Nutty Keiko Chapter 4


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Winding Down

Well I better get back to my forest, said Kevin, Everyone will be wondering where I am. Okay, bye Kevin sorry about what happened, said Amelie. Um I thought you two were getting together, said Ivy. No we were just hanging out together, he is a nice guy and all but it took me a while to convince hime to fly around with me, said Amelie. Ya I like staying in the forest to play, said Kevin plus all my friends are there. Oh okay, said Ivy. Keiko and Amelie stood up and Keiko asked how she felt. Much better just bit hungry though. Okay here you go and Keiko made her a strawberry ice cream cone with her wand. Perfect my favorite flavour, said Amelie. Hey what about me, I like chocolate ice cream, said Sakura. Better give her a cone before she starts talking again, said Yeanny. Okay, said Keiko and made Sakura a cone fast. Thankyou, Keiko. Everyone split off into their groups then Tara went over to Alieta and Yeanny. So how did you find us so fast? asked Yeanny. Are you kidding, that huge fireball could be seen for miles, said Tara. We got there just in time to see it smash down on that idiot. Nice shot girl, you got some major power going on there. Well I figured if Ivy was brave enough to take off after Keiko to help then I better get there too and help out. She was doing pretty good too being translucent throwing a rock at him. Kept him busy long enough for me to put up a shield between us, said Yeanny. Your kidding, she was throwing rocks at a demon? asked Alieta. Well at the time she thought it was a wizard but yep, pretty good shot too except he blew it up before it hit him, said Yeanny. She definately doesn't like people messing with her friends, said Yeanny. Yes I am seeing that lately, said Alieta. okay I am off, nice meeting you all, said Kevin then flew off.

After Sakura and Amelie finished their ice ream cones Ivy was about to leave when she saw someone coming towards the palace. It was Kendra and she landed beside Ivy. Hi Ivy, Kevin tild me what happened to him, is everyone okay here? asked Kendra. Yep everyone is fine now, said Ivy. Good would want anything to mess up the three musketeers, said Kendra. Who are the three musketeers? asked Sakura. Kendra, Kevin and I were, said Ivy then tried to mess up Sakura's hair but it just looked the same. Hey watch the hair, do you know how long it takes me to get it just right in the morning? Well not long it just sort of does it's own thing but how would you like me pulling on your braid, oh never mind they are too pretty to mess up. Anyone want to play? asked Sakura. Ivy and Kendra smiled. Not right now, said Ivy. I have been doing a lot flying today so I need to rest. I wanted to talk to Ivy, said Kendra. Man, I better get back with my three pretend sisters, said Sakura. Yeah, said Nissie, I will play. Oh no you won't. It is time for bed, said Hennie. Oh Mom, why I made purple and pink daisys for you today, said Nissie, Yes and they are very pretty but you have school in the morning, said Hennie. Oh ya, I forgot, said Nissie. You too, said Yeanny to Sakura. Okay guess it is bed time, said Sakura. Good night everyone. Okay nite all, said Yeanny then transported the two of them home. Wish I could do that, said Hennie. Okay goodnight all then they flew off together. Ya we are heading out too, said Sara. Come on Tillia lets see how fast we can get home. Sara got on Tillia then took off like a flsh of light. Wow can they every move, said Keiko. Yep Tillia finally found a good companion, said Amelie. You know it is really nice here with lots of nice people, I think we should stay here for a while. Yep, Alieta did tell me I could stay as long as I wnated, said Keiko. Well we can sleep in the woods for now, said Amelie. I found a really nice tree with good branches to sleep on. We have to shrink down a bit that is all. Okay lead the way, said Keiko. See everyone in the morning then they flew off to the woods. Zan was looking sleepy and walked over to Alieta and Ginger. Time fo me to turn in, said Zan. So what do you think about Keiko and Amelie being here now? asked Alieta. Well if Amelie does as she promissed then it is going to be pretty fun here at the palace, said Zan. Wait until you see the two of them together after a good nights sleep. They are very funny when together and fun to have around. Just let them do their thing, you will get used to them. They like to get involved and see everything plus very curious like all fairies. You should know you had the princesses living in the palace for a while, not much difference between the two types of fairies except these two are nuttier. Extremely smart but still nutty. Okay good night, said Zan and went in the palace too.

