Meeting The Elders Chapter 3


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Step 1 The Water

Alexa headed back to Ktara's place to tell her that the plans to visit the elders is on hold for now. At least for a day or so. She also told her about Quazar and did her best to describe him to her and his purpose but she could tell that Ktara was not getting all of it. She decided to head back home but first check out the library and see what books they had about space first to take home and read. Back in Eden. Ivy was showing Savanah the beautiful golden tree she grew and how it was going to work as a beacon. So this tree just grew in front of your eyes? asked Savanah. Yep, Eden has very strong magic but it did surprise me too, said Ivy. So now lets check the location where Lollipop's idea for a paradise will be, said Ivy. Okay and they both headed out. When they got there it was evident that what little bit planted there was doing great. Okay this looks ready to have fairies create something out here, said Ivy. What are they going to make? asked Caspie. Not sure, something about a paradise, said Ivy. Lets go back to the forest and I will tell Tulip it is good to go so they can get to work on it. Knowing them with eight fairies now, it will be done very fast, said Ivy. We will stay in the cove and work the overviewer to divert magic to that area best as we can. Okay, sounds like a plan, said Savanah and they headed out to the forest.

They got to the cove and Tulip was with Lollipop talking and a few other fairies were also in the cove. Ivy called Tulip over and told her that the new area looked ready for development. Okay said Tulip but first we have to make a water source. Then we have to decide what to do with it. What do you mean? asked Ivy. Well a small pond or lake may form then we have to decide how much returns back underground and maybe allow some to run off as a stream. Where the stream will go is up the the shape of the land, said Tulip. Okay then what? asked Ivy. Then we have to wait to see what it looks like and where the stream is heading. If all is good then we start building bit by bit, said Tulip. Depending on how much magic we got to work with will decide how fast we can get it all done but this can be an on going project with additions being added over time. I have read Lollipop and just her alone has many ideas for the area, said Tulip. Okay then find the water source then get it started then Savanah and I will start sending some magic that way, said Ivy. Okay, I will need the some of these fairies to be able to drill, lets go Lollipop, Chestnut and Misty lets go and do some drilling, said Tulip. Lets get step one started.

 They got to the site and saw things were still alive and healthy but no more new growth had started. Okay first we need to find a good spot for water underground. I can do that, said Misty. I am good at stuff like that. She made her wand appear then started using it close to the ground as she moved around. The wand started to glow bright. Okay here is the best spot, said Misty. Good, now everyone lets get our wands together and point them down. They did it and a white beam started digging downward. The ground shook a bit under their feet and then a burst of water came up getting them all wet. They all laughed. Nice and cold and clean. Perfect, said Tulip. The water slowed down some then started to run off north. Okay lets figure out how big the pond should be so everyone pick a side, said Tulip. They all moved out. A bit bigger please, said Lollipop. They all took a bunch of steps backwards. Okay that should be good, said Lollipop. Okay lets dig everyone, said Tulip. They all pointed their wands and started to dig out the dirt and soon a pond was formed and filled with the water. Cool, said Tulip. Looks like some of the water is going back underground by it's self. The pond filled right up then started a stream towards the north again. Okay, that is a bit weird, said Tulip. Streams and rivers usually run south. Lets go about a mile north where the stream will end up and form another hole big enough to hold the run off water. Hopefully that will be good enough and that pond will just let the water seep down underground and not go any further, said Tulip. Where did you learn all this stuff, asked Chestnut. From Mom, said Tulip. When I was still small, she used to sit and tell me stories and stuff about how she made place after place for a home but never worked out until she found Fairy Land that worked perfectly. Water is the most important thing she always told me. They made the hole then also dug a small ditch for the run off water to follow then headed back to the cove.


When they got back to the cove, Ivy and Sara were watching the overviewer with Savanah. Okay all done, said Tulip to Ivy. How does it look? Good, said Ivy. We can see where you put the pond and looks like a smaller one is filling just north of it. Give it a minute or two to make sure the water will stop at the north pond, said Tulip. They all waited a bit and saw that it seemed to be working. Okay now lets see if I can divert just a bit of magic there for now, said Ivy. She stuck her finger in the water then stared at the overviewer then slowly moved her finger towards the pond. Savanah watched as the blue line began to follow Ivy's finger and stretched over to the the larger pond. That is amazing, said Savanah. Okay that should do it for now, said Ivy. We have to wait and let the magic do it's thing. The few plants around there should start growing much better now. So what is step two? Next we make a structure that is not that big but very nice and see if it will stay together, said Tulip. Lollipop has a good imagination so we are going to use her idea. Then we plant some trees around it and see how fast they grow. So work is done for today? asked Ivy. Yep, all done until tomorrow morning, said Tulip. Okay then lets head back to the palace, said Ivy.



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