The Time Line Chapter 4


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 Secret Room's Secret Revealed

Just then Ivy showed up. Hi Alieta we are out of ice cream, is it okay if I borrow some from you ice box. I promise to replace it, said Ivy. Sorry but no one is allowed to go in the palace until we figure out what the room they found under the palace is all about, said Alieta. Oh I thought Merlin would of fixed that by now, said Ivy. What is taking you so long Merlin. Well it is complicated, said Merlin. I have to read this book that we found down there and I am hoping it will give me some answers. Then Merlin slowly opened the book to the first page that just had a drawing of a tree and two flowers. Ivy watched Merlin that then slowly turned the page. Just more drawing, said Merlin. I am not getting anywhere fast so far. That is tree language, said Ivy, simplest of all languages. Really I never heard of that language before, said Merlin. You can understand these drawings? Yep, pixies invented a very long time ago before there were humans. Back then only pixies could understand the trees and used drawings to describe what they sensed from the trees. It is a very simple language and pretty. They taught it to me when I was younger. Merlin turned the page back with the one drawing on it. Do you know what this drawing means? asked Merlin. Yep, it says From The Beginning. That tree and two flowers show how it all started, said Ivy. Can you stay a bit and read some of this book to us before you leave? asked Merlin. Well Phonixa and Repellia are waiting for me so I really don't want to keep them waiting, said Ivy. Ivy this is very important, I will go in and get you an entire tub of ice cream if you stay and read this book to Merlin and Alexa. Ivy smiled, you got deal, said Ivy then Merlin stood up and Ivy sat down and turned the page. Now this set of pictures say dust to paradise. Do you get it yet? asked Ivy. No, said Merlin. Maybe it is about the beginning of earth, said Alexa. Nope but you are getting close, said Ivy. She turned the page. Okay this is in old elvish language. Do you know how to read that? asked Ivy. No that goes back even before I was born, said Merlin. Okay I will read it for you, It is not that hard to read. Lots of different word that say the same thing mostly. Elves must of been really strange back then, said Ivy. This page says says, next came the great rains that lasted for an entire year. This page tells when the rain stopped and the land began to dry leaving rivers and lakes. Ivy turned the page again. Cool this is when it starts getting really interesting, said Ivy. This entire page tells about the plants and flowers beginning to grow and how insects came from the shores of the lakes and rivers. Viridian would like this part where it tells how grass lands began to form. Okay this page will give it away about what this story is all about said Ivy with a smile.

Now this page talks about how the sun broke through the clouds and lots of the rivers dried up and most of the small lakes leaving one big one and a few smaller ones. Trees began to grow trying to touch the sun but we all know that to be impossible. This is exciting isn't it, said Ivy. She turned the page again and said this reads in a elven language too, not quite as old. The wind blew or something like that and then the trees seeded the ground with their children. Okay that makes sense, said Ivy. Lets see, she looked quickly at a few pages then stopped at one that she said was magical. It reads that the first life emerged from the lakes and God blessed the land. Alexa looked up then looked at Ivy. Ivy looked back at her and said, I knew you would figure it out first, said Ivy. Don't say anything yet though Alexa. She flipped through a few more pages and stopped. She said this part is a bit scary but it is how it was back then. Some of the life turned into big bad creatures that were destroying the land and eating smaller creatures. God was sad and came down and destroyed all the bad creatures just leaving the good small animals that lived under the trees that formed large woods and forests. She turned to the next page slowly. Oh good, I was scared it was going to be bad again. Ivy started to read to herself some. Ivy? what does it say? asked Alexa. Oh sorry, It gets really interesting now, said Ivy. This whole page tell as about how God created the sprites made of pure white energy that were to keep the animals in the woods and forests safe. Then it says elves began to come and first lived in the forest but over time they learned to build homes outside of the woods. Okay, so I think I got it now, said, Merlin, It is a history of how Fae Land was created, said Merlin. Yep you got it said Ivy. She turned the page again but this time there was just a full page of drawings of what Fae Land may of looked like centuries ago but there was a big dome covering it with some words underneath the drawings that said in regular elvish language "The Protected Land". She turned to the next page and now she told Merlin this is all about some room and has lots of numbers and arithmetic going on. I can't read that stuff, said Ivy. Well I can and that is what I need to read, said Merlin. What does those words say at the top of the page? asked Merlin. Umm, Time Line Device or machine or maybe record, something like that, last word is too hard to read, said Ivy. So can I go now? asked Ivy. Yes dear, here is the ice cream and thank you for your help, said Alieta. Ivy took the tub of ice cream and flew off back home fast. Remarkable girl that Ivy is, said Merlin. Such a young girl and knows four languages already. Okay let me figure all this out then we are going back into that secret room.

After about ten minutes of Merlin scanning through the book he closed it and said okay I am pretty sure I know what we need to do. That room was built by not one wizard or even several because these math mathematical equations are too advance even for me in present day. So who built that room then? asked Alexa. Probably scientists from another world would be my best guess, said Merlin. Wow aliens! That is so cool, said Apollonia. Yes it is, said Merlin. Now they sensed that this area had a higher level of natural energy than anywhere else on the planet so they wanted to record how much faster this barren land would evolve. It was kept underground so that no one could find it and it was originally meant to keep track of climate changes and natural disasters plus land movements. Stuff like that. Now when they finished creating the orbs that they made out of crushed ruby crystals and uranium they energize them somehow, that part I couldn't understand, but to their surprise the orbs began to absorb the natural energy underground. As for the rest of what this book tells I had to make educated guesses to what happened next because there are references to war and God and other events I have no knowledge of but looks like these orbs are recording devices and that portal on the wall is actually a view screen. For some reason the journal ends abruptly so looks like they stopped coming back to check the data stored in these orbs. So how long ago would of that been, asked Alexa. Well before the palace was built anyways, said Merlin. Wow that is a very long time ago, said Alieta. Yes and those orbs have been recording data ever since and my understanding of uranium is that if some of the energy is not drained out from time to time those orbs will begin to over heat and eventually explode. So how do we drain the orbs? asked Alexa. Easy, we have to activate each orb and watch that screen, said Merlin. You already activated one orb when you walked close to it. Now you have to hold your hand on it. That is all the instructions the book said. Basically it is mostly automated. Okay let's get down there and see if it is still in working condition so Alieta doesn't have to build a new palace. I sure hope not, I know she really likes this one, said Alexa.

