, Roseberry told Tulip the kitchen is in there so she just went in. Roseberry explored the entire palace yesterday and knows where everything is and what all the rooms are for, said Lilly. Yep I met Penny in the hallway and she showed me all around the palace, she is really nice, said Roseberry. There are a lot of rooms in this palace you know. Yes I know, said Alieta. Sally came out of the kitchen looking very happy. Guess what Tulip did for me, said Sally. She came in the kitchen and started looking at all the things in there and asked what everything was for then she held my arm for a bit then made all the meals for today and even a big pot of beef stew that is staying warm on the stove, completely cooked and ready to eat! All I have to do now is serve the food without cooking today. Wow look there are more of you! Yep we are all sisters, said Tulip. Our Mom is still sleeping though. Well breakfast is ready, eggs with pancakes with sliced fruit is the breakfast special for today, said Sally. I will be right back out with every ones plates. Tulip took a seat at the table. Are you coming with me to see how the forest is doing after breakfast? asked Tulip to Alieta. I suppose I could if you think the seeds have begun to grow already, said Alieta. They should be, we put a lot of fairy magic in the ground, said Tulip. Sally began bringing out everyone's breakfast. Aren't they all wonderful, we are so lucky to have fairies in Fae Land now. Then she went back into the kitchen.

After they all finished eating Tulip asked if Alieta was ready to go check the new forest. I should wait until Guen gets up, said Alieta. She won't be up for a bit yet and besides we won't be long, said Tulip. Can we go out and play some? asked Sunflower. We will stay around the palace. Um yes, I imagine that would be fine, said Alieta. Okay thanks said Sunflower then they all ran out of the dining room. Why don't they want to check the forest with us? asked Alieta. I don't need them until the trees are bigger, said Tulip. I have to wait until all the magic has spread to all the trees. Well you seem to know what you are doing so yes, lets go then, said Alieta. They both left the palace then flew off to the west woods. In the woods they met Pippa that was talking to another pixie. Hi Pippa, have you seen if the seeds have started to grow yet? asked Alieta. Started to grow, that is an understatement, said Pippa. Go see for yourself. Lots of pixies have already moved over to the new forest. I had my doubts that they would grow at all but grow they did. Ivy is in there somewhere talking to all the trees. She got here just as the sun was rising. So there are trees already? asked Alieta. Oh ya, more trees than there is in these woods and spreading fast too, said Pippa. Ivy said something about needing a cove of some sort soon. Anyways we have to fly and spread the word. Then they flew away. Did you expect the trees to be big already? asked Alieta. Nope, lets check it out, I would of figured just a foot or so tall over night, said Tulip. When they reached then border of where the desert plains used to begin all they could see was trees, close together and well over ten feet tall. This is amazing, said Tulip. I have never seen trees grow this fast and look smaller plants on the ground have begun to grow along with grass. Was there grass seed mixed in with the tree seeds. Not sure, it just said full tree starter mix on the bag. So how do we get in, the trees are kinda close together We'll with out a cove the trees won't be alive yet and stop anyone so we will have to find out where Ivy got in, said Tulip. Maybe call out her name and see if she can hear us. Alieta called out Ivy's name and they hear in the distance Ivy's voice. Yep she is in there, said Alieta. There has to be a path somewhere. Just then the trees in front of them opened up and Ivy stepped out of the newly formed forest, with a big smile on her face. Hi Alieta and Tulip, man trees grow fast when there is lots of magic around. How did you get the trees to move already without a cove, asked Tulip. Don't need a cove just the pond that is in the middle of the forest, said Ivy. I just walked into the pond and the magic just started doing it's thing and made the trees able to move. I did set the permissions like you have at Fairy Land so just fairies and pixies can come in. Oh I better tell the trees about you Alieta. "Alieta is the Queen of Fae Land, she is always allowed in the forest too", Ivy told the trees. Okay so you better check things out Tulip and see when you are going to make your cove because without an overviewer connected to the pond this forest is just going to keep growing wild and spreading out.


