The Time Line Chapter 5


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When they appeared outside of the palace everyone was standing there waiting to hear what happened. So is the power level okay now? asked Alieta. Yes, we drained and reset the three orbs that were causing the problem, said Merlin. So how did you fix it? asked Alieta. Well we just finished watching the entire history of Fae Land from when it was just a desert to almost present time, said Alexa. It was fascinating to say the least. It showed how the land was shaped and sprites as energy balls plus elves showing up. We saw Ginger too instructing people with the building of the palace too, at least I am pretty sure it was Ginger. Aliata turned to Ginger. Were you involved way back then before the palace was built? asked Alieta. Maybe, said Ginger. What do you mean maybe? were you or not? asked Alieta. Okay I was but I prefer not to tell people that so they don't know how old I really am. They might think I am am too old to be in charge of the palace and everything else I do, said Ginger. So you designed and was incharge of the construction of this palace then, said Alieta. Yep, but I had to because no one had ever built a building so big before, said Ginger. The biggest thing that was built back then was a barn. How did you know how to build it then? asked Alieta. I didn't, I just winged it as we went along, said Ginger. Turned out pretty good though don't you think. Good it is amazing, said Alieta. You and me have some things to talk about now, said Alieta. Well we even saw all the people voting you as the the new queen, said Alexa. And you throwing the harvest festival plus Gabriel talking to Ivy after we captured her and even Apollonia for a moment with Gabriel and Cindy. That is where it stopped. I see, speaking of Apollonia, where is she? asked Alieta. She went to Ivy's place seeing there were no more moving pictures to watch, said Alexa. Yes a very unusual angel that Apollonia is, said Merlin. So that time line device has been reset and will start recording again so best you go down there and check on it from time to time. So it is safe for everyone to go back into the palace then, said Alieta. Yes very safe, said Merlin. I must go now and I am glad I could help. Then Merlin vanished.

So what do you think Kenzie, should we go for another flight around the Continent? asked Tezz. Nah, lets hang out here until tomorrow, said Kenzie. Maybe Alieta will let us sleep in the palace tonight, said Kenzie. But angels don't sleep, said Jazmen. That doesn't mean we can't lay down, close our eyes and dream, said Kenzie. So what do we do now seeing Apollonia decided to take off on us again? asked Candice. Why don't you five go to Sandy Lake, said Alieta. It is just on the other side of those mountains. The water is always at a perfect temperature and there is a beach there were you can relax also. Okay we can do that, said Kenzie. Not much happening here anymore anyways. Okay girl let's head out and leave these people to get back to whatever they do here. Then they all flew off towards Sandy Lake. I need to get back home too but my horse is at home still, said Alexa. Just borrow one from the stable, said Alieta. It will come back here when you get home, said Ginger. Okay thanks, said Alexa and headed towards the stable. Now Ginger you are coming with me to the dining room. I want to hear more about some of the things you have done around here that I don't know about. What kind of things? asked Ginger. Things like when you first got here and what was going on before I came to Fae Land, said Alieta. Okay but I am really not that interesting, said Ginger. I will be the judge of that, said Alieta. 


They both went in the palace to the dining room then sat down. Okay so what do you want to know? asked Ginger. Like I said I have not done anything that exciting. Not exciting maybe to you but maybe to me and very interesting, said Alieta. So first Alexa saw you here before the palace was built, when did you first come to Fae Land or were you born here? I wasn't born here and it wasn't Fae Land when we first got here, said Ginger. I was born and raised in a big forest south west of here. I had some friends that I grew up with and when we came of age we decided to find a better place to live because that forest was full of wild animals and had no pixies in it either. We did meet Pippa and another pixie soon after we started heading out west to the great ocean. Pippa! You knew Pippa also before she reached here too. Yep plus a very cool fairy that was very nice to us all, said Ginger. A fairy, there is not such thing as fairies? said Alieta. Well she sure looked and acted like a fairy and made food for us and kept our water bottles full. Pippa told us that we were going the wrong way and needed to go north where her pixie friends lived. The woods there had no wild animals except for squirrels and rabbit, stuff like that. So we traveled north for a few days and readed the woods Pippa told us about. Not sure what happened to the fairy though. She must of gone back to fairy land or where ever she came from. How many elves came here with you? asked Alieta. Just six of us came here, said Ginger. Are they still here like you? asked Alieta. Yep, you know them, said Ginger. They all work in the palace. There is Sally, Penny, Candy, Carling and Faylinn. Sally the cook here and Penny that takes care of the rooms? asked Alieta. Yep, Carling is in charge of the stable seeing she is the best with horses, she caught and trained the ones we used back then to get around. Candy does her own thing but comes to the palace lots to work with the seamstresses and Faylinn is the librarian. She just loves to read and has a very organized mind. So you six started to build Fae Land then, said Alieta. No, how could six elves build houses that they never seen before. Okay so how did things get started. Well if you really want to know, humans helped us, just by accident we were exploring and saw smoke in the sky north from us so we rode as fast as we could to see what was burning and that is when we first met and seen humans in a very huge forest they called Cumberland. Some trees caught on fire and we helped cut down the trees round them so it wouldn't spread. That was my idea by the way. There were a bunch of elves living there also but they were in houses. I asked if they could teach us how to make our own houses but instead they said they would show us and that is when people started coming to this new land. Scarlet was a lot of help and showed me tons of stuff about how to govern a land but that wasn't for me. Okay so hold it right there, said Alieta. Are you talking about Scarlet the first queen of Fae Land. Well she was no queen, more like the mayor. She really liked it here and everyone liked her so I wanted her to stay so I got everyone to begin building this palace for her. It wasn't supposed to be this big at first but I just kept adding areas to it until eventually what was first supposed to be a small town hall turned into a big palace. So you helped Scarlet govern Fae Land also? asked Alieta. Ya sort of, lots of people were moving here and she was really good at making trade with other lands, she kind of drafted me into helping out. She was good at making money through trade and being nice to everyone but she was no ruler like you. She was a human woman with a talent but you I saw a leader and a real queen in you when I first saw how you commanded your winged army. No one even questioned one word you said. That Alieta is power and love working together. Alieta smiled. Your just saying that because we are best friends, said Alieta. Nope, I said it because it was true and it still is true, said Ginger. Well that is enough of the history lesson for now. Good because I have to get that door put back on that tunnel. Why didn't Apollonia just open it and not rip it right off the hinges. It wasn't locked or anything. Well by the looks of things she is going to be around here a lot so expect the unexpected with her. Gabriel already handed her over to my care. So now we have a super powerful angel in Fae Land. What next? asked Ginger. Time will tell, time will tell, said Alieta with a smile.

The End




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