The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Meet Sakura Chapter 1


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  The next morning Alieta went down stairs to the dinning room as she always did but this time Yeanny was there already eating. Hi Alieta, this place is magical too! said Yeanny. What do you mean? asked Alieta as she sat down. Well I got up and went out into the hall and an elf told me to go down to the dining room so I went down the stairs but didn't know where to go from there. Then another elf showed up and asked me where I wanted to go but I was unsure so I said the dining room. Then she pointed to another stair case and told me to go down there and turn right. So I did and now I could smell something nice cooking. I followed my nose and went into this room that had this table in it all set for eating. I sat down then another elf came out and asked me what I wanted for breakfast. I told her what ever that was that smelled so good. She smiled at me then went in that door over there then in a minute she came out with this nice breakfast. All those elves looked the same to me except for Ginger, she is cuter then all the other elves, so either that one elf was magical or you have a lot of elves working here that look a like. Alieta smiled. Well yes there are a lot of elves working here. I am glad you finally found the dining room, said Alieta. So how did you sleep? Oh perfect, like a rock, said Yeanny. You sound very happy or something compared to yesterday, said Alieta. Ya I feel great, something about this place makes me feel really good, said Yeanny. Oh yes, you are not used to the magic here yet. It tends to make you feel good, said Alieta. Makes me hungry too! This is my second helping and when I went to pay the elf she said it was free. Talk about being happy! said Yeanny. I haven't felt this way since I was a kid. Alieta laughted. Yes palace food is free to everyone, said Alieta.

Meeting Sakura

  So you heading back home today? asked Alieta. Ya got to go see Sakura. She sleeps when I leave and won't wake up until I get home. Some how she knows when I teleport home, even in a different room. She flies over and gives me a hug then hits me with all her questions about what I did, said Yeanny. Oh so she lives with you then? Yep and she rarely goes out because she dosn't like humans much, said Yeanny. So you said she flies, is she a pixie? asked Alieta. Um not really sure what she is Alieta. I was working in my lab one night then suddenly she showed up and asked what I was doing. Scared the heck out of me because no one can get in my place with out me letting them in. Pretty sure you or anyone else here in Fae Land has ever seen her kind before, said Yeanny. Okay but I have seen just about every type of Fae there is, said Alieta, even ones that no longer exsist and are extinct now. Tell me what she looks like and maybe I will know what she is. I dought it but okay, said Yeanny. Well she is smaller than a pixie, she has pink bushy like hair, big pink eyes and nails, pink natual lips, kind of a big round head, cute little nose. Very slender too. She don't wear much but it is all pink too plus she has a cute puppy or something that looks like a tattoo on her left shoulder but it looks like it grew there instead of being put there. She flies real fast and can get pretty small plus talks very fast most of the time, sometimes mixing several languages together making it hard to understand her especially when she is excited, said Yeanny. Not sure about anything else though but I think she is every lasting and I have never seen her do any kind of magic except for getting small and disappearing. Man that girl really likes to play also. Hmm, you are right. I have never heard of anything that fits that discription, said Alieta. Told you, maybe she is one of a kind. Looks a bit like a cross between a pink pixie, nymph and sprite maybe plus some other stuff thrown in there, said Yeanny. That is an interesting mix but nymphs don't breed with pixies, maybe fairies though, said Alieta. Well what ever she is I love the crazy little girl. She is so funny all the time and even makes it hard for me to work in my lab sometimes because she is so nosey and asks so many questions plus keeps popping from one side of me to another. Wow, she sounds quite unique, said Alieta. Wish I could see what she looked like. Ya you know I think she would like it better here than where she is now with so many dumb humans around but I don't want her to leave me. Kinda got used to her and she is actually very good company when she is not so hyper, said Yeanny. Oh so is there something keeping you where you are? asked Alieta. Well no not really but I am used to being there. Kinda hot though all the time, said Yeanny. Well there are a bunch of homes here that are empty still, said Alieta. Weather here is mostly nice seeing Mother Nature makes sure all is good for us. Well I would need a home with two bedrooms and a kitchen plus a room to set up my lab in plus close to water because I use a lot of water and a storage room to keep all my money in, said Yeanny. Alieta smiled. Well we have hot and cold running water so that isn't an issue plus all the homes come with all the rooms you are talking about except a place to store your money. How much money you talking about? asked Alieta. Oh I don't know, tons of it, said Yeanny. I found a creavest a long time ago and went down it and saw thousands of different types of gems sticking out of the stone walls. I just kept filling up bags with gems and teleporting them home until I ran out of room. Still lots there though and no one else knows about the place, said Yeanny. I just take a few gems to the jewlery place in town when I need to shop and they convert them into gold coins for me. One diamond can buy me enough food for over a month plus some clothes. Sakura likes to just play with them by ficking them towards the wall and sees which one get closest with out hitting the wall. That is one of the games she plays by herself. Alieta shook her head. Well dear with that kind of money you could have a custom built home, said Alieta. Ya I know but I am not one for owning a big place. I am 32 now and like everything close by. Teleporting to stores isn't a good thing because it scares people when you suddenly appear so that is why I bought a horse, said Yeanny. Living in Fae Land would be nice though seeing every one is happy and friendly here instead of being grumpy and mad. Good thing they are all scared of me.

