Meeting The Elders Chapter 4


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Checking on Tara And Avan

When the got back to the palace they saw Alieta and Ginger outside. Zan came out of the palace and began to look around. Tulip and Lollipop landed beside Lilly and Pippie that were just talking to each other. So nothing to do you two? asked Tulip. We finish getting the new area set up so we are here now. Oh we were just talking and find it weird that Tara and Avan are still in the woods. They should of come back out by now, said Lilly. Maybe they are with Zan at the lake, they always go there together. I know but Zan just came out of the palace, said Lilly. Something doesn't feel right. They are probably just sleeping, said Lollipop. They shouldn't be sleeping because they don't really need to sleep but they do anyways but only at night, said Pippie. Well go over and talk to Alieta, she may have them doing something, said Tulip. Good idea, said Lilly then flew over. Hi Alieta, did you send Tara and Avan out on a mission or something? asked Lilly. No, are you wondering why they are not out here with us also? asked Alieta. Ya, don't they always hang out here with everyone until it gets dark out? asked Lilly. Normally yes but they did battle Quazar today and Ginger thinks they are just tired, said Alieta. Why would they be tired, I have never seen them tired before and they don't even need to sleep, said Lilly. I am getting a bad feeling about this. Ya, something doesn't feel right to me also, said Alieta. Lilly can you go check on them for me please? asked Alieta. Maybe it is nothing but best to make sure. Yep okay and off she went to the east woods.

When in the woods she had to look around a bit to find them. There they are, she said to herself. Lilly went to them and they were both sitting resting their back against a big tree. Hi Lilly, what's up? ask Tara. More like what is up with you two, said Lilly. Everyone is getting worried about you two. Oh well we are still not feeling that great, said Avan. Something inside hurts. Let me have a look this time, said Lilly. She stared at them one at a time then took out her wand and used it on both of them. Well that feels a bit better, said Tara and Avan. A bit better, it should be a lot better, said Lilly. She looked at Tara long and hard then said, there is something inside you but I don't know what it is, said Lilly. I am getting Alieta here now, she might know what to do and off she flew. Lilly flew back fast to Alieta and the others. Alieta, something is not right with the two of them. I tried healing them again but it had little effect, said Lilly. Oh my, that is not good, said Alieta. Yes there is something inside of them but I can't figure out what it is. Come please and see them for yourself, said Lilly. They both flew off to the woods then over where Tara and Avan were still sitting. Hi Alieta. Not doing so good right now, said Avan. Where does it hurt? asked Alieta. Oh in a few places but all in the dorsal area, said Tara. Alieta took their temperature with her hand and felt they both had a bad fever. Maybe our work is done here, said Tara and it is our time to die. Don't talk like that, said Alieta. You can't die and especially not on my watch. When did you start feeling like this, asked Alieta. Well when Lilly first healed us when we were just feeling a bit ache and it seemed to of gone away but then it came back a bit after lunchtime so we came here to rest but it started getting worst so we decided to get some sleep seeing that we always felt better after sleeping, said Avan. Problem is we can't sleep. I guess that blast Quazar gave us has a lasting effect. We will see about that, said Alieta. Gabriel, need your help fast, she yelled. Gabriel came very fast this time. What is the matter Alieta? Tara and Avan are very sick. They think the blast they took is still hurting them. Really, said Gabriel. Let me look. She grabbed each of there hand and looked deep into them let go fast. Oh my god they are dying.

See told you we are not needed anymore, said Tara. God is taking us back. This is not the work of God Tara. He would not let you suffer like this. "Quazar, what did you do two our two girls. Get your butt here now!" She yelled very loud. It took a minute but Quazar appeared looking confused. What girls, he asked. Those two and Gabriel pointed at Tara and Avan. What is wrong with them, I barely hurt them, said Quazar. Well enough to the point that they are both dying, said Gabriel in a mad voice. Okay okay let me look, said Quazar. He first looked at Avan straight in the eyes then did the same to Tara and Tara smiled at him and said you got pretty eyes. Quazar smiled back at Tara. Okay I can fix this. Sorry girls but I didn't know you two were so young. You have no immunity to space particles yet. He put the palm of his big hand on each of there chest then started to breath deeply in and out. Oh your hand is so warm, said Tara. Quazar smiled. I like this one he said. The two girls jerked forward then then laid back against the tree again. There we go, said Quazar and opened his hands and showed Gabriel and Alieta small stone like objects. What are they? asked Alieta. Like I said, space particles. Normally a real devil's body would just spit them out but these two are not real devils and when they entered them, their body's skin just healed immediately and sealed them inside. Must of been very painful to them. These two are pretty tough, said Quazar. Eventually the particles would of dissolved. So how do you two feel now? asked Gabriel. Um lots better actually, they both said and they both stood up. There you go Gabriel. Now girls I am very sorry about this, said Quazar. If I knew your age I would of never blasted you two. There is one thing has been bothering me since I left here. What is that? asked Gabriel. Why did God create such beautiful but deadly beings to kill devils. What is so special about this place? Looks like most other planets with water and air that I have seen. Actually this one is pretty small. I would of asked God myself but he talks in riddles all the time that drives me crazy. Gabriel smiled, yes he does that to all of us, said Gabriel.