They all went to where the tunnel entrance was and climbed down then followed the tunnel to the secret room. Okay now, that orb closest to the wall is still activated so go over to it and just gently place the palm of your hand on it, said Merlin. Okay, that is all I have to do? asked Alexa. Yep I think so, said Merlin. Ya I hope I don't loose my hand, I really like it. Apollonia giggled. Don't worry your ring will protect you, said Merlin. Alexa went to the orb and place her hand on it. Suddenly the screen that they thought was a portal went bright with no more static. Well something is happening, said Alexa but I don't see anything yet. Try moving your hand around on it and see if that does anything, said Merlin. Alexa started to move her hand closer to the top of the orb then a faint picture appeared of barren desert land. Interesting, try moving your hand to the center of the orb, said Merlin. Alexa moved her hand dead center then pushed a bit. The screen went all fuzzy for a second then a nice clear image could be seen of the desert but it wasn't a still image there was sand blowing around, then it switch to rain falling with violent thunderstorms with the lightning hitting the ground making large holes. The rain continued until it looked like there was nothing but water visible in the screen. Once again it changed to sunshine and now land was poking up through the water forming rivers and a big lake in the distance. Then the screen went blank and the orb Alexa was touching stopped glowing and the one beside it began to glow. Okay looks like we just witnessed the forming of the land in Fae Land close to the palace, said Merlin. Now do the same with the next orb. It's my turn I want to play with the button too, said Apollonia. Alexa laughed, sure go ahead, it was kinda fun, said Alexa.

Apollonia went over to the wall and put her hand on the middle orb that was glowing. Once again the screen went clear and bright again then it showed grass growing at a very fast rate plus bushes and even flowers sprouted out of the ground. Then it switched to what looked like a huge earthquake was happening and big rock formations shot out of the ground surrounding the lake in the distance. Hey we just saw how the mountains formed around Sandy Lake, said Alexa. Yes I believe you are correct, said Merlin. The screen went dark for a moment then it showed elves moving around very fast with very bright flashes of white light passing past the screen followed by what looked like humans and elves cutting the tall grass with sickles and using shovels to remove bushes. Next wagon loads of wood and stones were seen coming into view and being unloaded then leaving and coming back again. Then the screen went off again and the middle orb stopped glowing. Wow were they building the palace? asked Alexa. Sure looked like it, said Merlin. Ya and I am pretty sure one of those elves looked like Ginger, a very young looking Ginger but there is no mistaking her face and red hair and she wasn't working just pointing everywhere. Merlin giggled. Looks like she was in charge way back then too, said Merlin. Ya and what were those bright flashes going past the screen really fast earlier. Probably sprites when they were energy balls. The book did mention them along with the elves, said Merlin. Wow this is amazing, said Alexa. Okay there is one more orb that is only glowing slightly, said Merlin. It seems that we are seeing things in very fast motion. Thousands of years have past in just the short time we have been watching. There is probably a way of slowing it down but that is not what we are in here for. Why not, I like watching all the moving pictures, it is really cool, said Apollonia. Yes it is but first we need to save the palace, said Merlin. Now Alexa, activate the last orb and let's finish the job.

Apollonia moved out of the way and let Alexa move beside the last orb. She put her hand on it and the screen lit up again. There was a lot of commotion going on with elves running around with bow and arrows, Then the screen went dark showing a big crowd of people, mostly elves holding up candles looking very sad. Then a closed casket was seen being carried across the screen. Oh my God, this must be when the first queen of Fae Land died, said Alexa. Yes and the scenes are moving much slower now, said Merlin. Yep, there is Ginger again crying, said Alexa. Then the screen changed showing lots of people standing looking towards the palace then suddenly they all put up their arms and began cheering. I bet that was when Alieta was crowned queen. She told me that story, said Alexa. Then the screen showed many people all dancing and eating having a great time. Hey there I am dancing with Diego, That was the harvest festival, said Alexa. Then the screen flickered a bit and went blank for a few moments. It came back on again but this time it was very close to the present. There is Ivy after we trapped her, telling Gabriel her sad story that made us all cry. The screen changed one more time showing Apollonia being talked to by Gabriel and Cindy then the screen vanished and the entire room went dark also. Merlin lit up the room with a ball of fire on his hand. Looks like we did it, said Merlin, now for the final test. Rub your ring Alexa and turn off the translucent magic. Alexa rubbed her ring. How do you feel? asked Merlin. Just fine, said Alexa. Merlin went to the orbs and touched each one and found they no longer activated the screen and were quite cool now. Okay that is it, we did it, said Merlin. The orbs are empty and there is no longer a threat of an explosion. Yea! yelled Apollonia. Wait, that means no more moving picture shows to watch. Boo... Alexa laughed. You are a nut Apollonia. You can go see Ivy and the twins now. Oh ya, Yea! Apollonia yelled again then she vanished. That has to be the most unusual angel I have ever seen, said Merlin. Yep but she is our angel, said Alexa. Okay let's get out of here and tell Alieta the good news, said Merlin. He took Alexa's hand and teleported out of the secret room.



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