Meet Sakura Chapter 3


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Going Shopping

Ginger had to look around a bit then she found the house the elves were working on. They were doing a good job on this older big house that actually had three bedrooms in it and an attic that a door that open to it on the ceiling as she remembered. She went in and saw the elves working away and seemed to be almost done. She went to where the attic door was, pulled the rope and the ladder came down then she climbed up. Well lots of room up here too, she thought. Just needs a lot of dusting and a good sweep. She told the elves once done here to give the attic a quick once over then she checked all the other rooms that looked real good. Well they are going to need at least two beds, she thought so she headed back to the palace to tell Alieta. On her way she stopped and bought a box of candy from Jessica that was happy to see her. You should come and see the new people moving into that big house over there. They are really nice. Okay I will, said Jessica. Almost done here. We only need to have two elves here to mind the store until five o'clock then they lock things up. Okay see you there, said Ginger and off she went with her box of candy. She got back to the palace and saw Sara was there now with a couple of fairies. She went to Alieta and told her they will need two beds for tonight. Oh don't worry about that, said Yeanny. I will make two for us. I can make furniture no problem. Nothing fancy but comfortable and functional for now. Okay good, said Ginger. Now it has three bedrooms and a livingroom, kitchen, big washroom plus there is a good size attic that has a drop down ladder. It will be pretty clean soon also, said Ginger. Oh good. A place to put my money then, said Yeanny. I guess so, said Ginger. Now there is still lots of water left in the tanks but no ice in the ice box yet. You may have to come here for breakfast until we get a order of ice in for yourself. Okay that will be nice, said Yeanny. I brought some gems with me in case I needed them to buy food and stuff but where do I get them converted to gold coins? Well the treasurer here in the palace can do that for you, said Ginger. Okay here then said Yeanny and pulled out a bag of valiable gems out of her pocket and haned ot to Ginger. Ginger opened the bag and looked inside. Oh my god, said Ginger. There has to be over fifty thousand dollars in gems in this bag. Really, normally I only get five thosand for them, said Yeanny. Really! There is enough here to buy that house I just checked out plus three more with lots still left over, said Ginger. Really, I am liking Fae Land even more now, said Yeanny.

Ginger went down stairs to see the treasurer with the gems. She showed the bag of gems to her and said she needed these converted into coins. The treasurer opened the bag then asked what she was buying, a few new houses or something. No they are Yeanny's and she is going shopping with Alieta in town. Oh well just give me one of them, the smallest one please. That will buy more than enough of what she wants,said the treasurer. She went to the back then came out with a bag of gold coins. Now put those two gems in the bag too. That way they won't go missing, said the treasurer. Okay thanks but this seems like a lot of gold. Well yes, that one small diamond is worth 4 thousand dollars. She may want to leave some at home unless she is planning on buying a whole new wardrobe, a few horses and all new furniture. Ginger smiled and thanked her. She headed back out and gave Yeanny the big bag of gold. Wow that is pretty heavy. Are you sure she didn't make a mistake? asked Yeanny. Oh our treasurer does not ever make mistakes, said Alieta. Ya that was just the smallest diamond that was worth four thousand. The other bigger ones are in the bag also. Really, those lousy humans have been ripping me off all these years. A would usually get a couple hundered for a small diamond like that, said Yeanny. Oh well live and learn I guess. Ginger you hang on to these other gems, please. Don't want to be walking around with them. Um that is like over fourthy thousand dollars I will be hanging on to. Not sure I want to be responsible for that much money, said Ginger. Oh don't worry about it, just put them in you pocket. If you lose them don't worry. I have tons of them back home, said Yeanny. Ginger looked at Alieta. She just smiled and shrugged her sholders. So Ginger what house is it that got cleaned up? asked Alieta. Oh the biggest one closest to the town with the big stable for three horses, said Ginger. Okay I know that one, said Alieta. We will stop there first and drop off some of these coins first.

