The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Meeting The Elders Chapter 1


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It has been a busy and exciting day so far with Guen bringing two new fairies to Fae Land. Plus Apollonia brought Jupitor the Queen of the Fairies, one of her daughters Saturn, Caspie a pixie and Savanah a forest sprite from across the ocean for a short visit. Avan and Tara managed to defeat and get rid of Quazar the most powerful overlord plus everyone was introduced to a new tasty food called pizza for lunch. Alieta took Guen up to her living room to relax for a bit while everyone else were outside dancing, wearing off some of the lunch they just had. After they all finished dancing, Ivy decided to show Savanah the new beacon tree she planted so she would know what it was all about. A bit later Guen came out of the palace to talk to Jupitor some more. Alexa went to the palace grounds to see if Ivy was ready to go visit the elders but once she found out that she was busy with the new visitors she put the trip off for another day. She did get to meet the new visitors though. Tera told Avan that the two of them could enter the forest when ever they wanted which put a big smile on Avan's face...

Alexa At The Palace

Everyone started to go back to their daily routine. Some of the fairies went back to the forest while Avan and Tara decided to go back to the East Woods for some peace and quiet seeing they were feeling tired for some reason. Sara went back to the forest also to let Ivy talk to Savanah some more about technical cove stuff that was beginning to bore her. Guen came out and saw Jupitor alone just looking around at everything she could see from the palace grounds. Hi Jupitor, what you doing here all alone? asked Guen. Oh just taking in the sites. It is so beautiful here, I have never seen such a place in all my years, said Jupitor. Yes it is an amazing land, said Guen. This is just a very small part of Fae Land and not even close to the beautiful landscapes further out, said Guen. So how old are you asked Guen, I feel that you are rather young for a fairy queen. Jupitor smiled, well I may look young but I am a bit over five hundred years old, said Jupitor. That is all? said Guen. You are very young and a queen too. I have never heard of a fairy queen to be that young, though you are the first other queen I have actually met, said Guen. Really, I am young to you, said Jupitor with a surprised look on her face. Oh yes, said Guen. Most of my children are older than you. Wow, so how old are you? asked Jupitor. Oh many centuries but I still got a young heart and can almost keep up with my kids still, said Guen with a smile. That is amazing, said Jupitor. So from how I see things, you are the queen of all fairies, said Jupitor. Well I don't know about that, said Guen. A queen is the oldest of the group of fairies in the forest they live in and is responsible for making and creating princesses. This is necessary for two reasons. First is in case something was to happen to the queen, the oldest princess would take over being queen and all the responsibilities plus because of the dangers outside of the forest she has to use the cove to keep evil out. I can not be a queen to fairies that live in a separate forest especially so far away. Jupitor smiled. Well I am glad I have met and made friends with such a wise queen, said Jupitor. You have taught me a lot in the short time that we have met. Well if you ever need to ask me something, just call out for Apollonia and she will come and bring you to me, said Guen. Really she will come for me also? asked Jupitor. I am sure she will, she comes when I call all the time, said Guen. She is an angel and likes helping plus she is really good at getting rid of anything bad attacking your forest. Good I will keep that in mind, said Jupitor.

Alexa just reached the palace grounds and saw Guen talking to a fairy. An elf came and took her horse and said, check it out Alexa, lots of new stuff has been going on today. Guen is back for a visit and she brought two new fairies with her plus Apollonia brought the Fairy Queen and one of her daughters from across the ocean and another forest sprite and pixie. Really, I just came to see if Ivy was ready to visit the elders with me and Ktara, said Alexa. Good luck with that, said the elf. She is over there with Savanah and Saturn plus Caspie. Really so lots of new stuff has been going on since the last time I have been here, said Alexa. Yep sure has then the elf chuckled and walked away with the horse. Alexa went over to meet this new forest sprite but Ivy saw her first and ran over to her all excited. Hi Alexa. Come meet Savanah, she is awesome and loves trees like me and Saturn is a fairy princess plus Caspie is in charge of all the pixies across the ocean and over there is Guen talking with Jupitor the fairy Queen. Okay slow down Ivy, all I heard was from across the ocean, said Alexa. Yep Apollonia brought them, said Ivy. She grabbed Alexa's hand and pulled her towards Savanah. Savanah I want you to meet Alexa. She is like the most amazing girl here in Fae Land, said Ivy. Really, she is nice and small so I like that first of all, said Savanah. Hi Savanah, nice to meet you, said Alexa. You seem to have impressed my friend Ivy. Oh but Ivy is the one impressing us, said Savanah. So powerful inside and very smart. Savanah is the the leader of the sprites back home, said Ivy. Really, said Alexa. Yep and her best friend is a forest sprite also like me back in her woods, said Ivy. Wow you are a powerful girl for your size, said Savanah. Now no reading Alexa please, said Ivy. She is too important here and I will not allow it. Okay so can I ask why she is special here? asked Savanah. Yep, I think so, said Ivy. Alexa saw that Ivy was very happy today so decided that a trip to the elders was out of the question. Well yes Savanah, I lead a team of amazing heroes that defend Fae Land and surrounding areas from attacks of evil creatures and demons for example, said Alexa. Wow a real hero, said Saturn. You must be very smart! Smartest in the world, said Ivy. Smarter than a pixie too? asked Caspie. Pixies are really smart too you know, nutty but smart none the less. Alexa just smiled. So do you want to meet the queen of fairies, from across the ocean? asked asked Ivy. Um sure I guess, said Alexa. Good then Ivy and Savanah grab Alexa's hands and brought her over to where Guen was talking to Jupitor then Saturn and Caspie followed them.

