Nutty Keiko Chapter 3


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The Evil Wizard

 Ivy was trying her best to catch up with Keiko but she was flying much faster than her. She could sense her but that was all. She could tell that Keiko wasn't heading in the direction of the forest where Amelie was suppose to be. Back in Eden Yeanny was trying to locate them. Can't you just pop over there and help? asked Hennie. No I have to wait until Ivy lands then I can lock onto her but she is still in the air, that I can tell, said Yeanny. You take Sakura to the palace and tell them what is going on. Okay, said Hennie then they took off. Yeanny teleported home fast. Ivy could tell that Keiko had landed now and something very bad was near them. She flew as fast as she could until she saw them on the ground plus Kevin was there too and looked hurt, laying on the ground not far from them. Ivy went translucent then flew down to them. What are you doing here? asked Keiko. You think I would let you take off like that and not follow you, said Ivy. I suppose not but now Amelie has put all three of us in danger, said Keiko. Look over there it is a wizard and a very bad one. I thought he was just a normal guy walking around so we flew down to see what he was doing, said Amelie. When we got closer to him I could see he had evil red eyes and markings on his body. He shot something at me and hit me on the arm. My wand won't heal it so that is when I knew he was a wizard. Wizards can kill us and we can't heal a wizard charge. Kevin ran to me but he shot him too and sent him back over there. He is not moving so don't know if he is still alive. I think he said something about taking Kevin's wings for the dust. Oh look what we have here, A forest sprite too, more dust for me then he started to walk towards them. Kevin is just hurt, said Ivy. He will be okay and he can't hurt me now. I will stall him as long as I can until help comes. But no one know where we are, said Keiko. Yeanny will find us, she is very powerful, said Ivy. Ivy yelled over to over to Kevin. Kevin, can you walk? Nope he shot my leg, what is he, we didn't do anything to him. He is a bad wizard so keep quiet and try to crawl over to Amelie and Keiko. The wizard was getting closer to Ivy. Ivy picked up some rocks then threw them it at him. The wizard raised a hand and made it explode. Oh so the forest sprite is throwing rocks at me, said the wixard. You are going to have to do better than that. Yeanny appeared and said, Oh I will do better, then sent out a blast that hit the ground in front of him making him step back a bit.

Okay Ivy I got this go see how Amelie is doing. Ivy ran back ahd helped Kevin over to where both Amelie and Keiko were on the ground. What have we here? asked the wizard. You look like some type of amazon woman. Nope try again if you dare, said Yeanny O don't want to kill you so leave now while you can, said Yeanny. You kill me, you have guts, that I will give you woman. Now prepare to die. He sent out a very strong blast but Yeanny put up a shield but still pushed her back a bit. Ivy you all still okay? asked Yeanny. Just Amelie, I think she is dying. Keiko now had tears in her eyes. The wizard threw a few fire balls at Yeanny but the shield held strong. Hmm, you can't keep the shield up forever, said the wizard. Can't fire at me either so how about you give up and let me have those wings of theirs and I will leave, said The wizard. Not a chance, said Yeanny. She saw he was right and she couldn't fire anything at him with the shield up, she saw that the boy was slowly moving across the ground behind her. The wizard blasted her a few more times and now she could feel the shield weakening. She looked up and saw the sun. That gave her an idea. She kept looking up and started thinking fire and more fire, bigger and bigger and hotter. Soon a massive fire ball appeared in the sky. The wizard looked up and said "What the heck?" Yeanny thought shoot and the huge ball of fire came crashing down on the wizard. Haha, good try she could hear the wizard say but there was too much smoke and fire everywhere to see him yet. In a bit the smoke started to clear and Yeanny saw two familar figures standing in front of her not far away. Okay Yeanny, good job but we got this now. Get them back to the palace, they are waiting for you all.

It was Tara and Avan and they looked real nasty with wings spread wide open. Now what, said the wizard. She devils, where did you two come from? None of your buisness idiot. You hurt our friends, now you deserve to be punished. Ya right, you can't hurt me, I am a great and powerful demon then transformed and got big. Oh so you are not a wizard after all, your bad luck, said Tara. You see you two, that isn't a wizard at all it is a demon that was in disguise. That explains why she is fading fast, said Keiko that now was crying. Quick Yeanny, Tillia might be able to save Amelie Okay hang on you three, said Yeanny then Amelie,Keiko and Kevin all vanished with her. Ivy flew off fast and the demon sent a blast at here but missed her by a lot. Okay Tara lets ash his thing fast. Something is very bad with Amelie. They both raised their arms and turned the demon to ashes then flew back to the palace.

Yeanny appeared in front of the palace and saw Tillia was there with Sara. Tillia come help fast, she is dying. Tillia got up fast and ran over, Sara ran after her. What happened? asked Tillia. A demon blast, can you heal that? Maybe, said Tillia. Hurry she is almost dead, said Yeanny. Tillia bent her head down and the horn went very bright. Alieta and Ginger ran over to see what was happening. It is not working fast enough, she is fading faster than I can heal her, said Tillia. Sara saw that Keiko was now crying full out. My poor silly Amelie don't leave me, she kept saying. Sara grabed Tillia's horn and squeezed hard. The horn got even brighter. So much that everyone had to turn their heads. Then suddenly the horn went dim again. Then back to normal. Okay now she is in Gods hands, said Tillia. Amelie was breathing properly again but still not awake. They watched as the wound quickly disappeared. Then Amelie started to open her eyes. Tillia went to Kevin next and said this will be easy, he is just wounded and healed him right away. Amelie coughed then sat up and asked what happened. You almost died on me that is what happened, said Keiko. You almost got all of us killed because of your stupid need to work and be better than me.

Ginger went to say something but Alieta elbowed her and shook her head. I have had it with you, I am tired of chasing you all over the place tring to make sure that nothing bad happens to you. You are like a sister to me yet you don't care about me one bit. I want you to leave and never come back. I am never going to chase after you again, I have had it. Go far away from me please, said Keiko that was still crying a bit. Amelie started to cry now too. But I don't want to go away from you, I need you. You are always there for me, I promise not to work anymore or take off on you, please don't send me away Keiko. I don't know where to go with out you close by. Please let me stay Keiko, I promise to be good like you. How can I trust you? asked Keiko. Well a promise is a promise and I promise to be good and I love it when you make me laugh and talk to the animals plus all the silly things you do and how fast you make friends, said Amelie. Keiko smiled. Now that is the old Amelie that I knew and loved, talking like me again. The two of them hugged. Ivy, Tara and Avan arrived and asked if everyone was okay. Yep all looks good now, said Alieta. Sakura came over and asked, "Is she going to be okay Mom?" Yes dear looks like it, said Yeanny. Who is the cute pink girl? asked Amelie. That Amelie is the one person that has me beat hands down. She talks circles around me and you can't help but laugh. Now everyone else started to laugh. Does that mean that Keiko likes me, I like her you know and she likes green but I still think pink is better but green is not bad either, like Ivy. She has real nice eyes but so do I. Does anyone want to play? asked Sakura. You see I told you hands down, said Keiko.




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