Yeanny went and got her horse then the two of them left with Alieta flying beside her. My this horse smells good, said Yeanny. Yes the elves take good care of the horses here at the palace, said Alieta. Horses are very important to them. Well once I know where the town is I won't be needing a horse much, said Yeanny. In about ten minutes they reach the town and Alieta asked one of the horse attendents to hang on to the horse. Okay Alieta, Nice to see you in town again, she said and took the horse. Don't you have to pay them to do that? asked Yeanny. Oh I have a palace account with them. Anyone that lives in the palace can use that account. I rarely pay cash in town for anything, said Alieta. Oh good system you have going, said Yeanna. Yep being queen does have it's perks, said Alieta. Okay just up here is a nice store that sells food, mostly the basics but they do have a very good selection to pick from. There is a bigger grocery store here if you decide to stay in Fae Land that has a bogger selection and in the north town there is a very big store that carries all kinds of stuff. That is where Alexa and Tempressa live. Lets go in there for now. They went in and Yeanny grabbed a basket then had a look around. The store owner greeted them and asked if they needed any help. Oh just some food while I am here, said Yeanny. Okay Alieta will show you where everythung is though usually Ginger does the shopping for that palace but today we have lots of items on sale today, said the woman. Okay thanks Janice, said Alieta. Yeanny looked around and noticed the prices on everything. Wow evrything is so cheap in here, said Yeanny. Yes I make sure everyone can afford food in Fae Land plus clothing too, said Alieta. It is one of my few rules here. They walked over to the big sign that said, "Sale" then Yeanny started filling up her basket. Okay that sould do for now, said Yeanny. Just need a carton of ice cream for Sakura. That is over here, said Alieta. Yeanny grabbed a carion of ice cream then went to the counter to pay for everything. The girl asked if this will be cash or in account. No I don't have an account, said Yeanny, it will be cash. Oh sorry I saw you were with Alieta so figured yiu were using her account said the girl. Okay that will be thirty five dollars then. Yeanny took out her bag of coins and handed the girl a hundred dollar coin. Wow I haven't seen one of these in a while, said the girl, do you have anything smaller? Yeanny dumped out the bag on the counter and looked for something smaller. Don't look like it, said Yeanny. Is that a problem? No I can give you your change, said the girl just leaves me a bit sort on change. Well just put it on my account then, said Alieta and Yeanny can pay me back. Okay thanks Alieta. Will you like everything delivered? No I will take it with me, said Yeanny. See you back at the house, said Yeanny then vanished with the groceries. Oh my god where did she go? asked the girl. Home hopfully, said Alieta. Now I have to get her horse that she forgot about and bring in back with me.  How can anyone forget their horse? asked the girl. When your a sorceress you rarely need one, said Alieta then smiled and left the store.

When Yeanny got to the house that looked fine from the outside but could use a new coat of paint, she went inside. Alieta got there shortly after Yeanny and put the horse in the stable then went inside. Hi Alieta, what took you so long? asked Yeanny. You forgot about your horse so I rode it back here, said Alieta. Oh ya, I forgot, said Yeanny, I am not used to having a horse. Okay now let me fix this place a bit so Sakura will like it here, said Yeanny. Yeanny put the bag of groceries down then first made a kitchen table with four chairs and then some pots and pans on a rack. Then she moved to the livingroom and made two couches and a coffee table. Next they checked the washroom and saw it was nice and clean also, ready to be used. Then Yeanny went to the bedroom and made herself a bed and a dresser then went to the smaller room and made a bed for Sakura. That is a very fancy bed for Sakura, said Alieta. Yes she really likes fancy stuff plus she tends to sleep a lot so I made it special, said Yeanny. Okay that will be good enough for now. I can always buy some really good stuff later if we decide to stay in Fae Land and Sakura finds it to be a place she would like to live for good. In the hallway they saw the rope hanging from the ceiling that opened the door to the attic so Alieta pulled on it and the ladder dropped down. Yeanny went up and just looked through the opening and said yes lots of room for my money then came back down. Okay lets go back outside and look around next, said Yeanny. Outside they saw the stable that was made for three horses. Well this I really don't need a stable, said Yeanny. Well maybe have it torn down and get some carpenters to build you a new one that fits your needs, said Alieta. Ya I suppose so, said Yeanny. I will think about it. They walked around to the back of the house and saw that it was very rough and needed some gardens and the grass was not bad. Well it is a big yard, just have to spruce it up a lot, said Yeanny. That will come later though, Sakura likes playihng with gardens . Around the other side of the house also needed some ground work done and the garden was full of weeds. Well maybe Sakura will like to work on the garden here too, said Yeanny. She will need something to do when I am working in my lab. So what do you do in your lab? asked Alieta. Oh this and that, said Yeanny. Mostly potions for beauty care and also soaps for washing ones hair and skin. I like them to smell nice and so do most other people. Well Paisley and Carmen would probably like to try them out. They are the girlie type and wash their hair every day, said Alieta. Oh who are they? asked Yeanny. Two pretty girls that are also on Alexa's team. Oh okay, she sounds like she has a pretty big team. Yes she does but only uses the ones that are needed for each adventure as they all call them. You will meet them all eventually if you decide to stay, said Alieta. Okay I Need to get back to the palace and hopefully Sakura is there still awake, said Yeanny then she vanished. Why would she be sleeping in the middle of the day thought Alieta the went out and headed for the palace.



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