The Banshee Chapter 3


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Ivy Meets Sapphire

Rose and Miyo were running towards the palace. Rose was way ahead of Miyo then ran to the palace and said hi to Alieta and Ginger quickly then ran into the palace. Miyo got to the palace and stopped and said hello to Alieta and Ginger. Miyo can I talk with you for a minute over there? Sure Alieta, said Miyo that was out of breath. Boy that girl can run fast when she wants too, said Miyo. They walked away from everyone a bit. Why were you two running? asked Alieta. Well after we brushed down our horses we came out of the stable and then she wanted to race, said Miyo. You don't have to brush the horses, I have stable hands to do that, said Alieta. Ya the girl in there said it was her job to do the brushing but Rose said she liked doing it. Anyways I was keeping up to her at first but once we got near everyone that were sitting on the grass, she put it in overdrive or something and went way ahead of me. You mean Avan, Tera, Banshee and Zan? asked Alieta. Yep I was going to see what they were talking about but Rose kept saying hurry up slow poke. Now for a human girl I can run pretty fast but I am not a fae with super legs. Alieta smiled. Yes I saw you coming, said Alieta. You were very fast on your feet. So why did she go straight in the palace? I don't know, maybe to rest in our room, said Miyo. Well can you go in and tell her I want to talk to her. Okay, did she do something wrong? asked Miyo. No, not at all, said Alieta. I just think something is bothering her. Ya I think that too, said Miyo. She seemed very nervous when she was beside Banshee. But Banshee assured her that she never uses her powers to hurt anyone good. I figured she was fine with Banshee now. Okay good, said Alieta. So do you know the room beside the wardrobe room? Yep, Ginger showed us it after we got our bikinis on, said Miyo. That is the pretty room that you write books in. Yes and it also serves as a meeting room, said Alieta. Go in and tell her to see me there please. Okay, can I have a drink of something after I tell her? I am thirsty now, said Miyo. Yes of coarse, you never have to ask anyone permission to eat or drink in the diningroom, said Alieta. Treat it like your own kitchen except you don't have to do the cooking. Cool, your the best Alieta then Miyo went in the palace. So what was that all about asked Ginger. I am going to have a talk with Rose and tell her how important Avan, Tara and Banshee are to Fae Land, said Alieta. Oh time to be the mother again, said Ginger with a smile. Very funny, be careful or I will mess up your hair again, said Alieta then went in the palace.

Alieta went in her den and sat in her chair, waiting for Rose. In a minute Rose came in. Hi Alieta, Miyo said you wanted to talk to me, said Rose. She said I wasn't in trouble so what do you want to talk about? That's right you are not in trouble, said Alieta. Come and sit on this stool. Rose walked over and sat in front of Alieta. Ginger told us that this is where you write your books, said Rose. Yes and you two need to read them starting with book one, said Alieta. They are the real life stories of the events that have happened in and around Fae Land and the things the heros here went through to keep Fae Land safe. Really, I didn't know that, said Rose. Now I have a feeling that you are uncomfortable around Banshee plus Avan and Tara, said Alieta. Oh you noticed, said Rose. Banashee is okay I guess, she seems nice enough, but I have never been around anyone that has great powers that could hurt me. I know they would never hurt me but just knowing they could makes me nervous and on guard. I see, I can understand that, said Alieta. Lets start with the two she devils Avan and Tara. You met them with your father. Did he tell you how good they were? Sort of, mostly he introduced me to them then talked about that planet that he named Eden and how beautiful it is becoming. Okay so he did tell you about what Avan and Tara did here. No just that they could kill other devils, said Rose. He noticed I was very nervous around them so that is why we didn't stay in the woods long. Okay, that makes sense then, said Alieta. Let me tell you how they ended up here and what happened to them when they tried to steal the magic from the fairy forest. Really, so they used to be bad then? asked Rose. Not really but at the time we thought they were just evil she devils that are attracted to magic and wanted to absorbe it to become stronger. It wasn't until Tempressa, Viridian, Zatsuky plus Apollonia the dark angel battled with them for quite a long time before Avan and Tara gave up and left. We couldn't kill them but we did stop them. Wow that must of been something to see, said Rose. No one wins against a devil. So how come they are here now? asked Rose. That's where the story gets more interesting, said Alieta. It was the next day when Zan and I were outside in front of the palace when Jazmen flew down and said they were back. I asked what they were doing and she said just sitting on the ground in the Bad Lands just outside of Fae Land's border. I took a peek around the corner of the palace and saw them sitting there talking to each other and they didn't look in very good shape. I guess not after fighting heros and an angel, said Rose. So why did they come back so soon?  