Hmm, that is exactly what Guen told me, said Alieta. But why is this forest so big already? asked Tulip. We added fairy magic to the ground but that is normal. Here let me come out before the trees close up, said Ivy. I put a five minute time limit on how long the entrance will stay open. Ivy walked out of the forest and they moved into the woods. How are you able to do all these things? asked Alieta. I don't know, I just can and it is easy, said Ivy. It is like being able to feel the flow of energy except white magic is stronger and listens. Not everything I asked it to do it did mainly because the magic from the pond is spreading too and needs to be surrounded by a wall. That water is coming from Sandy Lake. The river that runs off of it heads towards the elf village then goes underground. As you know the water in Sandy Lake is full of white magic from Eden. So that is why we have a forest that grew over night? asked Alieta. Partly, it is a very powerful mixture of white magic from Eden, the fairy magic from the wands and all the pixies dust that has been dropped all night long on everything. Add all three together and this is what we got, pretty cool, don't you think, said Ivy. Maybe for you being a forest sprite but to me this is too much and will begin to invade property that doesn't belong to Fae Land, said Alieta. Well it has slowed down some seeing I made all the pixie get out and set the magic to not let them in so no more pixie dust is being dropped, said Ivy. I told Pippa they will have to wait until the cove is made. In the meantime I recommend nobody goes in the forest until then because it is getting too dense and plants are moving plus trees. So when should I get my sisters to build the cove? asked Tulip. Now would be good, said Ivy unless you want a forest that is over a few hundred miles long and wide. How big is it now? asked Alieta. About five square miles I would say, from last time I checked, said Ivy. Tulip go get your sisters, can you get that cove built now? asked Alieta. Yep, but it takes a few hours to complete, said Tulip. There is a lot to making a cove plus after, Mom has to make something that connects to the overviewer. Okay get started then. I want to take Guen with me to the human village to talk with that that little girl and single mom you two met yesterday, said Alieta. Oh that was Liza and her mom's name is Grace. They should be at the park soon probably with Jim and his wife Cathy. They are really nice and they will be able to have a baby now, at least that is what Tulip told me, said Ivy. Okay get things started, we will be back at the palace before lunch time, said Alieta.

Tulip reached the palace grounds first and gathered her sisters together. New plan all we are making the cove now, said Tulip. Really, isn't it too early? asked Lilly. Nope, the forest is a forest already and is spreading, said Tulip. Guen flew over to see what was going on. Tulip, is everything okay? asked Guen. Yep for now but we have to start making the cove now, said Tulip. Ivy said it is about five square miles already so we have to stop it from getting any bigger. Alieta is coming to take you to the human village so don't worry, we have this, said Tulip. You know you have to go in the main entrance first and not the top, said Guen. Ya I know, Ivy made it so the trees will open up for just us fairies for now so we have to hurry, said Tulip. It is two and a half miles to the pond, maybe more now. Here comes Alieta and Ivy now, lets go girls. Then they all flew off fast to the west woods. Alieta and Ivy landed beside Guen. So Ivy Tulip told me that the forest is more than ready to be controlled now and you were able to set permissions too, said Guen. Yep it is all ready, said Ivy. It is going to be a very magical forest. I am heading home for now, send one of the fairies over to get me when they are finished. I got up really early so I am going to have a nap. Then Ivy flew off. You want to know what is so funny or maybe unusual about all of this? asked Guen. Just about everything in my opinion, said Alieta. Well yes but Ivy can control a fairy forest much better and easier than a fairy can, said Guen. Just remember when there are fairies around, unusual things are bound to happen. So where are we going? Tulip said the human village. Yes I will not allow anyone that lives here to suffer hardships because of no money especially a single mother and her young daughter, said Alieta. I have a plan but I need to get Ginger to set some things up for me first then we will head out, said Alieta. This won't take long. Then Alieta flew over to where Ginger was talking to Phonixa.

