The Banshee Chapter 4


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The Big Rush

Alieta pulled her chair over and sat down. So what are you going to tell me now that I have to sit down for? asked Alieta. Oh I just wanted to make you more comfortable, said Gabriel. You have been standing and talking to people all day but you may be shocked when you hear about where Mika and Layla are coming from. Okay so where, asked Alieta. A land called Granada and very peaceful place with next to no violence or crime, said Gabriel. Okay that sounds like a very nice place, said Alieta. Yes it is but this is why it is like that, said Gabriel. Granada is in a different reality almost exactly parallel to Fae Land. They have the exact same population but everyone in that reality are human. In Sapphire's reality there are no humans, just Fae but evil Fae creatures like there were here but no demon created things like dragons and gargoyles. She is care free as refered to because is very smart and stays out of harms way and can sense evil from miles away plus her breed of fairy nymphs are the most powerful of all the fairies. Now back to Granada, the reason no one breaks the laws there is because Granada is very hard to become a resident there. You have to either be born there or apply to live there that can take a long time plus involves meetings and lots of questionaires. The reason for this is because Granada is the only place in their world where people live in complete peace with each other just like here. They have the same population here not counting the pixies and there are very few single men just like Fae Land, said Gabriel. Okay so Granada must be a very nice place to live then, said Alieta. Yes it is most of the time and that is why they have the strictest laws in the world, said Gabriel. Now if anyone is caught breaking a law like stealing no matter how little or valuable it was they are immediately sent to jail for a minimum of one year with no chance of getting out sooner. Bigger crimes have longer sentences of coarse. Okay so they are very strict said Alieta. Yes but unlike elves, humans can become violent much easier, said Gabriel. Now here is the main reason no one messes with the laws. If a guy is found guilty of hurting a girl in Granada they go directly to jail for at ten years, all their belongings and money are taken by the government and then after ten years they are expelled from Granada and can never come back. Wow talk about strict, said Alieta. Yes it is but it works and that is why it is so safe there. The biggest offense is murder and no one does that because if you kill anyone be it man or girl you are sentenced to death and allowed no visitors while you wait out the two weeks before the execution. Oviously there has never been a murder in Granada. The government takes very good care of the citizens especially the females. Now Mika will be coming first very soon. She has money and will need a home but in the meantime have her stay with someone until the house is built. Then her stepsister Layla will arrive with Sapphire once her home has been finished. I have created a portal for Sapphire to travel back and forth through that opens every three days. I will also be borrowing Jazmen from you for a day. She will bring Fae Land's reality and history to them both plus help Layla pack when Mika is here. But won't Jazmen shock them when she appears? asked Alieta. Nope not at all. I have been leaving some of your books Mika's and Laya's rooms from time to time. They have already fallen in love with Fae Land and the people here. Mika wishes every night that Fae Land was real. Well you have thought of everything it seems, said Alieta. Well I have a good coach, said Gabriel. This is actually all his idea. I am just following orders. So get a good nights sleep tonight because tomorrow is going to be very interesting also. Sapphire will be leaving tomorow morning, just a bit ahead of schedual. Ivy is going to want to go to Granada soon also with all the things Sapphire has told her about Granada. Why would Ivy want to leave Fae Land, all her friends are here? asked Alieta. Well Granada is very advanced in technolegy and science and Ivy loves learning more about just about everything. Please grant her wish to visit then I will take her. This is very importand she goes as you will find out when she returns.Tell no one what I just told you except Ginger. She should get working on the house right away. Any questions? Yep tons but I will just play it by ear as usual, said Alieta. That's a good girl, bye for now, said Gabriel then she vanished. So how am I suppose to get a good nights sleep after hearing all of this, thought Alieta. Then headed to her bedroom to try and sleep.