Well I thought they were still attracted to the magic but Zan can read people some and sensed that they were not going to hurt anyone. So the two of us got in the open and I yelled to them what they wanted. They said nothing, it just feels better sitting here close to the magic. We got closer, enough so that Zan could get a better reading of them and said those two are in extreme pain. If they were not devils that can't die then the pain alone would of killed them. Well me being a softy and can't stand to see anyone suffering I asked them to come into Fae Land where the magic was stronger. Why would you do that, asked Rose. Well the condition they were in I figured they were no threat, said Alieta. They slowly got up and hobbled over to the front of the palace then sat back down. That is when I saw that these were not normal she devils. They were very pretty and looked like twins. Devils never look alike and are always ugly. Ya they are beautiful, said Rose. I found that odd too. Okay now for the good part, said Alieta.

The good part? This has been a great story so far, said Rose. Yes but now the good stuff happens and why Tara and Avan are here, said Alieta. I talked to them both and oddly they spoke very good english unlike other devils that speak jiberish mostly. I asked them where it hurt and they said everywhere. Even our wings won't move anymore. I sent for Lilly in the fairy forest to come fast. She showed up a few miutes later and was shocked to see the two she devils that were attacking her forest the day before sitting in front of the palace. What the heck she said, what is going on here. It's okay, I told her. Look at them, do they look like normal she devils to you. Well no not really, said Lilly. Why are they here just sitting. Look Tara, that must be a fairy, isn't she pretty, said Avan. Yes Avan very pretty said Tara. Lilly smiled. Definately not normal she devils, that's for sure, said Lilly. I told Lilly that Zan read them and they were in great pain. Lilly was a much stronger reader and best healer of all the fairies. You read them Lilly and see that is going on inside them I told her. Okay but I have to get close to them. You two won't bite me? she asked. We don't bite, I might kiss you though, said Tara. Lilly started to laugh then stared into the eyes of the first Tara then did the same with Avan. My god, almost every bone in your bodies broken and wings are all messed up too. Yep sure feel like that, said Tara. Well this is going to take some time and a lot of fairy magic, said Lilly. She made them lay on their stomach as best as they could with legs and arms out also if they could. The two of them managed to get close to what Lilly asked. Then Lilly made her wand appear and started using it slowly on Tara's body starting from the neck and working down to her feet then the arms. It took some time but after about thirty miutes she finished healing both their bodies then moved to their wings. Once done she asked them to try and stand and amazingly they could stand and had no more pain except for a bit in their wings when the moved them. Lilly told them the wings have a very complex bone structure and will take about a week to heel properly and to try not to move them much. They were so happy and asked if they could stay in the woods while they healed. I said yes and they have lived in there with the pixies ever since. Wow so very friendly and beautiful she devils must of surprised a lot of people here, said Rose. Well yes but it was Gabriel the angel that told me that God created these two girls to kill all the other devils on the planet. Once Tara and Avan were fully healled the devil attacks started all attracted to the magic. Tara and Avan learned how to kill devils of all types in seconds somethimes five and six at a time. Eventually over a month or so all the devils were dead on the entire planet. Yeah! The pretty she devils win! said Rose all excited. Yes so what do you think of them now? asked Alieta. They are awesome I feel like I should hug them or something, said Rose. Well they definately would like that but first I have to tell you about Banshee, said Alieta. If it wasn't for her there may not even be a Fae Land. Really, how come. Well many years ago Fae Land was no where near as powerful as it is now. A great war broke out between Fae Land and thousands of Orcs and other creatures. We were no match for them all even with my winged army and the help from some surrounding land's and their human armies. I was leading the winged army and noticed that hundreds of creatures were being killed very fast. They were dropping like flies in mass amounts. I flew down closer and saw Banshee just blasting away at the attackers. Wave after wave she sent out blasting them. She cleared the Bad Lands in minutes then went to fly off somewhere else when I flew down to talk to her. That is when I first met a Banshee. I asked her how she knew we needed help. She said I sensed good people are dying here, I need to stop it. I have to go the west fast. Lots there too then she flew off. Banshee killed thousands of creatures in three short days and ended the war for us. She asked for nothing except for my friendship. Then she vanished and I never saw her again until now. Oh my God, I have to hug her two, said Rose. Are we done. Yes I believe so, said Alieta. Rose ran out of the room. Well that seems to have gone well, said Alieta to herself.

