The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Time Line Chapter 1


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A few days had gone by and Ivy had her front yard just the way she wanted it for Viridian. She went over to see Ktara and asked if she could have a coconut off one of the trees so she could grow it at her place to make some shade. So you know how to grow a palm tree? asked Ktara. Nope, not yet but I will ask the tree, said Ivy. Well those trees are not really on my property so help yourself but can I watch how you find out from the tree? asked Ktara. Yep, if you like, said Ivy. They walked over to one of the trees then Ivy put a hand on each side of the tree trunk and said something to it that Ktara couldn't understand. Then she pushed herself against the tree and put her ear to the trunk. Okay, said Ivy. Okay what? asked Ktara. I need that coconut up there. One that is the oldest and is ready to be planted, said Ivy. She flew up and gently removed the coconut then came back down. So now what do you do, asked Ktara. Well I have to plant it in some very fertile soil with these three holes faced down and sink it a little over half way into the ground then cover that part under ground firmly then give it lots of water. So that is all that is to it? asked Ktara. No, said Ivy. Then I have to talk to it everyday and keep the ground moist until I see the first leaf appear, said Ivy. So the tree told you all of that, asked Ktara. Well sort of, I just felt it and the tree was very happy to know I was making a new tree for her. So how long before it starts to grow? asked Ktara. Not too long, said Ivy. In Eden stuff grows fast and with my help it will be even faster, said Ivy. This is going to be cool, said Ktara. I love watching things grow. I am not that good at growing things. Well hopefully we will see the first leaf in two days then after that we get to see how long it takes to get big enough to give off some shade, said Ivy. Ktara smiled and said "You're one of a kind Ivy". No there are other forest sprites but I am in charge of Fae Land's plants, she said proudly. Well Fae Land is in good hands then, said Ktara. Ivy went back home and asked Viridian where she thought the best place would be to plant the coconut. How about in the center of the yard, That way it will not shade any of the flowers and the shade will move around as the day progresses, said Viridian. Good idea, said Ivy and she went to work.

Apollonia's New Friends

Apollonia flew down while flying over the grassy plains and looked around to see if there was somewhere near here she could explore. There must be something else to do around here. She called for Gabriel and she popped up in a few seconds. Yes Apollonia, how can I help you? I am bored and want to do something good but everything seems to be fine right now around here, said Apollonia. Well you know you have the entire world that you can do things in, this is a big planet, said Gabriel. So I just have to fly around all over the place and look for bad stuff, said Apollonia. That sounds kinda boring too, can I bring Ivy with me? asked Apollonia. No you may not. putting Ivy in danger would be a very bad thing, said Gabriel. I do know some interesting angels that are bored too, said Gabriel. Really who are they? asked Apollonia. They are known as the five angels of the apocalypse but not the same ones I tried to teach you about. I remember, a bunch of archangels led by Michael that ended all the bad on the planet that sounded like cleaning up after a big mistake that God made a long time ago, said Apollonia. Well, that is kind of correct but it wasn't a mistake, it was an experiment back when the planet was first created and he allowed evolution to do it's thing. Unfortunately letting evolution progress on it's own resulted in dangerous and poisonous plant life and huge creatures that hated and hunted each other plus ate more than what the planet could supply for them to survive. God got Michael to lead the other four archangels to completely destroy everything on the planet bringing it back to the way it started so God could start over and do things under his control this time. Okay so who are these other angels and what did they do? asked Apollonia. They were sent down to end the dark ages many centuries ago. God has this rule that he will not interfere with free will and events on the planet. Humans back then were barbaric for the most part and started to worship fake Gods and wars broke out all over the the eastern continent. The demons began to escape from the underworld and make people worship and fight for them. Things just got out of hand and very messy so he created these five angels led by Kenzie. They do a similar thing as you but they are not allowed to interfere with events on the planet with exception to demons, they can kill them when they all work together, said Gabriel. Oh I have never heard about them before, said Apollonia. How come? Because God sent you down here before I could teach you about them and many other things, said Gabriel. Now these five angels are powerful but not even close to the power God gave you. They are very arrogant meaning they think they are better than all other angels. Inside they are very good, just bored because there is nothing for them to do right now and have not been allowed in Fae Lands reality where there is plenty for them to do on this western continent. You stay here and I will pass them through then drop the five of them off here. Just don't get mad with them, remember they did save the world a long time ago. Just be smart with them. If things get out of hand I will send them away. Then Gabriel vanished. Hmm, I would rather go see what Ivy and the twins are doing than meet five angels that think they are better than anyone else, thought Apollonia.


