Meet Sakura Chapter 2


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Sakura Makes Friends 

  I am going to get Ivy. Maybe she can give us some insight of what she might be, said Pippa. Okay good idea, said Alieta. Pippa took off like a shot. Where is Pippa going? asked Sakura. She is going to get her best friend Ivy for you to meet. She is very special and has lits of friends here, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Sakura. I just have one friend but I like all of you now too. Does Ivy like to play like Pippa? Everyone laughted. Yes she likes to play, said Ginger but she can't fly as fast as you and Pippa. That is okay, I can slow down some, said Sakura. In a couple of minutes Pippa and Ivy flew over and landed beside Alieta. Sakura got up and looked at Ivy. You have green hair. That is nice, I like pink the best though, said Sakura. You are very pretty, Alieta said you are special so why are you special? Is it because you are so pretty? Ivy smiled. So Ivy check her out for us. No one knows what she is, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy and started to look at her but it was hard because she kept on moving around fast. Ivy put out her hand and grabed her. Can you hold still for a minute please. Okay, sorry. Just looking at you, said Sakura. Green eyes and wings, even your nails are green, said Sakura. Green must be your favorite cilout right? Yes it is now just stand still for a few moments, said Ivy. Ivy looked deep then started laughing then looked some more then laughed some more. Okay, that is enough, said Ivy. So what did you see? asked Alieta. Well you won't believe it but first she is constantly telling jokes to herself. She must be very funny, said Ivy. Yes that she is, said Ginger. Now also it is like there is a combination of very unique types making her up. One is fairy, one is pixie, another one is nymph and another one is something called a Tinker, what ever that is, plus there seems to be small animals like a cat, squirl, parrot maybe. It is hard to tell and there might be more also. I am not sure how that can happen. That is all I could figure out, though she is white inside and has no real secrets except for the jokes she tells herself but some are in different languages so not sure what the jokes are but must be funny because she laugh at them inside. Yep, got to stay happy inside, said Sakura. Some jokes can't be said in english or elven. So you don't know what she is either then, said Alieta. Ya, she is a Sakura, said Ivy. Seems fairly new also. She adopted that name seeing Yeanny calls her Sakura. No one ever gave her another name but I like Sakura. Sounds real cool and suits her. Everyone smiled. Oh there is some hidden magic in her too like being able to vanish and get small maybe. Not sure though, too much going on inside here to sort it all out. Well that solves that mystery. A Sakura named Sakura that loves to play and can fly super fast, said Pippa. Thanks Ivy, said Alieta. Sakura went over to Yeanny and said she was getting hungry. Do they eat here? Alieta smiled. Yes dear we do but we ate breakfast already. Maybe Pippa can get Tulip for you and she can make you something. Okay, said Pippa and off she flew. I like her, she flies real fast like me, said Sakura. Well we are going to Sandy Loake so when Zan comes out tell her where we are, said Avan then they flew off. I have to check on the elves cleaning that house but I will be back soon, said Ginger then headed for the stable. Tillia laid down on the grass and got comfortable. Alieta and Yeanny sat on the steps waiting for Tulip to show up.


