The Time Line Chapter 2


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At The Palace

Apollonia appeared not far from the palace and saw Repellia and Phonixa coming out so she called them over. Hi. where are you two going? asked Apollonia. Hi Apollonia, we are thinking about going to town and see what is going on there and maybe get a milkshake, said Repellia. Do you want to come with us? Okay, so what is a milkshake? asked Apollonia. You will like it, said Phonixa. It is made with ice cream and milk plus there are lots of flavors to pick from. You drink it through a straw also. Okay what about Ivy, should we go get her too? asked Apollonia. We can go to her place after, said Repellia. She said something about wanting to go to the park at the human village. We have never been there yet. Neither has Ivy I think but Alieta said we should go out more and let people see us and get to know us. Okay but maybe I shouldn't go to the human village. They might not like that I have black wings, said Apollonia. Don't be silly, everyone loves angels no matter what colour of wings they have, said Phonixa. Okay where is the town? asked Apollonia. Just past the elf village and the Sandy Lake mountains, said Phonixa. Ok I think I saw it earlier today when I was flying over that grassy area., said Apollonia. You ready to go now? Yep, lets do it, said Repellia. Then the three of them vanished. Alieta saw them talking together then just vanish. I wonder where they are going, thought Alieta. Last I heard Apollonia was supposed to spend the day with Gabriel and some other angels. Looks like Apollonia had other plans again.


 Alieta was still outside when the five angels landed in front on the palace grounds. Kenzie walked up to Alieta and introduced herself to her. Gabriel told us that she wanted you to meet us and said she would meet us here, said Kenzie. Have you seen her? No, Gabriel has not shown up here while I have been outside, said Alieta. I did see Apollonia for a minute, talking to Repellia and Phonixa but they all vanished about twenty minutes ago. So if Gabriel wanted me to meet you all, then there must of been a reason for it, said Alieta. Just then Gabriel appeared. Sorry I am late, I just had to locate Apollonia to try and get her to come to the palace but that didn't go over well, said Gabriel. What does that mean, asked Kenzie. It means that Apollonia is very independent from all of us angels and has picked her own friends to be with, said Gabriel that seemed upset and frustrated. How do you know that, asked Alieta. Simple, when I appeared in town where I found her with the twins and told her I needed her to come with me to the palace., she gave me the dirtiest look that told me it was not going to happen, said Gabriel. So I just left. Good move, you wouldn't want her to step on you like she did to that demon, earlier on today, said Tezz. Apollonia killed another demon today? asked Alieta. Yep all by herself too, said Kenzie. Then used her wings to blow the human army he had, back into the woods. So she didn't kill any of the humans then? asked Alieta. Nope, just scared them mostly, said Kenzie. Well I would say she has had a very good day so far and deserves to be left alone to be with her friends, said Alieta. So you are on her side then, said Gabriel. I am on nobody's side, said Alieta. I do know if you keep on telling her to do things like she is your soldier then she is going to start to dislike you. She did say she was God's warrior, not yours. Gabriel looked straight at Alieta. You have already adopted her as one of your own, haven't you? asked Gabriel. Nope but I think she adopted me though, said Alieta. When she needs to talk to someone older I will be here for her just like I am for Ivy, Phonixa and Repellia and all the other elves that work in the palace that want some advice. Gabriel just smiled. Hey Jazmen, what are you doing over there? asked Kenzie that saw her listening to something close to the palace. Something doesn't sound and feel right over here, said Jazmen. Some kind of humming sound coming from under the palace. They all walked over to see what she was talking about.

