Meet Sakura Chapter 4


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Sakura Meets Fairy Nymphs

 Yeanny decided to go back in the house first then checked out the third bedroom that she was going to use as her lab. Okay she thought. Bigger than the one I got. She made a simple lab table and a book self for all her books that had spells in them for potion recipes in them. Then made a stool and a chair then went back outside and got her horse to head out back to the palace. When Alieta got to the palace she saw Ginger sitting on the steps with Ivy. Sakura was curled up on the grass in front of them fast asleep. Hi Alieta, I guess we tired her out, said Ivy. We didn't fly that far though but she said she was feeling sleepy so we headed back then she laid down after looking around and went to sleep. Alieta remembered what Yeanny told her when she was out, Sakura would just sleep while she was gone. Well Yeanny will be here soon I think so she will wake up then, said Alieta. Hmm kinda weird though sleeping in the middle of the day, said Ivy. Yes but that is what she does when Yeanna is not around, said Alieta. Sounds like she has no control over it, said Alieta. Yeanny has been her only friend for a long time. Well maybe she will make some more friends here, said Ginger. Then maybe she won't sleep so much. We will see, said Alieta but first Yeanny has to find out if Sakura would like to live here. They are just visiting right now, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Ivy. Here have your seat back Alieta, I wanted to show here so much more but she just started to fiy really slow so I brought her back her. Alieta sat down and smiled at Ginger. So what do you think so far about her? asked Alieta. Well not sure but she is very nice and polite, and very energenic, said Ginger. She did get used to everyone pretty fast too. But she just came here with Ivy then laid down and wet to sleep and none of us could wake her up.  Soon Yeanny reached the palace and as soon as she got off her horse and walked over, Sakura jumped up then flew over to Yeanny and hugged her.

After hugging Yeanny, Sakura looked around and saw everyone not far from the sun dial sitting on the ground. What are they doing? she asked. I think they are playing a game, said Yeanny. Oh, what kind of game? she asked. Not sure, maybe go over there and look but don't get in their way and do not be a pest, just watch them play, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura and flew over to the group on the grass. Yeanny walked over to Alieta and Ginger. So she went to sleep again I see, said Yeanny. Yep as soon as she Ivy came back with her, said Ginger. Hmm. I wish I could break her of that habit, said Yeanny. I was hoping with all you people here she would stay awake. She could always do stuff when I go shopping or what ever. I tried taking her shopping with me once and will not do that again, said Yeanny. Oh, what happened? asked Alieta. Well it was grocery shopping and she was very excited to see all the food everywhere. She started picking up apples and pears and taking a bite out of them and putting them back then flew to the cookies and ate some of them. She knocked over a display with jams on it that were all glass jars and some broke. People were getting mad at her and the store owner told me to leave and pay for the damage. I gave him the bag of coins I had and said here keep it all then I grabbed Sakura and pulled her out of the store. I took her home and was very mad at her telling her what she was doing was very bad and wrong. She started to cry then flew into her room and stayed there for the rest of the day. She had the door locked so I figured I best leave her alone. I felt really bad afterwards for getting mad like that because she didn't know anything about shopping and it was her first time. Hearing her crying in her beadroom almost broke my heart. Eventually we made up and I talked nicely to her then she went back to normal. Ginger smiled and said, it is like she is just a little kid. How old is she? I don't know but she appeared out of nowhere in my lab about seven years ago, but she looked like an adult physically, said Yeanny. Maybe that was when she was made then, said Alieta. Hang on for a second and called over Ivy. Yes Alieta, what do you want? she asked. When you read Sakura did you find out how old she was? asked Alieta. Well not exactly but everything I saw only went back about seven years I think. Nothing before that, said Ivy. So seven I think. Okay thanks Ivy, just wanted to check. Okay, said Ivy and flew over to where everyone was playing Zan's game. Well there you go, she is just a child still, said Alieta. Oh my, said Yeanny. That explains a lot. I have been treating her like a grown up all the time. Even when she first showed up I thought she was just real nutty and nosey. I didn't think that I had to teach her anything. I thought that was just the way she was.

