The Banshee - Chapter 2


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Banshee Making Friends

Well I am going to talk to Banshee before pixie Ginger gets here, said Ginger. She had two diamonds and the treasurer estimates them to be worth around three thousand dollars. Really, I wonder where she got them, said Alieta. Beats me but that pays for the house but she is still going to have to make money somehow to buy food and things, said Ginger. Well let her keep one thousand for now, said Alieta. Give her some time to settle in and get to know more people. Something good will happen for her. She deserves it. Okay I will, said Ginger then walked over to Banshee. So how is it going so far Banshee? asked Ginger. Well mostly great but Rose seems to be uneasy around me, said Banshee. Really, how come? asked Ginger. Well she said to me that she never heard of a Banshee before and Ivy told her I had strong powers. She had never been around anyone before with very strong powers, just witches. I assured her I have no use for them anymore and would never hurt anyone here. She is much more powerful than me so I don't understand why I scare her. Miyo the human girl was happy to see me and had read about Banshees. She was very friendly. Hmm, you would think things would be the other way around. I'll tell Alieta and she will have a talk with Rose. Now those two gems were diamonds and worth around three thousand dollars. That will pay for the entire house. Really, those two gems were worth that much, said Banshee. Now Alieta said to let you keep a thousand to get started here in Fae Land. You can pay the balance later when you find a way to earn money to live off. Okay great that is very nice of her, said Banshee. Now I just have to find a place for you to live for a few days, said Ginger. Just then pixie Ginger flew up very fast to Banshee. Hi Banshee, I am Ginger and I am a pixie not a fairy like everyone keeps saying I look like. I can sing and dance and live in the pixie forest. So do you like it here so far? I love it. Well yes I do like it here so far, said Banshee. Such a pretty pixie you are too. Why are you talking so fast Ginger, you usally don't talk so fast? asked Ginger. Oh sorry but Ivy got me all excited to meet her and I do talk pretty fast when I meet someone new and Banshee sure is new said Pixie Ginger. Banshee laughed. Yep you sure are a pixie that is for sure. Yep all turquoise not like regular pixies, said Ginger. I love your hair, turquois like mine. So I see Keiko and Amelie are not on the roof anymore so I guess they went back to the tree house, said Ginger. I guess I should go see what they are doing. Nice meeting you Banshee. Just a second, said the Ginger. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Sure what's up? asked pixie Ginger. Well Banshee is going to be living here now and we have to build a house for her but it takes at least three days to finish one, said Ginger. Oh dear, where is she going to stay all that time? asked pixie Ginger. I know, maybe she can stay with us in the tree house. Yes that was what I was thinking, said Ginger. Well I will have to ask Amelie and Keiko first, said pixie Ginger. They live there too and we only have three beds but we do have a couch. Maybe they can make another bed. I don't know, I have to asks first. Hopefully they are at the tree house, they tend to hang out at the human's park a lot now too. They are quite popular there lately doing magic tricks and stuff. Well you go find them and if there is a problem then send them here to talk to me and Alieta, said Ginger. Okay sounds good, said pixie Ginger. I think it will be okay, they are real nice and funny. You will be able to hear me sing too. I always sing a nice song before going to bed. Okay don't move, I will be back. Well you can move if you want. You know what I mean. Bye for now and pixie Ginger flew off. She is adorable, said Banshee. So a tree house she said. Yep and Alieta said it is a very big and beautiful one that the two fairies made, said Ginger. Okay so staying with two fairies and a singing pixie in a treehouse. I would never of thought this could happen, said Banshee. Just about anything can happen in Fae Land, said Ginger. You will have to get used to it. Oh I will, these are nice things, said Banshee. I am used to seeing bad stuff. So lets head over to where Alieta is sitting, said Ginger.

They got to the palace steps then Alieta said. "Look who is coming". Ginger looked and saw Avan and Tara flying towards them. Okay let me talk to them first, said Ginger. They don't know what a Banshee is. Those are the two she devils? asked Banshee. They hardly got anything on. I know, do you want to tell them to wear more clothes? asked Alieta. Nope, they are good, said Banshee. Ginger walked over and waved them down. Hi Ginger, we were getting bored in the woods so we came out for a visit, said Tara. Who is the girl with the blue hair by Alieta? asked Avan. Well she is a very old friend of Alieta's that fought with her during the great war, said Ginger. Her name is Banshee and she is going to be living here now. Okay that is cool but what is she? asked Avan. A Banshee, said Ginger. No what is she not what is her name, you already told us that, said Tara. No Banshee is a Banshee, said Ginger with a smile. Okay, that is wierd, sort of like how Sakura is a Sakura, said Avan. So what does a Banshee do? Oh a few things, you two ask her yourself if you want, said Ginger. Alieta wants her to meet all the palace gang. Okay she looks harmless enough and not that strong, said Tara. Girl needs to do some exercises or something. Ginger smiled. I'll send her over, just be very nice to her, said Ginger. Remember she is Alieta's friend. Of coarse we will be nice to her, we are nice to everyone here, said Avan. Ginger went and told Banshee that they wanted to meet her. Now don't worry, they won't hurt you and they can't kill any being that is good. God wired them that way, said Ginger. Good to know, said Banshee then she slowly walked over to them. So what did they say? asked Alieta. They figure she is weak and should exercise more, said Ginger. Oh they are going to get a big surprise, said Alieta. Banshee is probably the third most powerful being we have in Fae Land now.