Alieta went back outside and saw Rose hugging Avan. Well what ever you talked to her about must of worked, said Ginger. Yep, looks like it, said Alieta. She just ran out of the palace like a shot and hugged Banshee first then she went to Tara and gave her a big long hug and now she is hugging Avan, said Ginger. What did you tell her to make change so much? Well I just told her the story of when Avan and Tara first came to Fae Land and the battle that happened then the next day how Lilly healed them plus later killing all the devils, said Alieta. Okay that would do it, said Ginger. What about Banshee? Well you know if it wasn't for her there may of not been a Fae Land like it is today, said Alieta. Really it was her that did that? asked Ginger. I was hiding in the palace with a bunch of other elves most of the time, said Ginger. We were all praying for a miracle. Well Banshee was that miracle I guess, said Alieta. She sensed that good people were dying and she came here to stop it and boy did she ever, said Alieta. So in fact she save Fae Land from certain doom, said Ginger. Yep she sure did, said Alieta. Man I feel terrible now, said Ginger. Why, what's wrong? asked Alieta. Well we built all those homes for the heros because they protected Fae Land but I am making Banshee pay for her own home. If it wasn't for Banshee there would be no heros and maybe none of us. That is wright, said Alieta. So do you think the crown should pay for her house like the heros? asked Alieta with a smile. Definately, she deserves it and a really nice one, said Ginger. Well after I told Rose Banshee's story I realized that she shouldn't be paying for the house so I went to the treasurer and informed her that the house will be built and paid for by the crown plus I put her on a modest monthly sallery, said Alieta. You did that already? asked Ginger. Yep, I do have full control of the treasury and when I was down there I saw that things are getting crowded in that room. I figured we should expand the room. Good idea, said Ginger. Ya I thought so but she has a better idea, said Alieta. Really, what is that? asked Ginger. Build some banks in different areas of Fae Land just like other big countries have done. She even had a name for the banks. The Royal Bank Of Fae Land. What do you think? asked Alieta. Ya it does have a nice ring to it, said Ginger. Yep I like it too but it is up to you to find out how the other banks operate, said Alieta. Okay sounds like a road trip is coming up soon, said Ginger. Yes and I want you to take Lilly with you. She will be able to see what a bank looks like inside and out then copy it and set up the insides of our banks for us. Man you think of everything, said Ginger. Well I am the queen and have to something from time to time, said Alieta.