In around ten minutes Gabriel came back with the five angels. Okay this is Apollonia. Watch what you say because she is quite young and be careful, do not make her mad at you, said Gabriel then she vanished. Hello, said Apollonia. Yes hello, where the heck are we? asked Kenzie. Didn't Gabriel tell you? asked Apollonia. No she just appeared and said she was taking us to meet someone then poof we appeared here. Apollonia giggled. Your funny, you are in Fae Land silly. What, we are on the west continent in a reality we were never allowed to be in, said Kenzie. This is very sudden and confusing. Normally there are rules to be followed and we need to be let known ahead of time what is going on. Well I don't care about any rules and what makes you so special that you need to be told things in advance? asked Apollonia. Well we have killed lots of creatures and demons and deserve some respect. No other angels can do what we do, said Kenzie. One of the other angels whispered in Kenzie's ear. What did she just say? asked Apollonia with a firm voice. Oh she just said you are only a kid. What is with the black wings anyways? Are you some kind of fallen angel? asked Kenzie. I don't know what that is but black is a much stronger looking colour than white don't you think, plus my friends say I look sexy with black wings, said Apollonia. Maybe but the colour of one's wings have nothing to do with strength, said Kenzie. What kind of skills can you do? Umm lots of stuff, said Apollonia and made her sword appear. A sword, what are you doing with that, angels are not allowed to kill things and interfere with the land people and creatures, just we are, said one of the angels. I do whatever I want and if it is bad or evil I just kill it, said Apollonia. With a sword? You could never kill a demon or an army of creatures with just a sword, said Kenzie. I know but I can do this, said Apollonia. She pointed the sword up to the sky then a bright white bean shot up high in the sky making it very dark above her then a big bolt of lighting came down just in front of her making the five angel fall backwards onto their butts. Oh my God what are you, only God himself can bring lighting down from the sky. I am God's warrior, he gave me the power of the heavens. Pretty cool don't you think, said Apollonia with a smile. All five angels got up and started to talk among themselves. Apollonia called out, what are your names, you know mine and you must be Kenzie because you talk a lot so who are the rest of you so I don't have to point at you. The five angel's looked up a bit stunned. Please don't point incase you slip and fry one of us, said Kenzie. This is Zena, this is Candice, this is Jazmen and this is Tezz and yes I am Kenzie. Nice names, so what do you five do for fun? asked Apollonia. They all smiled.

Well we fly around and look for people in trouble usually but we are limited to what we can do though. The thing is in the east continent we killed most of the evil creatures and beings and there is just some devils left there but they are not doing much plus can't be killed, said Kenzie. So how do you know when something evil is around? asked Apollonia. We can sense it as we fly around, said Jazmen. If it is a demon or some creatures we fly down and take care of them but if it is humans fighting then we can only try to reason with them but that usually don't work when there is a power hungry king involved. So how about we go fly out to the west where I went with some of Fae Lands heros to kill a bunch of creatures and a demon, said Apollonia. Maybe there is more bad stuff happening to the west. Sure why not, it's not like we have a long list of things to do, said Kenzie. So which way is west? Follow me, said Apollonia. Gabriel appeared after they left. Okay Apollonia show them what you can do, said Gabriel to herself. That will put these five back in their place. Then she vanished. They flew west for about an hour with no sight of anything out of the usual so they turned south for a while. Kenzie told Apollonia that as it gets hotter closer to the equator, that is where most of the evil beings are. In about ten minutes Kenzie spotted something suspicious. Look down there, a large gathering and it does not look like a party, said Kenzie. They all went down for a closer look. It was a large number of soldiers all in lines listening to what looked like their leader. They landed on the ground close to the army. Kenzie flew over and asked the leader what their intentions were. None of your business angel and he put up his hand and sent her flying backwards. Well that wasn't fun, said Kenzie. That is a wizard, they are really hard to kill because they put up shields and shoot out fireballs. Is he evil? asked Apollonia. Well good wizards don't send an angel flying backwards, said Kenzie. Let me try then, said Apollonia and she flew out to where that wizard was giving instructions to his troops. What is she going to do, that is a wizard. They are too powerful for an angel, said Tezz. I don't know, lets watch and see, said Kenzie. Apollonia was getting close and the wizard saw her coming and threw a fireball at her. Apollonia put out her hand and sent it back at him and he had to jump out of the way. What the heck, he said with anger. He then told her that you are not allowed to touch me so you best leave the matters of the surface to me. What! yelled Apollonia, leave the matters of the world to a stupid wizard and she began to laugh. He got even madder and began to grow very big saying, "I am not a wizard".

