Nutty Keiko Chapter 2


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Keiko Spreads Her Joy

  Ivy brought Keiko to Ktara's place first. They landed outside her house. Hope she is home, said Ivy. Usually she is outside doing stuff. Hey look over there. Palm trees and what looks like pineapples. What are they doing growing here? asked Keiko. They are normally found in the tropics. Well that is a bit of a long story, said Ivy. Never seen Pineapples grow like that either, said Keiko. Well this is Eden, the most magical place around, said Ivy. Ivy knocked on the door but there was no answer. Maybe she is at Carmen and Zatsuky's place, said Ivy. Just then an elf walked up to them. Hi Ivy, who is your friend? This is Keiko, she just got here and I wanted her to meet Ktara but she is not home, said Ivy. Oh I was hoping to get some treats from her, said the elf. Oh do you want a snack, said Keiko. Okay sure, said the elf. Keiko made her wand appear and made him an ice cream cone with chocolate chips. Wow my favorite, she said. Yep I know, said Keiko. I figure Ktara is at Carmen and Zatsuky's place so we will go there to meet them all at once, said Ivy. Okay, Ktara I will come back later to pick up the treats she made for me, said the elf then left. Hmm you didn't have much to say to her, said Ivy. Well you told me to go slow, said Keiko. She is nice though and good with the bow and arrow. Pretty good cook too. Ivy smiled then they flew over to see the girls at Carmen and Zatsuy's place. Now they have a nice big place but they may be having supper so lets just say hello and come back later if they are, said Ivy. Okay, your the boss, said Keiko. Ivy knocked on the door and Zatsuky answered it. My look who it is Carmen, Ivy is here, said Zatsuky. Well tell her to come in, said Carmen from another room. You heard her, come on in, said Zatsuky. My who have we here? asked Zatsuky. Oh this is Keiko. She is new to Fae Land, said Ivy. Oh okay then both of you come in, Carmen and Ktara are in the livingroom, said Zatsuky. Ivy brought a friend Carmen, her name is Keiko. Oh Keiko stands for happy child, said Ktara. Well I am happy most of the time and act like a child too sometimes but really I am pretty old, said Keiko. Yes most fairies are, said Carmen.

  So Keiko is a good friend of Pippa's and I am just bringing here and around Fae Land a bit to meet some of my friends, said Ivy. So Keiko, tell us a bit about yourself, said Ktara. Keiko looked at Ivy and asked if it was okay. Yep go for it, said Ivy then smiled. Well I am a Garson fairy but not like Amelie that works too much. I defend fairies and other defenseless people from bad stuff and can kill things with my wand plus I can fly very fast and get very small almost invisible and can sense things like Ivy sort of. I love the colour green as you can tell and I can see very far away and even magnify things making them closer to see even in the dark which Amelie can't do plus I can speak to animals and are friends with most of them. I love playing and eating ice cream, that is my favorite food. Especially chocolate ice cream. Keiko took a breath then stopped talking. Wow that was an ear full, said Zatsuky. You have some very amazing talents and you said your wand can kill things too? Yep it turns them to dust but not everything bad like wizards and demons. I stay way from them because they can kill me, said Keiko. No wizards or demonds here to worry about. Well there is Yeanny, but she is a good wizard, said Ivy. Oh, good wizards are okay then but still have to be careful, said Keiko. A blast from a wizard or demon will kill us fairies, even a hit on the leg or arm. Our wands can't heal the wound and it will slowly kill us. Well Yeanny would never hurt you, said Zaksuky. So you also said you can see and magnify things far away, said Carmen. Yep, makes it easier to find bad stuff hiding, said Keiko. Okay lets test you, if that is okay? asked Carmen. Yep okay, sounds like fun, said Keiko. Okay you stand on the other side of that couch and I will go over to the other side of the room with one of Alieta's books. Then you start reading the first chapter, said Carmen. Now the print is pretty small to start with so I will be very surprised if you can read any of it form that far away. Do you think you can do that? asked Carmen. I think so, said Keiko. Carmen went to the other side of the room then opened the book to the first page. Okay, ready? asked Carmen. Yep, said Keiko. Okay start reading. Keiko focused on the book then started reading. Chapter One The Disappearence. In the province just north west of Fae Land there is a small dairy farm where they produced milk, ice cream, butter, eggs and other dairy products. Their business was family owned and the two parrents had three unidentical triplet girls named Janet, Kimberly and Ambrosa and a younger brother named Jeff that help them run the farm. One day when the children were off duty they went to the small woods next to the farm to play hide and seek. Jeff was made to hide his eyes and count to fifty as the girls went off to hide. Carmen looked at the page in disbelief. That was amazing and you didn't miss one word. Yep and can do it in the dark too, said Keiko. Well that was good enough for me, said Carmen. So telescopic eyes and night vision, said Ktara. That would be useful for me. Yep you are a very good tracker, great cook too, said Keiko. I have two irises and pupils that are very big. I don't think anything else alive has both of those features, said Keiko.