Ginger looked up and saw two fairy nymphs coming. Okay this will be interesting she said. Why what are they, more fairies? asked Yeanny. Nope, they are fairy nymphs, said Alieta. Oh, are they different from fairies? asked Yeanny. Oh yes, a lot different and not fast flyers either but very playful. It looks like Hennie is not with them either, said Alieta. That is their queen. I will fill you in about them later. They flew over the group playing the game then landed in front of Alieta. Hello Capi and Letish. Where is Hennie? asked Alieta. Oh she is out in Eden somewhere trying to teach Nessie how to make plants properly, said Capi. She said it was okay if we came here and visit while she was doing that. Letish looked way up at Yeanny and smiled at her. My they are cute, she said. Sakura saw them and flew over fast. Yeanny yelled at her and said be polite please and don't be rude by flying around them fast. Okay, said Sakura and just stood still and smiled at the two of them. Well that was easy, said Yeanny. Yes it was. It seems like she considers you like a mother, said Alieta. Capi and Letish saod hello then told Sakura their names. Hello, I am Sakura. Do you like to play? Yep, always like to play, said Capi. Oh good me too, said Sakura but I have to stay here for now, Yeanny said so. Okay then can we sit and talk? asked Letish to Alieta. I see why not, said Alieta. Get to know each other first. Okay and the three of them sat down and started chating with each other. Well you seem to make a better mother than me, said Yeanny. Oh don't sell your self short, mothering is not easy, said Alieta. Just listen to the love you have for her to get her to do things. Everyone responds best to love. She still needs to be schooled some how. At least a bit anyways. Maybe Alexa would like to teach her some things, said Ginger. Ya maybe she will like that but she has to meet her first, said Alieta. They looked at the three of them still chatting and Capi and Letish kept touching Sakura's hair that she seemed to like. Okay it will be lunch time soon so the fairies will be coming here, said Alieta. Oh lunch time, said Sakura. Can I have ice cream. Yeanny smiled. No not at first. You have to eat some other stuff first then maybe you can have some ice cream if you finish your lunch, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. Capi and Letish looked at Yeanny then back at Sakura. She is like Hennie. It is good though, she knows what is best for us. We all love her, said Capi.

Soon the fairies showed up and started getting lunch ready for everyone. Zan brought the game back inside the palace then came back out. Sakura, Capi and Letish stood up and got out of the way. Have you seen the fairies make food yet? asked Capi. Just ice cream, said Sakura. Oh you will like this then. They can make anything and it always tastes great, said Letish. The fairies made their wands appear then made a nice big lunch for everyone. Wow that was amazing and it really smells good too, said Sakura. Okay lets go and get some food. The big people usually let us little girls go first, said Capi. The three of them walked up to the table and Letish handed Sakura a plate. Wow what should I pick? asked Sakura. Oh I just take a bit of everything until the plate is full then go sit down out of the way and eat, said Letish. Okay, said Sakura then filled her plate. They walked over to a spot on the grass and sat down to eat. Well they seem to getting along wonderfully, said Yeanny. Yes they do, said Alieta. It looks like she is doing as they do and is listening also. That is a type of learning also, said Alieta. Everyone else went to the table and got their lunch and started to eat too. The three girls finished first then walked over to Yeanny and showed her their empty plates. Can we have some ice cream now? asked Sakura. Yes you can, said Yeanny. Yeah they all said then went to Tulip and said it was okay for them to have ice cream now. Well looks like all of them repect you now, said Alieta. Yes seems that way, This is going to take some time to get used too, said Yeanny. Alieta smiled. Well you are learning too, said Alieta.


  After everyone ate and the fairies cleaned up everything, all the fairies sat with Sakura, Capi and Latish and started talking. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps with Yeanny and saw that the girls were being very good with all the fairies. Tulip flew over and said what happened with Sakura. She is being very calm and not flying all over the place like this morning? Well we just found out from Ivy that she is only seven years old and Yeanny here told her to behave herself now that she has to be like a mother with her, said Alieta. Oh only seven, that is even younger than Nessie, said Tulip. Well she seems to be listening to everyone more than talking so much and fast. Looks like she is wanting to learn stuff. You should get Alexa to tutor her some. She would be the best I think, said Tulip. Yes Ginger said the same thing. I will send someone to ask her if she wants to. Why don't you and Yeanny take her to Alexa's place and asked her yourself, said Tulip. That way she can meet Diego and the two wolves. She will have to see them eventially if she stays. Yes maybe you are right, said Alieta. We should wait for a bit first seeing all the fairies are getting to know her first. Yep they all like her pink hair, said Tulip then flew back. So now we have a plan, said Alieta. Pretty sure Alexa will help out. That is just how she is and very smart too. Best teacher in Fae Land I would think. Well you know best about the people here but I agree Alexa would be a good choice plus she is smaller and Sakura likes small also. Sakura walked over this time and told Yeanny that Tulip told me about a cute girl named Alexa and she is very smart and might teach me some stuff. Alieta smiled. Yes Sakura we think she might help but we have to ask her first and see if she has time to do that, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. Can we go now she sounds really nice, said Sakura. In a bit, let us relax for a bit first then we will go, said Yeanny. Okay, then she went back to everyone sitting. Well she wants to learn that is for sure, said Alieta. I should fly out there first and fill Alexa in. Okay I will ride there but need to know where she lives. Well let me talk to her first. She has Angus and Sivia there also that are very big wolves, said Alieta. Oh yes she told me a bit about them, said Yeanny. Well if she agrees to teach her then I might have an idea where they could do it where no one will disturb them, said Alieta. Okay, we will wait until you get back then, said Yeanny. Alieta took off to go see Alexa.

The End...



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