The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Nutty Keiko Chapter 1


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  After supper Alieta called over Pippa. Yes Alieta, how can I help you? she asked. So this sister of Amelie, when do you think she will show up? asked Alieta. Oh Keiko, at least I think they are sisters, they sure act like sisters that is for sure, said Pippa. Okay but will she be here tomorrow? asked Alieta. Well when did Amelie get here? asked Pippa. Last night just before we went to bed and when Dr Shadow showed up, said Alieta. Hmm, let me think and do some calculations, so it is after supper now so that means Keiko should be here any minute now if she hasn't met anyone on the way here, said Pippa. Keiko will stop and talk to just about anyone she sees while chasing after Amelie. I f she is chasing after Amelie, why would she stop to talk to strangers, asked Alieta. She is in no hurry and she knows where she is all the time, some kind of inner connection I think so why hurry, said Pippa. But Amelie left here a while ago, why would she be coming here? asked Alieta. Well the best I can figure is she likes to meet everyone Amelie met, that is the true nature of a Garson fairy. Amelie is not being herself at least not like she used to be before most of the fairies became well protected in magic forests. I am not following why that would effect Amelie, said Alieta. Shouldn't she be happy now? Yep she should be but Amelie has lost her sense of being needed, so Keiko told me, said Pippa. Just think of what you would do or you Ginger if you were not needed anymore. Like I said these two are like opposites in some ways now, Keiko is still care free but Amelie went and got all serious and goes out on her own all the time which is very dangerous for the both of them. Why is that? asked Alieta. My you ask a lot of questions, said Pippa. Well if another Garson fairy is going to show up here for no reason that I can think of I want to know why and the facts behind it, said Alieta. Okay I get that but first you have to know Garson fairies always travel in twos and rarely go anywhere that far from each other. You see these fairies can heal each other much better and faster than they can heal themself if they get injured. If one Garson fairy gets injured badly and is going to die, the other Garson fairy cna heal her and save her life if she is in time. So do you get it yet why Keiko is following her sister  not that far away? Yes I think so, said Alieta. If something very bad happened to Amelie and she was too far away from Keiko then she could die. Yep you got it and that would send Keiko into a deep depression and eventually she will mess up and get killed too, said Pippa. Amelie be fast and have a powerful wand but what if she comes up against an evil wizard or demon. She has no defence and has no chance of beating beating either of them. Just one blast from a wizard or demon will kill them, even just a cut from their black magic and neither of them can heal each other. That is what she may find around here and really knows little about them. Being fast, smart and having a deadly wand will not save her from a wizard or demon. That is why I don't get too personally attached to Amelia though I try to help her change her ways when I can. Now her sister Keiko, there is someone I love and she is a ton of fun and extremely friendly. Very nutty too like a fairy should be. You will like her though she has very little control over her reading skills that are very strong. So does she look like Amelie? asked Alieta. Yep sort of, Keiko is cuter in my opinion, amazing big green eyes. Amelie is the golden girl and Keiko is the green girl. She will be here soon, just keep Ivy close by, she will sense her coming. Keiko is never in a big hurry to get anywhere like I said. Ginger smiled. Now I really want to meet this fairy, said Ginger. Oh you will, said Pippa. In like a few minutes she will meet you two and everyone else here on the palace grounds and immediately make all of you her friends. She can sense goodness and evil like Amelie but better, almost as good as Ivy but not as deep or from as far away. I am sticking around for her entrance, said Pippa. She is a lot of fun to watch!

Zippity Do Da Keiko

  Pippa went back to where Ivy was with Sara and asked Ivy to go stand by Alieta or Ginger. Why? asked Ivy. Well a good friend of mine is coming soon and I want you to meet her. You won't need to read her much but I know you will like her, said Pippa. Okay but is she a pixie or something? asked Ivy. Nope she is a Garson fairy but not at all like Amelie. She is funny, nutty and very friendly. You will see, said Pippa. Ivy smiled then walked over beside Ginger. Viridian came back dressed in regular clothes and walked up to the three of them. I'm back, nothing go on back home so I decided to hang out with you all, said Viridian. Good choice, said Pippa, things are going to get exciting around here. Why is that, asked Viridian. You will see, said Pippa. Hi, Pippa sent me over here to meet a friend of hers, said Ivy. Yes she said Keiko would soon be here, said Alieta. I suppose it is best you are here seeing you would come over and read her when she shows up anyways. Yep, always got to check out the new people, said Ivy. But if she is a friend of Pippa's then she should be okay so I wonder why she wants me to read her? said Ivy. Beats me, said Alieta but Pippa made her sound very interesting to us. Can you sense her yet? Nope nothing so far, said Ivy. Wait, now I do. She is coming then Ivy giggled. She is very funny inside. Not moving very fast though. Wait she stopped not far away. Where? asked Alieta. Close to here in the Bad Lands. Okay here she comes again, said Ivy. In about a minute Keiko showed up in front of the three of them. Hello, I am Keiko nice to meet you Queen Alieta, oh just Alieta you too Ginger and Ivy then took off towards Zan and the three girls. Then flew over to see Tara and Avan. Stopped there for a minute then flew over to where Tulip, Pippie and Lollipop were standing. Pippa flew back to Alieta and said told you, watch her. Keiko then saw a couple of elves headed towards the palace and flew over to them. The elves started laughing then Kieko flew over to where Sara, Viridian and Tillia were. She will stop there for a minute to talk to Tillia. They know each other, said Pippa. Keiko then looked around and saw Pippa. She zipped over fast then gave her a big hug and kissed her on the cheek. Pippa, my favorite pixie ever. Nice to see you again, said Keiko. So nice entrance as always, said Pippa. Yep had to make friends with everyone, said Keiko. Lots of nice people here, Even the two sister she devils Tara and Avan, they are very powerful but very nice too, said Keiko. So you finished flying around for a bit so you can to talk a bit with Alieta, the queen of Fae Land? asked Pippa. Yep the queen and a very good one too. Hello very nice and pretty Alieta. Great people here and in Fae Land. How are you? Oh you are very cute Ginger and look here a forest sprite, very strong inside too but can't see nothing else, what is your name super pretty girl? Okay Keiko slow down some please, said Pippa. Okay sorry, I am just excited to meet so many nice people at once, said Keiko.