  Well tell you what. How about you and Sakura come here and live in a house for a few days and see if she likes it . How long would it take for her to come this far seeing you said she could fly fast? asked Alieta. Oh no time at all, for some reason she can teleport with me. I can't teleport other people though. Animals I have no problem with though, said Yeanny. I can get her now if you want. I will let her settle down a bit first though when I get home and get myself changed into something more comfortable. Say with in the hour. Alieta smiled. Okay sounds good and I will have some elves find a place for you in between the town and the elf village. That is where the empty homes are. Okay sounds good. Thank the elf for the food please. It tasted great. See you in a bit, said Yeanny. Then she vanished. Ginger came down and said good morning. Has Yeanny come down yet for breakfast yet? Oh she has come and gone already, said Alieta. Oh that is sad I was hoping to see her before she left, said Ginger. Oh she is coming back real soon and with a very unusal friend of hers. They may even end up living here if they like it, said Alieta. Really, that would be great, said Ginger. She seems really nice. Well it is her friend she is concerned about. Seems like this girl that she discribed to me is nothing like anything I have ever seen or heard about. Sounds even nuttier than pixies and fairy nymphs put together plus is pink in places, said Alieta. Oh well nutty is really not that bad, said Ginger. Yes I don't think it is bad either but lets just wait and see. Have something to eat then come outside. I will be by the sun dial getting some elves to get a home ready for them to try out, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger. I will check on them later. Now you really have me interested in seeing this new person.

Alieta went outside and called a few elves over to get them to pick the best empty home and clean it up so it will be ready for our new guests. Then she checked the sun dial and saw it was going to be a nice day. She went back and sat on the steps to wait for Yeanny to return. Soon Ginger came out and sat with her. So tell me more about this new girl, said Ginger. Well her name is Sakura and she is smaller than a pixie but I don't know how much smaller. She has natural pink hair, lips and eyes plus nails and flies. She can get small too but I don't know how small and can disappear. That is about all I know right now other than she is funny and likes to play, said Alieta. Oh okay so that sounds good, said Ginger. We all like to play here. Yes I know but I hope I made the right decision letting them come here. I will let Ivy check Sakura out. She will anyways when she first sees her. Yep thank goodness for our Ivy, said Ginger. Soon the two of them appeared in front of the palace and it looked like Yeanny was telling Sakura something then they walked over. Both Alieta and Ginger stood up. Hello again Alieta so here is my best friend Sakura, said Yeanny. Say Hello dear. Hello, said Sakura. Then said nothing. She looks nervous, said Ginger to Alieta. Yes she is very nervous, said Yeanny. She is very timid and scares easily. I told her to behave herself though and you were the queen here. Alieta went to move closer to Sakura but she flew back a bit fast so Alieta stepped back. You go up to her Ginger. You are cuter than me, said Alieta. Ginger walked up slowly towards her. She won't hurt you Sakura, trust me okay, said Yeanny. Okay I will, said Sakura. She walked a bit closer to Ginger then said,"You have pretty hair and eyes. Do you like my hair and eyes? Ginger smiled. Yes they are very pretty too, said Ginger. My name is Ginger and I am a elf. Oh I heard of them, said Sakura. Are elves nice? Oh yes, the elves here are very nice and friendly, said Ginger. Do they play too? I love to play, said Sakura. Yep everyone here likes to play, said Ginger. Oh good, I like to play closest to the wall with these and she opened her hand and showed Ginger three nice size gems. I usually use more but Yeanny only let me take these three, said Sakura. Ginger looked at Alieta. Are those real gems? asked Ginger. Yep they are very pretty rocks don't you think, said Sakura. Yes very pretty, said Ginger with a surprised look.