In the morning Alieta got up after being able to get a few hours of sleep then got dressed and went to the dining room. Hi Alieta, coffee first as usually? asked the elf. Alieta thought for a moment then said no not yet. When Ginger comes down can you tell her to come outside and see me please, said Alieta. Sure will, said the elf. Alieta went outside and checked the sun dial. Wow ninety degrees already. This is going to be a very hot day. In the palace Ginger came down and asked the elf if she saw Alieta yet. Yep, she wants you to go see her outside, said the elf. She didn't even have her coffee yet. Okay something is up, said Ginger. She went outside and found Alieta walking back from the sundial. Hi Alieta, I got the message. Wow is it ever hot already, mornings are usually nice and cool, said Ginger. Ya I know, ninety already, said Alieta. So did Gabriel have good news or bad news? asked Ginger. Well a bit of both, said Alieta. She told me that Fae Land is way behind other countires of the world when it comes to sciences. Well we have magic, we don't need science that much, said Ginger. Ya that is what I thought but Gabriel said a lot of more things that were beyond my way of thinking, said Alieta. Really what could they be? asked Ginger. Well she told me about this land called Granada that is in a different reality that is similar to Fae Land but only humans live there and it is much mire advanced than us. Really I always windered if there were more realities after Tara and Avan told us that there were different dimensions demons travelled through, said Ginger. Actually I never gave it a secind thought but there seems to be two other ones that that she mentioned, said Alieta. Gabriel said I could tell you only so you have to keep this all to yourself. Alieta told Ginger everything that Gabriel told her especially about the laws in Granada and about Mike and Layla. So we are building two houses now, said Ginger. Yes but make Banshee's close to Mika's and Layla's just on the west edge of Eden, said Alieta. Layla is human and won't have the magic effect in her yet and Eden will speed things up for her and Mika may need to talk to Banshee as her powers start to happen. Banshee seems to like making friends now anyways. Plus have the architecs find a more modern style of home for Mika and Layla and have a rush put on it. They will be paying for it and they are from a much more modern time. Okay I will, said Ginger but can we have breakfast first? We sure can now, said Alieta and they headed back in the palace.

Ivy arived in the cove with Sara and saw Sapphire sitting on the side of the pool dangling her feet in the water. Hi Ivy and Sara. This feels amazing on my legs and feet. Is it okay that I do this? Yep, everyone does it, said Ivy. You can sit right in the pool if you want. No this is good enough, said Sapphire. So do you want to see how the overviewer works? asked Ivy. Yep sure do. A forset sprite being able to control a country's magic fasinates me, said Sapphire. They walked over to the overviewer and Ivy showed Sapphire all the features of it including how she could pan out and see all of Fae Land. Then Ivy and Sara go to work setting up a new section of the forest. In a bit Sapphire got bored and told Ivy that she was going to the palace to see what was going on. Okay, said Ivy. I will see you at lunch time then I will take you to meet some of the heros. Oh you can leave the forest by flying up through the top but you just can't get in that way. Okay good, that will be much faster, said Sapphire and she flew up and out. She got to the palace grounds and saw no one was out and about yet. Nice red tree, she said to herself. Bet you it has something to do with Ivy. That girl is amazing. I really like her, so sweet and all. Yes she is and yes she does have a lot to do with that tree and the other one at the other end of the palace grounds, said Gabriel. Oh hi Gabriel, you startled me. What's up? asked Sapphire. Seems like the schedual has moved up, you have to go to Granada now, said Gabriel. Mika's ears can not be hidden by her hair anymore which means the magic inside her will begin soon. Okay but Ivy is expecting to take me to see some heros. She is going to be sad I am gone with no word. Well Alieta knows everything that is happening so she will tell her but you will see Ivy again very soon. Just be very nice to her, she is extremely important to Fae Land and to God's plan. Okay your the boss, said Sapphire. Now remember the portal opens once every three days at two pm and only stays open for two hours each way. You will be the only one that can see it in the sky, said Gabriel. Got it, said Sapphire. Okay lets go before anyone sees us. Then they both vanished.