  Alieta smiled. So Keiko, Pippa told us a bit about you and how you work with Amelie, said Alieta. Well she works, I don't at least not the way she does things, said Keiko. She is all about work, work, work. Not me, just get the job done then find someone to play with, said Keiko. Ivy here is my best friend, said Pippa. You two have some things in common. Oh that is her name, such a good name for a forest sprite. She is a good blocker but not as good as me. I am sure there is nothing bad in you I think. Ivy laughted, well there is nothing bad in you either, a nice white soul but always worried about Amelie. You can see in me, nobody can do that, said Keiko. Ivy can do a lot of things Keiko that regular forest sprites can't said Pippa. Oh okay, so I feel Amelie was here not to long ago and went that way, said Keiko. Where is she going now? Oh I sent her to another forest where there is a cute boy pixie that would love to meet her, said Pippa. Keiko smiled. That was nice of you Pippa, she needs to lighten up you know, said Keiko. That girl is going to get herself killed if she doesn't change. Well lets hope for the best, said Pippa. Okay I need a snack, said Keiko then her wand appear and made an ice cream cone. Ivy smiled at her. Anyone else want one? asked Keiko. No we just ate, said Alieta. I will, said Ivy, never too full for ice cream. You got that right girl, said Keiko. I like the way you think then made Ivy one also. Ivy sat down on the grass and so did Keiko. So Keiko, you were moving around pretty fast meeting everyone here. You got to know everybody that fast. Yep, first I tell them my name then read them and ask their names. I say something funny then move on, said Keiko. Making friends is lots of fun. Yes it is, said Alieta. So are you going to leave soon to meet up with Amelie? asked Alieta. Nope not if you tell me too. You are the queen you know, I can tell she is not far away and I can get there very fast if I sense she is in trouble. Not into talking to her right now. More fun here and lots of people to meet, said Keiko. It is okay if I stay here right? It feels really safe in Fae Land. How did you know this is Fae Land? asked Alieta. Did you read it in us? Nope I saw it on that very still grey lady standing on that rock over there, said Keiko. There is nothing inside her. Both Alieta and Ginger smiled. Well that is a statue, said Ginger. Yep I know that now unless she is really good at standing still. Well yes dear, you can stay as long as you want, said Alieta. Oh good, now you are my favorite queen, said Keiko. Nice and kind, very strong and I love your wings, said Keiko. Well thank you you are very lovely too, said Alieta. Nope I am very cute. Not as cute as Ginger, she is super cute but I am close, said Keiko. Everyone says I am very cute, said Ginger. No one says I am pretty. Oh you have to be pretty to be cute you know, said Keiko. Cuteness has to do with more than how your face looks. It has to do with your hair, how you stand and sit plus the way you talk to others plus the type of clothes you choose to ware. You can't be cute if your not pretty. See Ginger, when someone is saying you are very cute it is a very high complement, said Alieta. Yep it is, said Keiko. Unless it is your mother, she will say that no matter how her girl looks.

  Both Ivy and Keiko finished their ice cream cones then stood back up. So now my wings are energized again, said Keiko. Is Fae Land big, is there lots of people her to make friends with? Yes Fae Land is very big and thousands of people live here, said Ivy. If it is okay with Alieta. I can tale you to see a hew of my friiends. Sure go have some fun you too. We still have a few hours of light left, said Alieta. Okay good, said Ivy. I know Ktara, Carmen and Zatsuky would love to meet you but not so fast this time, most of my closest friends have a lot about them that makes them special, said Ivy. Okay, you are the boss, said Keiko then off they flew. So that is Keiko, said Alieta. Yep, quite the girl isn't she, said Pippa. Bet you have never met anyone like her before. No not really but Sakura comes a close second, said Alieta. Oh those two will have a great time together, said Pippa and the fairy nymphs too. That is a party with just them all together playing. Well the girls are out of school now so maybe they will meet up with them, said Alieta. Viridian came over and said I am heading back home now. Very interesting girl that Keiko is. Talks fast too, like Ivy used to. Seems she knows Tillia pretty good also. Ya so Pippa told us. Ivy is taking her on a bit of a tour of Fae Land and getting Keiko to meet some of her friends. Well that would be funny to watch but I got to relax some now, it has been a very interesting day, said Viridian. Yes that it has been, said Alieta. Then Viridian left to go home. Well another new visitor, said Alieta. Ya well this time nothing bad was going on, said Ginger. Well I am heading back into the woods, said Pippa. Tell Keiko to stay there for the night when she gets back, bye for now and off Pippa flew. Okay, I guess we should wait until they get back, said Alieta. Shouldn't take long for Keiko to get to know some of Ivy's friends. Ginger smiled. Nope not long at all.




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