Hey Ginger I need to talk to about something, said Alieta. Oh should I leave then? asked Phonixa. No you can stay and listen, said Alieta. Now I am taking Guen to the human village so she can see some of Fae Land and meet some of the people at the north end but more important there is a single mother that is new to Fae Land that has next to no money. Okay so do you want me to have some money sent over to her? asked Ginger. Not right now, said Alieta. I want to see if she will move to the elf village with her young daughter. Then if she wants to then I want you to find her a job in the palace. We have no humans working here yet so I think it would be nice to see if she will fit in. Okay there is always something that needs to be done at the palace, said Ginger. I guess that means you will want me to get a house ready for her. Yes but get two ready close to each other, said Alieta. You see, Ivy told me that she finally made two new friends that are trying to have a baby and then woman, I believe her name is Cathy would love to take care of the little girl named Liza when ever Grace needed. Okay so do they need money also, asked Ginger. No the husband who's name is Jim I believe has a very good job in Cumberland so they are well off. That would be a long commute every day for him, said Ginger. Yes I know but I was thinking once I found out what he does in Cumberland and it is something that you can use here in the village and palace then maybe I could convince them both to move also, said Alieta. I may have to offer him more money than he makes now in Cumberland but if he is a tradesman then I know you have no people like that living in the village here. Yes that would be nice, said Ginger seeing that a lot of the houses are very old and need repair work done, plus someone does need to finish fixing that hole Alexa blew in the roof of the palace. The elves just patched it up for now. Alexa blew a hole in the palace? asked Phonixa. Yes with Viridian's spear, said Alieta. That is so funny, said Phonixa. How old is the little girl? Five or six I think Ivy told me. It would also be good if this all works out as I have planned that you and Repellia visit them from time to time so they see there are some other humans living in the south end of Fae Land, said Alieta. For sure little girls are the best, we will teach her stuff as she grows up, said Phonixa. Yes I figured that, said Alieta. So how long will it take to have a couple of homes ready? There is four new homes sitting empty right now, said Ginger. I will get a few elves to give them a quick once over inside so anytime after lunch I would say. If they need furniture Lilly told me she loves decorating can make furniture. Okay good, I will be back before lunch, said Alieta then she went to get Guen. This is awesome, we can show her how to dress nice and paint her nails, fix her hair, said Phonixa. She is only six years old, said Ginger. You must not know anything about a little human girl, said Phonixa. We care about how we look as soon as we can dress our selves.

Alieta and Guen took off north across Sandy Lake the over Eden and she told Guen where each of the heroes lived then they flew across the grassy plains until they got to the human village where most of the homes were close to the woods like the elf village but somewhat smaller. Okay hopefully they are at the park now, said Alieta. It is Sunday so that would be the best place for everyone to be on this nice sunny day. They flew over to the park area and saw there was many people out on blankets. Do you know what they look like? asked Guen. No I have never met them before, said Alieta. Just look for a mother and a little girl sitting on a blanket together or a couple having a picnic together. Well that is about everyone here, said Guen. Yes I see that, said Alieta. Best we go down and start asking around. They both flew down and just about everyone saw them. Alieta walked over to where a woman was standing with her daughter looking at them. Oh my, hello Alieta, it is very nice to finally meet you, said the woman. The little girl looked up at Guen. Your a fairy, aren't you? asked the girl. Yes, I am the queen of the fairies, said Guen. The little girls eyes opened wide. Do you know where I can fine a woman named Grace and her little daughter Liza, asked Alieta. No I haven't heard those names before. The little girl tugged on Alieta's dress. I know Liza, she said. She is friends with Ivy and and a fairy princess named Tulip. Look what Tulip made for me. She put out her arm and showed the bracelet Tulip made for her. Yep that was definitely made by Tulip, said Guen. Okay so is Liza here somewhere? asked Alieta. Yep she is over there with her mom sitting on the the red and white checkered blanket with two other people, said the little girl. Thank you so much, said Alieta. Guen made an ice cream cone for the little girl then they walked over to where Liza and her mother were sitting. Hello, I am Alieta, which one of you is Grace. All four of them stood up fast. I am, is there something wrong? asked Grace. No not really, said Alieta. Nothing that I can't fix anyways. Liza looked at Guen. I bet you are Tulip's mom, said Liza. Well yes I am, said Guen. How did you know that? Tulip said you were very beautiful and a bit taller than her and when you smile your entire face lights up with love, just like now, said Liza. My you are adorable, I will have to thank Tulip for speaking so nicely about me. So the reason I am here is that I have a proposition for you that I hope you will like, said Alieta.