Rose walked back over to where Alieta and Ginger were standing. That was fun, said Rose. Banshee seemed a bit nervous when I hugged her but Tara and Aven seemed to really enjoy being hugged. Ya figures those two would, said Ginger. They can be quite frisky and flirty, especially Tara. So now that you know a bit about them you should be fine here now, said Alieta. Yep, going to be a lot of fun living here, said Rose. Now I am going to get an elf to put two copies of The Amazing Adventures Of The Land Of Fae Book One in your room. Make sure Miyo and you read it. Then in the palace library you can get book two. Makes sure you read them all eventually, said Alieta. I know you will really enjoy them and they are real events. Okay, how many books are there? asked Rose. Twenty six so far, said Alieta. Lots of things happened in the past few years. Wow, okay I am a fast reader, said Rose. Now I am going to tell Miyo that I am not a fast runner. I am pretty sure she is way faster than me when I don't use magic. Thanks Alieta then she walked over to Miyo. I think she is going to be just fine here now, said Alieta. Yep and so will Banshee when I tell here the good news about her house, said Ginger. Hold off on that for now, said Alieta. Lets make it a surprise when the house is ready, said Alieta. Ginger can you go tell Banshee that I want to see her? There is one more important person she needs to meet before supper time, said Alieta. Who is that? asked Ginger. I think she has met all the palace gang. Yes but not Pippa, said Alieta. Oh ya. Pippa, I forgot all about her, said Ginger, I will go tell her. Banshee came over and asked what she needed. Well you have met all the palace gang but you have to meet another good friend of mine. Do you know Pippa, the queen of the pixies? asked Alieta. I know the name but the only pixie I have ever met is Ginger, said Banshee. I didn't know there was a queen of pixies though. Well she is the queen and all pixies know her and do as she asks, said Alieta. So where is she ? In the pixie forest, asked Banshee. Nope in the west woods usually. Oh so we got to go there. I can pop over now that I know where it is, said Banshee. Don't have to, watch, said Alieta. "Pippa I have someone you need to meet. Can you come here please"? She can hear you from here? asked Banshee. I guess so, she always comes when I call, said Alieta. In a moment Pippa appeared. Who you got today Alieta? Hope they are important because I am a very busy girl, said Pippa. Well a bit busy, actually I was doing nothing. Got Chestnut and Sunflower doing stuff for me and all is running great in the cove so basicly I am glad you called. Pippa looked over and up. Banshee, you are here? About time you silly girl. You should of came here after the war. You know Banshee? asked Alieta. Yep, well sort of, I watched her wipe out all the bad guys from the sky. Pretty powerful girl isn't she, said Pippa. Yes she is and she is going to live here now but I agree she could of staid after the war was over. Well back then I was sure no one would want me around and deal with my stupid screaming and all, said Banshee. Do you still scream? asked Pippa. Haven't had to do that since I got here, said Banshee. And you won't because no one dies here. So where are you living? Well I have to wait for my house to be built but in the mean time Pixie Ginger and the two fairies said I could stay with them in the treehouse, said Banshee. Oh you will like it there, said Pippa. I better go tell the pixies in that forest that you will be living there for a bit and not to bug you, said Pippa. They have never seen a Banshee before and they will be all over you. See you in a bit. When is supper Alieta? Soon Pippa, when ever the fairies come out. Okay don't eat everything I am hungry for some fairy food, said Pippa then she took off like a flash. So that is the queen of the pixies, said Banshee. Quite the girl and likes to talk. Yep pixies are a bit nutty and talk fast, said Alieta. Pippa normally is more of a slower talker though. Well she is very cute with lovely wings. I really didn't get a chance to talk to her though. Ya Pippa rarely stays in one spot for very long, said Alieta. Maybe you will get a chance at supper time. Eating is about the only thing a pixie does slowly.