Hello Banshee the Banshee said Tara. Don't you have a different name. Nope but you can call me what every you want, said Banshee nervously. Tara looked at Avan. You seem scared of us, why? asked Avan. Well meeting the two most powerful beings on the planet created by God himself kind of has me nervous but not really scared, said Banshee. Well maybe a little bit scared. Well don't be, said Avan. A friend of Alieta's is a friend of ours. So what is a Banshee if you don't mind me asking. No that is fine. You will find out eventually anyways, said Banshee. Mostly we can tell when someone is going to die soon then scream and annouce their name. That sucks, I wouldn't want that job, said Tara. You must of been screaming a lot during that war Ginger told us about. No they were mostly Orcs and Ogres and some other creatures like Hell Hounds and stuff. They don't have a soul so I don't scream for them, said Banshee. Okay so why were you there? asked Tara. You don't look much like a warrior. Well Banshees have three very strong weapons that are a part of them, said Banshee. Really, what are they? asked Avan. Well say there was two hundred orcs running towards us wanting to kill us. All I have to do is send out a energy wave that will knock them all down. A second wave kills them all. Anything in my view of sight gets hit. Holy crap! That is awesome, said Tara, something like we can do. Well that is just one power the other one is even stronger, said Banshee. Really how can anything be stronger than killing two hundred orcs all together? asked Avan. Say two hundred Minitors and Gargoles were coming at us, said Banshee. They are stronger and harder to kill, I would send out a wave of death that kills anything it touches instantly. Tara and Avan looked at each other. Boy did we ever have you pegged wrong. We thought you were weak andneeded to exercise, said Avan. Ya being connected to death makes it so I can tell when someone is going to die, that is what Ivy told me but she also said the person can change their own outcome, said Banshee. Well Ivy knows her stuff and is never wrong, said Tara. So anything else you can do? Just one, said Banshee. I can kill two huge Titans at once even if they are wearing enchanted armor with a death ray. Can only attack two at a time and it takes a minute to recharge. After attacking with a bunch of those I need to go invisible and teleport away and rest for a while and especially eat, said Banshee. I do have limitations. Wow, you can wipe out an entire army, vanish and teleport too, said Tara. You must have some amazing stories. Oh yes, tons of them, I love telling people stories, I had a lot of fun back then, said Banshee. Sure sounds like it, said Tara. Can you tell us some stories or are you needed somewhere else. Well we are waiting for pixie Ginger to come back and see if I can stay in her treehouse with her and two fairy friends. Ya that is some treehouse. Our wings are too big to get inside but we have seen it from the air. It even has a look out tower, said Avan. So sit with us on the grass, it is much cooler and tell us stories until she comes back. Okay that would be fun, said Banshee. The three of them sat down and Banshee started telling them tales of war.

Well they seem to be getting along nicely, said Alieta. Yep, go figure, three of the most poweful beings on the planet are friends now, said Ginger. Yep and they are our friends too, said Alieta. Zan came out of the palace. Hi Alieta, anything going on? asked Zan. Nice and cool in the palace but wanted to make an appearace. Hey is that Banshee talking with Tara and Avan? Yes you know her? asked Alieta. You bet, she helped me out a lot a long time ago. She is awesome you know and very powerful, said Zan. Looks like she is telling a story. I have to go listen, she tells the best stories. Then Zan ran over to them. Well figures Zan would know her, said Alieta. So that is all the palace gang now that Banshee has met. Yep but you need to talk to Rose, said Ginger. Why, is there something wrong? asked Alieta. Well she is a bit scared of Banshee. She has never been around anyone with strong powers before. Well she met Avan and Tara, said Alieta. Ya but that was with her father Quazar, said Ginger. We didn't see what went on in the woods either. Might be one of the reasons Quazar wants you to take care of her, said Ginger. You are probably right, I will talk to her when she gets back here from the stable, said Alieta. I wonder what is taking them? I don't know but here comes, pixie Ginger, said Ginger. I hope she has good news. Ginger got up and walked out a bit and pixie Ginger landed in front of her. So what did they say? asked Ginger. I can't find them, said pixie Ginger. I flew to the treehouse and they were not there then I went to the park and couldn't see them from the air so I went down and ask a nice family if they saw either of them but they said no. Those humans are really nice and said I was the most beautiful pixie they have ever seen. No wonder those two like going their. I even check at a few of the heros places but they never saw them either but I did get a nice cold drink of fruit juice from Ktara. So I came back here incase they came back to the palace. I wonder where they went then, said Ginger. They were here on the roof when Quazar was here and even after he left but I got them to come down and have a treat in the dining room, said Alieta. Wait a minute. I bet when they came back out they were waiting for me to get back, so where would two fairies go to stay cooler and still hidden and safe. Ginger smiled and they both said, "Behind the palace in the shade"! Yep that has to be where they are, said pixie Ginger. Lets go look.