Do you hear it? asked Jazmen. It seems to be loudest here. Alieta got closer and could hear a slight buzzing sound. I think it is coming from under the palace, said Jazmen. That is very odd, said Alieta. The only basement for the palace is where the treasury is and the wine cellar and it is at the other end of the palace. There is no basement that I know of over hear and I know every inch of this palace. Jazmen used her hand to dig a bit into the ground beside the wall. Ouch, it is really hot there, said Jazmen. Like there is a fire underneath? asked Tess. Maybe but I don't feel so good, said Jazmen and tried to get up off her knees but couldn't. Tess grabbed her arm and pulled Jazmen away from the palace. Okay, that was weird, I feel fine now, said Jazmen. Okay everyone back away, said Alieta. Whatever is happening it is radiating something that can be harmful to angels and probably people to, said Alieta. Let me call Merlin and see if he might know what could do that. I will get Ginger to get everyone out of the palace too just to be safe, said Gabriel then she ran into the palace. Alieta called out for Merlin and in a couple of minutes he appeared. Yes Alieta, what can I do for you? asked Merlin. Do you know of anything that could create heat and radiate something that would make an angel feel sick? asked Alieta. Something that can make an angel feel sick? I didn't think anything could affect an angel, said Merlin. He looked behind him and saw the five angels. My you have lots here today, what is the occasion? asked Merlin. Never mind that, Jazmen dug a small hole over there beside the palace with her hand then couldn't stand up, said Alieta. My my, that is bad then, said Merlin. Yes there is a couple of natural substances that when combined will create heat that can be used to make energy but it is not used anywhere because it is a very difficult procedure and gives off a deadly radiation that will kill anyone exposed to it for a length of time, said Merlin. Plus if not combined properly it can make a huge explosion. Which angel is Jazmen? Over there said Alieta. Merlin walked over to her and asked how she was feeling now. Much better, just a bit dizzy, said Jazmen. Merlin put his hand on her forehead. Yes you have a bit of a fever, said Merilin. I want all of you to get way back from the palace now. Somehow we need to dig down and see where this radiation is coming from. Maybe Apollonia can help, said Kenzie. Nothing seems to be able hurt her. Even fireballs just pass right through her. Interesting, she must be able to go translucent like myself and Alexa. Gabriel came back out of the palace. Okay Ginger is telling everyone to get out, said Gabriel. So do you know what is going on Merlin? I think so but I need Alexa here and this Apollonia person to come and help me, said Merlin. Well she won't come here for me, she will think I am just tricking here to come to the palace, said Gabriel. Really, why is that? asked Merlin. It is a bit of a long story but I will go get her, said Alieta. So where in town did you see her? Close to the Pancake House but if she is not there she will be at Ivy's place, said Gabriel. Okay Ivy's place is closer I will check there first, said Alieta then she flew off.


 After Apollonia and the twins left the Pancake House they figured they should go see if Ivy was ready to check out the park in the human's colony. Apollonia teleported them there but found no one outside. Maybe she is inside, said Phonixa. She knocked on the door and Viridian answered. Hello, is Ivy home? asked Phonixa. Yes she is, said Viridian. She is in her room taking a nap, I will tell her you are here. You can let her sleep that is okay, said Phonixa. One hour is all she needs and it is past that now, said Viridian. I will send her out. Viridian is really nice to Ivy and lets her sleep in the day sometimes and makes treats for everyone, said Apollonia. She doesn't boss Ivy around like Gabriel tries to do to me. Gabriel is nice too, said Repellia. She is just a different kind of angel than you. She helps out lots of people all the time. Ivy came out rubbing her eyes. Okay I am all rested now. What are we doing today? asked Ivy. You mentioned something about going to the park at the human village yesterday, said Repellia. Oh ya, we are supposed to make ourselves more visible to everyone Alieta told me. I have never been there yet but she told me it is a bit north of here, said Ivy. There are children there too so that will be fun. Just then Alieta flew down. Good you are here, said Alieta. I need you to come to the palace Apollonia. There is a situation there that we hope you can help us with. But we were just getting ready to go visit the park at the human village, said Apollonia. Ivy looked at Apollonia and said, that can wait. When Alieta comes here herself to get you then it must be very important. You never question anything she says because she never lies to us and she is the queen of Fae Land plus loves everyone here. Oh okay, said Apollonia. What is going on? asked Apollonia. Merlin is there and said there is something very dangerous under the palace that is emitting something that even makes angels sick if they get close to it, said Alieta. He figures you can go translucent like he can and so can Alexa, hopefully it won't affect you three. Okay I don't know what translucent is but I will help, said Apollonia. Good I need to tell Alexa to come to the palace now also. Let's go together then I can teleport us back to the palace, said Apollonia. Good thinking, said Alieta. You three stay here, it is safer. Whatever it is it might explode soon destroying part of the palace. See I told you it would be important, said Ivy. Yes your right. Lets go Alieta, said Apollonia then they both flew off fast. Wow, I hope it doesn't explode, said Repellia, especially after we just finish organizing the wardrobe room. Don't worry, Merlin is there and he will fix it, he always fixes everything, said Ivy.




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