So can I go back and talk to the girls over there? asked Banshee. They really liked the stories I told them. Sure go ahead, said Alieta. You should get Tara and Avan to tell you some of their stories too. They have lots of them. Yes I bet they do, said Banshee then she walked away. Alieta looked towards the west forest to see if the fairies were coming yet. She saw Ivy coming so usually the fairies show up shortly after her. Ivy saw Alieta so she landed in front of her. Hi Alieta. Is it almost supper time? Tulip said she will be here soon with Lilly so I figured it was close, said Ivy. Yes it should be, said Alieta. Good, so I see Banshee is getting along with everyone now. I was a bit worried about her. Yes she is doing fine, said Alieta. She will be staying in Ginger's treehouse while her house is being built. Really, that will sure speed things up a lot, said Ivy. What do you mean? asked Alieta. That forest is packed with pixie dust, said Ivy. With the combination of the dust and magic from Eden that I diverted with the beacon tree to it is probably the most magical spot in Fae Land besides the very center of Eden, said Ivy. Okay so lots of magic in that forest, said Alieta. What is it going to speed up? Not what, who, said Ivy. Banshee will be completely cut off from death in there. So much wihte magic in that forest will block it. If that happens hopefully the link with death will be severed perminately and she will not have to worry about being aroind people anywhere. That is good to hear then, said Alieta. So how much faster do you think the magic will take effect? Not sure, said Ivy. I bet in a couple of days we will see a bit of a change though. Ivy went silent for a moment. Someone is coming and very fast, said Ivy. Can you tell what it is yet? asked Alieta. I think so, said Ivy. A fairy nymph I think. Can't be a fairy nymph though, they can't fly that fast. Well there she is coming over the forest and headed this way, said Ivy. In a couple of moments the fairy landed between Alieta and Ivy. Wow that demensional traveling sure is something. I got here in seconds, said the fairy. Are you Alieta? you sure do fit the description. Very pretty sprite with lovely light blonde hair. Wings like mine but bigger and a very sexy blue outfit. She was right you are very hot! Yes I am Alieta, who are you? asked Alieta. Sapphire the fairy nymph at your service Queen Alieta. Oops sorry she told me you didn't like being called queen just Alieta. Sapphire looked at Ivy. Oh my god! Where did you come from? I have never seen such a beautiful girl in all my life and let me tell you I have seen a lot of girls. Ivy smiled at Sapphire. She is okay Alieta. She is a fairy nymph, just a different kind then the ones that live here, said Ivy. Wow even your voice is sexy, said Sapphire. I was told that Fae Land was full of pretty people but you girl are way over the top. What is you name pretty girl. Ivylynn but everyone calls me just Ivy. Well just Ivy, very nice to meet you. Ivy chuckled, your funny, said Ivy. Ya I like to make people happy. It is good for the soul. So Sapphire, why are you here and who sent you? asked Alieta.

Gabriel sent her, said Ivy. Yep you are a good reader, said Sapphire. I can read some too but mostly I sense what someone is feeling from a pretty far distance but mostly only Fae. So Gabriel sent me to meet you and to let you know some new people will be coming here soon from a land called Granada. Never heard of that place before, said Alieta. Of coarse not it is in a different reality or dimension, said Sapphire. Just like me but not Granada's, that reality has just humans in it. My reality has just Fae in it. Alieta shook her head. Why did Gabriel send you here to meet me? asked Alieta. Well not sure exactly, I guess so you could get to know me before I bring the girls here, said Sapphire. Okay so what girls? asked Alieta. Not sure about that yet too but there are three of them but two I will bring first, said Sapphire. They are stepsisters and their parents recently died. The oldest is Layla that is twenty years old and the other girl is Mika that just turned eighteen. She is the important one. Why is she important, asked Alieta. Ya Gabriel said you like to ask lots of questions, said Sapphire. Well Mika doesn't belong in Granada, she belongs in Fae Land. This is Fae Land right? Ivy started to chuckle again. What's so funny, did I say something funny? asked Sapphire. Not sure but you seem to be a very care free person with a commical personality, said Ivy. Yep fairy nymphs are know to be loveable and very sexual where I come from, said Sapphire. Ivy's eyes opened wide. Sexual, you mean you have sex? asked Ivy. You bet, I love having sex doesn't everyone, said Sapphire. I do have my standards though. So lets get back to this Mika girl, said Alieta. Why does she belong in Fae Land?  