You do, why me? asked Grace. Well first of all Ivy brought it to my attention that you and your daughter are very new to Fae Land and you two came here a bit after your husband died and you are almost out of money, said Alieta. Yes but I am looking for a job, said Grace. Yes I understand that, said Alieta. You see the thing is I will not let anyone that lives in Fae Land have trouble buying food and clothes especially for someone that is raising a child on her own. Well Jim and Cathy has offered to help me out when I need it, said Grace. Yes, so Ivy told me which makes them the kind of people we love having in Fae Land, said Alieta. Now what I would like to offer you is a brand new house but not here in the human village but in the elves village where it is very close to the palace and the west town where all the stores are. Both are walking distance. That is very kind but I just made two very good friends here, said Grace and they love Liza too. Of course they do but let me finish, said Alieta. I already talked to Ginger that is in charge of the palace plus many other things here in Fae Land and she said she will hire you to work in the palace with the rest of the elves that work there. You will find working with elves to be very enjoyable, they turn work into a game. Grace looked back at Cathy and Jim that were smiling. You have to take the offer, said Cathy. This is what you need. We will come and visit. Now that leads me to the second part of this proposal, said Alieta with a smile. Jim if I may, can I ask what you do in Cumberland as work? Well yes, I am what you call a multi talented handy man, said Jim. I work for a company that does carpentry, plumbing, roofing and we do other things like replace broken windows and even some landscaping. I see, what if I told you that Ginger could really use a man like you, said Alieta. A lot of the homes in the elves village are very old and need constant repair plus the palace needs work from time to time. Well that sounds good but I don't work alone and I get paid quite a bit, said Jim. How much do they pay you? asked Alieta.Well about a hundred dollars a week, said Jim. I am one of the higher paid workers there. Well what If I double that amount and you can train what every number of elves you need to work for you, said Alieta. Elves are very smart and learn fast plus they are at least five times stronger than a human. I will have Ginger create a payroll for them and yourself. You will be in charge of giving Ginger their names. Cathy got close to Jim and put her arm around him. What do you think dear, you won't need to travel so much every day, said Cathy. We will have twice the amount of money to save and you will have your own crew, said Cathy. How much does a house cost that close to the palace. Nothing, homes that are made by the crown are free, you just have to do your own upkeep, said Alieta. Wow, so when can we move in? asked Jim. The two houses are being cleaned up for you as we speak, said Alieta. They will be ready by lunch time. This is unbelievable, we are going to be neighbors Grace, said Cathy. I will love watching Liza when you go to work. Well who knows, you may have your own child to raise someday, said Alieta. Okay then pack up this picnic and get packing. We have to get back to the palace.

They got back to the palace grounds and saw that there was not a sole to be seen anywhere. I wonder where everyone is, said Alieta. There is always some elves walking around doing stuff. I don't know. Something is going on somewhere, said Guen. Alieta called into the palace for an elf. One came out and Alieta asked if she knew where everyone is. Oh they are all in the west woods checking out all the new trees, said the elf. Oh okay, thank you, said Alieta. So you want to go see what they all are doing? asked Alieta. Sure why not, said Guen. They both flew over and saw a bunch of elves all looking at the new trees that were closed shut. Wow that is a lot of trees, said Guen and so big already. No wonder Tulip was excited to get the cove built. Well we have to wait until my girls get it made. It can take up to four hours so lets head back to the palace. They started to walk out of the woods when the trees opened up a bit and Tulip and the other fairies flew out. Tulip saw Guen and stopped to talk to her while the rest of them flew out of the woods. Okay Mom, it is made and it is beautiful even better than Fairy Lands cove. Man there is a lot of magic flying around right now. You are done already, it has only been two hours, said Guen. I know, but this time there was six of us and so much magic to work with it just came together fast, said Tulip. You need to make the golden beacon tree now to make the magic go to where it is supposed to be. Where is Ivy, we will need her. At home, said Alieta taking a nap, said Alieta. She may be up now. Okay I will go get her, said Tulip then flew out of the woods. So what is this golden tree for? asked Alieta. It is really just a normal tree just outside of the cove but Only I can use my magic to covert it into a beacon, said Guen. Once I use my wand on it, all the leaves turn a golden colour and begin absorbing some of the magic around it then when the overviewer is activated for the first time, the tree acts like a beacon between the overviewer and the pool. Only then can the magic be controlled properly and sent to different areas of the forest. I see so why is Ivy needed then? asked Alieta. Tulip saw what Ivy can do with magic and figures she better be the one to activate the overviewer then set it up, said Guen. Obviously Tulip knows the forest already has accepted Ivy as the queen of the forest then I won't be able to use the overviewer either until Ivy tells the pool who I am and that I can use the overviewer also. Ivy is queen of this fairy forest, said Alieta. Well yes and all the other forests and woods in Fae Land. The overviewer will show her all the different areas where the magic is strongest and she will be able to add more to that spot or move it to another area where it is needed. I already told you Ivy has some kind of special power in her that communicates with magic better than any fairy. Alieta began to chuckle. Wait until I tell Ivy she is the queen of the forest, she is going to go around telling all of her friends that she is a queen now. Ya I can see her doing that also, said Guen with a smile.



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