Pippa got a hold of Tulip and told her about Sakura and she was hungry. Tulip was more than happy to come out and see her and make something for her to eat. Pippa had to go check on the pixie forest but said she will be back soon. She went to the palace and Tulip saw that Sakura was very unique looking and landed infront of her that startled Sakura and jumoed up fast. Did I scare you? asked Tulip. Yep but I am okay now, said Sakura. I has telling my self a new joke. Where is Pippa? She had to go check on something but she will be back soon, said Tulip. Okay, do you want to hear my new joke? asked Sakura. Okay, I am alway into hearing a good joke, said Tulip. What is your foot but not your foot? asked Sakura. Um let me see, I don't have a clue, said Tulip. My foot silly and she rasied up her foot and wiggled her toes. Everyone laughed. That was a good one, said Tulip. So Pippa said you were hungry, what would you like to eat? . Um something sweet right now, said Sakura. Flying fast makes my wings tired and sugar energizes them. Okay, just like Ivy always says. Are you a pixie like Pippa. No I am a fairy, said Tulip. Oh okay, said Sakura. What is a fairy? Here I will show you. Tulip made her wand appear and Sakura's big eyes opened even wider. How did you do that? asked Sakura. Oh that is one of the things fairies do, said Tulip. Now put out both hands and I will make you some ice cream. Oh good I like ice cream, will it take long?  Yeanny gets it for me all the time at the store. Nope I use magic, said Tulip and made the bowl of ice cream appear with a spoon in it. Wow. I like you too, said Sakura. Good magic and tasty too, said Sakura then she went and sat beside Yeanny and started to eat. Zan came out and saw Sakura eating. Oh very cute and pink, how nice. So has anyone know what Tara and Avan are up to today? asked Zan. They told us to tell you they are at Sandy Lake, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Zan. Sakura looked up at Zan and said, nice horns, would you like some ice cream? Tulip is a fairy and she can make it for free and it is really good. Zan looked down at Sakura and smiled. No dear I just had breakfast but thanks for asking siad Zan. She crouched down and said to Alieta, "I have seen every kind of being on this planet but I have never seen anyone that looked like her". I know but this is Sakura and she is a Sakura at least that is what Ivy says, said Alieta. Yep a Sakura and I love pink, said Sakura and went back to eating. Good hearing too, said Zan. Well I best go see what my friends are up to said Zan then ran off towards Sandy Lake. Wow she can run fast, said Sakura. I can't run that fast but I sure can fly fast! Sakura finished her ice cream then thanked Tulip. Can I see your wand again please? asked Sakura. Ya sure, said Tulip. Wow it is so pretty. Can I hold it? Sure but you can't do magic with it but if you wave it back and forth then it will make lots of sparkles for you, said Tulip. Okay, she said. Tulip handed it to her and she began to wave it back and forth making it sparkle. She then pointed it at her hand and suddenly a peanut appeared. Hey how did you do that? You are not suppose to be able to do that. Oh sorry but it was suppose to be an apple. I wanted to give it to Tillia. Well you must have some fairy magic in you to be able to make even a peanut, said Tulip. Oh okay, can you make a apple for Tillia please? asked Sakura then handed the wand back to Tulip. Sure, said Tulip then made an apple and handed it to Sakura. She flew over and gave it to Tillia.

So now what Sakura? asked Yeanna. I don't know but I think I have to fly somewhere, said Sakura. I have lots of energy now. Lots of room here too, not like back at home. Where are we? We are in Fae Land, a magical place very far from home, said Yeanny. Oh I like magic and it is better her in Fae Land. People are really nice here not like back home, said Sakura. Well do you want to come with me and fly around Fae Land a bit? asked Ivy. Okay, I will not go really fast, she said. Ivy smiled. Well we can see more when we fly slower anyways, said Ivy as long as it is okay with Yeanny. Okay but Sakura can be qute a handful, said Yeanny. I am not that small right now, I am a big girl, said Sakura. Yes you are so just behave yourself and try your best to talk slower if you meet someone new, said Yeanny. Okay I will try, said Sakura.  They took off towards the waterfall mountain together. Phonixa, Repellia and Tabitha came out and asked what everyone was gathered out here for. Oh you just missed her. Yeanny's friend was here but just left with Ivy. Oh, we have the worst timing ever, said Phonixa. Who is Yeanny's friend? Sakura and she is the cutiest and most energenic little girl I have ever met, said Alieta. So is she your daughter? asked Repellia. No no not really but I treat her that way, said Yeanny. Okay so what does she look like and how old is she, asked Repellia. Pink and cute as can be, said everyone at the same time. Pink? Okay we have seen some unusal stuff since we have been here so that doesn't surprise me, said Phonoxa. How old is she, does she like to shop? asked Repellia. Don't know how old but shopping with Sakura is not the best idea, said Yeanny. So Tillia, how are things going with you now after seeing all that happened so far? asked Alieta. Oh I am doing fine. I feel Sara with be here soon so. I will just stay here, laying down and wait for her, said Tillia. Okay, good plan, said Alieta. Well I am waiting for Ginger to get back and tell me how the house for Yeanny is doing. You are going to live here? asked Repellia. Well not completely sure yet but sure does sound like we will be, said Yeanny.



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