 Ivy really didn't want to work in the cove today. She really liked Sapphire and found her to be a very nice girl that was impressed with her plus she wanted to hear more about this advanced country called Granada with electricity. Sara, can you take over for me. I want to show Sapphire around some more, said Ivy. I really don't want to work today. Sure Ivy, you know I love being in charge of the cove, said Sara. Good, I want to let her meet some of the heros but we will be back for lunch so see you then, said Ivy then flew out of the cove. When she got to the palace grounds she saw Alieta and Ginger talking but didn't see Sapphire anywhere. She landed in front of them and said hi. Hi Ivy don't you wait until lunch time to come out of the cove? asked Alieta. Normally but I want to take Sapphire to meet some of the heroes today and don't feel like working today, said Ivy. I left Sara in charge of the cove. So where is she, she said she was coming to the palace to see what was going on. Well I haven't seen her and we both came out here together after having breakfast, said Alieta. Really, that is wierd, said Ivy. She was looking foward to going with me. I like her, she is really nice to me and is very impressed with what I do here. Well maybe she went on her own, said Alieta, figuring Gabriel already took her away. She wouldn't do that, said Ivy. She doesn't know where they all live. Ivy went quite for a second. No way, she is in Granada already, Gabriel took her, said Ivy. Ivy, did you just read me? asked Alieta. No I would never read you without you permission Alieta, said Ivy. I read Ginger, just a bit. You read me? You never do that to me either. Ya I know but sometimes I can't help it. Man I am mad at you two for not telling me Gabriel was here and took her to Granada. Why are you mad at us, asked Alieta. We didn't know for sure that Gabriel came already to take Sapphire away, said Alieta. Well I am mad at Gabriel then, said Ivy. Man I am so mad, I put Sara in charge of the cove and she loves being in charge there so I can't go back to work or she will get sad. I am just going home. At least Sapphire will be having a lot of fun in Granada in a place where things are very modern. Then Ivy flew off. Wow she is really mad, said Ginger. She got all that you told me instantly. Well one thing I didn't tell you was Gabriel told me to let Ivy go to Granada when she asks, said Alieta. It is very important to God's plan for Fae Land. Ivy in a land of people with high levels of technology. Is that a good idea.? asked Ginger. Well Ivy is a big girl now and she is always wanting to learn new things plus look at her, she will be the prettiest girl there too. I know but what about her wings and ears? asked Ginger. I don't know. Gabriel must know what she is doing, said Alieta.


When Ivy got home she ran in the house right past Viridian that was in the kitchen and went straight in her room. Ivy went and sat on her bed and tried to figure out what to do now. Viridian knocked on her door and asked if she could come in. Yes come in, said Ivy. Viridain came in and saw Ivy on her bed looking very sad. Okay what's up with you Ivy, you always say hello to me but today, not a word, said Viridian. What is going on? Sorry Viridian, hello, said Ivy. I was first so mad at Alieta and Ginger, then I was mad at Gabriel but now I am just sad and confused and trying to figure things out. It is so hard being me having so many responsibilities here in Fae Land but I really don't mind doing what I do but why would Gabriel take away someone I was really getting to like and not tell me first. I thought we were friends but I guess we are not maybe, I don't know. Wow haven't seen you talk like that in a long time, said Viridian. I really don't know what you are taking about but you were mad at Alieta and Ginger then Gabriel for some reason? Do you want to talk to me and maybe explain? Umm okay, said Ivy.