They both walked around to the back of the palace and sure enough there they were sitting on the ground leaning against the palace sound asleep. Figures and I flew all over the place looking for them and they were here all the time, said pixie Ginger. Watch this. She quietly walked up to them then yelled, "WAKE UP!" Ah!! they both said and jumped up fast. Hey why did you do that? We were having a nice nap, said Keiko. Well I have been looking all over Fae Land for you two, said pixie Ginger. Why, we saw you went swimming with everyone and after Alieta gave us a treat in the palace we came back out and wanted to wait for you, said Keiko. Is that big Quazar guy still gone?. Yes, and that was a long time ago, said Pixie Ginger. There is someone new here and I needed to ask you two something. Come around the front with me, us two Gingers need to ask you something. Okay but stop yelling, you are hurting our ears, said Kieko. Okay you three talk, said Ginger. I have to have an answer soon so I know if I have to make other arrangements, then Ginger went back to where Alieta was standing. The two of them were behind the palace sleeping all this time, said Ginger. Ya I heard, said Alieta. I think everyone out here did. sounds like they are having a family meeting. That is exactly what it is, said Ginger. Those two can be so hard to figure out sometimes. They are still scared that Quazar might come back. Well Quazar is a very big and scary looking guy, said Alieta. Just think of it from their point of view. Ya I guess, said Ginger.

So what's going on? asked Keiko. Oh oh Kieko she is giving us that cute pose and look, she must want something, said Amelie. Yep or a big favor, said Keiko. What do you want Ginger, you know we will do anything for you. Well there is someone new here and she needs a place to stay while her house is being built and I was wondering if she could stay with us for a few days. I guess so who is it? asked Keiko. Banshee she is out front of the palace talking with a few people. She is a Banshee, they are scarey and powerful, said Amelie. Well I don't think she is at all and she is Ivy's friend and Ginger's friend and Alieta's friend and my friend now too. Can she please stay with us? Then she batted her eye lids at them. Well can we at least meet her first, said Keiko. Sure come around the front and I will get her, said Ginger and flew over to where Banshee was telling a story. So Keiko do you think we have a choice whether we have a Banshee living with us? Not one bit but if all those people like her then she must be okay, said Keiko. Ya your right, at least she doesn't do magic, said Amelie. No but she can kill like a hundred creatures at once, said Keiko. Well we are not creatures so we will be safe, said Amelie.

Sorry to inturupt you but Amelie and Keiko want to meet you first before saying yes about staying with us for a while, said Ginger. Oh okay, said Banshee. Sorry gang but I'll have to continue that story later. Go ahead girl you will be okay. Those two can't resisted Ginger's charm, said Zan. Banshee got up and walked over to them. Do you think they will say yes? asked Avan. They sort of already did I bet but they just want to meet her now, said Zan. Oh that is fair, said Tara. Wow, finally I get to meet two real fairies and how pretty you two are, said Banshee. Are you two sisters? Um no but we are best friends, said Kieko. I am Keiko and this is Amelie and we are Garson Fairies. I have heard of Garson Faries also. The most powerful and dangerous of all fairies, said Banshee. You two have those deadly wands that can kill right? Yep but we are protectors of other fairies or what ever other fae are in trouble, said Amelie. I see so Tara told me you two made an amazing treehouse in the forest, said Banshee. That must of took a lot of time and magic. Yep took four hours and lots of magic from our wands but we needed a place to live and Ginger was so nice to us when we first met, we wanted to do something special for her, said Keiko. So she said you need a place to stay while your house gets built. Yes, it takes about three days to build it, said Banshee. Well Ginger likes you and says you are her friend now, so a friend of her's is a friend of our's but under one condition, said Keiko. Okay, what is the condition? asked Banshee. Garson Faries can read people very deep and fast and it is automatic. I we can see the massive power in you but we also can see the good in you, said Keiko. Okay so what is the condition? asked Banshee again. Well not really any condition, I was just fooling but be careful in the pixie forest, there is almost two thousand of them in there and they mostly stay very tiny so you can't see them all the time. Wow that many pixies are in there, that is amazing, said Banshee. Yep and it is very magical there with all that pixie dust in the forest. Okay so why do I have to be careful? asked Banshee. Well two or three pixies talking to you at the same time very fast can be confusing enough but if a couple hundred are flying around you all talking at once can make you crazy like them, said Keiko. Pixies are very curious and can be very nutty. Anyways I'll make you a bed to sleep on later, said Keiko. Oh thank you so much. One day I will return the favor, said Banshee. Not sure what that will be but I will figure it out. Okay good, tell Ginger we said yes, said Keiko. We are headed home where it is nice and quite plus safe. It's been too crazy around the palace today. Then the two of them flew off.



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