 Okay that leaves just us here now, said Alieta. So do you know how the girls are doing in school with Alexa? asked Alieta to Ginger. Oh yes, they are in the grade three lesson book and supposidly they are working on portraits of four fairies. The elf there said they are amazing looking so far, said Ginger. Oh good, glad to hear they are doing well with Alexa, said Alieta. So Kendra how are things in Samantha's forest? Well everything is good there but that is why I came here to talk to Ivy, said Kendra. Okay, is it private? asked Alieta. No not really, it is just that most of the sprites are joining Samantha's group of winged archers and she is having homes built for them all so that is leaving me pretty much alone in the forest with a lot if pixies, said Kendra. Now I like pixies but they can drive me a bit crazy sometimes plus I finally got to see Ivy again and I would rather be here around her than with a bunch of nutty pixies all day and night. Well I don't think Ivy has any room at her place for you to live, said Alieta. Nope but she could stay in the fairy forest, said Ivy. I go there every day with Sara and I know the fairies would love to have a forest sprite living with them and they make food so you would be all set up in there. Really, live with fairies in a magical forest, do you mean it? asked Kendra. Yep and there is a swimming pool and sauna plus other stuff in there and at lunch time we can all come to the palace for lunch then do things together, said Ivy. There always seems to be something going on at the palace. Okay I would like that, said Kendra. Well it is settled then, go with Ivy and let her tell Tulip and the other fairies that you will be staying there now then Ivy can tell you about the rules she has set up in the forest. Really, you still making the rules like you used to with all the games we used to play? asked Kendra. Yep but these are rules for safety mostly, said Ivy. Most of them don't apply to forest sprites though. Come lets go before it gets dark so we can find you a good spot. Maybe Lilly will make you a nice bed to sleep on. What is a bed? asked Kendra. Just the greatest invention next to ice cream, said Ivy. Come lets go and we will show you. Then they both flew off to the fairy forest. Well looks like Ivy has her old best friend back agin and looks very happy, said Ginger. Yes that is good to see, said Alieta. Lately she has been surprising us by defending her friends and saving lives. Yep and same with Sara, said Ginger. Must be that sister power Tillia mentioned. Well lets call it a night, we may need the rest when we get up and see Keiko and Amelie in the morning. Yep just like Ivy said, lots of stuff happens here at the palace, said Ginger. Now aren't you glad I had this palace built and got you to live in it. Yep, best place anywhere to live, said Alieta then they both went in the palace.


  After Alieta and Ginger had their breakfast  the next morning they went out to check the weather on the sun dial. They saw Keiko and Amelie looking at it. Well you two are up early, said Alieta. Yep always, said Amelie, lots to do today. So what is this thing called? Well it is a sundial that tells the time of day plus it shows the weather, said Alieta. Oh okay but how does it know the weather? asked Keiko. Mother Nature magic, here let me show you, said Alieta. She showed the two of them how to use their fingers on the dial to show the weather at different times of the day and night. That is so cool, said Keiko. Never seen anything like this before. So you said you two have lots to do today. What are your plans? asked Alieta. Well not sure yet but it is a big place and we have never stayed in one place for very long before so maybe talk to some people first then explore. Exploring is always fun, said Keiko. Oh okay, do you want someone to show you around? asked Ginger. Nope, exploring is better when you don't know what one will find, said Amelie. Is there any dangers that we should know of? Well not in Fae Land and most of the surrounding area, said Alieta. Okay, that is good. Are we allowed to talk to anyone we like or should we stick to just Ivy's freinds and the people here at the palace? asked Keiko. Well I suppose anyone you like. There are humans in the northern areas of Fae Land. Lots of pixies in the big Fantasy Forest. Everyone loves fairies here so have fun, said Alieta. Okay, humans are easy to make laugh and pixies are fun to play with too. How many pixies in this forest? asked Keiko. Well it is called the Fantasy Pixie Forest and over a thousand or two I think Pippa told me. She goes there a few times a day to check on things, said Alieta. A thousand or two! Wow that is going to take us a bit of time to meet them all, said Keiko. At least an hour anyways. That is all one hour to meet over two thousand pixies? asked Ginger. Yep, we make friends fast, said Keiko. Yes I saw that yesterday with you Keiko, said Alieta. Well we are gong to go back inside for a bit, Ginger has things to do and I have to start planning for the harvest festival. A feastival! That sounds like fun, said Keiko. Oh it is and this one is going to last for ten days. Nine in the morning to nine at night eveyday, said Alieta. Wow, this has to be the most fun place to be anywhere, said Keiko. We think so, the main festival is here on the palace grounds but everyone has there own celebrations all over the place too, said Alieta. Now hang around here or what ever. Usually Tara and Avan come out first then Phonixa and Repellia and probably Tabitha if she has finished packing. She starts school soon. Eventually Zan comes out around eleven. Okay see you two later, said Keiko. Alieta and Ginger headed back towards the palace. Hmm, this years festival may be quite different with those two here said, Alieta. Oh what can just two fairies do? asked Ginger. They seem to be very nice now. We will see, said Alieta. Anything can happen during the festival. Remember that is when we first met Carmen and Zatsuky.

The End...



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