Well her mother was from here, said Sapphire. I think Gabriel said her name was Samantha. So you know a Samantha? I know lots of Samanthas, said Alieta. Well this one was a very pretty elf that married a wizard. That is one of the reasons Mika has to come here, said Sapphire. Plus her elf ears are starting to grow. Gabriel said she is special. Okay, the more questions I ask the more complicated things get, said Alieta. Yes I know that Samantha and she married Zotac the wizard and moved out of Fae Land but they were killed by a demon I was told. Well I don't know about him but she ended up in Granada somehow and married Layla's father. Mika and Layla grew up together and loved each other like real sisters so that is why Layla has to come here too, said Sapphire. Can't break them two up. So I still don't get why she has to come back here? asked Alieta. Is Granada a bad place? Nope it is supposed to be a very peaceful and fun place to live but just in Granada, they have very strict laws there for anyone breaking the law. The thing is in that world there are no fairies or sprites or pixies. Just humans. No real wizards either, just magicians. Mika is half elf and half wizard and Gabriel said Mika's inner power will awaken soon and she will be able to do real magic but without a teacher she may hurt someone by mistake. Okay now things are starting to make sense, said Alieta. So Samantha was pregnant with Mika before she ended up in Granada. Yep, I suppose so, said Sapphire. Was this Zotac very powerful? Yes a very powerful wizard and was taught by Merlin the most powerful wizard of all, said Alieta.  Carmen mentioned a Zotac when she was telling her story to us at my birthday party, said Ivy. Well there you go, we can't have a teenage wizard that doesn't know what is happening to her running around in a world of humans now can we, said Sapphire. Nope that would be very dangerous, said Ivy. She might hurt somebody and maybe even get killed. I like you Ivy, you are not just very pretty but you are smart too, said Sapphire. So anyways, Gabriel said she was coming her to talk to you later tonight when everybody was in bed. Some place called a cosy nook or cosy den is where she will meet with you. In the mean time I get to hang out here and check out this Fae Land for a couple of days so I can tell Mika about it. I'll show you around, said Ivy. I know every part of Fae Land. That is very nice of you Ivy, thank you. Okay here comes the two fairies, said Alieta. Time for supper. Oh good I am starving, said Sapphire.

Tulip and Lilly made supper for everyone after Pippa got back. Banshee got to see them use their wands and got to meet and talk to them for a while. After everyone had finished eating, pixie Ginger and Banshee took off to the treehouse. Alieta told Ginger about Sapphire and what she came here for. Ivy was sitting on the grass with Sapphire asking her questions about sex and Granada. I have been reading about sex and stuff in books, said Ivy. It seems easy enough but I don't want to get pregnant. That part doesn't look like fun at all, especially having a baby. I agree, child birth hurts, said Sapphire but you just have to be careful. So what is this Granada place like? asked Ivy. Well I was only there for a day and had to stay invisible but it is a very advanced place nothing like where I came from and like it is like here from what I can see so far, said Sapphire. The city area is huge with very tall buildings and they have things that people get in and drive around in that don't need horses to pull them plust there is a thing called electricity that runs machines and lights up these little glass bulbs so they don't need candles. Wow that place sounds amazing, said Ivy. Ya I guess so, said Sapphire. So do you want to fly around a bit? asked Ivy. Sure why not, where are you going to take me? Well we can go see Sara, she is my sister and that way we will pass Sandy Lake. It is very pretty there, said Ivy. So you have a sister too, said Sapphire. Is she pretty like you? Sara is very pretty, said Ivy. Bigger than me and she can fly real fast plus she is super strong. Okay lets go then, said Sapphire. You lead the way. Then they the both flew off towards Sandy Lake. Where is Ivy taking Sapphire I wonder, said Ginger. Oh Ivy offered to show her around some, said Alieta. It seems she likes Sapphire now too. Ya Ivy is very easy to like and she makes friends fast, said Ginger. Yes, she curtainly does, said Alieta.


Ivy first showed Sapphire Sandy Lake and Water Fall Mountain. Then they headed to her place. They saw Sara walking near the end of the property. There she is, said Ivy and they flew down. Hi Sara, where you going? asked Ivy. Nowhere, Viridian made me a nice supper and Tillia is taking a nap so I am just walking off supper, said Sara. Who is the new girl? This is Sapphire, she is visiting for a few days, said Ivy. I am showing her around some. Hello Sara, my you look so pretty like your sister, said Sapphire. Thank you, I do my best to take care of myself, said Sara. So do you want to come with us while Tillie is sleeping. No she will wake up soon then we will go riding, said Sara. Maybe you can go see Sakura. She flies around after supper all the time. She is always fun to talk with. Good idea, said Ivy. Her birthday is coming up soon. We best buy her a present. When is it? asked Sara. August fourteen I think. So in two weeks, said Ivy. Okay but you will have to help me find something for her. She never asks for anything except ice cream, said Sara. Ya I know. We will figure it out, said Ivy. Lets go Sapphire before she goes to bed. Very nice meeting you Sara, said Sapphire. Then they took off again. 