 So you read me I can tell so what did you see about Carman and Zatsuky. Oh already read them. It is kind of automatic with me, can't help it, said Keiko. Okay go ahead tell me what you saw, said Carmen. Ya me too, said Zatsuky. Okay well Carmen is amazing with a sword and used to be a dragon slayer. She is also very fast on her feet plus is Zatsuky's best freind. You are very into looking great all the time even on adventures and you have been on a lot of them. You wash your hair every day and you make sure that you always look pretty. Very girly like for a dragon slayer I would say. Everyone started to laugh, Yep that is my Carmen, said Zatsuky. Okay my turn. Well you are a very interesting elf that used to slay dragons also with Carmen but in a place called Tazia. You were called the Crimson Dragon Fighter. You have a powerful magic sword that was given to you by an elder elf and later enhanced by someone named Merlin. You and Carmen traveled a very long ways to get here that I think took like three weeks. Wow that is some ways to go, especially when you really didn't know Fae Land exsisted. Now you are on a team here that defends Fae Land and so is Carmen. Your favorite colour is red and favorite food is what ever you don't have to cook. Everyone laughted again. Bang on, said Carmen. So this Amelie you mentioned, where is she? asked Ktara. Oh they haven't see her yet, said Ivy. That was yesterday when Dr Shadow that is a sorcerer was trying to steal a fairy. She didn't have to do much though. Maybe a bit more information Ivy please, said Zatsuky. Okay well Alexa came up with a plan to trap Dr Shadow. Tillia was the bait seeing her horn was more of a prize to him than a fairy. Sara and myself sat down with Tillia and so did Alexa while Viridian was invisible. We waited for about an hour but I couldn't sense him yet. I figured he was still afraid of me so I moved away and hid at first. Um why would he be afraid of you Ivy. Oh the night before he showed up looking for Lilly that Amelie took back to the forest. He threatened to kill us if we didn't bring Lilly back. I think I said something that made him mad so he pointed his cane at me but I went translucent and a beam shot out and went right through me. As he was wondering what went wrong I went crazy mad at him and grabbed him them smashed him down to the ground. He disappeared before I could grab him again. You were able to grab and throw down a dangerous sorcerer? asked Zatsuky. Yep pretty cool don't you think. Well he was going to kill us all, at least that is what he said, said Ivy. Okay back to the trap now, said Zatsuky. Oh ya, now once I went behind the bush I went translucent again plus invisible then came back out. Both Viridian and me could see him coming but he couldn't see us. When he went to steal Tillia's horn I grabbed him from behind but he was hard to hold so Alexa helped. Viridian couldn't get a clear shot at his cane so suddenly Sara jumped up and grabed his cane and tried to take it from him but earlier Amelie told us that the cane was part of him so it won't come loose. Sara got really mad because it looked like he was going to get away so she gave one big yank and said got it. She had it alright plus his hand that was connected to the cane. Amelie used her wand on the cane and Viridian cut Dr Shadow into pieces. Wow, everyone said at once. That is some story, said Zatsuky and Sara ripped the cane and hand right off this sorcerer. Yep kinda gross though plus Viridian slicing him up but she said that was nothing like what you can do to demons and wizards with your sword, said Ivy. Well glad you two dropped by, said Zatsuky. This has been a very interesting and informative meeting. Ivy can go translucent and invisible, Garson faries can use their wand to kill and Sara is strong enough to rip the hand off of a sorcerer. Yes very good meeting for sure. Oh by the way, there are a ton of tulip plants all over the place out there so grab some for you vases at home if you want some, said Zatsuky. Ivy just smiled then said okay.

Okay we are going to see where Yeanny lives next. Oh I think they live just south of the town, said Ktara. Just look for the first big house. Okay thanks, said Ivy then Carmen let them out. That was some story that Ivy told us, said Carmen. Do you think it is true. Probably, Ivy doesn't lie from what I was told, said Ktara. Probably is true, Sara is very strong, even stronger than Alexa. Really? That is strong then, said Zatsuky... Ivy and Keiko took off across Eden and saw Hennie down on the ground with Nessie. There is Hennie and her little girl, said Ivy. Lets go see them first, said Ivy. They landed and Ivy said hello. Hi Ivy, who is that with you? asked Hennie. This is Keiko. She is new to Fae land. I am just showing her around, said Ivy. Well hello Keiko, you look like a fairy of sorts. Yep, a Garson fairy. You two are fairy nymphs, nice to see some still around, said Keiko. Oh so know about us then, said Hennie. Yep, first there were fairy nymphs, then Triffies followed by fairies I think, said Keiko. Then humans came along and other creatures and animals. So where does Garson Fairies fit in there? asked Hennie. Oh after unicorns and when man started to hunt Triffies and fairies, said Keiko. We are the protectors of fairies. Oh wish you were around back when we all got attacked by dragons, said Hennie. Ya we heard about that but we were much further south protecting the fairies. Sorry but there is only two of us around here, said Keiko. Only two? That is odd, well we are safe now with twenty of us living in the forest just across from Eden, said Hennie. So how is Nessie doing? asked Ivy. Well she has tulips down now as you can see them all over the place here, so we are working on daisys today. She is doing very good for a ten year old, said Hennie. Mom who is the pretty girl with the green hair and wings? asked Nessie. Oh hello Nessie my name is Keiko, I see you are doing very good at school too. Yep, Alexa is teaching us stuff, said Nessie. You are really good at drawing too, said Keiko. Yep, but not as good as Sakura, she is the best, I copy her sometimes, said Nessie. Well that is a way of learning too, said Keiko. Well we are drawing the fairies now and Alexa said no coping but I copy Sakura some, she does back grounds and everything. Am I going to get in trouble? asked Nessie. I Don't think so, you are too good inside for anyone to get mad at you, said Keiko with a smile. Then Nessie smiled then went back to making flowers. Oops sorry Mom, another tulip. I forgot, daisys, right? Yes dear try again, said Hennie. She is a gem, said Keiko. Very pure and kind hearted. Yep she is my little girl, said Hennie. Just then Yeanny and Sakura appeared and Keiko jumped behind Ivy.