Viridian grabbed Ivy's orb that Merlin gave her for a birthday present and sat beside Ivy on the bed. Now this orb always makes you happy, said Viridian. Ya but I only look in it before I go to bed, said Ivy. It gives me good dreams of my past, said Ivy. Well I come in your room when you and Sara are working in the cove and I am all by myself and look in it, said Viridian. You have so many happy times when you were with your parrents. I don't have anything like this and I barely remember my parrents. I especially like the images when your father was teaching you to fly. Ya that was funny, I kept crashing a lot, said Ivy. Yes but you learned and look at you now. What do you mean? asked Ivy. Ivy you are very very smart. You learn so fast, much faster than me and you have became so powerful and loved by so many people in a very short time. You are a special girl. But you are the most powerful hero of all, said Ivy. No that is just when I am in my armor and have my spear, you don't need weapons Ivy, said Viridian. You are naturally powerful. I am not powerful, said Ivy. I can't kill a wizard or demon like you can. No but your power is love dear. You are the most loving person I have ever known. You have inner powers that are all for the good, said Viridian. Ivy you are very special and I love you so much as my friend and I would die protecting you if need be and so would all the other heros here. Really, I am that important? asked Ivy. No you are loved that much, said Viridian. Now if you have a problem with Gabriel then just call her. I can't do it but you have a special connection to heaven and the angels. Have you ever wondered why? Nope, Gabriel just told me to call her anytime, said Ivy. Then call her silly girl and find out what is going on if she is the source of you being sad, said Viridian. Okay I will but I am not sad anymore Viridian, I feel so much better now. I love you Viridian, said Ivy. I love you too, Ivy, said Viridian then she left the room. Okay, so call Gabriel, hope she is not busy in that land of Granada, thought Ivy. "Gabriel I need to talk to you if you are not busy", Ivy yelled out. Viridian smiled when she heard Ivy calling Gabriel from the kitchen.

In a few moments Gabriel appeared in Ivy's bedroom and Ivy stood up fast. Hi Ivy I was expecting you to call but not so soon, said Gabriel. My I have never been in your room. Very green and very nice. Thanks I like green you know that, said Ivy with a stern voice. Okay so I sense you have an issue with me, said Gabriel. Well not really, I was mad at Alieta and Ginger first, then you but Viridian made me feel better so I am not really mad at anyone now but I do have lots of questions that I think you should be able to answer seeing your an angel and all but I still am a bit upset, well maybe a lot upset, said Ivy. I am confused right now. You took my new friend friend away to Granada without letting me know so maybe I am just a bit mad at you, not sure. Ivy relax, said Gabriel. I get why you are mad at me but you have to trust me and God that we are working in Fae Lands best interests. God! You mean he is behind taking my friend away, said Ivy, Well I am mad at him now! Gabriel laughted. All us angels get mad at our father but he is wise and always right and he has a very important need for you at this time. You are one of his most prized creations, said Gabriel. Oh when you put it that way then I am not mad at him anymore, said Ivy. Now I know you want me to bring back Sapphire that you like a lot because she likes you but that is not going to happen right now, said Gabriel. What will happen is you will go see her maybe tomorrow but not without Alieta's consent. Really why, asked Ivy. Well she is the queen and you are very important here and you are being paid by the crown, said Gabriel. Oh ya, I didn't think of that, said Ivy. Well don't worry, you will be seeing Sapphire soon and please remember everything you see there, take notes if you have to, said Gabriel. Then Gabriel vanished. Hmm, take notes of what, Ivy wondered.

Ivy ran out of her room all excited and went to the kitchen where Viridian was. I am going to Granada! said Ivy all happy and excited. At least I think I am. Okay but where is Granada? asked Viridain. Umm in a different reality I think or dimension but that is where Sapphire will be and Gabriel said it is important I go there for some reason, said Ivy. A different reality, I don't understand, said Viridian. Neither do I but it is a place of great wonders and there is no bad stuff ever going on and Gabriel said it was a very safe place. I can't remember everything right now for some reason but it will be fun for a change and no working, said Ivy. A land of wonders, are you sure you want to go there? asked Viridian. There are many wonders here. You bet, want to see what electricity looks like and how people ride around in cars that don't need horses to pull them, said Ivy. Is that okay? Um I guess so, said Viridian. So Gabriel said it was a good place for you to go? Yep but I won't be there long she said. It is very important to Fae Land that I go there, said Ivy. Well I am not going to argue with an angel, said Viridian. So when are you going? I think tomorrow some time after I ask Alieta if I can go, said Ivy. This is going to be so amazing. Amazing yes but maybe dangerous, said Viridian. Well Sapphire will there to take care of me. She is a fairy you know and a powerful one. Anyways I am going to fly around some and tell everyone. Ivy left the house and flew off. Well Ivy is going to a land of wonder, thought Viridian. Maybe I should of asked her to bring me too.

The End



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