Alieta saw Tillia running towards them fast from the woods. She is going to scare the heck out of Sakura, thought Alieta. Just then Tillia slowed right down and slowly walked towards everyone. Pretty horse coming, said Sakura. All white too! Yes, she is a unicorn and is magical, just don't try and sit on her, it is not allowed, said Ginger. Only Sara can ride her, said Ginger. Okay, said Sakura. Tillia walked up to Alieta and said Sara is working in the cove so I decided to come here instead seeing the cove is kind of boring once you have seen it and just standing around watching everyone, said Tillia. So you slowed down real fast, said Alieta. Yes I sensed that she was easy to scare so I slowed down. She is really cute, said Tillia. What is she? Um we don't know but she is Yeanny's best friend. Her name is Sakura. Can I talk to the pretty unicorn please? asked Sakura. Yes lets both go and talk to her, said Ginger. They walked over and Sakura said hi then flew up a bit so she didn't have to look up. You are the first white horse, I mean unicorn I have ever seen, said Sakura. You are very pretty. Well so are you Sakura, very cute and pink also. Yep I like pink. Pink everything. White is nice too, said Sakura. A couple of elves saw the pink girl talking to Tillia and started to walk over. Should I tell them to stop? asked Alieta. No let them come, she has to get used to everyone now, said Yeanny. The elves walked over and said hello. Sakura turned fast towards them. Oh sorry did we scare you? asked one of the elves. Ya just a bit but that is okay, said Sakura. She then went back on the ground. So do you two like to play? asked Sakura. Well yes we do but we have things to do right now but maybe later okay, said the elf. Okay, it's a date, said Sakura. The two elves smiled and walked away. Okay, that went well, said Yeanny. Wonder what is going to happen when the she devils come over. Well here they come now and there is no way of slowing them down. Tera and Aven flew in fast and Sakura saw them and hid behind Ginger. What are they? she asked nervously. They are friends and God made them so very good and nice, said Ginger. Oh okay. Funny wings but pretty girls, said Sakura. Hi all, what is up for today? asked Tara. Sakura flew over to Tara then flew around her then did the same with Avan. Hi I am Sakura. You have odd wings but very pretty faces, Ginger says God made you and you are good and frendly. Do you like to play? Tara laughed. My she talks like Ivy. Does Ivy like to play? asked Sakura. Oh yes she loves to play, said Avan. Good, me too, said Sakura. Okay she is settling in now, soon she will be herself and that is when the fun will start, said Yeanny.

I should call Pippa, maybe she knows what Sakura is, said Alieta. Ya good idea, said Yeanny. "Pippa come to the palace please. Some one new for you to meet". Pippa showed up real fast. Hi Alieta, who is it this time. My you have been getting a lot of new people lately, said Pippa. Sakura flew over fast to Pippa, Wow you fly fast! I am Sakura, do you like to play, I love pink, pink everything except my skin. Pink wings and pink eyes plus hair is a pretty pink too. I can fly fast too you know watch. Sakura took off and flew circles around everyone then went high up then came back down, circled Tillia a couple of times then went back to Pippa. See pretty fast right. Pippa started to laugh. Yes that was very good, said Pippa. Yep, fast and pink, that is me, said Sakura. Pippa looked at Alieta with a confused look on her face. So Pippa, do you know what she is. None of us do but she is Yeanny's best friend, said Alieta. Nope can't say I do but she seems freindly enough and that was some very hard flying manouvers she just did, said Pippa. Okay so still no one knows, said Alieta. Who cares, said Pippa. Looks like she wants to play and have fun though, said Pippa. Yep I do, said Sakura. Okay lets play over there, and let them watch. Lets see what you got girl, said Pippa. Oh this is going to be good, said Yeanny. Hand me you rocks Sakura so you don't loose them. Okay said Sakura and handed Yeanny the three gems then flew back to Pippa. Pippa shrunk down a bit to her size then they both flew out a bit then flew up high in the sky together. They came down fast then turned towards each other and held hands then began to spin real fast then let go and both of them landed on their butt laughing. They took off again and started air dancing in circles then began to fly back and forth past the palace very fast. Wow I can hardly see them pass, said Alieta. They then went high again then came down doing a loop de loop then landed on their feet with arms up and said, "Tadah!" Every one clapped. Okay time to rest, said Pippa. Okay, said Sakura and flew over ti Yeanny and took back the gems then sat down beside her. She is really fast too, Sakura said to Yeanny. Pippa walked over to Alieta and said what every she is, that girl has major flying skills. I Had to really push it to keep up with her at this size, said Pippa. Well Yeanny here is thinking about buying a house here in Fae Land so we are just seeing if Sakura will be able to adjust to all the people here and not be a pest or something, said Alieta. Oh she will be fine, said Pippa. Funny thing is though, her wings have very little dust on them. Hardly any at all. Don't know how she can fly that fast without at least some pixie or fairy dust on them, said Pippa.



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