Look at you, what a ugly demon you are, said Apollonia. She put out her hand and started making him small. How are you doing this, angels can not do that either. What is that some kind of rule? asked Apollonia. Ya it is or was, said the demon that was now the size of a mouse. I am a dark angel idiot and I don't like rules, said Apolonia. The demon tried to get big again but couldn't so he threw more fire balls at her that had no effect. She then just stepped on him and crushed him into the ground until he was just a smear then fried the remains with an energy charge. She then flew back to the other angels that were standing there in awe. So that takes care of him said, Apollonia. Well what about them all running towards us waving their swords, asked Candice. Apollonia turned and saw that the army took it on themselves to attack them. Apollonia grew a bit then started to flap her wings and blew them all backwards quite a bit. The men all got up and dropped their weapons then ran away into the woods behind them. Okay that takes care of them too, said Apollonia. They all laughed and Kenzie said "You took on a demon by yourself before we could come and help. You can get big and make things small like Gabriel, you repelled a fireball, and the other fire balls just went through you with no effect, those wings can create the winds of a hurricane too. You stepped on that demon like he was an insect". I am sure she was smiling all the time too, said Candice. Ya, it's fun killing evil things, don't you think, said Apollonia. It is when it can be done as easily as you can do it, said Kenzie. You girl have talents!

Gabriel appeared and said, "So how do you like God's little warrior?". She is freaking amazing, said Kenzie. She is a one angel wrecking machine. Gabriel smiled. I thought you would like her. Now remember she is very young and needs guidance even though she can do all that stuff that you all just witnessed. Now she hasn't fully developed yet so she will be able to do other things as time goes by but for now teach her what you have learned over the centuries and don't let her always do all the work. Use your wings like her. They may not be as strong but with the five of you together you can do the same as her. So Gods warrior, you said. He is always up to something new, said Zena. Yep he is and always for the best of his world, said Gabriel. Gabriel went to talk to Apollonia but she was nowhere to be seen. Hey where did she go? asked Tezz. She was here a second ago. She did it again, said Gabriel. She did what again, asked Kenzie. Apollonia has made a few very special friends back in Fae Land that are about her age physically and mentally. Apollonia seems to be all about having fun that somehow got wired into her soul when God created her. She had some fun with you five and showed you some of the things she can do and now she is more than likely at Ivy's place eating some ice cream or out with Repellia and Phonixa doing something fun. Those three people are her best friends so get used to being her second choice to hang with. Can't you tell her to stay with us and to go hunting for more evil? asked Jazmen. Gabriel smiled. I couldn't control her in heaven and I still can't control what she does down here, just call for her when you need her help. She will come and do what she is told until the job is done. Anyways head back to Fae Land at the south end where the palace is. I want you to meet Alieta, the Queen of Fae Land. I will meet you there, then Gabriel vanished. Okay you heard her girls let's get moving, said Kenzie. Now which way is south? No landmarks around here to go by. Check the sun, said Clarice. Kenzie looked up. That's no help, it is noon, said Kenzie. Well at least we know what time it is, said Tezz. Kenzie laughed. Come on lets just fly around until we see that palace, said Kenzie. Wait that looks like an ocean over there, said Jazmen. So we went west so that is the Pacific Ocean and that means south is that way. Your right, boy we got to get used to where everything is over here, said Kenzie.




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