Take it easy on Alexa you two, said Guen. She could pick both of you up and throw you away if she wanted. Oh ya sorry, said Savanah. Me too, said Ivy. Alexa laughed. They are so a like, said Alexa. Jupitor turned and looked at Alexa. My you are so cute and pretty, said Jupitor. Yes Savanah is very much like your Ivy but a lot older. Age doesn't seem to matter though with forest sprites. They are always fun loving and mostly happy all the time. They can live forever you know, said Jupitor. Yes I know that, said Alexa. That just reminded me that Ivy's birthday is next week. She turns twenty. Ya I am getting old, said Ivy. They all just laughed. Can we come to her birthday please Jupitor? asked Savanah. Well that will be up to Apollonia. She may be busy you know. Alexa smiled. Apollonia would not miss Ivy's birthday for anything, said Alexa. So only twenty years old, said Jupitor. Nope not yet, said Ivy. Yes not yet but you should be looking forward to it. Being twenty means a lot to many people, said Alexa. Really? Like what? asked Ivy. Well it is that day we all celebrate you becoming a woman and not a kid anymore. Plus you get respect from new people you meet but most of all you get a bunch of presents. Ivy's eyes just lit up. Presents! I love presents. Alexa gave me this friendship bracelet as a present see. I never take it off, said Ivy. My that is a very nice bracelet and it seems to be enchanted also, said Jupitor. Yep, I can go translucent like Alexa now but never really need to because I have Sara. Alexa started to laugh again. What is so funny? asked Guen. Oh Sara is like her body guard also. She is even stronger than me, said Alexa. Really that pretty girl is that strong, said Guen. Oh yes, said Alexa. I have first hand knowledge of that. Okay I am going to show Savanah the new beacon tree we planted in Eden, said Ivy. Good idea said Guen. And I will introduce Alexa to the two new fairies I brought over. Okay, said Ivy. Can I come too? asked Caspie. You sure can, said Ivy and off the three of them flew.

Misty and Lollipop. Will you two please come over here, said Guen. They both flew over and asked what was up. I want you two to meet Alexa. The girl I told you about back in Fairy Land. Oh really, said Misty. The real Alexa. Yes stupid she is real, look at her, said Lollipop. Alexa giggled. Hi you two, are you sisters too? asked Alexa. Nope, don't think so anyways, said Misty. No they are not and not mine either, said Guen. Misty is Crestnut's best friend and Lollipop is Tulip's best friend. They were both driving me crazy asking me to bring them two back to Fairy Land which I knew would never happen so I brought them here instead. Yep, we live here now said Misty. Nice, said Alexa. So I take it you both like Fae Land, said Alexa. Yep, we love it, said Lollipop. Super big and super beautiful. You even got very pretty she devils. They are really nice also, said Misty. Ya speaking of them, Where are they? asked Alexa. In the woods I think said Guen. They battled an overlord today so probably resting. An overlord, said Alexa. They killed it? Nope supposedly you can't kill them. Though they said Quazar was like the king of the overlords. Some how they got him to leave though, said Guen. Hmm, I should talk to Alieta about that. My team only came up against one overlord before and I am sure he was not a king or even was an overlord. We couldn't hurt him much though, said Alexa. Well Alieta will be out soon, she just wanted to wash up some, said Guen. Okay you go in and see her or wait out here and I will take Jupitor and Saturn around Fae Land for a tour, said Guen. Okay said Alexa and off they went. We will keep you company until Alieta comes out, said Misty. Yep we have never met a real live hero before, said Lollipop. Haven't met a dead one either, said Misty Not much of a hero if she is dead though, said Lollipop. So when is your next adventure Alexa, Guen said you have been on lots. I never know but many times when I am here at the palace something weird happens so that is kind of an adventure to me, said Alexa. Really maybe something weird will happen here then and we can have an adventure too, said Lollipop. Alexa smiled, well you never know, Tempressa says that all the best things happen at the palace, said Alieta then went and sat down on the steps.



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