Meeting The Elders Chapter 2


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Overlord Info From Gabriel

Alexa waited for a while and decided to go in and see where Alieta was. She went in the dining room first then went up to the den and there she saw Alieta talking to Gabriel. Hi Alexa how are you doing? asked Alieta. Pretty good, said Alexa but seems like everyone here is having fun with the new people I just met outside. Ya it has been quite the day so far, said Alieta. Yes I heard something about Tara and Avan fighting a king overlord or something, said Alexa. Yes that was scary, said Alieta. Avan was across the ocean with the other five angels getting rid of the devils over there when Quazar showed up here looking for his devils that had gone missing. Tara was by herself and could feel that she had no chance of defeating him so she called for Apollonia to bring Avan back fast. So what happened, ask Alexa. Were they able to get rid of him together? Well yes eventually but not before they took an energy blast from him that threw them back about twenty feet, said Alieta. I took cover behind the palace when I saw that happen but not long afterwards they came over and said he left. I thought he was just a very powerful demon but Gabriel here told me Quazar is a very powerful overlord. Really so why does an overlord come here mad because his she devils were missing, blasts Tara and Avan then just leaves because of what ever Avan and Tara did or said to him? asked Alexa. Oh that was nothing for him, said Gabriel. He must of been mad when the two of them told him they had killed all the devils. He really wouldn't kill or really hurt anyone. So this Quazar, he sounds very odd to me, said Alexa. He has major power yet doesn't use it. Where did he come from anyways? asked Alexa. That is a bit of a tricky one to explain, said Gabriel. He sort of got created by God but not on purpose. He and other overlords were a by product when God created the universe. It really is above any of our comprehension how that happened, said Gabriel. But Quazar is the biggest and the strongest and the other overlords consider him to be the king. Gabriel could tell Alexa was still confused. Okay, said Gabriel. This is what I could understand about them. Now an overlord is like the care taker of the universe. They by instinct make sure everything is the way it should be. They can travel fast by slipping between dimensions so if a star which is really a big sun is about to burn out they can charge it back up or if it is about to explode, they can stop it and bring it back to normal. Plus they redirect big rocks in space so they don't hit planets with life on them. Stuff like that. Okay I understand that know, said Alexa. I have read a lot about space stuff. Glad you do, said Alieta, I am still lost. So why do they make devils, asked Alexa. Oh that is an easy one, said Gabriel. The overlords create them to help them out. The universe is a very big place so they make helpers that they call their children. Now usually they stick to what they were made for usually killing unwanted creatures on a planet but sometimes they will dimension slide and end up where they are not supposed to be. That is when they search for magic to feed off. Now these devils are not the same created by demons that are just pure evil and slaves to that demon.

So tell me more about Quazar, he seems to be an interesting being, said Alexa. Oh yes he is very interesting and quite good for the universe. Now as far as I know he has never killed anyone or any animal that God created or evolved properly. He is capable of destroying an entire world with a few energy blasts but does that when the planet has no life and is interfering with the orbit of other planets. Now he promised to not let any of his children on earth ever again and will warn the other overlords about Avan and Tara saying they are God's devil killers. Now I know he has been here before but not Fae Land. The five angels told me that they met up with him once and asked what he wanted. He just said looking around then smiled at them and disappeared. Looks as if he considers this planet to be very nicely put together. Knowing that and also him meeting Tara and Avan, I am sure he will come back for a visit, said Gabriel. So he is a nice overlord? asked Alexa with dough in her voice. Well yes he is actually and so are the rest, said Gabriel. I wouldn't go out on a date with him but maybe Tara would. I hear she can be quite the flirt with men and Quazar is quite a man to behold, said Gabriel. Alexa laughed. Ya I heard she could be very flirty too. It is expected when one is that beautiful I suppose. So don't worry about Quazar and devils no more I am hearing so what are Tara and Avan going to do now? asked Alexa. Well they can still wipe out creatures and kill demons that still make evil devils with no trouble but I did tell them not to take all the glory and let you and your team have fun too, said Gabriel. Alexa smiled. Good because they are really nice and a bit of help from them two can go a long way, said Alexa. Okay so that should be it. I got nothing else, said Gabriel. Any more questions? Nope, said Alexa. Okay then off I go, said Gabriel. So that was good to know, said Alexa to Alieta. Well glad you think so but all that space talk and stuff still is too confusing to me, said Alieta. I think I will just stick with Fae Land. That I know about. Alexa smiled. Ya you are the best here, said Alexa. By the way Ivy's birthday is next week. She was worried about getting too old but when Guen told her she will be getting presents she got very excited so don't forget. Oh ya, said Alieta. No worries, it will be a good party.

Well lets go back outside and see what is going on out there now, said Alieta. Well not much right now, said Alexa. Guen took Jupitor and Saturn for a tour of Eden and Ivy took off with Savanah and Caspie to look at some beacon tree plus Misty and Lollipop were beginning to drive me crazy with all the questions they had about me being a hero so I came in here to look for you, said Alexa. Actually the main reason I came to the palace was to see if Ivy was ready to go visit the elder's village. Well now you can see what I deal with every day while you are at the other end of Fae Land, said Alieta. Not that I am complaining, it does make for a very exciting and unpredictable day every day. Lets go out anyways, I want to see if Tara and Avan have come back out of the woods yet, said Alieta. They were feeling a bit sore earlier after getting blasted by Quazar but Lilly fixed them up nicely. Once outside only some elves could be seen walking around doing what every business they were up to. Well like I said, nothing is going on now, said Alexa. Yes I see that, I wonder what is going on with Avan and Tara though. I am getting a bad feeling for some reason, said Alieta. They are usually out here this time of day with Zan. Maybe they are resting or Zan went with them to the lake, said Alexa. Ya your probably right, said Alieta. They do love spending time together at Sandy Lake.



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