So who is Tillia that takes a nap after eating and Sara rides her? asked Sapphire. Tillia is a very magical unicorn that belongs to Sara, said Ivy. Unicorns are real here, they are just made up beings that people tell their children where I come from, said Sapphire. Unicorns are real here, said Ivy. So what is Sakura? asked Sapphire. An elf or sprite. Nope she is a Sakura, only one of her kind. Yeanny made her, said Ivy. Sakura is a Sakura and she was made? that sounds very odd, said Sapphire. Ya I know but it is true, said Ivy. Yeanny was a sorceress back then and created her by accident. Best accident ever but now Yeanny is a powerful wizard. Sakura loves to play and is naturally funny. You will see if we can find her, she can fly super fast also. They flew to the open grass lands where Sakura normally flew across. Well she is not here, said Ivy. She must be at home still. Lets go and see but they may still be having supper. They flew over to her home and saw Sakura in the backyard by herself. There she is in the backyard, said Ivy. She scares easily so I will say hi before we land. They flew down and Ivy said' "Hello Sakura. I brought someone for you to meet". Hi Ivy! You came to see me? I was just playing by myself while Mom does the dishes. She said I could come out here but not fly anywhere yet. Who is the new girl? She is pretty, nice wings too. My wings are small but I can fly very fast, just as fast as a pixie at least that is what Pippa told me. You have pretty hair too, blonde like Paisley's and Carmen's hair. I like pink hair best though, do you like my hair. My favorite colour is pink, what is yours. Do you like to play? I love playing. Sapphire had a big smile on her face. Yes I like playing, said Sapphire. All fairies like playing. You are a fairy! I love fairies, said Sakura. They play all the time and do magic, said Sakura. Umm, did I ask what you name was? I forget stuff sometimes and talk a lot when I meet someone new. I am sorry, I will shut up now. Well Sakura no need to say sorry and I think you asked my name somewhere in all that talking. It is Sapphire and you are a very nice and funny girl. I do like your hair and I don't have a favorite colour, I like all colours. Oh okay that is good. Ivy loves green, can't you tell, said Sakura. Yes I can see that, forest sprites always love green. Yep and she is the prettiest girl in Fae Land, said Sakura. I want to grow up to be as pretty as Ivy. I am almost eight now so getting older. Well don't be in a hurry to grow older, said Sapphire. Being young and care free is the best way to be. Yep that is me alright, Young but I do care about lots of stuff. So are you going to be living in Fae Land? No I am just visiting, said Sapphire. I have a job to do in another country soon but I had to come visit Fae Land first. Oh okay, is that other country like Fae Land? asked Sakura. No Fae Land is special but where I am going is special too. Very different from here but still a nice safe place, said Sapphire. That's good, hope you have fun there, said Sakura. Oh I will, that is for sure, said Sapphire. I hear my Mom calling, said Sakura. She must be finished doing the dishes. We always have a bit of ice cream for desert. I love ice cream. It is my favorite. Anyways bye for now and nice meeting you and thanks for visiting Ivy. I always love seeing and talking to you. Then Sakura went in the house. So what do you think of Sakura? asked Ivy. The most amazing and delightful person I have ever met, said Sapphire. Boy she can say a lot in a short time. I get why you say she is funny too. So her mom made her. Yep it is kind of complicated, she is a mix of a bunch of things. Okay lets go to the fairy forest and I will show you the cove then you can spend the night in there, said Ivy. Okay, lead the way, said Sapphire.