What is that hiding behind the sprite? asked Quazar. First of all that sprite is Alieta, Queen of Fae Land and Lilly is a fairy princess. Okay sorry Alieta but a fairy, that is different, no other planets have fairies, at least not in mortal form, said Quazar. There are a lot of different things here that none of the planets you are in charge of have, said Gabriel. Really like what? asked Quasar and I take care of solar systems not just planets. Come follow me and I will show you what is so special here, said Gabriel. You should of been told anyways. They all flew out of the woods following Gabriel that brought them to Sandy Lake. Now look around and tell me what you see here, said Gabriel. Okay I see a very beautiful land, very impressive too, said Quazar. There is only one other world that I have seen that looks anything like this and it is called Genesis. It has no animal life on it yet but plant life is amazing. It is under my protection, said Quazar. Yes I know, said Gabriel. Now tell me what you feel. Quazar took a deep breath then his eyes opened wide. He is here. Tell them Quazar, who is here, said Gabriel. Our father the creator, his love is so strong here unlike anywhere else I have been, said Quazar. God is here? asked Alieta. God is everywhere Queen Alieta but his presence is strongest her, I can almost reach out and touch him. Yes but there is someone here that can reach out and touch him and can communicate with him and before you leave I want you to meet her, said Gabriel. Then you will know why Fae Land is so important and needs to be protective. Okay such a person must be very important then but I am already seeing why he is protecting this place, said Quazar. Good now follow me to the palace, said Gabriel.

They all followed Gabriel again and they landed in front of the palace steps. Okay good she is here, said Gabriel. Who is here? asked Quazar. You will see in a moment, said Gabriel. Ivy, Sara and Sanvanah were standing not too far away and it was impossible to miss Quazar when he flew in with everyone. What is that? asked Savanah. That is a very important person, said Ivy. So you met him before? asked Savanah. Nope, I always read new people that are with Alieta at the palace, said Ivy. You can read him from way over here? asked Savanah. Yep, I want to go talk to him, said Ivy and flew over. How can she do all the stuff she does? asked Savanah. I don't know but she is the best and my sister, said Sara. You two are sisters? asked Savanah. Yep but don't tell anyone, it is a secret, said Sara. Ivy flew right up to Quazar and said hi. Wow are you ever big Quazar, my name is Ivy, it is an honor to meet you. You know my name? Well nice to meet you too Ivy, said Quazar. You are a forest sprite correct. Yep and Queen of the Forest. Alieta made me the Queen, said Ivy. I want to thank you for all you do, you must be a very busy person, said Ivy. Well yes I am but how do you know so much about me? asked Quazar. I read you when you flew in, I always read new people when they are with Alieta at the palace, said Ivy. Really I didn't think anyone could read an overlord. Quazar looked at Gabriel. Is she the one? Yes she is now be nice and talk to her, said Gabriel. Yes, so Gabriel told me that you can reach out and touch God and talk to him, said Quazar. Sort of, I can reach out with my mind and move his magic to places where it is needed the most and I can tell the magic stuff, said Ivy. His magic is everywhere but he reaches out and touches people not the other way around, said Quazar. Well he told me that one day we were going to sit and talk together but not for a while yet, said Ivy. I am too young but I am going to be twenty soon and Ginger said I will get presents and stuff. You don't have to get me a present though because you already do so much in protecting this planet and all the people on it. That is the best gift ever. Well thank you Ivy, that was very nice of you to say that, said Quazar. You are a remarkable girl. Maybe but Alieta is the remarkable one, she takes care of all the people that live in Fae Land like they were her own children, said Ivy. Anyways it is almost suppertime and I want to talk to Savanah some more before she has to go back home. Nice meeting you then Ivy flew back to Savanah and Sara.


So Quazar, how did you like meeting our Ivy? asked Gabriel. Amazing, the most remarkable person I have ever met on any planet, said Quazar. She is the first one to actually thank me for what I do. Does she do that to everyone she talks to? What do you mean? asked Gabriel. You know, makes you fell really good about yourself and what you do leaving a person happy inside, said Quazar. Oh yes, Ivy treats everyone as equals and makes people feel good about themselves, said Gabriel. That is why everyone she meets loves her and she loves them right back. Okay I get it now completely, said Quazar. This Fae Land is a protected place with some very special people living here. If you ever need any help with something evil just give me a call and I will get here as fast as I can. I best get back to work now but first I would like to say goodbye to Tara and Avan. Okay bye girls and be good. Call me if you want to talk. I have many stories I could tell you two, said Quazar to Tara and Avan. I bet you do, said Tara. Quazar smiled then vanished. He likes me, said Tara. How do you know that, he didn't say he liked you, said Avan. Yes he did before he took out that space stuff out of us. Well he likes me too, I can tell, said Avan. Maybe but he likes me better, said Tara. Well those two are back to normal, said Alieta. It is getting late now so it will be time for supper soon. Um where did all the fairies go Lilly? Must of took one look at Quazar coming and took off back to the forest, said Lilly. He is kinda spooky looking and huge. Okay I get that, said Alieta and where did Gabriel go? asked Alieta. She vanished the same time Quazar vanished, said Lilly. Oh, okay well can you go tell all the fairies that he is gone now and to come back out to have supper before it is time to go to bed? asked Alieta. Yep sure can, said Lilly then flew off to the fairy forest. So Ginger what did you think of Quazar? asked Alieta. Well Zan and I were hiding on the other side of the palace door so I didn't hear or see much but Zan did say she felt he was a good guy, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. Yes he is a very good guy and offered his help if we ever needed it, said Alieta. We have the two most power beings on the planet protecting us and the most powerful being in the universe willing to help also. You have to feel safe now. Ya most of the time, said Ginger. Your never going to change are you, said Alieta. Nope too late for me to do that now, said Ginger.



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