Hi Ivy, nice to see you here. Who is that hiding behind you? Keiko, what are you doing. I told you she is a good wizard, said Ivy. Oh ya still they tend to scare me when they just appear like that, said Keiko. Check her out, see for yourself, said Ivy. Oh no, I never read wizards, they are way too powerful for me, said Keiko. Sakura flew up to her then circled around. You got nice green hair and wow big green eyes too. Cool outfit too, do you like to play? Nissie, Fettie, and Setta like to play with me, we became sisters yesterday, just for fun though, Mom why is she hiding? asked Sakura. Now this is a girl that enjoys life, said Keiko. Can't tell what she is though. She called you Mom though, said Keiko. Yep Mom made me so that makes her my Mom, Hennie says so, said Sakura that was still checking Keiko out. Okay Sakura enough now get back here and behave, said Yeanny. Okay Mom. Sorry about that, she gets excited when meeting new people, said Yeanny. Oh that is fine, she is a lot like myself, said Keiko. Ivy told me to slow down when meeting her friends though. But Sakura I see is only seven years old and lots of happiness and fun going on inside her. Very artistic too I saw a picture of one of the fairies she is drawing, can't remember which one though. It's Tulip, she is very important and has the pink dress, said Sakura. I love pink, even my eyes are pink see, then she batted her eye lashes at Keiko. Keiko started to laugh, this one has me beat that is for sure. Cute, pink and naturally funny. How ever you did it Yeanny you did a good job, said Keiko. Well kind of happened by accident but a very good accident, said Yeanny. There Mom, is that a daisy, asked Nessie. Yes it is dear except daisys are yellow and sometimes white, not purple, said Hennie. Oh sorry, said Nissie. Purple is good too, said Sakura, make a pink one next. Okay I will try, said Nessie. Actually purple does look pretty good, said Hennie. Well you all do make new types of plants so why not new colours for exsisting plants, said Ivy. Yes that is true, Fae Land will be the only place in the world with purple daisys, said Hennie. Pink too now Mom look, said Nissie. Yep purple and pink daisys now, said Hennie. Okay Nessie that will be enough for today. Don't want to confuse Mother Nature. Go play with Sakura. Okay and off the two of them flew.

So Keiko, show us some more of that telescopic something seeing you did back at Carmen's place, said Ivy. Well out here you won't be able to see what I can and we don't have a book for me to read but if you look closely at my eyes I can show you how I do it, said Keiko. You can see things far away? asked Yeanny. Oh not only that she can make things look closer to her, said Ivy. She read part of a book from across the room that Carmen was holding. I couldn't make out the first word and I have very good eye sight. Okay so show us, said Yeanny. Okay get close and look at my eyes and watch what happens when I change to telescope mode, said Keiko. Ivy and Yeanny got close and watched her eyes. Suddenly a extra iris appeared as a second ring around the pupil. Now the further away something is I just focus the two irises until it gets nice and close plus clear. At night time my pupil gets bigger so I can see good when it is dark too. No shadow sorcerer can hide from me, said Keiko. Cool, said Ivy. So what is so special about a shadow sorcerer? asked Yeanny. Oh not a lot other than they like to capture fairies and can hide in the shadows, plus like all sorcerers they can go invisible. They all carry a cane that is part of them and is a weapon also. My wand can get them though even when they can't be seen, said Keiko. How's that, asked Yeanny. Oh the wand can emit a redish coloured light and makes it so I can see them some at night. Then I just blast away. No more shadow sorcerer, said Keiko. Cool, said Ivy. So Amelie can't do that? Yep she just can't see like I can but she can see good at night though, said Keiko. Look at those two, not a care in the world just playing and having fun, said Keiko. Yes to be a kid again, said Hennie. So Ivy is there anyone else that you want me to meet? asked Keiko. Well there is the centaur family plus Titus and Paisley. Tempressa, Alexa and Diego with Angus and Sivia. Wow that many? asked Keiko. Yep, those are just my closest friends, said Ivy. Keiko went very silent and still for a few moments. Oh no. Amelie is in trouble and she is hurt, got to go then she flew off like a shot. I am going to follow her and see what is going on, said Ivy then flew off after her. Sakura and Nissie came over. Where did they go? asked Sakura. Not sure but Keiko's friend is in trouble, said Yeanny.



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