Ivy took Sapphire through the woods and to the fairy forest entrance. Now this is the only way in. Nobody including the faires can get in any other way, said Ivy. I designed the forest that way. You designed it? asked Sapphire. Yep I am the queen of the forest and it does as I say, said Ivy. Okay that is cool so where is the opening? I don't see one. I have to let you in, said Ivy. Once you go in with me, you can enter by yourself later. Just touch a tree like this and it opens. Ivy touched a tree and they all moved aside for her. Wow I never seen trees move like that before, said Sapphire. Well it is a magical fairy forest so much different from a normal forest, said Ivy. Now seeing you are a fairy you don't need to be introduced to the trees. They will sense you, said Ivy. Very cool, said Sapphire. Okay lets go in, said Ivy. They walked in and the trees shut behind them. Now it is a very long walk to the cove so we will fly there, said Ivy. Flying mode please, she yelled then the trees opened up wide and far. Okay lets go, said Ivy. The cove is straight ahead. In a couple of minutes they came to the cove's entrance. Same goes here, said Ivy. Just touch a tree and it will open for you. You try it. Sapphire touch a tree and they opened up for her. Okay lets go in, said Ivy. Holy, look at this place, said Sapphire. It is amazing. Feels very powerful in here. Yep, the magic from the pool controls the entire forest and everything in it, said Ivy. This is where Sara and I work every day. From that overviewer over there I can control the magic and build paths. I can also control some of Eden's magic from there. Basiclly this is the control room for Fae Land when it comes to magic. So you can control magic too, said Sapphire. Yep the cove listens to me and always does what I tell it, said Ivy. Now I will find Tulip and tell her that you will be sleeping here tonight. Then Ivy flew over to the overviewer then left through the north archway. Ivylynn, you are one amazing forest sprite, thought Sapphire.

Ivy came back with Tulip and she welcomed Sapphire to the cove. Okay I will be back in the morning with Sara, said Ivy. I will show you how the overviewer works then. Ya Ivy is the best at working it, said Tulip. I can a bit but nowhere as good as she can. Ivy has full control over it and the pool. So the pool is where the magic comes from? asked Sapphire. Yep it is pure white fairy magic, said Tulip. Okay so I am off, said Ivy. After work and lunch tomorrow I will show you more of Fae Land. Then Ivy left the cove. Okay, follow me and I will show you good place to spend the night, said Tulip...Back at the palace most everyone had turned in for the night. Alieta and Ginger were sitting on the palace steps as they do every night. Well I better get to the den, said Alieta. Gabriel may be there soon. Oh ya she wants to talk to you, said Ginger. Do you have an idea what she is going to talk about? Well I am hoping she has some better information about these two girls and Sapphire, said Alieta. Sapphire really didn't know much. Okay say hi to her for me, said Ginger. I am going in now too. Getting too chilly for just wearing a bikini out here. Alieta smiled then went in the palace then into her den. Oh you are here already, said Alieta. Yep, I didn't want to disturb you and Ginger on the steps, said Gabriel. I know you two love to end the day there. So what did you think of Sapphire? Well she seems okay and Ivy really likes her. Kind of an odd match up though, said Alieta. What do you mean? asked Gabriel. Well Sapphire seemed very different and said she was sexual but Ivy likes to work in the cove and play. She has never said anything about sex to me. And why should she, said Gabriel. Sex is a very private thing to her and very new. She has read up on it and knows a lot about sex and also about child birth. She is twenty years old now and is well into her sexual years as a forest sprite. So Ivy is sexual your saying. She never acts that way. Well like you said Sapphire is different and Ivy has been surrounded by lots of very nice people. Sapphire is different because she comes from a very different place. Ya what was that all about saying she was from a different reality and those two girls are from a different reality? asked Alieta. Understanding the different realities of this world would take a very long time to explain, said Gabriel. Sapphires realm is very similar to here with a few exceptions. There are no humans just Fae but not all good Fae, there are lots of bad and evil Fae also. Now unlike here there is no enchated weapons and amazing heroes. The people there had to figure out how to defend and pritect them selves and they do a very good job now, mostly because of Sapphire's breed of fairies. Sapphire is the smartest and most caring of all the Fairy Nymphs and that is why I picked her to help with this transition with Mika and her stepsister. Now you best sit down for this next bit of information.



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